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中考试题与不定代词谭炳涛 的工作室中考试题不定代词 中考试题与不定代词纵观近年来的中考英语试题,不难发现大多数省、市对不定代词从不同角度都做了考查。本人从教数年,认为不定代词是英语教学中的难点,且贯穿于教材中。很多考生对此模棱两可,似是而非。鉴于此,笔者仅从中考试题的考查范围中来谈一下不定代词的运用。旨在对考生有所裨益。 试题类型一 1.I have three pens.One is red,_two are black.(河北) A.another B.other C.the other D.the others 2.I have two sisters.One is a farmer,_is a driver.(乌鲁木齐) A.other B.others C.the other D.another 解题指导:other与another的用法 共同点: 它们都有名词和形容词的作用,在句中都可作主语、宾语和定语。例如: I have two pens.One is new,the other is old.(主) I have two photos here.You have seen one.Now Ill show you the other.(宾) Would you like to have another cup of tea?(定) 不同点: )other的复数是others,所有格是others或others,它可以与定冠词the连用,即the other,指两个中的“另一个”。还可接复数名词,表示“其余的”;the others是指一定范围内的“其余的”;others 是泛指“其他的(人或物)”,并没有一定的范围限制。 )other既可以修饰单数名词,也可以修饰复数名词:another指至少有三个以上的“另一个”,它是由 an和other合并而成,可代替或修饰单数可数名词,也可修饰复数可数名词,且不与冠词连用。 注意: 有时在比较结构中,要用other限定比较对象,使意义更为明显。例如: The room is bigger than any other room in the house.这个房间比房子里的其它任何房间都大。 某人或某物在与同类几人或几事物进行比较时,应用“比较级than+any+other+单数名词any of the other+复数名词”形式。例如: 汤姆比他班上的其他任何男孩都高。 【误】Tom is taller than any boy in his class. 【正】Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. 【正】Tom is taller than any of the other boys in his class. (试题类型一答案:) 试题类型二 1.There is _water left in the thermos. Would you go and get some?(河北) A.little B.a little C.few D.a few 2.Jack has a few friends in China.(广东) A.some B.any C.many D.much 3.There are several bottles on the desk.(天津) A.a lot of B.many C.a few D.few 4.We had_people this year than we had last year.(陕西) A.little B.less C.few D.fewer 解题指导:little与a little,few与a few的用法 它们在句中都可作主语、宾语或定语。作主语时,谓语动词大多用复数形式。例如: Few of them speak English.(主) I met few (or a few) of my friends in the park.(宾) I have a few friends besides you.(定) 2.little与a little用于代替或修饰不可数名词;few与a few用于代替或修饰可数名词。little和few表示 “不多,几乎没有”,在意义上是否定的,a little和a few表示“虽少但还有一些”,在意义上是肯定的。 注意: A.a little 可用来修饰形容词、动词或形容词(副词)的比较级。例如: Its a little cold today. This is a little better than that. Will you please speak up a little so that everybody will hear you?(a little 修饰动词speak) B.在句中出现few或little时,变反意疑问句时应注意,后面的附加问句应用肯定形式。例如: There is little water in the bottle,is there? C.Not a few=quite a few(或many) not a little=much 例如: There are not a few people in the room.房间里有很多人。 There is not a little time left.还剩下挺多时间。 not a little 用作状语是“很”的意思 He is not a little tired.他很累。 4.few和little都可用作形容词,它们的比较级和最高级分别是fewer,fewest;less,least。 (试题类型二答案:1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D) 试题类型三 1.I am_stronger than my sister.(宁夏) A.very B.quite C.too D.much 2.Mary has six apples.Her brother has three. She has_apples than he.(湖南) A.few B.many C.more D.fewer 解题指导:many和much的用法 共同点: 它们在句中都可作主语、宾语、定语。有时也可作状语,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。在肯定句中一般用 a lot of ,lots of,plenty of。例如:Many of us are from Shanxi.(主) How many English books do you have?(定) I dont have many.(宾) There is not much water there.(定) He has much to do so he cant play football.(宾) 不同点: many用来修饰或代替可数名词,而much用来修饰或代替不可数名词。 注意:A.many作主语时,动词用复数,much作主语时,动词用单数。例如: Many of us know a little English. Much has been said. B.much可用于形容词、副词比较级之前,而many不能。但如果many后修饰more,more代替或修饰可数名词复数时,前面只能用many,而不能用much。例如: This classroom is much bigger than that one. He has many more books than I have. (试题类型三答案:) 试题类型四 1.Neither they nor she has vistied the village. They_visited the village.She_visited the village_.(宁夏)(改为两个简单句) 2.You dont like the same colours and I dont like them._(湖南) A.too B.also C.either D.neither 3.I asked Kate and Mary to come for a talk,but_of them came.(云南) A.both B.either C.neither D.few 解题指导:neither和either的用法 共同点: )它们都可用作主语、宾语和定语。 例如:Neither of the books is good.(主) He phoned neither of us yesterday.(宾) Neither way is correct.(定) I dont think either of them is at home.(主)Here are two knives.You can take either of them.(宾) There are shops on either side of the street.(定) )Neither和either作定语时,其后的名词都用单数。例如: Neither book gives the answer. There are tall buildings on either side of the road. 不同点: neither是表示“两都不”的否定说法,而either是表示“两人或两物中任何一个”的肯定说法。 注意: A.either作为副词表示“也”,不同于too,also,either通常用于否定句的末尾,too通常用于肯定句的句末;而also通常用于肯定句和疑问句中,其位置一般用在to be之后,其它动词之前。如: Tom has been to Beijing.Mary has been to Beijing_(江西) A.neither B.either C.too D.also 此题应选C。 She is also a teacher. She also likes singing. I cant speak French.My sister cant speak French,either. B.neither作为副词表示“也不”,常常用于倒装句的开头,紧跟在一个否定句后面(当然nor也可以这么用)。那么,如果是肯定句呢?我们要用so,依然是倒装语句。例如: I cant sing an English song.Neither can he. I can sing an English song.So can he. 还应注意neither和so后面的助动词和情态动词其后的主语在人称、时态方面保持一致。 C.neither和either在句中作主语时,谓语动词必须用单数形式。如: Neither of them knows Japanese. Either of them knows English. D.neither本身表示否定,其后不能再用否定式。如: 两个答案都不对。 【误】Neither answer isnt right. 【正】Neither answer is right. E.either与not连用表示“两者都不”,此时相当于neither。如: I dont want either of them=I want neither of them.我两个都不想要。 (试题类型四答案:1.havent;hasnt,either 2.C 3.C) 试题类型五 1.There isnt_in todays newspaper.(河南) A.anything interesting B.something interesting C.nothing interesting D.interesting anything 2.Havent you forgotten_?(云南) _?Oh.I forgot my bag. A.anything.Excuse me B.something.Excuse me C.something.Pardon D.everything.Pardon 3.Hello,John!Come here please.I have_to tell you. A.important something B.something important C.important anything D.important nothing(甘肃) 4.Are there_students in the classroom?(乌鲁木齐) A.any B.some C./ D.the 5.Mum,Anns coming tonight.Lets give her_to eat.Good idea!(江西) A.anything nice B.nice anything C.something nice D.nice something 解题指导:some,something,any,anything的用法 首先,some多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句,在句中可作主语、宾语或定语。例如:Some are reading,others are writing.(主) I have some questions to ask.(定) Have you any French book?(定) Yes,I have some.(宾) 其次,some和any皆可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 something/anything与some/any的用法类似。 注意: A.有些疑问句表示请求、建议时多用some,而不用any。例如: Will you please give me some paper? Why dont you buy some bananas? B.复合不定代词一般不用作定语,可作主语、宾语或表语。如: Everyone is here. Something is wrong with your bike. Have you anything to say? Thats nothing. C.复合不定代词被定语所修饰时,定语则往往放在它们的后面。例如: There is nothing wrong with the machine. Is there anything important in todays newspaper? D.复合不定代词都表示单数概念,谓语应用单数形式。例如: Nobody is absent. Is anything wrong with your watch? (试题类型五答案:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C) 试题类型六 1.All the_are ready to run(run).(云南) 2.Of all the_(play) who do you like best?(山西) 解题指导:all的用法 1.all用来指三个或三个以上的人或物(指两个人或事物应用both),它在句中可做主语、表语、宾语、同位语或定语。当它用作定语时,大多数情况下修饰复数名词,当然也可以修饰不可数名词。例如: All the tea


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