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Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案Period OneStep 1. Warming-upPut a picture which was taken in Beijing on the blackboard. Ask Ss to discuss about it. Tell Ss your experience to travel to Beijing by plane.Organize Ss to do some activities.1. Match the words in the box with the pictures.(1) There are different means of transport. Some take shorter time while some are safer and more pleased. There are some pictures of different means of transport. Ask Ss to choose the one that will satisfy your special needs and match the words in the box with the pictures. (2) Check the answers with the whole class.2. All these vehicles above, some travel on roads, some on water, some on rails and also some in the air. Ask Ss to classify them. And judge what verbs on the screen go with the vehicles.3. Describe the first time you travelled a long distance with where, when, who, how old, howStep 2. Reading and vocabulary1. Lead-in: Show some pictures about Australia on the screen. Ask Ss to say something about Australia.2. Ask and answer some questions to learn more about Australia. 3. Word study: Look at the words in Activity 2 on P 22.Step 3. Reading1. Listen to the tape and say what the passage is mainly about. 2. Read the text quickly to find out the main idea of each part. Then draw the tourist route of the trip on the map.3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 4. Fill in the blanks to make up a short passage.5. Retell with some helpful pictures. Step 4. Homework1. Read the text aloud and find out some difficult language points.2. Talk about a trip you made to a tourist spot.3. Write your description of an unforgettable trip. Period Two Teaching aims:1. Target languagea. Important words:abandoned, recently, midnightb. Grammar:The ed form and past tense time expression.2. Ability goalsEnable the Ss to learn the ed form used as adjective and past tense time. 3. Learning ability Help the Ss learn how to use the ed form as adjective and past tense tine expressions.Important points:Explain the ed form used in the passage.Difficult point:Explaining and practicing.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionGet the Ss to retell the passage about My Fitst Day on a Train. Then get Ss to show the sentences that contain the ed form in the passage.Step 2. ed form1. Read the sentences from the passage and answer the questions on page 24.2. Explanation: 过去分词用作形容词(1) 及物动词的过去分词表被动。e.g. respected leader, excited children, steamed bread, closed windows, broken glass(2) 不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示动作的完成。e.g. fallen leaves, risen sun, changed world, retired teacher(3) 使用动词的过去分词表示被修饰的人或物所处的状态,相当于一个形容词。e.g. a puzzled look, disappointed children (4) 一般来说,单个的过去分词作定语时,放在被修饰的词之前,分词短语则放在被修饰的词之后。e. g. polluted air, a letter written in pencil, a meal cooked by my brotherStep 3. Language points1. Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country. They tried riding horses, but the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.A. a way to do sth.做某事的方法、途径e.g. Is this the way you thought of to solve the problem? Our English teacher has an interesting way to make her class lively and attractive.B. try doing sth. 尝试做某事(看某种方法是否行得通) e.g.Try doing more exercises, youll soon lose weight. Try knocking at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door.2. Ghan is short for short for 为的缩写e.g. CIA is short for Central Intelligence Agency.CCTV is short for Chinese Central Television.3. In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事e.g. My boss doesnt allow me ot use the telephone.Period Three Step 1. Function: Being politeRetell the test My First Ride on a Train in your own words.1. Act and discuss (group work, winners rewarded)Students act out the dialogue. Discuss the questions in on page 25.(1) What do you think of the ticket inspectors attitude?(2) What expressions could you use to change it?2. Say as many polite expressions as possible.3. Make new dialogues according to picture 1 or 2. Try to use the polite expressions in and (Pictures provided) Excuse meCould I (see your ticket)?Could I possible (see your ticket)?Would you mind (showing me your ticket)?Would you mind (if I saw your ticket)?Im very sorry but (this is an old ticket).The fact is that (its out of date). What time does the train arrive at?Where do I change to get to ?Is it possible to open the window?Is there a dining car on this train?Step 2. Reading & Speaking1. Read about peoples childhood memories.Which are happy and which are unhappy? (Individuals) 2. Jigsaw reading and interviewingAsk some Ss to read and others to bring out questions.Step 3. Vocabulary1. Read the places and activities on page 25.2. Tell me your first time to(when to do, what to do, who to go with, how to go, happy or unhappy)3. Let three students act as famous persons. One acts as TV host, talking bout their childhood memories.Step 4. HomeworkWrite about your childhood memories. (100 120 words)Period Four Important points:a. Understand the listening materials and answer the questions.b. The use of everyday English.Difficult points:1. Retell the story of Mary Lennon according the questions after answering them.2. How to use everyday English correctly.Teaching methods:teacher-class, individuals, pair-work, team-workTeaching procedures:Step1. Greetings and Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Show a picture of Mary Lennon and get the Ss to guess the answers to the questions.Q1: When did she first go to America?Q2:How old was she?Q3: How did she get there?Q4: What did she do in New York?Step 2. Listening1. Listen to the tape and say True of False to the statements.( F ) (1) In 1935, Mary Lennon first went to America. ( F ) (2) She went to New York by plane at the age of 18.( T ) (3) She met a lot of people and went to some parties in New York.( F ) (4) She got from New York to California by plane.( T) (5) She stopped in Chicago for a few days on the way.( F ) (6) The weather in Los Angeles was very cold.2. Match the questions with the answers in Activity 2 on P27.3. Retell the story of Marry Lennon according to the questions after answering them.Step 3. Pronunciation1. Listen to the conversation on P38 and underline the stressed words.2. First check the answers in pairs, then check them from the class.3. Read the dialogue in pairs, paying special attention to the stressed words. Then ask a pair to read it.Step 4. Everyday English1. Present some sentences said by the interviewer and Mary in the listening on the screen and answer the questions.2. Read these expressions in Activity 1 and complete each sentence with one of the expressions in Activity 1.3. Make a similar dialogue in pairs by using the expressions in Activity 1. Then ask some pairs to act out the dialogue.Step 5. HomeworkReview the extensive reading on P26, and “Cultural Corner” on P29. Period Five Teaching aims:1. To introduce the features of descriptive genre.2. To be able to write a descriptive composition of 120 words.Important and difficult points:1. Write accurate and fluent sentences.2. Use correct verb tenses.3. Write a coherent descriptive composition.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming-up1. Complete the table by putting the means of transport in the correct column. bicycle bus camel ferry helicopter horse motorbike ship plane taxi train tram2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. fly, get off, get on, ride, sail, take off(1) When all of the passengers had boarded, the ocean liner left the port and _ to Hong Kong(2) The plane _ from Tokyo Airport and six hours later, it landed in Bangkok.(3) How long did it take you to learn how to _ a plane?(4) They _ the taxi and _ the plane.(5) I dont know how to _ a car.Step 2. Reading and speakingRead the description in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.(workbook: P.84 activity 16)1. Where did you go?2. When did you go?3. How did you travel there?4. Who did you go with?5. What did you do there?6. What did you s


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