



OVERVIEW OF PETS-5 READINGSection III Reading Comprehension consists of 3 parts to test candidates ability to understand written English. There are 5 passages with a total of about 3,000 words and 30 questions. It takes 50 minutes. This part accounts for/makes up 35% of the whole. 该部分由Part A, Part B 和 Part C 三节组成, 考查考生理解书面英语的能力。 共5篇文章, 30个问题, 所需时间为50分钟。占PETS-5中的35%。Part A to test the ability to understand the main idea (general idea, theme, gist) and detailed information of the passage multiple choice 3 texts each with 400-500 words 15 questions (115=15 points) 考察考生对文章主旨要义/和细节信息的理解能力, 要求考生根据所提供的3篇文章的内容 (各长400-500词), 从每题 (一篇文章有5题) 给的4个选择项中选出最佳选择。Part B to test the ability to understand theme, structure, and features of the passage or paragraphs such as unity, development, and coherence matching 5 blanks with 6 choices (25=10 points) 考察考生对文章主题和结构的宏观理解;以及一致性、发展性和连贯性等语段特征的微观理解。 本部分内容为一篇长750-850词的文章, 其中有5段空白, 文章后有6段文字, 要求考生根据文章内容从6段文字中选择能分别放进文章中5个空白处的5段。考点此题型突出了阅读与写作之间的关系。因为在英语文章的写作过程中有其表达上的语言规律和篇章结构上的层次安排。一篇好的作文要做到主题思想突出、段落层次清晰、语言自然流畅、衔接手法多样、文字连贯。此类阅读题型对了解外国人的思维模式、规范写作有积极的意义。考生必须把注意力从较低的语言基础知识即词汇、语法和句子的层次提高到段落和篇章这些较高层次 的语言学习上来。解题思路抓住文章主题,了解写作结构, 用浏览式阅读法阅读全文,包括首尾段、各段的主题句、以及独立成段的句子和文章中带转折词的句子, 目的是掌握文章的主旨, 了解文章发展的脉络、层次以及句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间的逻辑关系 (如找出段落间相联系的关键词 key words)。通过上下文的线索 判断应该选择相关的主题论点类选项, 还是应该选择相关的具体的论据类选项 (如例子、引用、事实、数据等)。Part C to test the ability to find specific/particular information through skimming and scanning matching 1 text with 750-850 words 10 blanks (110=10 points) 考察考生使用略读或掠读的方法识别具体信息的能力。要求考生根据所提供的1篇文章 (750-850词) 的内容完成10道选择搭配题。Reading is an active, problem-solving process requiring the coordination of a number of skills. Proficient reading depends on the readers ability to select the proper skills or strategies to solve each reading problem. Efficient readers determine beforehand which strategies and skills they will use to achieve their goals. Most experts agree that an efficient reader will find information he or she needs, and ignore irrelevant information. This knowledge depends very much on the readers age, level of maturity, familiarity with his/her culture, and prior reading experience. Stages in Reading Preliminary 1. vocabulary 2. grammar 3. collocation 搭配 4. sentence structure Intermediate/Vantage 5. discourse 语篇theme, structure Advanced/Higher 6. pattern of thinking (as American as apple pie/have a sense of language) 7. culture (custom, belief, value)Function of ParagraphAs for as the function is concerned, there are 3 kinds of paragraphs: introductory paragraph, body paragraph and concluding paragraph. Each has its own special characteristics/features with three key elements. introductory paragraph body paragraph concluding paragraphFunctions of the IntroductionAn ideal introductory paragraph usually begins with the description or argumentation of the topic, and then narrows the thesis statement (from general to specific), and finally brings the main idea. The procedures are just like an echelon梯形(upside down). 比较理想的起始段/引言部分应该是:前几句对文章的主题作些描写和议论(围绕主题泛泛而谈), 然后逐渐缩小议论中心, 最后引出中心(中心思想句), 从笼统到具体, 呈倒梯形。1. Background information introduce the topic (phenomenon, trend, peoples ideas) narrow the topic (from what aspects the passage will write about)2. A thesis statement This clear, direct statement of the main idea of the paper usually appears near the end of the introductory paragraph, usually with the signposts like “but/yet/however”.3. A plan of development (overview of what will be talked about)Common Methods of Introduction1) Incident or story (事件/故事)2) Illustration (举例)3) Quotation (引语)4) Question (问题)5) Starting with an opposite (对立)6) Facts (事实)7) Statistics (数据)8) Combination of several approaches (综合)Developing Paragraph/Body (正文/主体)1. Unity (一致性) topic sentence 切题, 与开篇提出的论点相关2. Development (发展性) supporting sentences no more than 5 aspects 论据是否充分Common Methods of Development exemplification 例证 facts 事实 citation 引证 comparison and contrast 比较与对比 analysis 分析 classification 分类3. Coherence (连贯性) : 主要指段落中的句子与句子之间在逻辑上和结构上的相互连贯 条理清楚,层次分明,衔接自然 。general principle by classification总原则: from the most important to the least important or vice versa 由重到轻, 反之亦然 (由轻到重: hierarchical structure/build-up expansion) by transitions/signposts 过渡词/路标词 from material to spiritual aspects 从物质到精神 from physical to psychological aspects 从身体到心理 from individual to social aspects 从个体到社会 from oneself to others 从自身到他人 from direct to indirect aspects 从直接到间接 from physical environment to economic, social and cultural structure从地理环境到社会、经济和文化结构Concluding ParagraphA concluding paragraph is your chance to remind the reader of your thesis idea and bring the paper to a natural and graceful end. 结尾段是文章的总结部分, 主要是给整篇文章有一个顺理的归纳和自然的结尾。根据不同的结构和内容, 结尾段可以提出建议, 展望未来。而最常见的是综观整个语篇进行总结归纳, 重述主题思想, 起到对起始段中心思想的呼应作用。从具体到笼统, 呈正梯形。Any one of the methods below, or a combination of methods, may be used to round off (使完美) your paper. 1. Summary and final thought 重申主题 restatement of thesis or 总结概括 summation2. A thought-provoking questions or short series of questions a direct appeal to your reader to think further about what you have written3. Recommendations or Prediction


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