七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name is Gina(第4课时)Section B(2b-Self Check)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name is Gina(第4课时)Section B(2b-Self Check)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name is Gina(第4课时)Section B(2b-Self Check)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name is Gina(第4课时)Section B(2b-Self Check)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第4页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name is Gina(第4课时)Section B(2b-Self Check)教案 人教新目标版.doc_第5页
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Unit 1 My name is Gina第4课时 Section B 2b-Self Check教学目标一、知识与技能1. Improve the reading skill.2. Master the new words and structures of this unit.二、过程与方法Read and make notes. 三、情感态度与价值观让学生明白熟能生巧,温故知新。教学重点1. 阅读文章获取信息的能力。2. 利用所学句型进行交际的能力。教学难点利用所学句型进行交际的能力。教法导航练习为主。学法导航反复练习,勤于动脑。教学准备PPT。教学过程Step 1: Revision1. The teacher gives a word or a phrase in English, let one student spell the word or the phrase and tell us the Chinese meaning. And they should do it as quickly as they can.2. Have a dictation.Step 2: Exercises1. Ask them to check all the words they know. Find out the meanings of any words they dont know.2. Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p87-88. Share their lists with other students.Step 3: Practice1. Let the students show their ID cards. Let them work in hours to make a dialogue as long as possible. Then ask them about their names, telephone numbers and e-mail address. They can use “your/my/his/her”. And all of them must take part in it.2. Ask them to act out the dialogue. (Make a competition.)Step 4: Drill (2a)Now look at the pictures on P5. Find the last names and write them down.Then drill:S1: Whats Nick Hands family/first name?S2: His family name is Hand. His first name is Nick. Whats Jim Smiths family/first name?S3: His family name is Smith. His .Step 5: GameCollect all of the ID cards and put them into a box. Let one student choose one every time. Let the student give some information and then let the other students guess who he/she is. For example, he is a boy. His telephone number is . (Give the family name if necessary.). Who is he?1. Let the students choose one of the cards. Then introduce the students by using the information on the card. For example, he is a boy. His name is Jim Smith. Jim is his first name. Smith is his family name. His telephone is . His e-mail address is . ,etc.2. Let them choose the best ID cards and put them on the wall.Fill in the blanks.S1: Whats _?S2: My name _Jim Smith.S1: Whats your _?S2: Jim.S1: _ your family name?S2: Smith.S1: Nice _ you!S2: _ you!参考答案:your names, is, first/given name, Whats, to meet, Nice to meetStep 6: TasksFinish the exercises (2b-3b).Check the answers.Step7: Self CheckGive them a self check chart. Let them check.Self check chart1. 课堂表现自我评价all the timemost of the timea littlenone(1) I can understand my teacher.(2) I can speak English.(3) I work with my group/deskmate.(4) I am interested in the class.2. 知识掌握自我评价 YesNeed more practiceNeed more help(1) Use “Whats your/his/her name?”(2) Read and spell the numbers.(3) Use “Whats your/his/her phone number?”(4) Talk about a simple picture.(5) Make ID card.(6) Read and spell the words.课堂作业根据句意和首字母提示填空。1. Your last name is More, and whats your f name?2. Can you fill in(填写) your own ID c ?3. Tony wants to ask you three q .4. L ! Thats an English book.5. This is a boy. H name is Bruce.6. Your telephone n is 422-2785.7. There are s days in a week.8. You can know the time by your watch or c .参考答案:1. first 2. card 3. questions 4. Look 5. His 6. number 7. seven 8. clock教学反思本节课通过多种游戏加深对数字的记忆,学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中获得新知。然后又复习巩固了本单元的重点单词,通过自我检测让学生对自己进行评价,及时补救所漏知识。教学案例一、背景1. 上课地点:七年级(4)班2. 学生情况:学生通过前两个准备单元的学习,具备了一定的基础,培养了对英语的兴趣,也锻炼了胆量。但部分同学的口语表达能力还有待于提高。3. 知识背景学生通过学习前面的单元,熟练掌握了二十六个英文字母并学会了一些基本句型Whats this? What color is it?4. 教学内容:Unit 1第1课时。5. 教学目标能运用Whats your name? Nice to meet you. 进行交际。Master some new words.6. 预期目的本节课是是听力对话课,通过本节课的学习能运用Whats your name? Nice to meet you. 进行交际,并能提高听力水平。二、设计意图、教学片段、及诊断片段通过本节课的学习能掌握Whats your name ? Nice to meet you. 并能提高听力水平。因此设计一些习题以练习。案例片段为了训练学生的听力技巧和口语表达能力特设计以下片段。ListeningT: Can you remember the following names?(Show some pictures on the screen.)T: Lets find the answer together. Read the names after me.SS: (Read the names.)T: (Ask several students to read the names aloud and if there is some mistakes, ask other students to correct.)Other students try to correct.T: Now lets meet some new friends. (Read the names after me.)Work on 1b Listen and number the conversations. Play the tape for the students.Ss: (Listen to the tape and try to find the answer.)Reading and actingPair work: Read with your partner about the conversations.Model1. A: Whats your name?B: Alan.2. A: Hello! Im Mary.B: Hi, Mary! Im Jim. 3. A: My names Jenny.B: Im Gina. Nice to meet you.Ss: (Act out the conversations with their partners.)Work on 1c Pair work.T: In pairs, greet each other and ask your partner about his/her name. (Show the model on the screen.)ModelA: Whats your name?B: My name is Alice.A: Hello! Alice. Im Helen.B: Hi, Helen! How are you?A: Im fine, thanks. How are you?B: Im OK. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.Ss: (Greet their partners for a few


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