



U1 1. 飞机乘务员应对所有旅客的安全负责。be responsible forThe crew of an airliner should be responsible for the safety of all the passengers.2. 请尽快把这些英文报纸和杂志分送给每位订阅者。distribute toPlease distribute these English newspapers and magazines to every subscriber as soon as possible.3. 学院决定举办系列讲座,商务英语专业的学生必须出席。decide onThe college has decided on a lecture series and Business English majors must be present.4. 若需进一步的补充解释,请参阅教师参考书第58页。refer toFor additional explanation, please refer to page 58 of the teachers reference book.5. 大多数人都会关注与自己有关的事。relate toMost people will be interested in what relates to themselves.6. 最近,下海经商的人越来越多。go into businessRecently, more and more people have gone into business.一个大批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。in bulk7. A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler.8. 据报道,目前工资水平在某种程度上仍稍稍领先于物价水平。to a certain extent, ahead ofIts reported that nowadays wages are, to a certain extent, still one step aheadU2 1. 总经理将重要文件分发给部门经理。hand outThe general manager handed out the important documents to the department managers.2. 欺骗顾客和逃税构成了他们那个时期的商业政策。make upCheating customers and evading taxes made up their business policy in those days.3. 在英语中,数学可以简称作maths或math。for shortMathematics can be called maths or math for short in English.4. 这座城市被认为是此经济合作区的龙头。be known asThis city is known as leading the economic cooperative zone.5. 虽然这对夫妇对所要买的家具的价格没有异议,但对式样意见不一。agree onAlthough the couple agreed on the price of the furniture they wanted to buy, they disagreed about the style.6. 我上个月买了台笔记本电脑,不过花了大价钱。at a priceI bought a laptop last month but only at a price.7. 一个大a批量出售货物的商人被称作批发商。pay forThe parents work hard to pay for their childrens tuition.8. 你的不诚实是我最终与你断绝往来的原因。in the endYour dishonesty was the reason why I had to break off our relationship in the end.9. 他叔父决意在乡下定居, 而不住在城里。choose toHis uncle chose to settle in the countryside rather than in the city.10. 经理在新闻发布会上分发了项目计划书,但大多数人都怀疑该项目的可行性。press conference, hand out, project, feasibilityThe manager handed out the project plan on the press conference, but most of the people doubted the feasibility of the project.U3 1. 我意识到他已改变了方法。consciousI was conscious that he had changed his way/approach.2. 他的警告在很大程度上已被证实是正确的。extentTo a large extent/ In a significant measure, his warnings have proved correct.3. 许多人相信个性是天生的,但我认为环境造就个性。personalityMany people believe that personality is inborn/innate, but in my opinion, the environment shapes personality.4. 必须认清的是,他毕竟还只是一个中学生。after allIt should be recognized that he was, after all, a schoolboy.5. 考虑到有限的投资,这部电影总的来说值得一看。given, on the wholeGiven the limited investment, the movie, on the whole, is worth watching.6. 你不必总是怨天尤人,你学习的大学是该地区最有声望的大学之一。complain, prestigiousYou should not be always complaining, as the university youre studying in is one of the most prestigious in the district.7. 不管你是木工还是泥瓦匠,你都应尽力去显示你的才能。whether, demonstrate, capacityWhether you are a carpenter or a brick layer, you need to try your best to demonstrate you capacity.8. 没有人像他们那样因为纪律严明而受到赞赏。not so.as., admireNo one has been so admired as them for discipline.9. 他们总认为我冷漠粗暴。 think of, toughThey always thought of me as emotionless and tough.10. 这项新的规章制度将促使城市的供水情况有所改善。lead toThe new regulation will lead to the improvement in the citys water supply.11. 由于我们无法在该研究项目中投入足够的时间和精力,所以迄今为止我们还未取得任何进展。devote.toSince we havent devoted sufficient time and effort to this research project, up till now we have made no progress.12. 他被授予一块金表,以表彰他为公司30年的服务。in recognition ofHe was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his thirty-year service to the company.U4 1.自从大学毕业进公司以来,他的工作进步得很快。get aheadSince he came to work in the company after graduation from college, he has got ahead fast in his job.2. 供求关系的变化会导致汇率的波动。lead toThe change of supply and demand leads to the fluctuation of the rate of exchange.3. 总的来说,如果我们的产品或服务无人问津,那么我们的企业就得关门了。by and largeBy and large, if nobody wants to buy our product or service, our business will have to be closed down.4. 交易所里一切照常进行着,就像没有发生什么事情似的。as ifEverything went on as usual in the stock market as if nothing had happened.5. 该公司明确说明了自从引进了先进的工艺和设备,新车型在节能方面有了重大改进。put across, bring inThe company has clearly put across that since it brought in advanced technology and equipment, significant improvements have been made in the new cars fuel economy.6. 他不满足于目前的计划,一直在思考如何改进。be content with, keep + V-ingHe was not content with the present plan, and kept thinking over how to improve it.7. 学校仅仅有短期目标是不够的,它应该为学校的发展规划长期目标来提高教学质量。it is not enough ., lay out, betterIts not enough for a school to have short-term aims. It should lay out long-term objectives for the schools development to better its education quality.8. 接受这份工作的人应该具有全面了解法国历史和文化的资质。take on, qualifyThe person who takes on the job should be qualified with a good knowledge of French history and culture.9. 暑假期间, 图书馆除了周二外每天对公众开放。be open toDuring the summer holidays, the library is open to the public every day except Tuesday.10. 如果一个公司率先发起营销活动,其他公司也会跟进,这种情况并不少见。it is not uncommon ., take the leadIts not uncommon that if a company takes the lead in launching a promotion campaign, other companies may follow.U5 1. 该经理助理负责与欧洲总公司的联系与通讯。be responsible forThe managers assistant is responsible for handling relation and communication with our European head office.2. 由于泄密,史密斯先生的商业计划被竞争对手知道了。as a consequence ofMr. Smiths business plan became known to his competitors as a consequence of information leak.3. 他十分忙碌,平均每天工作达12小时。on the averageHe is so busy that he works 12 hours a day on the average.4. 过去他只会讲粤语,但现在他的客户不再局限于广东人,他已能用英语和普通话与客户沟通。used to, no longerHe used to speak only Cantonese, but now his clients are no longer limited to Cantonese, and he has been able to communicate in English and Mandarin with clients.5. 为了减肥,她只吃蔬菜、水果和低脂肪食物。 lose weightShe eats only vegetables, fruits and low-fat foods in order to lose weight.6. 他对当前经济状况的仔细分析是以事实为根据的。 be based onHis close analysis of the current economic situation is based on facts.7. 广告常常误导人们去购买他们并不需要的商品。 lead . to doAdvertisements often lead people to buy things they dont need.8. 在香港,晚餐通常先喝汤。 begin withSupper often begins with soup in Hong Kong.9. 比起西餐,我更喜欢吃传统的中国菜, 因为中国菜富含纤维素、维生素和矿物质。 prefer . to, rich inI prefer traditional Chinese dishes to Western ones, because Chinese dishes are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.10. 我们把这家法国企业看作潜在的合作伙伴。 regard . asWe regard the French enterprise as a potential partner for cooperation.U6 1. 美国的价值观提倡(uphold)独立性和个人主义,而亚洲的价值观倾向尊重和顺从父母的意见。values, individualism, defer toAmerican values uphold independence and individualism, whereas Asian values tend to respect and defer to their parents opinion.2. 产品的价格是以生产成本和期望利润为根据确定的。base onThe price of a product is based on the production cost and the expected profit.3. 他并没有真正意识到自己在干什么。be unconscious ofHe was really unconscious of what he was doing.4. 在有些国家,工资是与物价挂钩的。be linked toWages are linked to prices in a number of countries. 5. 对较小的发展中国家应给予优惠对待。preferential treatmentThere should be preferential treatment for the smaller developing countries.6. 他的种姓门第比其他人要高贵。caste, superior . toHe was from a caste superior to others.7. 这家公司擅长生产女表。excelThe firm excels at producing womens watches. 8. 与其他的社会团体不同,绿色和平组织不接受政府或企业的资助。in contrast toIn contrast to other groups and societies, the Greenpeace does not accept funding from governments or firms.9. 他们用惯了这样廉价的能源,所以特别浪费。get used toThey are particularly wasteful because they have got used to such cheap energy.10. 我为你感到羞愧!你怎么能在餐馆里当众大吵大闹!make a sceneIm ashamed of you! How can you make a scene in the restaurant like that!U7 1. 他判断失误 , 以致于损失重大。be guilty of He was guilty of misjudgment so that the loss was great. 2. 我们在周一之前未获销售主任的通知。prior to We received no notice from the sales manager prior to Monday. 3. 我们需要能在不同环境下独立工作的员工。 in . circumstances We need employees able to work independently in different circumstances.4. 我不想冒犯任何人,我只是谈谈我的看法。cause offence I didnt mean to cause any offence to any people, and I was just stating my opinion. 5. 工程因资金匮乏只好延期。lack of The project had to be delayed for lack of funds. 6. 这位选手未必会赢,因为其对手具有相当的竞争力。 it is unlikely that . It is unlikely that the player is to win because his rival is rather competitive. 7. 厂主迫使工人们每个周末加班。force . to work overtime The owner of the factory forced his workers to work overtime every weekend. 8. 新来的勤杂工举止不够礼貌,苏珊对他伸出一只手指以示警告。hold up The new office boy is not polite enough, so Susan held up one warning finger at him. 9. 酒商指了指那瓶酒,声称它是一个多世纪前酿制的。point at The wine-merchant pointed at the bottle of wine and claimed that it was made over a century ago. 10. 那位高级职员嗜烟,但他从不在公共场合抽烟。 in public That senior official is a heavy smoker, but he never smokes in public. U8 1. 职业顾问给几个大学生就毕业后的择业问题提出了一些建议。give advice onThe career advisor gave several college students some advice on choosing their careers after graduation.2. 他们与一家日本汽车公司谈成一笔5,500 万


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