山东省高青县第三中学七年级英语上册 Unit 3 What does he look like?Section A1课件2 鲁教版.ppt_第1页
山东省高青县第三中学七年级英语上册 Unit 3 What does he look like?Section A1课件2 鲁教版.ppt_第2页
山东省高青县第三中学七年级英语上册 Unit 3 What does he look like?Section A1课件2 鲁教版.ppt_第3页
山东省高青县第三中学七年级英语上册 Unit 3 What does he look like?Section A1课件2 鲁教版.ppt_第4页
山东省高青县第三中学七年级英语上册 Unit 3 What does he look like?Section A1课件2 鲁教版.ppt_第5页
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unit3whatdoeshelooklike sectionaperiodone wordspreview hairtallheightthinheavybuildalways n 头发 毛发adj 高的n 高度adj 瘦的adj 重的n 体格 体形adv 总是 始终 whatdoesshelooklike whatdoesshelooklike shehas shorthair lookandsay what she shehas does looklike curlyhair she hasstraighthair whatdoesshelooklike whatdotheylooklike heistall sheismediumheight heisshort whatdotheylooklike sheisheavy sheismediumbuild sheisthin whatdotheylooklike 1 shorthair 2 curlyhair 3 longhair 4 straighthair 5 tall 6 short 7 mediumheight 8 thin 9 heavy 10 amediumbuild c f a a d h e b g e matchthewordswiththepeopleinthepicture 1a tall curly hair listenandfillintheblanksinthepicture 1b listen fillandcircle 1 is hastall is hasheavy is hascurlyhair is hasmediumheight david sally he he 5 is hasthin 6 is haslonghair 7 is hasshort 8 is hasmediumbuild 9 is hasshorthair she she he pete he mediumheight short longhair mediumbuild shorthair listenagain fillinthechart 2b thin davidis he s andhehas sallyis she s andshehas peteis he s andhehas tall mediumheight curlyhair thin short heavy longhair mediumbuild shorthair fillintheblanks describelily snewfriend whatdoesshelooklike longhair bigeyes short reddress whiteshoes always describelily snewfriend a doyouknowihaveanewfriendinclassfive b whatdoesshelooklike a shehas and b isshetall a no she s b ithinkiknowher shealwayswearsared and shoes a yes that sher hernameisnancy longhair bigeyes short dress white whatdoyoulooklike i mshort i mthin whatdotheylooklike they remediumheight whatdoeshelooklike heismediumbuild whatdoesshelooklike sheistall shehascurlyhair revision shehasshorthair ihavestraighthair shehasbigeyes iamtall sheismediumheight 探究 is am have has用法 描述人的长相用动词be还是have has whatdoesyourfriendlooklike he sheis he shehas sheismediumbuild andshehaslonghair whatdoesyourfriendlooklike pairwork describeyourfriendinpairs languagepoints 1 whatdoeshelooklike 他看上去什么样子 looklike表示 看起来像 在这里注意一下和belike的区别 looklike指的是 外观上像 的意思 belike则是指 品德 相貌 等 例如 whatishelike 他是个什么样的人 2 heistallandheismediumbuild tall与highhigh和tall都有 高 的意思 1 tall指身材的高度 一般用于人和动物 它的反义词是short 如 lipingistallerthanweifang 李平比魏芳个子高 2 high一般表示物体的高度 它的反义词是low 如 canyouseethehighwall 你能看见那堵高墙吗 thebigtreeisabouttenmetreshigh 那棵大树约有十米高 3 tall与high都可用来指tree building tower 塔 等的高度 但指mountain时 只能用high 3 mayanisthinandmediumheight thin为形容词 可表示 瘦的 其反义词是fat 胖的 也可以表示 薄的 其反义词为thick 厚的 如 shelooksverythinandweak 她看上去很瘦 而且虚弱 thereisathinbookonthedesk 课桌上有一本很薄的书 二 翻译句子 1 你的朋友长的什


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