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Unit1 EX11 F 2 T3 T4 F5 T6 F7 T8 T9 T10FEX21. Input hardware, storage hardware, processing hardware, output hardware2. power, speed, memory3. central processing unit4. internal, primary, memory5. keyboard, central processing unit, main memory, monitorEX3 PARTA 1 F2 D3 G4 C5 B6 A7 E 8 H EX3 PART B1 F2 E3 G4 B5 A6 C7D8 HEX41 input device2 screen3 manipulates4 instructions5 retrieve6 codes7 hardcopy8 functionEX51 T2 T3 F4 F5 T6 F7 T8 T UNIT2EX11 T 2 F3 T4 F5 T6 F7 T 8 FEX21 sizes, shapes, processing capabilities2 supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers3 mainframe computer4 microcomputer, storage locations5 portables, laptop computers, desktop workstations6 semiconductor7 CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users8 microprocessor chipEX3 PARTA1 C 2 A3 H4 I5 E6 F7 G8 JEX3 PARTB1 capacity2 device3 laptop computer4 Portable computers5 Silicon6 semiconductor7 workstation8 Voltage, voltage9 RAM10ROMEX4 1 portable2 access3 main memory4 sophisticated programs5 processing capabilities6 instructions7 computation8 computer professionalEX5 1 T2 T3 F4 F5 F6 T7 F8 T9 T10T11F12T13 T14 T UNIT3EX11 T2 F3 T4 T5 T6 T7 F8 F9 T10 F11T12F13F14TEX21 microprocessor2 bus3 register4 control unit5 processor6 binary7 arithmetic, logic8 milliseconds, microseconds9 instruction10execution11megahertz12wordsizeEX3 PARTA1 F2 A3 J4 C5 D6 E7 H8 I9 B10GEX3 PARTB1 Storage2 chip3 buses4 ALU5 register6 control unit7 machine language8 binary system9 bits10computer programEX41 configuration 2 decodes3 data bus4 characters5 converts6 synchronize7 circuitry8 internal clockEX51 T2 F3 F4 T5 F6 F7 T8 T9 F10 F UNIT4EX11 F2 T3 T4 F5 F6 T7 F8 T9 T10 F11T12T13F14F15T16F17T18F19T20F21T22FEX21. memory2. RAM3. diskettes, disks4. chips5. parity6. expanded, extended7. monochrome8. cache9. ROM10. updatedEX3 PART A1 B2 E3 C4 J5 I6 H7A8 F9 G10DEX3 PART B1. secondary storage2. buffer3. access4. code5. diskette6. slot7. terminals 8. motherboard9. byte10. screenEX41. desktop2. software3. animation4. transferred5. sophisticated6. compatible7. cache8. upgradeEX51 T2 F3 F4 T5 T6 T7 T8 F9 T10 F11T12F13F14T15T16F17F18F19F20T21T22TUnit 5Ex1:1 T 2 T3 F 4 T5 F6 F7 F8 T9 T10 T11F12T13F14F15T16T17F18T19F20F21T22T23TEX21. mail, courier2. hub, star3. local area network4. packets5. Ethernet6. kilobits per second, megabits per second, gigabits per second7. circuit switching8. reassembled9. internet protocol, transmission control protocol10. datagrams11. frames12. binary, decimalEX3 part A1 C2 E3 B4 F5 A6 D7 H8 GEX3 part B1. hub2. zipped3. decimal4. frame5. binary number6. internet7. packet8. bandwidthEX41. forwarded2. reassembled3. are encapsulated 4. cable5. bursty6. submit7. are retransmitted8. protocolEX51. IP address2. notation3. dotted-decimal4. computer network5. background6. shared7. geographic8. privacyExercise to the Passage for ReadingEX61. 有意为维修技师使用所留2. 被弃的、丢失的或损坏了的数据都进了数据桶。3. 比大多数人怀疑的那样有更少的相同之处。4. 只能由真正有特殊才能的人所打造的核心技术。5. 程序和文件6. (1)和拓展程序所能 (5)敏感信息的干涉者7. 隐藏的特性和控制开发复杂性8. (2)意在用权宜而不清晰的方式解决某一特别难以解决情形的聪明的编程窍门。9. 不能很好地和人沟通10. 对程式,数据结构或整个程序11. 互相指责别人和不适当的团组有关12. (1)打免费长途电话 (2)但并不限于通讯网络13. 眼部疲劳14. (1)他们认为微不足道或令人讨厌的问题。15. 没人能发现这些漏洞,或者,即便发现了,也不会探究利用。16. 受雇攻入某地以检测其安全性17. 用了很多GO To语句,例外语句或其它非结构化的分支构造18. 其后,没有定时作适当的压制(炸弹爆炸)的工作,19. 善意20. 在发布前很久21. 这种技术可能不能运转,如果真是这样,人们再不会知道是为什么22. 在Suns系统中,是 L1A, 在苹果机中,是!23. 它完全不起作用, 系统想做些什么,但被卡住了,不能取得进展24. (1)指与计算机软硬件相对的人的神经系统,(2)此计算机系统的软硬件25. 在紧急关头,能很快找到程序缺陷并予以修复26. 指头脑封闭的人Unit 6Unit6EX11 F2 T3 F4 T5 T6 F7 F8 T9 T10 F11F12F13TEX21 compatible2 hardcopy3 terminal, monitor4 inked ribbon5 line printer6 Thermal7 Monochrome8 liquid crystal display EX3Part A1 G 2 B3 I4 F5 D6 H7 C 8 E9 J10 APART B1 printers 2 hardcopy3 CRT4 hardware5 pixel6 output7 software8 Line printers9 plotters10graphicsEX41 attached2 compatible3 flexible4 mechanism5 perform6 rotate7 transferring8 videoExercise to the Passage for ReadingEX51 T2 F3 T4 F5 T6 F7 F8 T9 F 10T11F12T13F14T15F16F17F18T19T20F21T22F23T24F25TUnit 7EX11 T2 F3T4T5F6F7T8T9F10F11F12T13F14T15T16F17T18T19F20FEX21 printers, plotters 2 graphics3 pins4 pages per minute5 dots per (square) inch6 line per minute7 non-impact8 carbonEX3 PART A1 D2 F3 B4 A5 G6 E7 C8 HEX3 PART B1 print wheel2 microcomputers3 ink-jet printer4 network5 noise6 output device7 desktop publishing8 dot-matrix printersEX4 1 installations 2 categorized 3 image 4 ribbon5 monochrome 6 physical7 referred to 8 dot EX5 Exercise to the Passage for Reading1 F2 T3 T4 T5 F6 T7 F8 T9 T10 F11T12T13F14F15T16F17T18F19T20T21T22F23T24TUnit 8EX11 T2 F3 T4 T5 F6 T7 F8 T9 F10 T11F12T13T14 F15T16T17F18T19T20F21F22T23T24FEX21 Local Area Networks,wide area networks2 client-server3 bus4 protocol5 hardware6 microwaves7 adapters, router8 stack9 upper, lower10layeredEX3PARTA1 D2 E3 F4 H5 A6 G7 B8 CPARTB1server2 adapter3 topology4 microwave5 Local6 inception7 Wide8 WirelessEX41 Layout2 accommodate3 conforms4 address5 interoperate6 session7 is designated8 configuringEX51 signal of2 cell3 transmits4 microwave5 network6 data7 continuously8 devicesEX6 1 T2 F3 F4 T5 T6 T7 F8 F9 T10 T11F12T13F14F15T16T17T18T19T20F21F22T23F24T25F26T27F28F29T30T31T32TUnit 11 EX11 T2 T3 F4 F5 T6 F7 T8 T9 T10T11F12F13F14T15T16T17T18T19F20FEX21. html2. elements3. ASCII files4. tags5. webmaster6. Heads, tables, paragraphs, lists7. Html tags8. slash9. case sensitive10 required11 view, source12 template13 space, linefeed, carriage return14 htmlEX3 PARTA1 C2 D3 H4 F5 E6 B7 A8 GEX3 PARTB1 bookmark, bookmark2 browsers 3 primers4 HTML5 link6 servers, servers, servers, servers7 webmaster8 search engineEX41. 产生HTML文档2 产生web文档3 文档类型定义4 平台独立风格5 web 服务器6 本地浏览模式7 HTML版本8 HTML文档9 纯文本文件10文本编辑器11文字处理软件12只有换行符的文档13HTML编辑器14HTML标签基础15文字处理器16将某人的文件放在网上17社区网络18提供免费的Internet连接19本地Internet服务提供商20付费将文件置于服务器上21使用HTML标签标注文件的元素22左尖括号23标签名24右尖括号25标签指令26图像的源HTML码27大小写区分28主体架构文档30模板文件31看源文件32一个有HTML码的源文件32HTML编码信息33文件(名)的后缀34全球环境35大和/或粗的字体36回车37字符换行38换行符EX51 T2 T3 F4 T5 T6 F7 T8 T9 F10T11T12F13T14T15F16T17T18F19F20TUnit 12EX11 F2 F3 T4T 5 T6 T7 T8 F9 F10 T11F12T13F14F15T16F17F18F19T20TEX21. analog2. relational3. distributed 4. object-oriented5. privileges6. structured query language7. column, row8. infancyEX3 PARTA1 C2 E3 F4 G5 A6 H7 B8 DEX3 PARTB1. query2. database3. interface4. infancy5. profile6. tabular7. Interactive8. metadataEX4 1. legacy2. interconnected3. integrity4. intermittent5. converts6. dispersed 7. reassembling 8. accessEX51 C2 G3 F4 H5 A6 E7 B8 DEX61 T2 T3 F4 T5 T6 F7 F8 T9 T10TUnit 13EX11 F2 F3 T4 T5 F6 T7 T 8 F9 T10 T11F12T13F14T15F16F17T18T19F20F21TEX21 functions2 structures3 object4 message5 object instances6 arguments7 client-server8 codes, bugs9 specific, general10c+EX3 PARTA1 C2 E3 F4 B5 J6 H7 I 8 D9 A10GEX


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