



October 8, 2012Dear, Professor South Central University for Nationalities (SCUN) in partnership with the University of Puget Sound, the International Debate Education Association (IDEA) and the China Debate Education Network (CDEN) is pleased to invite you to the SCUN/CDENCentral China Debate Competition to be held on the campus of South Central University for Nationalities on December 14-16, 2012. We invite you to come to Wuhan, Hubei, PRC for one day of British Parliamentary Debater and Adjudicator training in Mandarin and English followed by two days of competition. Debate experts both from the United States and China will present the training sessions for both debaters and adjudicators. Students and adjudicators will learn about British Parliamentary debate with sessions from Debate Format to sessions on argument development, specific speeches of the debate, and judging. We hope this training will bring in many new students and adjudicators to this form of debate. The tournament will consist of four rounds of preliminary debates followed by a semifinal and finals round if the size of the tournament dictates. Certificates will be given to all students and adjudicators that participate. Awards will be given to all finalists. SCUN along with University of Puget Sound will offer limited travel and lodging subsidies for expenses associated with travel to and lodging in Wuhan. Please see the following Tournament Information for more specific details regarding subsidies. To make this training and tournament a success, we ask that you arrive at SCUN no later than 10am on Friday December 14, 2012. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are able and willing to attend because if you are not, we would like to be able to give your space to another deserving university. Over the last decade, IDEA has organized and sponsored debate competitions and education development across China. Debate education and practice develops student communication skills, language proficiency, and critical thinking while improving student learning beyond the laboratory of debate. The University of Puget Sound and SCUN are delighted to be partners with IDEA in developing the China Debate Education Network.South-Central University for Nationalities (SCUN) is located in the city of Wuhan, the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China. It is a comprehensive university under the direct administration of the Sate of Ethnic Affairs. As one of the 13 higher education institutes for ethnic groups in China, SCUN is committed to the innovation in higher education for ethnic groups, and thus has achieved a rapid and comprehensive development. SCUN has a picturesque campus with shady trees, fragrant flowers, a beautiful lake and modern buildings, including the signature library, with ethnic styles, providing a comfortable environment for teaching, studying, researching and living.We sincerely hope you are able to do us the honor of being a part of this important training and tournament. Sincerely,Liu XinAssociate professor and coordinatorVice Director of Linguistics SectionSouth Central University for NationalitiesDr. Derek BuescherProfessor and Chair, Communication Studies, Director of ForensicsUniversity of Puget Sound 赛事信息中国辩论教育联络组-华中地区辩论赛中南民族大学2012年12月14-16日辩论形式与规则此次辩论比赛分中文组与英文组,都采用英国议会制辩论模式。在每一场辩论中,共有四个队参加,每队二人。中英文组都采用世界大学生英语辩论赛比赛规则,实行7-7-7-7-7-7-7形式(即每位辩手发言7分钟)。每场比赛前,辩手有30分钟准备时间(包括步行到比赛场地的时间)。如果中文组或英文组少于12个队报名参加,那这个组的比赛就自动取消。辩题会集中公布,每一场都不一样。辩手准备期间可使用纸质资料,不能使用网络和电子设备。辩手准备期间只能与本队搭档进行讨论和商议,不能有第三人参与。所有参赛辩手须为全日制中学生、大学本科生或研究生。报名及截止日期各学校可选派多队参赛,前提是:每三个队中,至少有一个中文队。报名通过网上注册报名,网址是(/SCUNCDEN/12。报名截止时间是北京时间2012年12月10日上午9点。9点钟以后,网站将会关闭,再也不能进入报名。网上注册报名后,如果有任何变化,请您尽快上报大赛组委会。组委会联系人: 刘 昕老师,电话 溢老师,电话关补贴的政策与申请报名不需交纳费用。武汉市以外的湖北、湖南、江西、安徽以及河南的大学,如果有三队以上报名并且提供2名以上评委,可以根据距离的远近申请一定的交通和住宿补贴。补贴将在赛后发放。比赛期间免费提供午餐。申请补贴的学校,请下载附件的申请表,并填写相应申请信息;需要报销凭据的学校,请跟大赛组委会联系;如果有学校希望申请更多的交通补贴,可通过email跟Derek Buescher博士直接联系()。费用和裁判参赛学校不用交纳报名费,但需为赛事提供裁判,否则需承担裁判费用。裁判的选派采用N-1原则,即每所学校选派裁判的数量要等于所派队的数量减去一(如:一所学校派3队参赛,那么相应要派2位裁判)。如果少派1位裁判,就需要交纳300元的裁判费用。我们真诚希望为所有学校提供参赛的机会。如有些参赛学校不能派要求数量的裁判,请跟Derek Buescher博士联系,我们会酌情考虑免除交纳裁判费用或者协商适当减少。为了确保比赛的公平与公正,我们会尽可能保证每场比赛至少2位以上裁判。证书与奖励奖励会发放给中、英文组的获胜选手。所有参赛选手、评委和培训师都会领取到相应参赛证书。本次比赛的冠军队将获得免费(交通、食宿费用全免)参加2013年5月31日至6月2日在西安外国语大学举行的第四届中国辩论公开赛(China Open 2013)的机会。酒店信息参赛选手与裁判可根据需要选择如下酒店:中南民族大学招待所,预定电话每晚198元);瑞丰大酒店,预定电话每晚329元);中天世纪大酒店,预定电话(每晚398元)。比赛场地:辩论赛场地为:中南民族大学15号楼(开幕式及培训)、10号楼(初赛与半决赛)、和11号楼(决赛)。签到处设在各酒店大堂,报到后有专人接洽带您到比赛场地。辩论培训将在15号楼进行。校园地图可以在/cla/chinadebate/events/upcoming/index.html 和 http:/forensicstourn /SCUNCDEN/12 上查找。赛事管理与相关说明:本次比赛第一轮循环赛为赛前随机对阵,如参赛院校有任何信息更改(特别是出现退出或减少参赛队伍的情况时),请务必及时通知组织方。所有参赛队伍在前四轮循环赛中将被分配到四个不同的辩位(正方上院、反方上院、正方下院、反方下院)。第一轮循环赛之后的对阵将一律采取“强强对阵”原则,同时兼顾辩位排列,避免在前四轮循环赛中出现辩位重复。各参赛队伍在循环赛中的队伍排名积分规则为:第一名-4分第二名-3分第三名-2分第四名-1分 进入淘汰赛的辩论队根据如下标准选出:(1)队伍排名总积分(如上所述);(2) 队伍辩手得分总积分;(3) 队伍排名第一的场次数;(4) 比赛完成质量(作为反对党的总分)。若参赛队伍达到一定规模,则淘汰赛环节后进行半决赛;若参赛队伍数量较少,则淘汰赛中胜出的队伍直接进入决赛。日程安排:周五:(12月14日)8:30 -10:00 注册与报到-各酒店大堂及15号楼10:00-10:30 开幕式10:30-12:15 辩手培训;评委培训12:15-1:30 午餐1:30-5:00 辩手培训;评委培训5:00-6:30 晚餐6:30-7:00 模拟赛说明7:00-8:30 模拟赛周六(12月15日)9:00-9:30 尚未注册的人员完成注册(10号楼)9:30-9:40 参赛队伍及评委点名9:40-10:10 循环赛第一轮说明10:10-11:40 循环赛第一轮11:40-1:20 午餐1:20-1:30 参赛队伍及评委点名1:30-2:00 循环赛第二轮说明2:00-3:30 循环赛第二轮3:50-4:00 参赛队伍及评委点名4:00-4:30 循环赛第一轮说明4:30-6:00 循环赛第三轮周日(12月16日)8:45-9:00 参赛队伍及评委点名9:00-9:30 循环赛第四轮说明9:30-11:00 循环赛第四轮11:00-12:00 午餐12:15 公布晋级队伍名单12:30-1:00 半决赛说明1:00-2:30 半决赛3-3:30 决赛说明3:30-4:45 决赛5:00-5:30 颁奖2012年首届


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