小学生百科知识大全(2015-2016中英文对照版)Each of the following couplets (对联)describes(描述) a famous writer in the ancient times(古代). Fill in the names. 屈原 杜甫 诸葛亮 李清照 文天祥 范仲淹 欧阳修 蒲松龄 司马迁(1)He is good at writing about human beings and ghosts;So it is true with his criticizing cruelty and corruptions. (写人写鬼高人一等,刺贪刺虐入木三分。)(2)A great poet, he suffers a lot from his misfortune;he is also good at writing about the life of the poor. (世上疮痍诗中圣哲,民间疾苦笔底波澜)(3)、Two memorials to the King are in return for three visits;The Longzhong Plan contributes to a legend in history. (两表酬三顾,一对足千秋。)(4)、Heroes from generation to generation are fading away in history;Out of millions of millions of men of letters stands a female poet. (大河百代众浪齐奔淘尽万古英雄汗,词苑千载群芳竞秀盛开一枝女儿花。)(5)、Starting off on a long journey, you are still homesick;Meandering the mountains, you can rest under the pavilions. (翁去八百载,醉乡犹在;山行六七里,亭影不孤。)(6)Humble cottage lives on for generations;Great poems go down in history forever. (草堂留后世,诗圣著千秋。)(7)、Facing the lakes and the mountains, You are worried about the folks life. (四面湖山归眼底,万家忧乐到心头。)(8)、Your integrity is unprecedented; your loyalty is unparalleled. (犹留正气参天地,永剩丹心照古今。)(9)Upright and outspoken, your integrity lives on for generations;Worried and determined, you accomplish the masterpiece Shih Chi (刚直不阿,留得正气冲霄汉;忧愁发愤,著成信史照尘寰。)(10)Upright and well-behaved, patriotic and loyal;Poetically talented, you achieved great poems. (志洁行廉,爱国忠君真气节;辞微旨远,经天纬地大诗篇。) multiple choice.1、 “A proud son-in-law” (东床快婿”)refers to(指) A、司马相如 B、王羲之 C、刘邦 D、诸葛亮 2 The story of “Rise from the ashes” (“东山再起”) is about A、曹操 B、刘备 C、谢安 D、孔子3、 “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” (“冬天到了,春天还会远吗)is said by A、Schiller席勒 B Shelley 雪莱 C、Goethe歌德 D、徐志摩 E、舒婷4、It was drizzling and showering on spring memorial day; men and women are sadly moving along the way, (“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”),Tome-sweeping Day(清明节) is also named in different ways, which of the following is NOT Tome-sweeping Day? A、spirit festival 鬼节 B、death festival死节 C、the nether world festival冥节 D、cleverness festival 聪明节 E、Cold Food Festival寒食节 5、“cut off all means of retreat(破釜沉舟)”this idiom is from A、Battle of Red Cliff赤壁之战 B、Battle of Chnagping长平之战 C、Battle of Julu 巨鹿之战 D、battle of Guandu官渡之战 E、Battle of Feishui River淝水之战 6、Six classical arts(古代六艺)in ancient times are: morals, music, archery, driving, writing and math(礼、乐、射、御、书、数). Driving(御) means A、chess-playing下棋 B、flower-growing种花 C、martial art武术 D、driving a cart驾车 E、dancing舞蹈7、 “Ambitious but born in poor family” (心比天高,身为下贱)in A dream in the red mansions红楼梦is about A、晴雯 B、袭人 C、黛玉8 From the Chinese idiom(成语) “the young girl stands over the short wall and the young man is riding on a horse” (墙头马上), we can know that poetic drama(杂剧) “on the horse and over the wall墙头马上” by Baipu in Yuan Dynasty(元朝白朴) is about A、swordsman武侠 B、love story言情 C、war战争 D、moral伦理 E、history历史 9、The poetic couplet(对联) “the sound of wind, rain and reading comes into ears; family, state and the world set worry in mind” (风声雨声读书声声声入耳,家事国事天下事事事关心)is written in A、Donglin Academy东林书院 B、Yuelu Academy岳麓书院 C、Shigu Academy石鼓书院 D、Bailu Academy白鹿书院 E、Yingtian Academy应天书院10、A beauty that would make wild geese alight and fish dive down for shame, obscure the moon and make flowers blush(沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花)is about A、man B、woman C、landscape山水 D、flowers and plants花草 11. Riddle of Sphinx(斯芬克斯之谜)is very famous, it goes like this: What walks on four feet in the morning, on two feet at noon and on three feet in the evening? A、A monster 一种鬼怪 B、an animal in the ancient times 一种远古动物 C、human being人类 D、tree12、The body of Sphinx(斯芬克斯)is A. a horse B. a lion C. a tiger D. a snake13、What did Jean Valjean, (冉阿让) the hero(主人公) in The Wretched悲惨世界, steal (偷)so he was sentenced(被判) into 19-year labor(苦役)? A、a bottle of wine B、a cup of milk C、a piece of bread D、A piece of cookie About the Olympics1. The birthplace(发源地) of the Olympics is 2. The founder(创始人) of the modern Olympics is 3. The motto(格言) of the Olympic Games is 4. Where and when was the first Olympic Games held? 5.What is pattern(图案) of the Olympic Flag like? What is the meaning of it? Do you know the bank cards(银行卡)? Put the following cards into different banks. A. Peony Card牡丹卡 G. the Great Wall Card长城卡 B. Dragon Card龙卡 H. Golden Spike Card金穗卡 C. The Pacific Card太平洋卡 I. BOC Card中银卡 D. Sunflower Card向日葵卡 J. Corporation Card兴业卡 E. China Card 华夏卡 K. Peoples Livelihood Card民生卡 F. Sunshine Card阳光卡 L. Green Card绿卡ICBC工商银行( ) Postal Savings邮政储蓄 ( )ABC 农业银行( ) CEB光大银行 ( )BC交通银行( ) IB兴业银行( ) Huaxia Bank华夏银行( ) CBC建设银行( )CMSB民生银行( ) CMBC招商银行( ) BOC中国银行( ) Do you know the railway tickets? (Answer in English or Chinese)Z stands for(代表) T stands for K stands for D stands for G stands for Y stands for Intelligence games1. Which of the following is the right answer? 2. A spaceship(太空船) gets three strange messages(奇特的讯息) from another planet(星球), the astronauts (宇航员)find out “Ellros Aldarion Elendil” means “danger rocket explosion” (危险火箭爆炸); “Edian minyatur Ellros” means “ spaceship on fire danger” (太空船失火危险); “Aldarion Gimizor Gondor” means “ broken gas explosion” (“坏了煤气爆炸). Question: what is the meaning of Eledil ?(A)danger危险 (B)explosion爆炸 (C)OK (D)rocket火箭 (E)gas煤气3 Which of the following is different from the others? (A)saw锯子 (B)knife (C)lock锁 (D)shovel铲 (E)bell4 Belt皮带to belt buckle带扣 is like shoe to (A)sock袜子 (B)feet脚 ( C)shoestring鞋带 (D)sole鞋底5 Which of the following is different from the others? 6 There are five kinds of coins(硬币) in a country: one-cent coin(1分), five-cent coin(5分), 10-cent coin(
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