浙江省天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit 5 Word study 课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第1页
浙江省天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit 5 Word study 课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第2页
浙江省天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit 5 Word study 课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第3页
浙江省天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit 5 Word study 课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第4页
浙江省天台县平桥第二中学高中英语 Unit 5 Word study 课件 新人教版必修2.ppt_第5页
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revisionofunit5music wordstudy 1 v 假装 假扮2 v 系上 缚上3 v 使组成 形成 构成4 v 赚 挣得5 v 表演 履行 执行6 v 依赖 依靠7 v 广播 播放8 v 再统一 再联合 pretend attach attachgreatimportanceto form earn perform rely reunite broadcast broadcast broadcast performance n 9 n 投入 热爱10 n 邀请 招待11 n 工作室12 adj 幽默的 诙谐的13 adj 熟悉的 常见的14 adj 痛苦的 疼痛的 devotion familiar studio invitation humorous painful asenseofhumorn devoteto invite befamiliarwith to 9 n 音乐家10 n 过路人11 adj 吸引人的12 adj 自信的 确信的13 adj 敏感的 易受伤害的14 adj 简短的 简要的 musician sensitive attractive passer by confident brief self confidence passers by music attract 1 competition speakoutandspellthewordsaccordingtothewordsandphrases thefirstlettershavebeengiven somethingusedtomakemusic excitedsupporterofsomebody publicmessagetotellaboutsomethingorservice 1 i 2 m 3 f 4 a nstrument usician an dvertisement someonewhosejobistoplayorwritemusic 1 asbabies wer entirelyonothersforfood 2 i mverysorry toanswerthisquestionisbeyondmya 3 asfarasiknow missgaoenjoyslisteningtof musicverymuch 4 hisd tohiswifeandfamilyistouching 5 youarefartoos aboutherwords 2 fillintheblankswithcorrectwords rely ability folk devotion sensitive 6 ifyou 坚持 tothetruth youwillhavenothingtofear 7 i mtoldthatsheisan 吸引力的 girl 8 ifyouwanttosellyoursofa whynotputan 广告 inthelocalnewspaper 9 thegroupofpopularsingerswillgiveanothertwop 演出 beforeleavingchina 10 policeaskedsomep 过路人 togetsomeevidenceabouttheaccidenthappenedjustnow phrases sentences 1 with 宾语 宾补常见形式如下 with 名词 代词 doingwith 名词 代词 todo 表示要执行的动作 with 名词 代词 done 表示动作的完成及被动 witheveryoneclappingandenjoyingyoursinging with n pron v ing伴随状语 那老人坐在椅子上 狗躺在他旁边 theoldmansitsonthechair withhisdoglyingbesidehim with n pron ed adj adv prep todowithtearsinhereyes shelefttheroom 1 theoldmusicianfellasleep thewindow 开着窗子 2 itwasapitythatthegreatwriterdied hiswork 工作未完成 3 production 生产提高了60 thecompanyhashadanotherexcellentyear with unfinished with open with increasedby60 原因状语 4 thefinalexamstoworryabout ihavetoworkreallyhardthismonth besidesb withc asfor 原因状语 说实话 我认为我们没有获胜的机会 tobehonest idon tthinkwehaveachanceofwinning policeman youmustbehonest criminal sir believeme i mquite youandi mquite whatidoandsay honestwith honestin behonestwithsb 对 老实说tellexactlywhatonethinksbehonestinsth 坦白 3 passers by合成词 a b 构成复数时一般在前面加复数 lookers on旁观者sons in law女婿 但是由man或woman构成的合成词 复数 前后的词都要加复数 men doctorswomen servants 4 however thebandbrokeupinabout1970 butreunitedinthemid 1980s thepartybrokeupwhenthepolicearrived 解散 散去 thelittleboybrokeuptheradiotoseewhatwaswrongwithit 拆散 打碎 whenwillschoolbreakup 学校 放假 breakdownthecarbrokedownhalfway hisplanbrokedownwhenitwasputintopractice 实践 机器 发动机等 出故障 计划 谈判 失败 破裂 breakout 战争 灾难 突然爆发breakin突然闯入 breakup警察驱散人群 家庭支离破碎 分解breakdown汽车抛锚 谈判失败 身体累垮 分解 breakbreakbreakbreakbreakbreakbreak 摆脱 脱离机器损坏 人累垮 中断 分解闯入 打断 闯入突然结束 中断 解除突然发生 爆发突破 突围 away down in off out through into newsreportssaypeacetalksbetweenthetwocountries withnoagreementreached havebrokendownb havebrokenoutc havebrokenind havebrokenup 5 pretend 1 pretendsth that 2 pretendtodo tobedoing tohavedone v 假装 装作 当老师回来时候 那个男孩假装正在看书 theboypretendedtobereadingbookswhenhisteachercameback powerfulsentences 1 therehavebeenmanypopularbandsintheworld themostfamouswasthebeatles p37 2 tobehonest alotofpeoplebecomingrichandfamous 3 theymayplaytopassers byinthestreetorsubwaytheycanearnsomeextramoney ofwhich attachgreatimportanceto sothat 4 themusiciansweretoplayjokesoneachotheraswellasplaymusic mostofwhichwasbasedlooselyonthebeatles 5 theyweresopopularthattheirfansformedclubsinordertogetmorefamiliarwiththem makesentences 1 therehavebeenmany intheworld ofwhichthemost is 2 tobehonest attachgreatimportanceto 3 sothat 4 aswellas 5 befamiliarwith to themonkeesismadeofabandoffour who eachotheraswellasplayedmusic theygavesogood thattheirfanssupportedthemfiercely ayear theybecamemoreseriousabouttheirwork themonkees andplayedtheirownmusic theband inabout1970 but inthemid 1980s musicians playedjokeson performances orso producedtheirownrecords brokeup reunited topic 世界上有许多种音乐 其中 最受欢迎的是流行音乐 说实话 学生通常不够重视音乐教学 他们有些人听歌是为了放松自己 有些同学还一边听老师上课 一边彼此开玩笑 奇怪的是 同学们对一些以爱情故事为基础的歌曲很熟悉 therehavebeenmanykindsofmusicintheworld ofwhichthemostpopularisthepopularmusic tobehonest studentsusuallydon tattachgreatimportancetotheteachingofmusic someofthem


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