人力资源管理(中英文双语版)【绝版经典,学习人力资源专业英语的好PPT】 _第1页
人力资源管理(中英文双语版)【绝版经典,学习人力资源专业英语的好PPT】 _第2页
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人力资源管理(中英文双语版)【绝版经典,学习人力资源专业英语的好PPT】 _第5页
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LOGO Human Resource Management Proverb Man proposes, God disposes. -T.A.kempis. 谋事在人 ,成事在天 . -肯比斯 Learning tasks学习任务 Definition of the term human resource management定义 The strategic importance of HRM 策略重要性 Activities of HRM 人力资源管理活动 The role that managers play in performing HRM activities 主管在人管活 动 中的 角 色 Definition of HRM Human Resource Management is the function performed in organizations that facilitates the most effective use of people (employees) to achieve organizational and individual goals. 人力 资源 管理是 促 使组织 人力有效 运用 的一 种 管理功能,其目的在于达 成 组织与个人 的目 标 。 Tasks Go to the library and find a book about HRM. Find what HRM concern about and what activities it has 发现人力资源管理是关于什么的,它都有哪些活动 Think hard about HRM give your opinion about it 思考并给出你的人力资源管理的理解 Human Resource Activities Human Resource Planning人力 资源 规划 Job Analysis工作分析 Employee Recruitment, Selection, Motivation, and Orientation员 工招募、甄 选 、激励 、 岗位培训 Performance Evaluation and Reward绩 效 评 估与报偿 Training and Development培训与发展 Labor Relations劳资关系 Safety, Health, and Wellness员工 安全 与保健 Classification of HRM (I) S.A.R.D.四 分法 : Selection 招选 Appraisal评核 Reward报酬 Development培训发展 Classification of HRM (II) ( 5Ps Model of HRM) 5批 识人 留人 PERSERVATION 育人 PROFESSIONAL 选人 PICK 用人 PLACEMENT PERCEPTION The Role of HRM in the Organization Helping to reach the organizations aim; Making use of employees skills effectively; Providing well-trained employees with high work will; Promoting employees work satisfaction; The Role of HRM in the Organization Explaining the HRM policies of the company; Insuring the policies of the company to conform to the ethics and to take the social responsibility; Playing a supporting role to the change measures of the company In A Word Put the right person in the right place at the right time. Tasks Establish one company you like. Suppose you work in human resource department. Try to create proper organization and human resource. 建立一家你喜欢的公司,你在人力资源部工作。注意设置适当的组织和人员。 Learning tasks The historical development of human resource management. 人力资源管理的历史发展 The difference between “personnel management” and “human resource management”. 人事管理和人力资源管理的区别 Personnel Management and HRM 人事管理和人力资源管理 PM is that part of management concerned with people at work and with their relationships with an enterprise. 关注工作中的人和他们与企业的关系 Personnel Management and HRM 人事管理与人力资源管理 HR is the further development of PM: Application of modern management theory. Updating of the content and instruction of the PM: 1.Employee -Not the Cost but the Resource. 员工不是花费而是资源 2.The development of the corporate is closely related with the employee. 企业的发展与员工密切相关。 Limitation of Traditional Personnel Management 1.Taking Affair as the center, not Person; 2. Maintaining the existence of the organization only can not ensure the continuous development of the organization; 3.Ignoring the function of person and causing the lack of invigorative激励的 factors. The manager of HRM should : ( tasks) 1. Know the company strategy and the business management planning; 2. Know the profession; 3. Support the need of business of the company; Tasks(continued) 4. Get often in touch with the other departments; 5. Feel the pulsation(跳动 , 有节奏地跳动 , 震动 )of the company in person. A brief history of HRM 同业工会 (工 会 的前身 ) Guilds To Improve Work Conditions 工業革命時期 (Industrial Revolution) Great changes of work condition and social function 科學管理 (Scientific Management) Attention to work efficiency 人群 关系运动 (Human Relations Movement) Attention to human nature and the difference of the employees 提高至策略 层次 (Strategic HRM) competitive importance links to the bottom-line The Development of HRM(I) A brief history of HRM 1890 s: Independent personnel department coming into being (industrialization, urbanization, welfare workers, working conditions and circumstances) The Development of HRM(II) 1950s-1960s : Many studies on humanized management emerging (Argyris, 1957; Maslow, 1954; McGregor, 1960), Mayos梅奥 human relations approach (a focus on people rather than mechanics or economics) 1965: Miles differed human relations from human resources F.W.Talors泰勒 : scientific management(科学管理 ) (proper, specialized standard after the boom of industrial revolution); H.Fayol法约尔 & M.Webers韦伯: classical organization theory 古典组织理论 (structured, unity of direction, discipline, bureaucratic 井然有序 ) The Development of HRM Model (I) Traditional传统 : tight supervision严密的监视 Relationship人际关系 : feeling of utility and importance人力的有用性和重要性 HRM人力 资 源 : making full use of employees to facilitate their self-decision and self-management skills The Development of HRM Model Classical Management古典管理 Employee-Tool Scientific Management科学管理 Employee-Economical Person Management Science管理科学 Employee-Social Person Self-study (reference to textbook page 14-17 ) Review: 1.What the difference between Personnel Management and HRM? 2. What are the tasks for HRM? 3. Present briefly the history of HRM? Proverb Plans are nothing; planning is everything. 凡 事预则立 ,不预则废 . Learning tasks The tasks of human resource planning The need for human resource planning and the connection with the strategy planning of the corporate The process of human resource planning Case Study 五金制品公司的人力资源规划 冯如生几天前才调到五金制品公司的人力资源部当助理,就接受了一项紧迫的任务,要求他在 10天内提交一份本公司 5年的人力资源规划。虽然老冯从事人力资源管理工作已经多年,但面对桌上那一大堆文件、报表,不免一筹莫展。经过几天的整理和苦思,他觉得要编制好这个规划,必须考虑下列各项关键因素: 首先是本公司现状。它共有生产与维修工人 825人,行政和文秘性白领职员143人,基层与中层管理干部 79人,工作技术人员 38人,销售员 23人。其次,据统计,近五年来职工的平均离职率为 4%,没理由预计会有什么改变。不过,不同类别的职工的离职率并不一样,生产工人离职率高达 8%,而技术人员和管理干部则只有 3%。再者,按照既定的扩产计划,白领职员和销售员要新增 10%-15%,工程技术人员要增 5%-6%,中、基层干部不增也不减,而生产与维修的蓝领工人要增加 5%。 有一点特殊情况要考虑:最近本地政府颁布了一项政策,要求当地企业招收新职工时,要优先照顾妇女和下岗职工。本公司一直未曾有意排斥妇女或下岗职工,只要他们来申请,就会按同一种标准进行选拔,并无歧视,但也未予特殊照顾。如今的事实却是,销售员除一人是女的外全是男的;中、基层管理干部除两人是妇女外,其余也都是男的;工程师里只有三个是妇女;蓝领工人中约有 11%妇女或下岗职工,而且都集中在最低层的劳动岗位上。 冯如生还有 5天就得交出计划,其中包括各类干部和职工的人数、从外界招收的各类人员的人数以及如何贯彻市政府关于照顾妇女与下岗人员政策的计划。此外,五金制品公司刚开发出几种有吸引力的新产品,所以预计公司销售额五年内会翻一番,冯如生还得提出一项应变计划以备应付这类快速增长。 思考题: 1、 老冯在编制人力资源规划时要考虑哪些情况和因素? 2、 他该制订一项什么样的招工方案? 30 Definition of HR Planning HRP is the process of determining the human resource needs of an organization and ensuring that the organization has the right number of qualified people in the right jobs at the right time. 人力资源规划 是决定组织对 人力 资源 的需要, 并确 保有 适当数 目的 适 任人 员适时 地 担任适当 工作的一 个过程。 The tasks of HRP Reducing the cost of manpower Allotting manpower reasonably Adapting the organizations development Meeting the employees requirements 减 低用人成本 合理分配人力 适应组织发展 满 足 员 工需求 Why is HRM necessary? A growing awareness of the need to look into the future 公司发展需要 A desire to exercise control over as many variables as possible which influence business success or failure 对影响公司成败变的量实行控制因素 The development of techniques which make such planning possible 科技的发展使得这种规划成为可能 (reference to textbook page 53) The Process of HRP Situational analysis or environmental Scanning环境侦查 Forecasting demand of human Resources 需求预测 Analysis of the supply of human resources 供給分析 Development of plans for action 发展行动 方案 HR PLANNING PROCESS 搜集准备有关信息资料 人力资源需求预测 人力资源供给预测 确定人员净需求 确定人力资源目标 制定具体计划 对人力资源计划的审核与评估 人力资源规划的过程 Situational analysis 人力资源需求的影响因素表 企业外部环境 企业内部条件 人力资源自身状况 社会 战略目标规划 退休 政治 生产和销售预测 辞职 经济 企业预算 合同到期止 法律 新建部门或扩张 辞退 技术 劳动定额的合理程度 休假 竞争者 死亡 Situational Analysis (External) 政府 (Government Laws and Regulation) 工 会 (Union Procedures and Requirements) 劳动 力 (Labor Force Composition) 国内 外 经济 Economic Conditions (International and Domestic) 地理位 置 (Geographic Location) 竞争 力 (Company Competitiveness) Situational Analysis (Internal) Business HR Implications What business are we in? What people do we need? Culture and value system How do we change? -appropriate not appropriate Strategic direction Who will we need in future? New businesses What systems and procedures might New markets be developed? Strengths How far related to existing use of HR? Weaknesses (e.g. skills base ) Opportunities Demand and supply in the labor market? Threats Critical关键的 success factors How far do these depend on employees, rather than other factors? Organizational tasks Staff utilization Labor costs Environmental factors (trends in technology and markets, threats or opportunities) Staff turnover人员流动 Production levels Demand Factors in Forecasting demand


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