



Module3 unit1 She had eggs and sausages.眉山东坡区光华小学 张丽萍(Libby)一、Topic:English Food二、Teaching aims1、Words aims: sandwich, traditional, hamburger, English, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fish and chips2、Sentences aims : -What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? -She had3、Emotion aims: try to be a healthy pupil.三、 Teaching tools: Video, PPT, Cards, Magnets, Papers, a table on blackboard四、Teaching ways:Taskbased method, Situational teaching method, Groupbased method, Traditional lecture method五、Teaching steps:STEP1、Review &Warm- up:A. Divide groups: 2 groups. A and B. They will have a PK to get more foods.( egg, sausage , sandwich, fish and chips.)B. Discuss- What did the Ss have for dinner yesterday? T: Class begins. Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss: Hello, Miss Zhang, I am fine, thank you.T: Good! Lets do a guessing game. Lets guess what did Zhou Xiangcheng have for dinner yesterday.(discussing) STEP 2、Leadin:Part1-Q: What did Daming and Tom have for dinner?A. T: You did a good job! Now, lets have a watch. Please tell me what did Daming and Tom has for dinner.(Listening & watching the flash of part 1.)B. T sings the chant and asks with rhythm. Ss answer with rhythm.C. Practice the chant with flash then not.STEP 3、Presentation& Practice: A. Guessing game: let Ss guess what did teacher had yesterday.T: Can you guess what did I have yesterday?Ss: You had a hamburger/ sandwich, fish and chips(Guessing game on PPT)T:Sorry. OK, let have a look.T: I had Baozi (stuffed bun) for breakfast. I had fish and rice for lunch. I had noodles for dinner. Ss: I had I had Baozi (stuffed bun) for breakfast. I had fish and rice for lunch. I had noodles for dinner ( Ss follow T to practice 3 times) T: Yes, I had Chinese food .We always have Chinese food, just like: rice, noodles, and dumplings. Do you know any English food? Now, Daming has got an email from Lingling about English food. Lets go to watch with questions. B. Listen, repeat and answer : let Ss watch flash of the part with questions then answer.T: What did Lingling have yesterday? Who can try?Ss: She had eggs and sausages for breakfast. She had sandwiches for lunch. She had fish and chips for dinner.T: wonderful! Yesterday I had Baozi, fish, rice, and noodles. They are traditional Chinese food. And Lingling had eggs, sausages, sandwiches and chips. They are traditional Chinese dish too?Ss: No, they are English food!T: Good job! They are traditional English food!(Learning the word)(Identify some traditional Chinese food and English food to impress)C. Act out the text by Ss themselves.D. Find fast foods on PPT.E. Group work. (Check and finish papers hand out before class. ) F. Show us their work results themselves in front of classroom.G. Emotion improving: Make health checking together. STEP 4、Summary: Quick ask and answer-part 4 in page 16.T: This class you all did very well. What have you learnt?Ss: T: Let challenge ourselves. Do the quick ask and answer.Ss: T: Thank you, my class. Lets look at the blackboard.Which group is the winner? Thats all. Class is over. Bye-bye.STEP 5、 Homework1、Read the text in roles with your partner,then retell.2、Make a healthy menu (健


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