



模块7第2单元语法突破动词不定式的被动语态及其他山东 刘永科上篇文章讲到动词不定式的语法作用:在句中作主语、宾语、宾补、表语、定语和状语等。本文结合课本着重讲一下它的被动语态及其他事项。一、不定式的被动语态:不定式的被动语态,主要用来表示逻辑主语和不定式之间是被动关系。它有各种不同的情况,下面分别阐述如下。【课文原句】It was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire. (P 11)【点拨】句子主语和不定式是被动关系:因为机器人将要被Larrys wife所验证,所以主语It (the robot) 和不定式to be tested out是被动的。又如:The students want to be sent to work in the countryside. 【课文原句】that the robot wouldnt harm her or allow her to be harmed. (P 11)【点拨】宾语和作宾补的不定式是被动关系:宾语her是不允许“被伤害”(to be harmed)的。又如:He wanted the letter to be typed at once. 【课文原句】Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. (P 11)【点拨】作主语的不定式本身是被动的含义:不定式作主语也有主动和被动之分,克莱尔认为,得到机器人的同情是一件荒唐的事情。“得到机器人的同情 (to be offered sympathy by a robot)”充当了句子的真实主语。又如:To be questioned by someone is an awful thing. 【课文原句】What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! (P 12)【点拨】被修饰词和作定语的不定式是被动关系:这是一个被那些女士们所羡慕的多么美妙的胜利呀。“胜利”(victory) 和“羡慕”(be envied)是被动的关系。课文中还有类似的一个句子:How awful to bediscovered by her. (P 11) 又如:He is a man to be trusted. 二、不定式的时态:1. 一般式 (to do): It seems to rain this afternoon. 一般式往往表示动作将要发生或者与谓语动词的动作几乎同时发生。例句说明,“今天下午看起来要下雨。”rain在seem之后发生。2. 进行式 (to be doing): It seems to be raining outside. 进行式往往表示不定式的动作正在发生。例句说明,“外面好像正在下雨。”(指在室内听见外面有下雨的声音或迹象), rain 和seem同时发生。3. 完成式 (to have done): It seems to have rained last night.完成式表示不定式的动作(或状态)发生在谓语动作(或状态)之前。例句说明,“昨晚好像下了雨。”(指早晨起床后发现地面潮湿,有下雨的迹象,才做出如此判断),rain 发生在seem之前。 三、不定式的逻辑主语:一般说来,不定式的逻辑主语比较容易辨别。例如:The businessman got up early in order to catch the earliest train that day. (不定式的逻辑主语就是句子的主语The businessman)The lady asked him to bring her a cup of tea. (不定式的逻辑主语就使句子的宾语him)但有时候逻辑主语并不明显,为了明确动词不定式动作的发出者,我们需要在不定式前加上for sb. 构成for sb. to do sth.句式。例如:The maths problem is difficult for a five-year-old child to solve.We are waiting for her to come to our party.It was not right for you to hurt her feelings in such a way.但如果逻辑主语和形容词之间具有某种“品质”关系时,则用of代替for,例如:It is very kind of you to lend me your beautiful bike.有时,即使不定式前没有for sb.,我们也能从上下文判断出它的逻辑主语是谁。例如:It is very important to memorize English words from the context. (在不定式to memorize English words from the context之前,省略了for students 或for English learners)模块7第2单元语法高考链接山东 刘永科【高考真题】1. The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games _ in Beijing in 2008. (06四川) A. hold B. holding C. held D. to be held【语法解析】D. 本题考查不定式的被动形式作定语。奥运会(the 29th Olympic Games)和召开(to be held)显然是被动的关系;此外,不定式还表示“将来”的概念。【考题预测】 The question _ at the next meeting has something important to do with our daily life. (D)A. to have been discussed B. discussedC. being discussed D. to be discussed To go shopping on Sundays seems to my mother a rule _. (C) A. to never break B. never to be breakingC. never to be broken D. never to have broken【高考真题】2. Energy drinks are not allowed _ in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. (06上海) A. to make B. to be made C. to have been made D. to be making【语法解析】B. 本题考查不定式的被动形式作主语补足语,即补充说明energy drinks怎么样(在主动语态中,energy drinks是宾语,那么,to be made就是宾补)。allow的句型是:allow + 宾语 + to do 【考题预测】 “No book is permitted _ out of the reading room.” This is one of the rules of the library. (A) A. to be taken B. to take C. to have been taken D. to be taking Little Tom would like _ to the theatre with his mother. (A) A. to be taken B. being taken C. to take D. taking【高考真题】3. The flu is believed _ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. (04上海) A. causing B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused【语法解析】C. 本题考查不定式补充说明主语。英语中有这样一个句式:be believed/considered/said to do 译为:被认为/被看作/据说后面的不定式也许是主动的,也许是被动的,这要看具体情况,例句的意思显然是被动的。【考题预测】 John is said _ to London for further study next year. (D)A. to send B. to be sending C. to have been sent D. to be sent Radium is considered _ by Madame Curie in 1898. (B) A. to be discovered B. to have been discovered C. being discovered D. discovered 【高考真题】4. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _ everything. (01上海) A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told【语法解析】D. 本题考查不定式的被动语态和完成时态。 从意思看,“她看起来被告知”,所以是被动的不定式;从时间看,“被告知”的动作显然要早于“看起来”,故使用完成时态。所以,本题考查被动和完成兼而有之。【考题预测】 She was very unfortunate _ at the party. (B) A. to be misunderstood B. to have been misunderstood C. to misunderstand D. to be understanding Jack seems _ by the teacher, for he has been very happy these days. (C) A. to have praised B. to be praised C. to have been praised D. to praise模块7第2单元你问我答动词不定式-用被动还是用主动?山东 刘永科【问】有这样个句子:There is something important to do this afternoon, so I cant go to the concert with you. 请问:something 和do是被动的关系,即“事情是被做的”,为什么不用to be done呢?【答】这是个很有趣的问题。英语中,动词不定式本来具有被动的含义却使用了主动的形式。如你提出的句子,虽然事情是被做的,但句子强调了“我”这个动作的实施者,所以不用被动。为了理解,我们可以在不定式前加上一个逻辑主语for me,而句子意思保持不变:There is something important for me to do this afternoon. 如果使用了被动语态,那么加上for me,句子就讲不通了:There is something important for me to be done this afternoon. (误)现在着重讲一下不定式不用被动语态的几种情况:1. 在have something to do 句式中,不定式多为主动语态。 例如: I have some good news to tell you. He is a poor man and has little money to spend. Do you have anything to say for yourself?2. 在There be 句型中也有这种情况,不定式之前可以看作省略了for sb. 例如:There is plenty to do: pigs to feed, the garden to tend, and the flowers to water.Are there any more letters to post?There are three children to look after.3. 许多不定式作定语,被修饰词和不定式虽是被动关系,但句子重在动作的发出者,所以要使用主动语态,可在不定式之前加上for sb. 意思不变。例如: The first thing to do is your homework. = The first thing for you to do is your homework. This is the greatest moment to remember. = This is the greatest monent for us to remem


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