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unit5myfuturelesson38deardiary let ssingasong brainstormsomewordsthatdescribeoccupations 教师 司机 医生 护士 职员 厨师 运动员 工人 农民 面包师傅 清洁工 图书管理员 出纳员 收银员 警察 商人 总裁 售货员 航天员 teacher driver doctor nurse clerk cook player worker farmer baker cleaner librarian cashier policeman businessman ceo seller astronaut brainstormsomeotherwordsthatdescribeoccupations 律师 教授 园丁 程序设计员 外交官 记者 带头人 领导 翻译 男演员 女演员 兽医 明星 工程师 士兵 男服务员 女服务员 宾馆工作人员 校长 侦探 导游 professor gardener programmer diplomat journalist leader translator actor actress vet star engineer soldier lawyer waiter waitress hotelworker principal detective guide brainstormsomeotherwordsthatdescribeoccupations 政治家 语言学家 数学家 历史学家 物理学家 生物学家 地理学家 化学家 艺术家 画家 科学家 舞蹈家 作家 思想家 歌唱家 企业家 心理学家 文学家 scientist mathematician physicist chemist biologist geographer statesman linguist artist painter dancer writer thinker singer historian entrepreneur psychologist literaryman languagenotes 1 becauseiwanttohelppeoplewhoaresick 2 imightbealawyer 3 mightwouldcould maybeiwillbealawyer why用来提问原因 回答是常用becausebecause和so不能同时用 但可以转换hecouldn tcometoschoolbecausehewasill hewasill sohecouldn tcometoschool ihavetowalkbecausemybikeisbroken mybikeisbroken soihavetowalk 4 buildv buildingn languagenotes 2 ormaybeiwillbe 1 attheverytop 3 ithink idon tthink sheistheverygirli mlookingfor thenewbookinhislefthandistheveryoneiwanttoborrow ithinkhewillhaveagoodfuture i thinkhe haveagoodfuture don t will 4 makesb dosth 不定式作宾补hemakesmegothere makesb adj 形容词作宾补hemakesmehappy adiscussion whatdoyouwanttobeinthefuture why iwanttobe because imightbe because ormaybeiwillbe because 2 what syourbiggestgoal mybiggestgoalistobehappy 3 whatmakesyouhappy myfamily playingbasketball atask saysomethingaboutyourself whatdoyouwanttobeinthefuture why what syourbiggestgoal 3 whatmakesyouhappy doyouhaveanambition whatisit thinkaboutit 2 whatiswangmei sgoal makeaguess readquicklyandanswerthequestion whatiswangmei sgoal tobeadoctor readp1carefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions whatdidwangmei smothergivehertoday 2 howiswangmei 3 whyisthediaryspecial 4 whatdoeswangmeiopenthelockwith 5 whocanopenthediary diary diaries becauseithasalock alittlekey key keys onlywangmei adiary readp2carefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions whatdidms liutellwangmeitowritethisweek whatdidsheaskabout howmightwangmeibe readps3 5carefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions whatislimingsure whatiswangmeigoodat whatwillwangmeineedtodotobeadoctor 3 whatdideverypupildointheclassyesterday 4 whatmaywangmeidowhensheisolder learnalot apagefortheirbookofpreditions languagenotes 2 nobodycanopenthebookbutme 1 openthelock but介词 prep 常用在否定词no none nothing nobody等之后 仅 只 有 key 钥匙 答案 thekey thedoorthekey thequestion 3 tellsb todosth tellsb aboutsth to 4 asksb todosth asksb aboutsth to let saskhimabouttheschool ihavenofriendsbuther languagenotes 1 limingissurethatiwillhaveagoodfuture i msurethathewillcome areyousureofyouranswers wearesuretowin besure that引导的宾语从句 确信 besureof sb sth 对某人或某事有把握 besuretodosth 一定 必然 2 tobeadoctor iwillneedtolearnalotinschool 不定式做目的状语 iwillworkhardtoimprove toimproveiwillworkhard 3 ihopeso 汉译英 我确信你能在明天完成这项工作 2 为了学好英语 他买了很书 3 他只吃汉堡 4 他的妈妈常常告诉他刻苦学习 5 我可以问你关于你家庭方面的一个问题吗 tolearnenglishwell hehasboughtmanybooks i msurethatyoucanfinishtheworktomorrow heeatsnothingbuthamburgers hismotheroftentellshimtostudyhard mayiaskyouaquestionaboutyourfamily 选择最佳答案 shewantstolearnnothing english a withb butc aboutd in2 sheoftenasksus ourambitions a tob forc aboutd in3 tobeadoctor iwillneedtolearn inschool alotofb alotc manyd lotsof4 englishisthekey thedoor theworld for tob to toc to ford for for5 itwillbefinetomorrow a thankyoub that sallrightc ihopesod iknowthat b c b b c b 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 let sreadsomethingabouttheir predict 2 therearetoomanytall build inbeihainow 3 he choose alotofbooks nowhehaslotsofbookstoread 4 ourteachertoldus write aboutourfuture 5 ourteachermakesus work hardeveryday 6 lastnightshe keep learningchinesetoolate 7 their wife arenursesordoctors 8 pleasepassmethe key tothelocks 9 sheworkedhard improve herenglish predictions buildings haschosen towrite work kept
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