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甘肃省武威市第六中学2013-2014学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案)新人教版一 .单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1do you think its a good idea to make friends with your students?1. _, i do. i think its a great idea.areallybobviously cactuallydgenerally2the money should be made good use _ the people in sichuan province who suffered a lot in the earthquake.aof helping bto help cto helping dof to help3 _ catch the early bus ,i got up pretty early yesterday morning.ain order to bin order cin order that dso as to4many students make great progress _ their hard work.abecause of binstead of cin case of din spite of5oh, its you! i _ you.ive just had my hair cut, and im wearing new glasses.adidnt recognize bdidnt know chavent recognized dhavent known6he wont change his mind _ you go and try to persuade him yourself.asince buntil cas if deven if7. we discussed where to go for a whole morning, but we decided to stay at home_.a. at the end b. by the end c. in the end d. on end 8. _ of the students who took part in the military training is 450.a. a number b. a lot c. lots d. the number9. when we visited zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly _ it.a. remember b. think about c. believe d. recognize10. the office ordered his soldiers _.a. to stand still b. to not stand still c. not stand still d. stand still11. they lived a hard life and were often made _ for over ten hours a day.a. work b. to work c. to working d. worked12. do you have any difficulty _ ?a. on listening b. to listening c. for listening d. in listening13. how did all these _?a. came out b. come up c. come across d. come about14. its seven thirty. i_ go to school.a. have got b. have got to c. got to d. had got to15. this is the first time that i_ at the meeting.a. had spoken b. have spoken c. am d. was16. his whole school education _ only 2 years because of his illness.a. added up b. added up in c. added up to d. was added up17. are you _ your classmates well?a. getting along b. get long with c. getting long with d. getting along with18. i dont know_.a. how can i finish my homework on time b. how i could finish my homework on timec. i can how finish my homework on the time d.how i can finish my homework on time二完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) water costs moneyin some places water is hard_21_ what _22_ when a town has these problems?a small town in california found a happy _23_ very_24_ rain ever fell therethe town had no water_25_the water it used was_26_from a river 300 miles awayas more people_27_live in the town, _28_ water was needednow water_29_to be brought in from 600 miles awayall these cost_30_moneythe town_31_ a planit found_32_to clean its “dirty” wateronce the cleaned water was reused_33_ many waysfive_34_lakes were builthere people could swim and fish and go_35_they_36_have picnics in their new parksfarmers had more water_37_their cropsnew factories can be built,now that they have the promise of_38_in most places,water is used and thrown_39_ saving_40_water has saved the town!21asupplying bgettingcto get dto supply22ahappensbhappeningc is happened dhappened23akey banswerc answeringdway24alittleba littlecfew da few25aof itself bof its owncfor its own d for itself26afetch btakecbrought in dguided27acome to bcame toccoming to dcame for28amany bplenty ofcmore dmany more29ahas bhadcmust dneeded 30amany ba few ca great many da lot of31aput bmadecsupply dnoticed32aa waybwayscan answer da key 33afor bbycat din 34aman-making bman-makecman-made dman made35aboating bto boatcto boating don boating 36amust bcouldcneeded dhad to37aas bwithcfor dto 38awater enough benough waterc. crops enough denough crops39aoff bofcaway dout of40aits bitscones dhis三阅读理解(共两节,20小题,每小题2分,共40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。aeditor: today our topic is part-time job. are they good for school children or not? headmaster: certainly not. children have got two full-time jobs already: growing up and going to school. part-time jobs make them so tired that they fall asleep in class. mrs. white: i agree. i know school hours are short, but theres homework as well, and children need a lot of sleep. mr. white: young children, perhaps some boys, stay at school until theyre eighteen or nineteen. a part-time job cant harm them. in fact, its good for them. they earn their pocket money instead of asking their parents for it. and they see something of the world outside school. businessman: youre quite right. boys learn a lot from a part-time job. and we mustnt forget that some families need the extra money. if the pupils didnt take part-time jobs, they couldnt stay at school. editor: well, we have got two for, and two against. what do our readers think? 41. who have the same opinion? a. headmaster and mrs. white. b. editor and mr. white. c. mr. and mrs. white. d. businessman and headmaster. 42. mrs. white thinks the young children maybe _. a. need to stay at school until they are eighteen or nineteen b. need to have some pocket money c. should see something of the world outside school d. need to have a lot of sleep 43. what does the editor think of part-time jobs? a. they can help students from poor families. b. they are good for school children. c. they cannot harm school children. d. we are not told. bthe chinese invented paper in 105 a. d. they mixed the bark of a tree and rags (破布) with water, put a screen into the mixture, and lifted out a thin piece of wet paper. they dried the paper in the sun. the chinese kept their secret of how to make paper until a war with muslims in the ninth century. the art of papermaking soon spread throughout the muslim world. the mayan indians in central america and pacific islanders also discovered how to make paper, but their knowledge never spread to the rest of the world. for centuries, all paper was made by hand. rags were the main material. then a french scientist discovered that people could make paper from wood, too. finally, in the eighteenth century, a frenchman invented a machine to make paper from wood.44. who discovered how to make paper?a. the chinese. b. the pacific islanders. c. the mayan indians. d. all of the above.47. which of the following is the best title for this passage?a. the invention of paper. b. the history of papermaking.c. different ways of making paper. d. the invention of a papermaking machine.cuntil late in the 20th century, most americans spent time with people of generations. now mid-aged americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old themselves. thats because we group people by age. we put our three-year-olds together in day-care center, our 13-year-olds in school and sports activities, and our 80-year-olds in senior-citizen homes. why?we live away from the old for many reasons: young people sometimes avoid the old to get rid of fears for aging and dying. it is much harder to watch someone we love disappear before our eyes. sometimes its so hard that we stay away from the people who need us most.fortunately, some of us have found our way to the old. and we have discovered that they often save the young.a reporter moved her family onto a block filled with old people. at first her children were disappointed. but the reporter baked banana bread for the neighbors and had her children deliver it and visit them. soon the children had many new friends, with whom they shared food, stories and projects. “my children have never been less lonely,” the reporter said.the young, in turn, save the old. once i was in a rest home when a visitor showed up with a baby. she was immediately surrounded. people who hadnt gotten out of bed in a week suddenly were ringing for a wheelchair. even those who had seemed asleep wake up to watch the child. babies have an astonishing power to comfort and cure.grandparents are a special case. they give grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity. as my husband put it, “my grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end.” grandchildren speak of attention they dont get from worried parents. “my parents were always telling me to hurry up, and my grandparents told me to slow down,” one friend said. a teacher told me she can tell which pupils have relationships with grandparents: they are quieter, calmer, more trusting.48. now in an american family, people can find that _.a. children never live with their parents b. not all working people live with their parentsc. aged people are supported by their grandchildren d. grandchildren are supported by their grandparents49. the reason why old people are left alone may be that _.a. the old dont like to live in a big family b. the young cant get enough money to support the oldc. different generations have different lifestyles d. the old are too weak to live with the young50. the fact that the reporter told us shows that _.a. old people in america lead a hard life b. old people in america enjoy banana breadc. she had no time to take care of her children d. old people are easy to get along with51. seeing a baby, the old people get excited because _.a. they had never seen a baby before b. the baby was clever and beautifulc. the baby brought them the image of life d. the babys mother would take care of themdwhen thinking about quitting(停止) smokinglist all the reasons why you want to quit. every night before going to bed, repeat one of the reasons 10 times. decide positively that you want to quit. try to avoid negative thoughts about how difficult it might be. develop strong personal reasons as well as your health and responsibility to others. for example, think of all the time you waste taking cigarette breaks, rushing out to buy a pack, hunting a light, etc. set a date for quitting - perhaps a special day like your birthday, a holiday. if you smoke heavily at work, quit during your vacation. make the date holy seriously, and dont let anything change it. begin to condition yourself physically; start a proper(适当的) exercise; drink more water; get plenty of rest. immediately after quitting. the first few days after you quit, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking is prohibited ed, e.g. libraries, museums, theatres, department stores, etc. drink large quantities of water and fruit juice. try to avoid wine, coffee, and other drinks which remind you of cigarette smoking. strike up a conversation with someone instead of a match for a cigarette. if you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else - a pencil, a pen, a ruler. if you miss having something in your mouth, try a fake (仿制的) cigarette.52. according to the passage, which of the following statements is true?a. whenever you feel like a cigarette, try to forget it by sleeping.b. try to start a conversation before asking for a light.c. if you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your mouth, play with a pen.d. every night before going to bed, repeat all the reasons 10 times.第二节从题后所给的选项中选择适当的句子填空。ali is from a middle eastern country. he now stays in the usa. he smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. he has smoked for nine years. ali says, “ i tried to quit (放弃) smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible. my parents smoke. my brothers smoke. all my friends smoke. at parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke. here in the united states, not as many people smoke. _56_ ” many smokers are like ali: they want to stop smoking. _57_ they know it can cause cancer and heart disease. but it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them. the drug is nicotine(尼古丁). people who smoke a lot need nicotine._58_ the nicotine makes him sick. in a few days, the smokers body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine. later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine. without nicotine, he feels bad. _59_ many people who quit will soon smoke again. at a party or at work they will decide to smoke “just one” cigarette. then they will smoke another cigarette, and another. soon they become smokers again. _60_ a. it is very hard to quit smoking. b. it will be easier to change the smoking habit here. c. thus nicotine makes smokers addicted(上瘾) to cigarettes. d. the smokers know that smoking is bad for their health. e. when a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible. f. maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking: never start. g. but it is said that medicine is needed to stop them from smoking. 四词汇 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据汉语提示写出所缺单词。61a lot of students _(出席的) at the meeting took part in the discussion.62the tall tree was struck by _ (闪电)and broke.63the robber was caught when he was filling his car with _ (汽油)at the filling station.64go up in an _(电梯) to the fifth floor.65he looked calm, but _(事实上) he was very nervous66in the word “happy” the _(重音) is on the first syllable.67he has a poor _(词汇), so he cant express himself correctly.68the man showed his own _(身份)69anyone who wants to learn english well must remember the _(用法) of english.70though he is not a _(本国的) english speaker, he can speak english very fluently.五短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。my father speaks very well english, but he knows little japanese. 71. _ he went to tokyo in november 11th for a meeting. the meeting 72. _over a week later. the next morning he went to a park 73. _ and then do some shopping. at noon, he was very 74. _ much hungry. he went to the nearest restaurant and 75. _ sat down at a table. a man came up to him and asked that 76. _ he needed. he said he liked noodles, chicken and 77. _ some fishes. he spoke to the man in english 78. _ and the man couldnt understand him. my father had 79. _ to write some chinese words for the food and got them. 80. _ 六书面表达(20分)请以fr


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