



虽然本人从事教育教学工作仅有三年,但是教学过程中的某些经历仍然历历在目。记得正式从事教育教学工作的第一学期,我担任高一级7班,8班的英语教学工作。因为是学期刚刚开始,因此教学工作是在对两个班学生的学习还不太了解的情况下展开的。由于教学经验颇浅。正式上第一周的课前,我认真研究教材和各类相关书籍,深入研究教法并努力尝试把大学所学的新课程标准的理念运用到教学中去,如任务型教学及情景教学等(附上教案可看出)。我专心研究书本,教材,想方设法令课堂生动,学生易接受。在讲授第一课的时候,我按照自己的教学设计,上了一堂自认为明白易懂而又充满“课标”思想的课,认为教学效果如期理想。但几天后,为了检验自己的课堂设计学生是否能够接受,我叫两班的学生写了不记名的教学反馈,结果发现大部分学生觉得课堂英语太多,很多同学听不懂,再而学生感觉笔记太少,好象很空洞。为什么会出现这样的情况呢?我上课的过程中虽然没有把知识点从课文中一点一点按顺序讲下来,但是每一个知识点都蕴含在课堂师生之间的对话和活动中了。为什么学生会体会不到呢?赶紧叫了一些学生来谈话,才知道大部分同学听不懂整堂课都用英语教学,因为他们初中比较少用全英教学,而且初中他们课堂上要做很多的笔记才觉得有学到东西,他们已经习惯了看着黑板照抄,根本没去体会课堂活动中老师的问题和用语中原来已经把所要教授的语言点函盖进去。我反思之后向学生解释了我的课堂设计理念,如果大家觉得不是很能接受,那么在今后的教学中我尽量新旧教学方法相结合,希望同学们多多配合。接下去的几个星期我常去听前辈讲课,逐渐改变教学方法,采用新老教法相结合的教学方法,慢慢与学生形成默契,教学工作顺利开展,课堂气氛活跃,学生在课堂上不仅学到新的语言知识和语言技能,同时也培养了对英语这门学科的兴趣。所教的两个班级成绩都有所提高,特别是7班的成绩稳步地前进,尖子生不断涌现,英语学习气氛浓郁。这段教学经验更让我清楚地意识到:教与学两者是相互联系,不可分割的,教育者在这中间的作用应该是引导者的角色,学生是主体。教育工作的展开只有以学生为主体,设计符合学生水平的教学活动,提高学生的学习兴趣,教育才能取得事半功倍的效果。经过那次教训,我深刻体会到教学活动是一门博大的学问。但无论怎样辛苦,我都会继续努力,多问,多想,多向前辈学习,争取进步。附上教案如下:Unit 1 FriendshipTeaching objectives:Language skills:Enable the students to introduce themselves in English.Enable the students to talk about friends and friendship.Learning strategy:Enable the students to express their opinions using their old knowledge.Enable the students to guess meaning from contexts.Affective objectives:Enable the students to make new friends and keep the old ones. Let them know that one is silver and the other is gold.Cultural awareness:Enable them to have the sense: When in Rome, do as the Romes do.Teaching procedure:Greetings and call the roll.Self-introduction. (both the teacher and the students)Making new friends and talk about the old ones. (pair work)A competition about friendship. (group work)Homework.Procedures:T:Hello, Everyone. Im very glad to be your English teacher of this term. My Chinese name is林敏丽. But I want you to call me my English nameSherry. So from now on, when I say good morning to you, you should say good morning Sherry. Clear?S:Yes.T:Good! Now class begins.T:Good morning boys and girls.S:Good morning Sherry.T:Sit down please.T:Do you know why I want you to call me Sherry, but not Ms. Lin or teacher?S:T:You are very clever. It is because I like English and I want to become your good friend. Can we?S:Yes, of course.T:Thank you! But first of all, I need to know you, so please tell me who you are. You can tell me about your name, your hobbies, and your interest and so on. You have 2 minute to prepare.T: Ok, time is up. Who would like to make friends with me first?S:T:Thank you very much! I hope we can become good friends. (Shaking hands with them)T:Next one?T:Thanks for your self-introduction. You are all very nice to me. I think we will become very good friends in this term.T:But when we make new friends, please dont forget our old friends, because one is silver and the other is gold. Now work in pairs, you two make friends with each other and tell each other something about you and your old friends. I will give you 5 minutes and then we will welcome some students to share their dialogues with us.T:We have talked a lot about friends. Now look at the picture on the blackboard. Lets guess a word. This word has ten letters. What is it?S:Friendship.T:Exactly! Then look at another picture, which kind of friendship do you want to have? If we want our friendship to go a long way, there should be honest on it, right? Any others? Why this friendship is broken, maybe there is hate on it, do you think so? What else?S:(Help nice, understanding, responsible, listening, trust, care) (argue, dishonest, ignore, misunderstanding, bad-temper, lie, laugh at )T:You have done a good job. Friendship is a very beautiful thing and is also very important in our life. So we must be good to our friends. But are you good to your friends? We always think we are kind to our friends, but are we kind enough? Next lesson we will do a survey in Unit one to see whether we are good enough to our friends. So your homework today is preview warming up on P1. Please learn the new words by yourself and maybe next lesson we will have a dictation. Thats all for today, class is over.Unit 1 (period 2)Teaching procedure:Greetings and call the roll.New words and dictation.The survey.Explanation of grammar points.Homework.Now open your books turn to P1. Look at warming up. Here is a survey about how good you are to your friends. First, I will give you 1 minute to read through the survey to get the main idea.T:Time is up.Now you have got 3 more minutes to read carefully and finish it. If there are some new words, please try your best to guess the meaning from the context. Clear?T:Ok, stop here. Please tell me how many points you have got?T:Well, as we all see, most of you are good to your friends. This is quite good.T:Have you got any questions about the survey?T:Look at the third question.T:the new words. P93.T:Look at the blackboard, here are two sentences. You have to get it repaired. / You have got to get it repaired. Do they have the same meaning?T:Have to means have got to. But have to is British English, and have got to is American English.T:How to change these two sentences into negative sentences?T:So have to (dont have to), have got to (havent got to)T:Set down these two sentences in your note book.T:Set down means write down. For example: Set down your name on a piece of paper. / Set down the story as I told you.T:Thats all for today.T:Homework: Review the new words and expressions. Next lesson we will have a dictation. Preview the new lesson. And find out as much information as you can about Anne. For example: Where did she live? /Whats her nationality? / Whos her best friend? And procedures:T: Greetings and call the roll.T: First, lets have a dictation.T: Before our lesson, lets play a guessing game. Which season is the most dangerous?T: From now on, if you have such kind of puzzles, please share them with us. (Shareyour puzzles with us / share your feelings with us)T: Now lets imagine, if a war happened and you have tostay indoorstohideyourself for more than two years, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or TV. How would you feel? What would you do? What can become your friend? Four students form a group to discuss with each other for 3minutes. (upset)Will you keep a diary? Can the diary become your good friend?T: Today we are going to know a girl whose best friend is her diary. Whats the name of the girl? Turn to P2, look at the picture, this beautiful girl is Anne. You have previewed the lesson, who can tell me something about Anne?T: 1 minute to read the instruction quickly and do Ex.1 on P3.T: Lets learn more about Anne. Listen to the tape and try to tick the things mentioned in the passage.(1)Annes family(2)The history of Jew(3)The reason for her hiding aw


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