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中考一轮复习 S(一)开头词汇(一)(讲义)以字母 S 开头的单词名词square /skwe/n. 广场;平方;正方形Tiananmen Square 天安门广场The Sahara is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size.street /strit/n. 街,街道on/in the street 在街上street people (城市)无家可归者streetlight/streetlamp 路灯supermarket /supmkt/n. 超市superhero /suphr/n. 超级英雄复数:superheroesstore /st/n. 商店v. 储藏,存储You can store coffee beans in the freezer.shop /p/n. 商店;制造厂;修配店v. 购物go shopping 或 do some / the shopping 购 物shopping center / mall 购物中心stairs /sterz/n. 楼梯She always runs up / down the stairs. 她总是跑着上下楼。upstairs / downstairsn. sing. 楼上/楼下(尤指地面的一层)the downstairsadj. 楼上的/楼下的an upstairs roomadv. 在楼上,往楼上;在楼下,往楼下live downstairsrush downstairsstep /step/n. 脚步;台阶step by step 逐步地v. 走;跨步;踩;踏She stepped backwards and fell over a chair. 她向后退,撞到并摔倒在椅子上。shelf /elf/n. (pl. shelves) 架子;搁板steel /stil/n. 钢铁;钢 Usort /st/v. 把分类,拣选n. 种类;类别all sorts of= all kinds of 各种各样的sort of 有几分, 有点 (= kind of)I feel sort of sick. 我觉的有点儿恶心。soap /sp/n. 肥皂soap operas 肥皂剧stamp /stmp/n. 邮票;印章collect stamps 集邮scissors /szz/n. (pl.) 剪刀scissoradj. 剪刀的;剪刀似的a scissor blade 剪刀的刀刃The legs move in a scissor action. 两腿像剪刀似的运动。scoop /skup/n. 勺;铲子shirt /t/n. 衬衫keep your shirt on 别生气,请保持冷静Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke.skirt /skt/n. 女裙shoe /u/n. 鞋shorts /ts/n. 短裤sock /sks/n. 短袜sweater /swet/n. 毛衣;厚运动衫silk /slk/n. (蚕)丝;丝绸;丝织物 Ustyle /stal/n. 方式,作风;样式,款式a style of leadership 领导作风shape /ep/n. 形状;外形v. 使成型;制造;塑造out of shape 走样的;不健康的shapeinto 使成为形状Shape the dough into small balls. 把面团搓成小丸子。size /saz/n. 大小,尺寸;尺码,型,号I take size 10 shoes. 我穿 10 号鞋。shoulder /ld/n. 肩膀shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;齐心协力地neck and neck 不相上下on ones shoulders (责任)由某人承担stomach /stmk/n. 胃;腹部;肚子pl. stomachsAndrew was lying on his stomach. 安德鲁俯卧着。stomachache /stmkek/n. 胃痛;腹痛 C, U have a stomachache 胃疼have a pain in your chest / leg / back 某个部位疼sofa /sf/n. (长)沙发soccer /sk/n. (英式)足球swing /sw/n. 秋千v. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摇荡I saw a monkey swinging on the swing.strength /stre/n. 力量U;长处,优势C He pushed against the rock with all his strength.sport /spt/n. 体育运动,锻炼;(sports) BrE 运动会运动会:a sports meetingtwo sports meetings服装店:a clothes storetwo clothes stores男教师:a man teachertwo men teachers 女医生:a woman doctorfive women doctors除个别名词外,其余名词作定语要用单数,如“苹果树 apple trees”。sporty 擅长(喜欢)运动的;漂亮的,花哨的,潇洒的Im not a very sporty person. 我不是一个擅长运动的人。a sporty jacket and skirt 一套花哨的外套和裙子speed /spid/n. 速度at speed 快速The bus was already travelling at speed. 那辆公共汽车已经在疾驰了。at a speed of 以速度a truck traveling at a speed of 50 mph 以每小时 50 英里的速度行驶的卡车v. (speeded, speeded; sped, sped) 快速前行He sped away on his bike. 他飞快地骑着车走了。speed up (使)加速The train soon speeded up. 火车很快加速了。subway /sbwe/n. 地铁(美) take the subway / by subway 乘地铁underground (often: the Underground) 地铁(英) I always travel by underground.station /ste()n/n. 站,所,车站;电台AmE:train / subway stations 火车站/地铁站BrE:railway / underground stations 火车站/地铁站ship /p/n. 船;轮船by ship = by sea 乘船sail /sel/n. 航行v. 航行;启航sail across the Pacific 横渡太平洋Theyre sailing for Antigua next week. 他们下星期要启航前往安提瓜岛。sea /si/n. 海;海洋by sea 乘船by the sea 在海滨,在海边a sea of 大量,一片a sea of flames 一片火海the sea of knowledge 知识的海洋sand /snd/n. 沙;沙子 Usands 沙滩stone /stn/n. 石料;石头Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。stream /strim/n. 小河;溪流a stream of sth./sb. 一连串的;源源不断的 a stream of traffic/visitors 川流不息的车辆/游客sheep /ip/n. (pl. sheep) 绵羊a black sheep 害群之马;败家子a cold fish 冷漠无情的人a white elephant 昂贵而无用之物shark /k/n. 鲨鱼spider /spad/n. 蜘蛛snake /snek/n. 蛇snack /snk/n. 点心;小吃;快餐salad /sld/n. 沙拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜) C, Ufruit salad 水果沙拉strawberry /strb()r/n. 草莓pl. strawberries sandwich /sn(d)wd /n. 三明治(夹心面包片)pl. sandwiches sausage /ssd/n. 香肠;腊肠spaghetti /spget/n. 意大利面条 UBy the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country had been sold out.sugar /g/n. 食糖U;一块方糖;一匙糖Csalt /slt /n. 食盐 Usaltyadj. 咸的soup /sup/n. 汤be in the soup 陷入困境spoon /spun/n. 匙;调羹supper /sp/n. 晚餐;晚饭have supperserve /sv/v. 服务;招待(顾客等) serve sb. 为某人服务Why dont you serve the guests?serve sb. sth./serve sth. to sb. 给某人提供They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates(代表).service /svs/n. 服务public services 公共服务(常用复数) provide service (商店、旅馆等的服务) Uservant /sv()nt/n. 仆人;佣人sir /s/n. 先生,阁下,长官(对男子的敬称,例如店员对顾客,士兵对长官等)student /stjud()nt/n. 学生soldier /sld/n. 士兵;战士saint /sent/n. 圣人;圣徒staff /stf/n. 管理人员;职工secret /sikrt/n. 秘密;内情adj. 秘密的;保密的keep a / the secret 保守秘密the secret of.的秘诀/诀窍secretary /sekrt()r/n. 秘书;文书;部长sister /sst/n. 姐姐;妹妹son /sn/n. 儿子stepmother /stepm/n. 继母 stepsister /stepsst/n. 继姐(妹) same /sem/pron. 同样的人(事)(the) same to you 你也一样 (用于对问候语的回答,或对粗鲁话语的回答) “Happy Christmas!”“And the same to you!”just / all the same 仍然“Will you stay for lunch?”“No, but thanks all the same.” look the same 看起来一样look different 看起来不同adj. 同样的,同一的be the same as 和一样be different from 与不同be similar to 与相似at the same time 同时;(相对情况)然而She was laughing and crying at the same time.You have to be firm (严格), but at the same time you should try and be sympathetic (同情的).sitcom /stkm/n. (=situation comedy) 情景喜剧scene /sin/n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景song /s/n. 歌唱;歌曲story /str/n. 故事,小说its a long story 说来话长(表示不想讲细节)silver /slv/n. 银 Uadj. 银色的screen /skrin/n. 幕;荧光屏silver screen 过时 (尤指好莱坞) 电影业stage /sted/n. 阶段;舞台 seat /sit/n. 座位;座take/have a seat 请 坐 (= Sit down)take ones seat 就座v. (使)就座Please be seated. 请就座。 (= Sit down)He seated himself behind the desk. 他在书桌后面坐下了。space /spes/n. 空间;太空 U(space station 太空站;宇宙空间站)作为不可数名词“空间”讲时 space=roomThe desk takes up too much space/room.place 是可数名词“地方;位置”University is a great place for making new friends.spaceship /spesp/n. 宇宙飞船state /stet/n. 状态,情形;国家;州 C in astate of 处于的状态These buildings are in a bad state of repair. 这些建筑物急需修葺。situation /stje()n/n. 形式;情况 C in asituation 在的情况下He found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.surface /sfs/n. 表面;表层on the surface 在表面上;从外表上与字母 S 相关的谚语He walks at a snails pace.She had a rather sheepish smile. He is a black sheep.So long as you work hard enough, an iron rod can be ground into a needle. Speech is silver, silence is gold.A snow year, a rich year.精讲精练一、单项选择()1. This kind of plant isseen in our city because it lives 4500m above sea level and is hard to find.A. commonlyB. alwaysC. seldomD. easily()2. My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on sides of the road.A. allB. bothC. neitherD. either()3.I live in a safe community, I still feel a little worried when I go out at night.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. UntilD. As soon as ()4. The TV program Voice of Youth is re


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