【冀教版】七下:Unit 2《It’s Show Time》ppt单元复习课件.ppt_第1页
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Unit2It sShowTime 单元专题复习 一般过去时 观察领悟 写出下列动词的过去式并体会变化规则 1 play clean work 2 live invite dance believe realize 3 study carry cry 答案 1 played cleaned worked2 lived invited danced believed realized3 studied carried cried 4 shop stop 5 lead leave send hit hold ring build bring 答案 4 shopped stopped5 led left sent hit held rang built brought 探究总结 一 概念及构成1 概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 也可以表示过去经常反复发生的动作 常和表示过去的时间状语连用 如ago lastyear yesterday等 例如 Lilyalwayswalkedtoschoollastyear 去年莉莉总是步行去上学 2 构成 主语 动词过去式 其他 例如 LiMing sfamilywenttoBeijinglastweek 李明一家上周去了北京 Thelittlegirlwasjusttenyearsoldlastyear 这个小女孩去年才十岁 二 动词过去式的构成1 规则动词过去式的构成规则 2 常见的不规则动词的过去式 am is was are were go went come came do did have had write wrote see saw eat ate buy bought fall fell hurt hurt build built say said take took break broke fly flew find found give gave sleep slept hear heard meet met bring brought 一般过去时的句式变化 实战演练 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 LiMing get backfromBeijingtwodaysago 2 They build thebuildingin2008 3 Didyou buy agiftforyourmotheronMother sDay I buy adressformymother 4 YesterdayI shop inWangfujing 答案 1 got2 built3 buy bought4 shopped 5 you go tothepark Yes Idid 6 Who invent thecomputer 7 Jack go shoppingand cook supperyesterday 8 she practice herguitaryesterday No she 答案 5 Did go6 invented7 went cooked8 Did practice didn t 9 John notvisit hisauntlastweekend 10 What Tom do lastnight He watch TVand read astorybook 答案 9 didn tvisit10 did do watched read 句型转换1 Theyhadfunlastweek 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 they funlastweek Yes they 2 Hegoestoschooleveryday 用yesterday改写句子 He toschoolyesterday 3 WewatchedTVathome 改为否定句 We TVathome 答案 1 Did have did2 went3 didn twatch 4 TheywenttothecinemalastSunday 对画线部分提问 they lastSunday 5 Icleanedmyroomlastnight 对画线部分提问 you yourroom 答案 4 Whatdid do5 Whendid clean 本单元围绕 ShowTime 以回忆丝绸之路之旅的见闻和感受为话题 从丹尼 詹妮的课题 詹妮的聊天记录 以及李明的博客等多个方面 以不同形式练习了语言知识 学习了一般过去时的用法 让学生明确发生过的事情如何用英语进行表达 而最能体现本单元话题和语言运用能力的话题作文就是 谈论旅途见闻和感受 习作在线 李明暑假期间和父母去北京旅行 他们参观了历史博物馆等名胜 看了中国的国粹 京剧 吃了北京的特产 北京烤鸭 请帮助李明给詹妮写一封电子邮件告诉她自己的北京之行 要求 1 词数为80个左右 短文的开头和结尾已经给出 不计入总词数 2 根据所给信息可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 DearJenny Yours LiMing 思路点拨 1 体裁 2 人称 3 时态 记叙文 第一人称 一般过去时 佳作鉴赏 DearJenny Ican twaittotellyousomethingaboutmytriptoBeijing IwentonatriptoBeijingwithmyparentsduringthesummerholiday Wevisitedmanyplacesofinterestthere Forexample theHistoryMuseum Isawmanyancientthings AndIlearnedalotaboutthehistoryandcultureofourcountry WewenttoseetheBeijingOperainthetheater It sreallyaChinesetreasure Ilikethemusicandthecolourfulclothes By theway Ialsoatesomedeliciousfoods BeijingDuckisakindofwonderfulfood Ihopetoeatmorenexttime DoyouwanttotraveltoChina Writetomesoon Yours LiMing 词汇速记1 任何地方 无论何处 adv 2 发现 了解 v 3 认识到 实现 v 4 值得 做某事 有价值的 adj 5 体验 经历 经验 v n 答案 1 anywhere2 discover3 realize4 worth5 experience 6 interest n adj 令人感兴趣的7 invent v n 发明 n 发明家8 suggest v n 建议9 especial adj adv 尤其 特别10 west n adj 西方的 西式的答案 6 interesting7 invention inventor8 suggestion9 especially10 western 短语互译1 名胜古迹places 2 开玩笑 讲笑话 3 从事于 4 在 岁时 of5 很久以前along 答案 1 ofinterest2 makeajoke3 workon4 attheage5 timeago 6 值得做某事be sth 7 benewto 8 tryone sbest 9 can twaittodosth 10 takepartin 答案 6 worthdoing7 对 陌生8 尽力9 迫不及待要做某事10 参加 参与 句型攻关1 考试之后你好好休息了吗 you agoodrestafteryou theexam 2 让我们去实验室里努力完善我们的课题吧 Let s thelaband ourproject 3 丹尼想要学习下象棋 Danny playthechess 答案 1 Did have had2 goto workon3 wantstolearnto 4 有人能够给我一些建议吗 Can giveme 5 每一个人都想参加中央电视台的春节联欢会 Everyonewants theSpringFestivalshowonCCTV 答案 4 anyone anysuggestions5 totakepartin 词汇串记JennyandDannywentonatriptotheSilkRoad Aftertheycameback DannyandJennytalkedabouttheir1 课题 Danny sisabouttheplacesof2 兴趣 inChina Andhemakesa3 玩笑 HesaysthatinCanadahecanbuydonuts4 任何地方 Buttheydon thavedonutsontheSilkRoad Jenny sprojectisaboutMarcoPolo Atthe5 年龄 of17 MarcoPolowenttoChinawithhisfatheranduncle Their6 旅程 7 持续 fortwentyyears Jennywent8 上网 totellothersaboutthefoodinChina Shesaideverythingwasgood9 尤其 thefood LiMingwroteablog Hesaidhesawand10 经历 alotonthetrip Theyalllearnedmuchonthetrip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 projects2 interest3 joke4 anywhere5 age6 journey trip7 lasted8 online9 especially10 experienced 1 2013 宁波中考 WhatfunTheCroodsis Yeah Ilikethemovie too It sso A boringB scaryC interestingD sad 解析 选C 考查形容词辨析 boring 枯燥的 scary 可怕的 interesting 有趣的 sad 沮丧的 由答语前两句句意 是的 我也喜欢这部电影 可知电影应是有趣的 故选C 2 2013 青岛中考 ofvolunteerswillbeneededfor2014InternationalHorticultureExpositioninQingdao Let sgoand them Thousands joinB Thousand beamemberofC Threethousand takepartinD Thousands bein 解析 选A 考查数词和动词的用法 thousandsof表示 数千的 成千上万的 thousand前面加具体数字不可加 s和of 故排除B C join 加入 和go是并列关系 bein t


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