(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十三)Module 3 Music 外研版选修6.doc_第1页
(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十三)Module 3 Music 外研版选修6.doc_第2页
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(全国通用)高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十三)Module 3 Music 外研版选修6.doc_第4页




(全国通用)2014届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(三十三)module 3music 外研版选修6(限时:35分钟).单项填空1. 2012上海卷 _ passion, people wont have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking.a. for b. without cbeneath dby2in the long_, children of depressed mothers are more likely to suffer from childhood depression. aperiod bterm cstage dtime3it is important to _ the latest research. akeep in touch with blose touch withcbe out of touch with dget in touch with4increased production will, _, lead to increased profits. ain nature bin frontcin turn din fact5. do you know why mrs burns is in low spirits?i heard that she is _ a divorce at the moment. agetting through blooking throughcgoing through dbreaking through6. more highways have been built in china,_it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. a. making b. made c. to make d. having made7. i could hardly recognize your son. _ i met him, he was only a little child. afrom the moment bfor the first timecthe first time dat the moment8“tommy, run! be quick! the house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with_clearly in her voice. aanger b. rudeness c. regret d. panic9. as teachers, we should be_of our students feelings. and then they will trust us. aanxious bafraidcdelighted dconsiderate10keeping what belongs to another person _ to stealing.aapplies baccounts cattaches damounts11i hear theyve promoted tom, but he didnt mention _ when we talked on the phone. ato promote bhaving been promotedchaving promoted dto be promoted12. can you remember _ some unpleasant things about her?yes, but i didnt mean _ her. asaying; to hurt bto say; hurtingcto say; to hurt dsaying; hurting13after inspecting the building,specialists discovered some faults that otherwise_. ahad been overlookedbwould have been overlookedcwere overlookeddwould be overlooked14do_ yourself _ from the television and come out for a walk. akeep; away bbreak; awaycget; away dtear; away15david will win the first prize. are you sure?_. he is always working hard. aits my guess bits up to you cthat depends dits hard to say.完形填空2012福建卷i often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict. im left _16_why do these people create mistrust and problems, especially with those from other _17_?i was growing up in kuala lumpur in the early 1960s,_18_ children from different races and religions played and studied _19_ in harmony. at that time my family lived a stones _20_ from ismails. and no one was bothered that ismail was a malay muslim and i was an indian hinduwe just _21_ our differences. perhaps, our elders had not filled our heads with unnecessary advice, well _22_ or otherwise.we were nine when we became friends. during the school holidays, wed _23_ the countryside on our bicycles, hoping to _24_ the unexpected. at times ismail would accompany my family as we made a rare shopping trip to town. we would be glad of his _25_when i was twelve, my family moved to johor. ismails family later returned to their village, and i _26_ touch with him.one spring afternoon in 1983, i stopped a taxi in kuala lumpur. i _27_ my destination. the driver acknowledged my _28_ but did not move off. instead, he looked _29_ at me.“raddar?”he said, using my childhood nickname(绰号)i was astonished at being so _30_ addressed(称呼). unexpectedly! it was ismail! even after two _31_ we still recognized each other. grasping his shoulder, i felt a true affection, something _32_ to describe.if we can allow our children to be _33_ without prejudice, theyll build friendships with people, regardless of race or religion, who will be _34_ their side through thick and thin. on such friendships are societies built and _35_ we can truly be, as william shakespeare once wrote,“we happy few, we band of brothers”16a.interested bpleasedcpuzzled dexcited17a.parties bcitiescvillages draces18a.why bwhichchow dwhen19a.together baroundcalone dapart20a.drop bthrowcmove droll21a.refused bmadecsought daccepted22a.paid bmeantcpreserved dtreated23a.explore bsearchcdiscover ddesert24a.get through bdeal withccome across dtake away25a.arrival bchoiceceffort dcompany26a.lost bgainedcdeveloped dmissed27a.stated borderedcdecided dchose28a.attempts binstructionscopinions darrangements29a.anxiously bcarelesslycdisappointedly dfixedly30a.familiarly bstrangelycfully dcoldly31a.departures bmonthscyears ddecades32a.possible bfunnychard dclear33a.them bthemselvescus dourselves34a.from bbycwith dagainst35a.still botherwisecthen dinstead.阅读理解“hey, jenna, do you think well still be friends when were eightytwo?” i asked my friend.it was clear that she was wondering where i had come up with such a question.losing jenna would be like losing a very close sister.we hung out together.we gave each other advice.“of course, well still be friends when were eightytwo.” jenna announced loudly.the next year, in the fourth grade, we met jamie.the three of us soon became close friends.we played together almost every day.i thought even time couldnt pull us apart, but i was sadly mistaken.the three of us started fighting a lot.before christmas, we had a really big fight, and jamie and jenna were against me, both saying i_was_bossyi felt helpless and lonely.i thought christmas would be horrible!i was surprised when jenna came to my house and gave me an awesome christmas card she had made for me.i was so sure that she was still disappointed with me.“wow, ” i said, breaking the silence as we stood on either side of my front door.“thanks.”“okaywelli have to go, ” she said softly.“okay.see you later then” and i closed the door.“who was that at the door?” my mum asked.the card started off with “merry christmas”, but then it said, “i am so glad were friends.i am sorry about what i said when we were fighting.a fight wont stop us from being friends.besides, we said we were going to be friends even when were eightytwo.”i stopped reading and started laughing.i couldnt believe i had forgotten what she said that day in her backyard.i couldnt believe i had been so selfish in trying to get even and making my friends feel sorry for me that i had forgotten about real friendship.36how would the author and jenna get along with each other after christmas?athey would be close friends again.bthey would not speak to each other.cthey would lose touch with each other.dthey would go on fighting with each other.37th


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