



姓名:刘晓纶班级:08110311学号:0811031106产业集群演进机理与区域发展研究企业集群的共生演化主要受集群企业个体适应度、所处市场环境以及与其他企业之间的合作关系三个因素影响。企业集群的演化实质是区域经济系统和区域生态系统藕合而成的复杂系统,其发展受利益驱动机制和生态平衡机制的双重制约。在复合机制的支配下,企业集群的演化态势呈现出复杂的行为和轨迹。利用模型相关指标对中国部分制造类企业集群1985 - 2004 年的整体演化轨迹进行了测定。计算结果表明,在研究时限内除普通机械制造类企业已经进入集群演化周期的衰退期以外,电子及通信设备制造、医药制造、交通运输设备制造、电气机械及器材制造和仪器仪表及文化设备制造类企业集群目前正处于成长期或成熟期。企业集聚弹性能够反映出不同集群水平变化对区域工业经济增长产生的不同影响,可以为评价和发展企业集群提供决策依据。集群( Cluster ) 研究最早源于英国经济学家Marshall。Marshall (1961) 认为经济学更接近生物学而非力学,他解释了基于外部经济的企业在同一区位集中现象, 提出集群是由外部性导致的。Portor (1999) 提出一个国家的竞争力源于其内部各种集群的竞争优势,许多国家和地区已开始采取集群战略以促进其经济发展,其形态迥异的演进过程表明集群是一个多维度现象,需要从综合的角度进行研究 。种群生态学认为集群过程是一个自然选择和适应过程,时空密集度将决定企业的生存与发展;新制度经济学强调集群内制度规范的产生、扩散所导致的亚文化现象和思维定势问题;产业组织理论通过构架“钻石模型”来描述集群内企业之间的竞争与合作关系;其后对集群的研究方法逐步从静态向动态转变。Pouder 和St1John (2003) 提出集群演进将经历3 个阶段:形成阶段,收敛阶段和重新定位阶段。在最初的形成阶段集群主要享受由集聚所带来的成本优势以及知识外溢效应,伴随“集群文化”的逐步扩散,企业战略盲区和认知模式出现同质现象,集群开始向收敛阶段演变,进而导致集群重新定位 。共生(Symbiosis) 一词来源于希腊语,最早由德国生物学家Anton1Debarry 于1879 年提出,是指不同种属按某种物质联系生活在一起,形成共同生存、协同进化的关系。目前,共生学说在生物学领域已成为一门分支学科。“共生是进化创新重要源泉”的观点被越来越多学者所接受4 。对共生现象的研究已经超越了生物学的范畴,拓展到生态、社会、经济等领域中。在经济领域中,不同企业之间的相互作用关系与生物界种群之间的共生关系极为类似。正如自然界中不同生物按照类别、地理条件等形成不同的生物群落,并在一定的食物链下共同生存和协同进化一样,企业之间也会由于外部因素或市场演化力量的作用而集结在一起形成企业集群,在一定的价值链下共同生存和协同进化,达到共同繁荣的目的。本文通过建立企业集群共生演化模型,深入研究集群企业的共生演化机制,并利用模型相关指标对中国部分制造类企业集群1985 - 2004 年的整体演化轨迹进行了实证分析。企业集群( Enterprises Cluster) ,亦称企业簇群,是指在某一特定区域内,大量产业联系密切的企业以及相关支撑机构在空间上集聚,形成强劲、持续竞争优势的现象。企业集群作为企业间的一种特殊联合方式,其形式上表现为通过分工协作,在某一产业或产品生产中形成的具有竞争优势的群体,实质却是一个共生系统,即由具有互补性、彼此之间存在共生关系、产生共生效应的企业联合起来,通过互利共存、优势互补而形成的具有共同目标的企业利益共同体 。企业集群的形成是区域经济系统自组织过程,在其自身进化过程中主要受三个因素的影响:集群企业个体适应度、所处市场环境以及与其他企业之间的合作关系。如果不考虑企业之间的相互竞争,假定地理位置相对集中的企业之间相互独立。我们可以将处于整个集群动态演化过程中企业所经历的内生和外生变化(例如:技术、信息、制度安排以及地域生产氛围等变化) 典型地简化为企业的产量信号。由共生演化模型可知,企业集群是由区域生态系统和区域经济系统藕合而成的复合系统,其演化受多种机制综合作用。一般来说,支配区域企业集群演化和发展的机制可归纳为利益驱动机制和生态平衡机制两大类。利益驱动机制是企业集群的内在增长机制,其动力源是集群企业对个体利益最大化的追求。在集群企业个体的单独运作中,经常存在某种资源不足或某种资源缺位现象,使企业个体在区域竞争中缺乏优势。通过水平共生、垂直共生或动态联盟与其他企业构建企业共生群体,可以整合不同企业资源,消除或削减资源瓶颈,促进集群企业个体顺利发展。企业的集群共生是其内部个体实现一体化运作的过程,集群企业彼此之间的物质、知识和信息由市场不稳定交易变成内部化或半内部化交流,减少了交易成本,保证了集群个体的经营质量。交易成本的减少不仅对集群企业个体提高竞争力具有重要意义,更重要的是能够促进区域经济整体运作效率的提升。在区域经济发展过程中,由于利益驱动机制的作用,企业集群呈现非线性、指数式的上升趋势。区域经济发展到一定阶段后,空间经济场引力机制的作用又不断吸引其他企业进入集群区域内。二者交互作用的结果是企业集群和区域经济发展之间呈现非线性正反馈关系。相对于利益驱动机制而言,生态平衡机制是企业集群的一种自我维持型机制,能够使集群企业得到自我保护和平稳演进。其内在动因是企业集群作为区域生态系统的高级形态,演化发展受生态平衡机制支配。生态系统的演化以物质循环和能量转化的方式进行。生态资源的更新、种群的增长在表现为物质和能量积累的同时会受到一系列环境因子约束,生态系统发展到一定程度后便达到相对稳定的状态。企业集群的现存量,新增量和输出量之间亦存在着非线性、负反馈为主导的生态演化关系。依据自组织理论,生态平衡机制本质上是一种自组织力或自我调节能力。在生态平衡机制作用下,企业集群所需资源输入相对于区域经济系统无限需求。企业集群共生演化模型及实证研究而言是非常有限和稀缺的,这使之在演化过程中表现为非线性、负反馈的平稳特征。企业集群是一个典型的复杂系统,其演化和发展遵循生态学的基本机制,与其他有生命体的增长十分相似。从数学上讲,企业集群非线性正反馈指数式的利益驱动机制与生态集群非线性负反馈对数式的生态平衡机制藕合成的复合机制同属L ogistic 发展机制。但企业集群的演化和发展比一般生态种群中生物量的增长要复杂,其限制条件和演化机制也复杂得多。在复合机制的支配下,企业集群的发展以分时段、动态性、多参数的复合L ogistic 曲线式增长,演化态势呈现出复杂的行为轨迹。企业集群的演化实质是区域经济系统和区域生态系统相互依存、相互制约、相互作用藕合而成的复杂系统,其发展受利益驱动机制和生态平衡机制的双重制约。在复合机制的支配下,企业集群的演化态势呈现出复杂的行为和轨迹。在区域经济发展过程中,地方政府应当协调好企业集群利益驱动机制和生态平衡机制之间的关系,采取综合调控对策,避免区域企业集群出现逆向演化,以保持区域经济系统协调、持续和稳定发展。利用企业集群共生演化模型相关指标对中国部分制造类企业集群1985 - 2004 年的整体演化轨迹进行了测定。计算结果表明,在研究时限内除普通机械制造类企业目前已经进入集群演化周期的衰退期以外,医药制造、交通运输设备制造、电气机械及器材制造和仪器仪表及文化设备制造这四类企业集群目前均处于成熟期,只有电子及通信设备制造类企业集群正在处于成长期,发展态势良好。电子及通信设备制造类是企业集群共生的典型代表,其集群共生程度与区域工业经济增长呈现高度的正相关性。企业集聚弹性能够反映出不同集群水平变化对区域工业经济增长产生的不同影响,可以为我们评价和发展企业集群提供决策参考。窗体顶端The symbiotic evolution of enterprise clusters is mainly affected by the firms in cluster of individual fitness market in which the environment as well as other enterprises and cooperative relations between the three factors. Enterprises cluster evolution in real terms in the coupling from the complex system of regional economic system and the regional ecosystem, the development of the dual constraints by profit-driven mechanism and the mechanism of ecological balance. Under the domination of the complex mechanisms, the evolution trend of enterprise clusters showing a complex behavior and trajectory. Related indicators of the model were determined on the overall evolutionary trajectory of the Chinese part of the manufacturing enterprises in the cluster 1985 - 2004. The results show that the addition to the ordinary machinery manufacturing enterprises have entered the recession of the cluster evolution cycle within the time frame of the study, electronics and telecommunications equipment manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, transportation equipment manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing and equipment instrumentation and cultural facilities manufacturing enterprises cluster is currently in the growth stage or maturity. Enterprise agglomeration elasticity to reflect the different effects of different cluster levels of economic growth of regional industry decision-making basis for the evaluation and development of enterprise clusters.Clusters (Cluster) originated from the British economist Marshall, Marshall (1961) that economics is closer to biology rather than mechanics, he explained the enterprise based on external economic concentration in the same district position, proposed cluster is caused by externalities. Portor (1999), the competitiveness of a countrys competitive advantage comes from its internal cluster, many countries and regions have begun to adopt cluster strategies to promote its economic development, its shape very different evolution of the cluster is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, from a comprehensive perspective. Population ecology cluster process is a natural selection and adaptation process, the temporal and spatial intensity will determine the survival and development; new institutional economics emphasizes the cluster system of rules generated, the phenomenon of diffusion caused by the Asian culture and mindset problem; The theory of industrial organization through the framework of the diamond model to describe the competitive and cooperative relations between enterprises within the cluster; subsequent cluster method step by step from static to dynamic. Pouder and St1John, (2003), the cluster evolution through three stages: the formative stages of the convergence phase and re-positioning stage. Enjoy the cost advantages and knowledge spillovers brought about by the agglomeration in the initial formation stage cluster, accompanied by a cluster culture gradually spread, and the strategic blind spot and the cognitive model of homogeneous phenomenon, the cluster began to convergence stage of evolution, and thus lead cluster reposition.Symbiosis (Symbiosis) The term derives from the Greek, the earliest by German biologist Anton1Debarry, in 1879 refers to the different species living together, contact a substance and the formation of co-existence, co-evolution of the relationship. At present, the symbiotic theory in biology has become a subdiscipline. Symbiotic evolutionary point of view of the important source of innovation has been accepted by more and more scholars 4. Symbiosis research has gone beyond the scope of biology, and extended to the ecological, social, economic and other fields. In the economic field, very similar to the symbiotic relationship between the interaction between the biological populations in different enterprises. As different biological nature by category, geographical conditions, the formation of different biomes, and in the food chain co-existence and cooperative evolution among enterprises also due to external factors or the forces of market evolution assembled together to form business cluster together in certain value chain to survive and co-evolution, to achieve the purpose of common prosperity. Through the establishment of business clusters symbiotic evolution model, in-depth study of symbiotic evolution mechanism of the cluster enterprises, and conduct an empirical analysis of the overall evolutionary trajectory of the Chinese part of the manufacturing enterprises cluster in 1985 - 2004 model indicators.Enterprise clusters (Enterprises Cluster), also known as enterprise clusters, enterprises and support institutions in a particular area, a large number of industries closely linked in space to gather, form a strong, sustainable competitive advantage phenomenon. Enterprise clusters as a special joint approach between enterprises, their form of performance through the division of labor, have a competitive advantage in the production of a particular industry or product groups, in reality, it is a symbiotic system, that is complementary symbiotic relationship exists between each other, a symbiotic effect of the enterprise together, the formation of mutually beneficial co-exist and complement each other and the business community of interests with a common objective. The formation of business clusters is self-organizing process, the regional economic system in its own process of evolution is mainly affected by three factors: the partnership between firms in cluster of individual fitness, which the market environment and other enterprises. If you do not consider the competition between enterprises, between the assumed location relative concentration of enterprises independent of each other. We can typically simplified to yield signal in the endogenous and exogenous changes (such as: technology, information, institutional arrangements, as well as regional production atmosphere changes) experienced by businesses in the dynamic evolution process of the entire cluster.Known by the symbiotic model enterprise cluster is made by the regional ecosystem and the regional economic system coupled composite systems, the evolution of the combined effects by multiple mechanisms. In general, the mechanisms governing the evolution and development of regional business clusters can be summarized into two major categories of interest-driven mechanisms and ecological balance mechanism. Interest-driven mechanism is the intrinsic growth mechanism of enterprise clusters, and its power source is a cluster enterprises to maximize the pursuit of individual interests. In a separate operation of the cluster of individual enterprise, there is always some kind of lack of resources or absence of a resource, to enable enterprises to individual lack of advantage in the regional competition. By the level of symbiosis, the vertical symbiotic dynamic alliances with other companies to build enterprise to symbiosis groups can integrate different enterprise resources, eliminate or reduce the bottleneck of resources, and promote the smooth development of the cluster of individual enterprise. Become internal or semi-internalization exchange material, information and knowledge between the firms in cluster by market instability transactions, reducing transaction costs, to ensure that the cluster of individual cluster symbiotic is the individuals within the process of integration of operations, business quality. Reduction of transaction costs not only the cluster individual enterprises to improve competitiveness, but more importantly is the ability to promote regional economic enhancement of the overall operational efficiency. Interest-driven mechanism in the process of regional economic development, enterprise clusters is nonlinear, the upward trend of the exponential. Regional economic development to a certain stage, the space economic field gravitational mechanism continues to attract other companies to enter the cluster region. The result of interaction between the two nonlinear positive feedback between business clusters and regional economic development. Relative to interest-driven mechanisms, the ecological balance mechanism is a kind of enterprise clusters self-sustaining mechanism, enabling the firms in cluster self-protection and a smooth evolution. Intrinsic motivation is an advanced form of enterprise clusters as regional ecosystem, evolutionary development dominated by the ecological balance mechanism. The evolution of the ecosystem to the material recycling and energy conversion. Update of the ecological resources, population growth in the performance will be for the accumulation of matter and energy at the same time a series of environmental factors constrained ecosystem development to a certain extent after the relatively stable state. Enterprise clusters existing amount of new capacity and output, nonlinear, negative feedback is the dominant ecological evolutionary relationships. Based self-organization theory, ecological balance mechanism is essentially a self-organizing force or self-regulating capacity. The role of ecological balance mechanism, the enterprise cluster resources required input relative to the infinite needs of the regional economic system. Enterprise clusters symbiotic evolution models and empirical research is very limited and scarce, which makes for a nonlinear, negative feedback in the evolution of the stable characteristics.Enterprise cluster is a typical complex system, its evolution and development of the basic mechanism for follow ecology is very similar to the growth of the other life. Mathematically speaking, the enterprise cluster nonlinear positive feedback the number of type of ecological balance mechanism lotus synthesis of complex mechanisms of the index of interest-driven mechanisms and ecological cluster nonlinear negative feedback belong to L, ogistic development mechanism. The evolution and development of enterprise clusters than the general ecological population biomass increase of complex constraints and evolution mechanism is much more complex. Under the domination of the complex mechanisms, the development of enterprise clusters in different time periods, dynamic, multi-parameter composite L, ogistic curve of growth, the evolution trend showing a complex behavior trajectory. Enterprise clusters of evolution in real terms is a regional economic system and regional studentsEcosystems are interdependent and restrict each other, the interaction coupling from complex systems, the development of the dual constraints by profit-driven mechanism and the mechanism of ecological balance. Under the domination of the complex mechanisms, the evolution trend of enterprise clusters showing a complex behavior and trajectory. In the process of regional economic development, local government should


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