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考点1 单项选择 名词意义辨析 名词意义辨析 名词意义辨析 名词意义辨析 1 中考 安徽 thenewsilkroadwillofferagood formorenationstocommunicate a chanceb habitc questiond price2 中考 菏泽 myteachergavememuch onhowtostudyenglishwellwhenihadsometrouble a adviceb questionc suggestiond problem 点拨 advice 建议 不可数名词 suggestion 建议 可数名词 much修饰不可数名词 根据句意可知选a a a 3 中考 南充 areyouthirsty yes pleasegiveus a threebottlewaterb threebottleofwaterc threebottlesofwaterd threebottlesofwaters4 中考 邵阳 mom pleasegivemetwo iwanttomakevegetablesalad ok hereyouare a tomatob tomatoesc tomatos c 来自 点拨训练 b 5 中考 鄂州 it sconvenienttotravelfromezhoutowuhanbytakingthenewly builtgreenrailway yes it ssaidthat isenough a fifteenminutesdriveb fifteen minutesdrivec fifteenminute sdrived fifteenminutes drive6 中考 龙东区 it stimeforme goodbyetomymotherschool iwillneverforgetallmy love a tosay teachers b saying teachers c tosay teacher s7 中考 天津 isthis computer yes it s mymotherboughtitforme a you meb your myc yours mined your mine d 来自 点拨训练 a d 8 中考 苏州 daddoesn talwayscometoyou youhavetofightandsave a yourselfb himselfc myselfd herself9 中考 龙东区 ifyouwanttokeepyourteethhealthy you dbetternoteat alot a somethingsweetb anythingsweetc nothingsweet10 中考 龙东区 asforlearningenglish students readalotcandomuchbetterthan whodon t a who thatb which thosec that those a 来自 点拨训练 b c 11 中考 呼和浩特 mary ismyfriend aswellashersisters chineseinchina a that arestudyingb which havestudiedc who studyd who studies12 中考 泰安 doyouknow girlwithlongcurlyhair yes sheismary sheplays tennisverywell a a b the c the thed a the13 中考 鄂州 howoldisyourson wehadaspecialpartyforhis birthdayyesterday a nine nineb ninth ninec nine theninthd nine ninth d 来自 点拨训练 b d 来自 点拨训练 14 中考 龙东区 ofthestudentsinourclass goingtothesummercampinbeijingnextweek a twofifths areb secondfifths arec twofifths is15 中考 恩施 enshiisbecomingapopulartouristdestinationnow ithinkso peoplecomehereeverysummervacation a hundredsandthousandsofb hundredandthousandofc hundredsandthousands 点拨 表示分数时 分子用基数词 分母用序数词 a a 来自 点拨训练 16 中考 北京 moreandmoreyoungpeoplegoskating winter a atb inc ond to17 中考 德州 awomanstood thewindow watchingthechildrenplayinggamesinthegarden a pastb throughc acrossd by 点拨 by表示 在 旁边 b d 来自 点拨训练 18 中考 安徽 tomypleasure myfamilyarealways mewhateveridecidetodo a aboveb behindc fromd through19 中考 德州 theremustbelifeonotherplanetsthoughnonehasbeendiscovered iagreewithyou theuniverseissolargeafterall a tomysurpriseb tobehonestc inmyopiniond againandagain b c 来自 点拨训练 20 中考 安徽 holdyourdream youmightregretsomeday a andb orc butd so21 中考 苏州 youwillneverachievesuccess youdevoteyourselftoyourwork a afterb ifc becaused unless 点拨 or在此句中意为 否则 b d 来自 点拨训练 22 中考 泰安 ididn tbelieveicoulddoit igottothetopofmounttai a unlessb untilc afterd as23 中考 龙东区 thetvplayjourneytothewestis interesting iwouldliketowatchitagain a such thatb too toc so that 点拨 not until 直到 才 b c 24 中考 青岛 jennyisafraidtotravelbyplane shealwaysfeels whengettingonit a nervousb interestedc relaxedd happy25 中考 南充 iknowoldjoelives wearesupposedtovisithimfromtimetotime thenhewon tfeel a alone aloneb lonely lonelyc lonely aloned alone lonely26 中考 黑龙江 mycousinis heavybecauseheofteneats fastfood a muchtoo toomanyb toomuch toomuchc muchtoo toomuch a 来自 点拨训练 d c 27 中考 荆州 theboysaretalkingaboutthefootballmatch yes theyhavesomanyfunthingstoshare a easilyb happilyc sadlyd angrily28 中考 安徽 whatdoyouthinkofthemovie great ihaveneverseena one a goodb badc betterd worse29 中考 苏州 youarespeakingtoofast canyouspeakalittle a moreslowlyb mostslowlyc moreloudlyd mostloudly b 来自 点拨训练 c a 来自 点拨训练 30 中考 邵阳 mr smithsaidhissonwasas ashisdaughter a hard workingb morehard workingc themosthard working31 中考 安徽 itisnecessaryforschoolsto theneedofallthestudents development a cutb hidec refused satisfy 点拨 as 原级 as 像 一样 a d 来自 点拨训练 32 中考 天津 john thetvandhelpedhismotherwiththehousework a turnedoffb heardfromc joinedind lookedafter33 中考 德州 insomecountries people download 下载 musicfromtheinternetwithoutpaying becauseit sagainstthelaw a wouldn tb needn tc mustn td couldn t a c 来自 点拨训练 34 中考 北京 lilyismyclassmate we eachothersinceshecametoourschool a knowb knewc haveknownd willknow35 中考 恩施 inolddays thepoor forthebossforover18hoursaday a wasmadetobeworkedb weremadeworkc weremadetowork 点拨 makesb dosth 的被动语态为 sb bemadetodosth 意为 某人被迫做某事 点拨 since引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时 主句用现在完成时 c c 36 中考 龙东区 wouldyoumind here ofcoursenot i ll mycigaretteatonce a notsmoking putawayb notsmoking putoutc nottosmoke putoff37 中考 武威 ourclassmatesaregoingtofantawildadventure 方特欢乐世界 aftertheexams excitingidea a whatb whatanc howand how38 中考 南京 look there aphotoofourenglishteacherintoday snewspaper a isb arec haved has b 来自 点拨训练 b a 来自 点拨训练 39 中考 龙东区 alice couldyoutellmewhenyoursister fromharbin i mnotsure i llcallyouwhenshe a willcomeback willreturnb comesback willreturnc willcomeback returns40 中考 泰安 yesterday mr greenwenttohishometownandvisitedtheoldhouse hewasbornin a whichb wherec whatd it c a 点拨 第一


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