八年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competitions 课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
八年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competitions 课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
八年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competitions 课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
八年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competitions 课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第4页
八年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1 I ve also entered lots of speaking competitions 课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第5页
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experiences module2 unit1 i vealsoenteredlotsofspeakingcompetitions review readthewordsandexpressionsloudly wordsandexpressions adv 曾经 从来 在任何时候v 使 参加 使 报名n 比赛 竞争n 奖品 奖项一等奖 everentercompetitionprizefirstprize wordsandexpressions dreamaffordwriteaboutmakeupinvite n 梦 梦想 只用于名词前 梦寐以求的v 做梦 梦到 梦想v 有财力 买得起 付得起编写 写作编写 创作v 邀请 lookandthink 1 doyouliketravelling 2 haveyoueverwantedtotravelaroundtheworld 3 lookatthepictures doyouknowtheplaces whichisyourfavouriteplacetotravel theoperahouse sydney hongkong disneyland usa eiffeltower france towerbridgelondon statueoflibertyamerica tian anmen china haveyoureadorwatchedaroundtheworldin80days thestorytookplacein1872 therewasnomoderntransportation butmanysurprisingwayswerechosentofinishthetrip let senjoyoneoftheexcitingways hot airballoon 热气球 mapofthetrip 1 tolistenandunderstandtheconversationaboutcompetitioninvolvingpresentperfecttense2 tolearnsomekeywordsandusefulexpressions3 tolearntousethefollowingexpressions haveyouevervisited yes ihave no ihaven t ever always never any objectives words everenterinvitepitycompetitiondreamafford phrases writeaboutfirstprizemakeupspeakingcompetition patterns that sapity thatsoundswonderful haveyoueverwonanyprizesbefore no ihaven t listenandnumberthewordsasyouhearthem everexcitingtiredvisitwonderful 1 4 5 2 3 listenagainandchoosethecorrectanswer linglinghasvisited hasn tevervisitedtheus bettyhasasked hasn taskedherparents linglinghastravelled hasn ttravelledbyplane tapescript betty lingling haveyoueverbeentotheus lingling no ihaven t i vealwayswantedtogothere betty wouldyouliketocomeandvisitmenextyear lngling thatsoundswonderful i dloveto 注 word文档点击此处链接 betty ihaven taskedmyparents buti msurethey llsayyes haveyouevertravelledbyplane lingling yes ihave betty didyouenjoyit linglilng yes itwasveryexciting butiwasquitetired haveyouenteredacompetition haveyoueverwonanyprizesbefore i vestoppedtryingnow thatsoundswonderful butihaven ttravelledmuch observethefollowingsentencesandgetthestructureofthepresentperfecttense 现在完成时基本结构 主语 has have 过去分词 let spractise a haveyou b yes ihave no ihaven t a hashe she b yes he shehas no he shehasn t washyourteeth washedyourteeth a haveyou b yes ihave no ihaven t a haveyou b yes ihave no ihaven t rideahorse riddenahorse readabook readabook a hasshe b yes shehas no shehasn t haveapieceofpizza a havethey b yes theyhave no theyhaven t hadapieceofpizza a hasshe b yes shehas no shehasn t listentomusic listenedtomusic visitthewhitehouse visitedthewhitehouse a hasyou b yes ihave no ihaven t listenandread nowcheck whatlinglingandtonyhaveorhavenotdone role play 1 readthedialoguealoudforafewminutesbyyourself 2 roleplayingroups 3 roleplayinfrontoftheclass we llseewhichgroupdoesthebest languagepoints 1 haveyoueverwonanyprizesbefore 你以前曾经得过奖吗 hassheeverbeentofrance 她曾经去过法国吗 haveyoueverclimbedthegreatwall 你曾经登过长城吗 have hassb ever 动词的过去分词 用于询问某人过去的经历 ever表示 曾经 用以加强语气 如 2 butican taffordit 但我买不起 afford意为 买得起 经济上担负得起 直接跟名词或动词不定式作宾语 常和情态动词can或beableto连用 他能买得起这套住房 hecanaffordtheapartment 我们买不起这么昂贵的汽车 wecan taffordtobuysuchanexpensivecar practise 3 i vestoppedtryingnow 我已经不再尝试了 stopdoingsth 表示 停止正在做的事情 stoptodosth 表示 停下来正在做的事去做另一件事 她停止了唱歌 shestoppedsinging 她停下来去唱歌了 shestoppedtosing practise 4 youcanmakeitup 你可以编 一个故事 hemadeupaninterestingstoryandtoldittohisfriends 他编了个有趣的故事 讲给他的朋友们听 thethreeparagraphsmakeupapassage 这三个段落构成了一篇文章 makeup表示 创造 编造 如 makeup还有 组成 构成 的意思 如 5 theniwillinviteyoutocomewithme 然后我就邀请你和我一起去 invitesb todosth 邀请某人做某事invitesb toaplace邀请某人去某地 practise 他昨天邀请朋友们到他的新家玩 heinvitedhisfriendstohisnewhouseyesterday workinpairs askandanswerquestionsaboutwhatlinglingandtonyhaveorhavenotdone haslinglingeverwonanyprizebefore no shehasn t completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsinthebox affordcompetitiondreaminvitepityprize her wastostudyatagooduniversityoneday wheniwasinschool iwonmany formywriting dream prizes 3 youmustenterthemusic youwillbeateverybody 4 myfamilycannot tobuyaticketforthematch 5 itisa n thatyoudidnotcometoseethefilmwithus 6 john hisnewfriendstohisbirthdaypartylastweek competition afford pity invited pronunciationandspeaking 英语句子一般由多个单词构成 这些单词的重读 stress 一般遵循以下规律 名词 形容词 数词 动词 副词 代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读 人称代词 连词 冠词 介词 以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一般不重读 当然有少数例外 注意 有时为了表达思想感情一些提供新信息的词需要重读 需要强调的词需要重读 重读 readandpredictwhichwordsthespeakerislikelytostress haveyoueverwantedtotravelaroundtheworld yes ihave i vealwayswantedtotravelaroundtheworld haveyouevervisitednewyork no ihaven t i venevervisitedtheus haveyoueverenteredacompetition no ihaven t ihaven tenteredanycompetitions nowlistenandcheck workinpairs readtheconversationsinactivity6aloud workinpairs askandanswerquestionsaboutyourself haveyouevervisited yes ihave no ihaven t i ve 1 makeup 2 invitesb todosth 3 thinkabout 4 that sapity 5 thatsoundswonderful 6 haveyouever yes ihave no ihaven t 本课时主要短语和句型 课后回顾 now2minstotestyourspelling spellingbee 1 english chinesespeakingcompetitionfirstprizepity2 chinese english曾经 从来 在任何时候邀请编写 创作做梦 梦想 使 参加 使 报名 whenfinished exchangeyourpaperstoseewhodoesthebest 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 davidofteninviteshischineseclassmates play attheweekend 2 doyouknowthegirloverthere sure i know herfortwoyears 3 yoursister see beijingoperabefore no shehasn t 4 theyoungmaninthewhitecoatenjoys sing popsongs quiz 注 word文档点击此处链接 toplay haveseen haveknown singing 根据汉语提示完成下列英语句子 每空一词 1 一天 我在河边遇到了一条蛇 imetasnakebytheriver 2 我弟弟上周参加了一次英语竞赛 mybrother anenglish lastweek oneday entered competition 3 我希望某天环游世界 ihopeto someday 4 祖母经常梦到在乡下的那些日子 mygrandmotheroften herdaysinthecountryside 5 汤姆邀请彼得下午一起去公园 tom peter theparkthisafternoon invitedtogoto dreamsabout travelaroundtheworld 根据课文对话内容填空 l


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