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大家学习网基础复习阶段Comprehensive Exercises(综合练习)l Unit OneA语言基础知识练习1) 重点句型与结构操练:Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the underlined parts.1. Vitamins are different in that their elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin performs one or more specific functions in the body. 词汇: In that-因为;由于 perform function-起作用 译文(略) 注意:1) for all that- (=although),尽管;虽然例:They are good people; for all that their ways are not the same as ours. 2) now that -(=since) 既然; 例:Now that you have come, you may as well stay here for a couple of days. 注: may as well-不妨,最好=had better 2 If you intend to have friends to dinner, you plan the menu, make a shopping list and decide which food to cook first, and such planning is an essential for any type of to be served. 结构分析:带逻辑主语的动词不定式做状语.-for something to be done3. Vincent Van Gogh killed himself when he was only 37, / but he left behind him more than 2000 paintings and drawings, / which established his reputation in a way / he would never have considered possible / had he been alive. 结构分析省略了which或者that,做way的定语从句.省略了if,条件状语从句.译文 在凡高37岁的时候,凡高就自杀了. 但是,他给后世留下了超过2000件油画和素描作品,这些作品确立了他的名望. 如果,他现在还活着的话,这个事实是他难以想象的.4The suspended trade talk between the two superpowers is reported in the local newspapers to have been resumed in Washington two days ago. 词汇suspend- v. 吊,悬挂;推迟,暂停 superpower-超级大国 resume- v.再继续,重新开始/占用,再用;恢复 n. 简历结构分析: 动词不定式的完成时态做主语补足语,前面用被动形式.动词不定式的完成形式做主语补足语,来表示过去已经完成的行为.例: He is said to have come here yeaterday.5. Good news sometimes was released prematurely, with the British recapture of the port announced half a day before the defenders actually surrendered.词汇release -公布,发布,释放 prematurely -pre(前) + mature(成熟的) + ly (副词后缀) -早熟的;过早的 recapture -re (重新) + capture(攻占,夺得)- 夺回,收复port-港口 surrender- v. 投降, 交出, 放弃 结构分析: “with名词分词”构成独立主格,翻译的时候当作并列句子单独翻译. 译文: 好消息时常被过早发布,英国人攻占港口的消息,在港口守军真正投降前半天就被宣布了.例:With the guide leading the way, the tourists started off into the dark night. 导游领路,游客们开始向深夜出发. Start off- v.出发, 开始 6On account of the uncertainty of the market at your end, we have suffered some loss by the business with you in the past few years. 词汇On account of- 由于 译文:由于贵方市场的不稳定性,最近这几年,我方和你们做生意,蒙受了一些损失. 7All matter as it is normally encountered either consists of elements or combinations of elements called compounds.结构分析:as引导的特殊的状语从句, 翻译的时候当定语从句来翻译.译文:在正常情况下所遇到的物质,要么是由元素组成的,或者是由被称之为化合物的元素组合构成.词汇:encounter - n./v. 遇到,遭遇eitheror - 不是-就是-, .或.consist - v.(in)在于,存在于;(of)由组成,由构成combination - n. 结合,联合,合并;化合(物)compound - n. 混合物,化合物 a. 混合的,化合的,复合的 难8Odd though it sounds, / cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade大于五年,小于十年 / that it is true. 译文:虽然,宇宙膨胀论听起来似乎有点奇特, 但是,它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上看来似乎是可信的推论. 许多天体物理学家在最近的七八年来坚信宇宙膨胀论是十分正确的.结构分析 该题测试-让步状语从句连接词放置句中,句子表语(odd)提前. It代指后面的cosmic inflation(膨胀 / 通货膨胀) ; odd是表语提前,sounds是系词, 词汇: inflation- n.胀大,夸张,通货膨胀 plausible- a.似乎合理的,似乎可信的 consequence- n.结果, 后果, 影响; 重要性respect- v/n.尊敬,尊重 n.敬意,问候odd- a.奇数的,单的;奇怪的;不成对的;临时的,不固定的;带零头的,余的particle- n. 粒子,微粒;小品词,虚词convince- v.(of)使信服,使确信elementary- a.初等的;基本的9In natural science, more than in any other human institution, it is necessary to search out the past in order to understand the present. 词汇: more than-大于,多于,更加institution- n.公共机构,协会,学校;制度,惯例 human institution-人文科学search out-弄清楚译文:在自然科学中,比起任何人文科学来说,自然科学更加需要去弄清楚过去,以便为了认识现在.总结词组:.nothing more than 只不过是:例: The individual TV viewer invariably senses / that he or she is nothing more than an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.词汇Invariably = alwaysanonymous-a.匿名的insignificant-a.无关紧要的,无意义的diverse-a.不同的,变化多的译文:个别的电视观众总是感觉到: 他 / 她只不过是在巨大的,形形色色的观众群体中的一个默默无闻的的,在统计数字上来说微不足道的一员. .nothing but 仅仅 只不过:The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind.-1995年英译汉译文:科学研究的方法只不过是人类思维活动的必要的表达方式.Investigation- n. 调查,调查研究 . anything but 完全不=Not at allThe solution is anything but satisfactory.译文:这个解决办法完全不能令人满意.satisfactory- a.令人满意的10Very few will doubt that it is science that has at once quickened the demand for general education in modern times and made the education itself effective.译文:很少有人怀疑正是科学即使人们迫切需要去接受现代的普及教育,又使得教育本身能产生预想的结果.quicken- v.加快, 鼓舞, 刺激, 生长, 加速 at onceand. 即又. 2)重点词汇与成语操练:Choose the best one to complete the following sentences.11Its usually the case that people seldom behave in a way when in a furious state. A. optional B. rational C. sophisticated D. credible 词汇:optional- a.可以任选的, 非强制的 optional subjects-选修科目 required subjects-必修科目compulsory subjects-必修科目seldom- ad.很少,不常furious- a.狂怒的,狂暴的,猛烈的rational- a.理性的,合理的 sophisticated- a.尖端的,复杂的,先进的;老练的,老于世故的credible- a.可信的,可靠的 incredible-a,难以置信的 give somebody credit for something-因为而肯定某人的功劳 place credit in something-相信某事译文:当人们处于愤怒状态下的时候,这时的人们所做出的行为往往很少是理智的.12How large a proportion of the sales of stores in or near resort areas can be to tourist spending?A. attributed B. contributed C. subjected D. submitted在旅游胜地及其附近商店的销售有多大部分的销售额应归因与旅游者的花费. 词汇:attribute A to B-把归因于contribute to-有助于;促进Cars contribute to air pollution. proportion- n.比例;部分,份儿;均衡,相称 subject A to B-使得受到 subject the air to pollution-使空气受到污染 submit submit A to B-使得A顺从于B 递交 submit to屈服于He submits himself to his parent.(他对他父母百依百顺)resort areas-旅游胜地 13All experts agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully the risks against the benefits. A. weighing B. valuing C. evaluation D. distinguishing 所有专家都同意对饮食方面的药物最主要的考虑是仔细的权衡它的害处还是好处.weigh A against B-权衡A 还是B 14At first the designers differed in their opinions, but on second thoughts all of them agreed to the plans to the new specifications. A. confirm B. confront C. confine D. conform 起初设计人员意见有分歧, 但是经过再三的考虑, 他们所有的人都同意把计划符合新的规划.confine A to B-把限制在范围 conform A to B-使得符合.differ in-在不同on second thoughts-经反复考虑15I a letter to an Internet service that distributes journalists questions to more than 750 institutions. A. assigned B. detached C. attached D. dispatched assign sb to do sth-分配某人干某事 assign sb sth-给某人布置任务 detach A from B-把A与B拆开/分离 attach A to B-把A系到B上面去attach importance to-重视 We should attach importance to reading comprehension. -可用于作文 我们必须重视阅读理解.be attached to-依恋于 He is attached to his parents. 他热爱他的父母亲。dispatch A to B-把发送/派遣到.去译文:我把这份信送到因特网,因特网将记者的问题分发给750个机构.16A patient / who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat / is in terrible pain, which can no longer be satisfactorily . A. diminished B. relaxed C. alleviated D. abolished diminish-减少,缩小,递减 Nature resources are diminishing. relax-放松alleviate-减轻,缓解 Alleviate the Asian financial crisis.译文:对于一个将要死于无法治愈的喉癌的病人,最为可怕的是疼痛,这种疼痛是无法得以令人满意的缓解.17Statistics show that many women have their lives to teaching careers, yet relatively few have become principals or headmasters. A. obliged B. committed C. engaged D. resolved obliged sb to do sth-迫使某人做某事 be obliged to sb for sth-因某事而非常感谢某人 commit A to B-把A付诸于B;使A从事于B engage- vt.聘用engage a teacher(注意词汇的多义性) be resolved to do sth-下定决心做某事 *A.语言基础知识练习:1)重点句型与结构操练:Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the underlined parts. 9:241. Young scientists cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete, certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply. cannottoo-再怎么做也不过分; 越越好You can not be too modest. -你越谦虚越好. not nearly-远远不 There is not nearly enough time to do sth.译文年轻的科学家应该尽快认识到现有的科学知识远远不向许多教科书那样阐述的那样全面,那样肯定,那样一成不变. 2. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink. no more than-只是 not any more than-与一样都不没有理由,他们来限制你应该摄入多少维生素,同样,他们也没有理由来限制你应该喝多少水.又如:The heart is no more intelligent than stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.心脏和胃都没有智力的,因为他们都是由大脑来控制的.3. The government deems it essential that people be psychologically able to resist the impact brought about by the transition from planned economy to market-oriented economy.deems=thinksit是形式宾语,that引导的是直接宾语.政府认为:必须让人们在心理上去抵制从计划经济向市场经济转变所带来的冲击.4. The data received from the two spacecraft whirling around Mars indicate that there is much evidence that huge thunderstorms are occurring about the equator of the planet.从两艘围绕火星旋转飞行的太空船上接受到的数据表明有大量的证据证明行星的赤道附近正在遭受雷暴的袭击. 5. It is reported that one out of every twenty-five people on the island is born deaf and that the island as a whole has a deaf-ness rate at least 17 times greater than that of the U.S.据报道,这个岛屿中每25人就有一个先天性耳聋,而且在整个岛屿上耳聋率至少是美国的17倍.6. The main reason for the rise of the peoples living standard isnt so much an increase in family incomes as a drop in prices.not so muchas 与其说不如说人民生活水平的上升的主要原因与其说是家庭收入的增加导致的,还不如说是物价下降导致的.7. In this way / these insects show an efficient use of their sound-producing ability, organizing two sounds (delivered at a high rate) as one call.用这种方法,这些昆虫有效地利用了它们发声能力,把两种高速传递的声音组合成为一种叫声.主语+谓语+其他成分, +分词短语.organize as-发展成.有机结构.8.If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard , with the result that incomes from taxation might actually shrink.如果商人被收税太多,那么,他们将无法促使商人努力工作,因此,税收收入实际上将会缩减.with the result that-因此.9. Conversation becomes weaker in a society / that spends so much time listening and being talked / so that it has all but lost the will and the skill to speak for itself. 当一个社会花费很多时间让人们去倾听别人的说教,因而人们几乎失去了独立讲话的意愿和技能.于是在这样的社会里,谈话就变得越来越少了.He is all but dead. -他几乎死了.He is all but drowned. -他几乎淹死了.10.Most of the scientific researchers are accustomed to their quiet working environment and cant stand being interfered with while doing their experiments.大多数科学研究人员几乎习惯了安静的工作环境,他们不能忍受在进行他们试验时候被人干扰.2)重点词汇与成语操练:Choose the best one to complete the following sentences.11.We finally abandoned our efforts to save the old house when it became clear that the owner really wanted to _. A. pull it off B. pull it down C. knock it over D. put it downpull off- 脱(帽,衣等)pull on- 穿,戴pull down-拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低knock over-打翻,推翻 knock government over-推翻政府put down-记下,放下;镇压,平定 译文: 当我们弄清楚房主真的要拆除该楼时,我们最终放弃了我们的努力来挽救这栋旧楼.12.On still nights we often heard the voices of the people across the field, sometimes speaking in French, but they soon _ into the distance. A. faded away B. smoothed over C. dragged down D. got throughfade away-退色,衰退(经济)smooth over-消除,平息,掩饰drag down-拖垮get through-通过(考试) 在寂静的夜晚,我们常常听到人们穿过田野的声音,有时候可以听见用法语交谈的声音.但是这些声音很快消失在远处.13.The idea of balanced diet is very difficult to _ to anyone who knows nothing about food values. A. put through B. get across C. take in D. make output through-接通电话, Can you put me through to this number?get across-解释清楚,使人了解 get sth across to sb-把某事向某人讲清楚. take in-吸收,理解,欺骗 I was taken in by a fools note. 我被张假币骗了make out-理解,辨别,填写,说明,拼凑 平衡饮食的理论很难向那些对食品价值一无所知的人讲清楚.14. He doesnt feel like playing tennis because hes _. A. out of condition B. out of order C. out of the question D. out of dateout of condition-健康状况不好(不适用,保存得不好)out of order-次序颠倒, 不整齐, 状态不好(坏了)out of the question-不成问题;不可能的(根本谈不上).feel like-想要 feel like doing sth-想要做某事. out of date-过期的,落后的 译文:略15. Instead of presenting a balanced view of the issue, the peace maker became increasingly _, insisting on the correctness of his position. A. ambitious B. arbitrary C. ambiguous D. abruptinsist on-坚持; 坚决主张; 坚决认为Instead of-代替, 而不是.peace-见词汇软件position-见词汇软件不是用平衡的(一分为二)观点阐述这个问题, 这个和平的缔造者变得越来越武断地坚持他的正确立场.16. The river sustains many forms of wildlife; _, it gives the neighborhood children a good place to swim in. A. as a result B. in addition C. in consequence D. on the wholeas a result-结果,因此in addition-此外in consequence-因此on the whole-总的来说,一般来讲17.It must be understood that this concession is made without _ to any future deci


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