



Exercise 4 The expletive “There”1. Theres a message for you from your cousin. 你表兄给你捎来个口信。2. There are several facets to this question. 这个问题有几个方面。3. There are some disadvantages in living in the country, but, by and large, we like country life. 在乡间生活有许多不利因素,但总的来说,我们是喜欢乡村的。4. There is nothing settled, nothing staid in this universe. 在这个宇宙里没有什么是确定的,没有什么是不变的。5. There is no knowing what may happen. 未来的事情无法知道。6. There is no accounting for tastes. 嗜好各有不同,是无法说明的。7. There is no getting along with him. 跟他是无法相处的。8. There is no telling when he will arrive. 不知道他何时到达。9. There had always been excitable, but now he was beside himself: there was no reasoning with him. 他过去老是很容易兴奋的,可是现在他简直神经错乱了;没有法子再去说服他。10. There is no denying this. 这个无可否认。11. There is no saying how long the war is going to last. 战争还要继续多久仍是个未知数。Exercise 4The End of My ChildhoodN. Scott Momaday分句翻译The End of My Childhood 告别童年N. Scott Momaday 美N斯科特莫马迪著,孙致礼 At Jemez I came to the end of my childhood. 我的童年是在赫梅斯度过的。There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to school at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque.那附近一带没有学校,我只得跑到将近三十英里以外的伯利欧去念书,有一年干脆住到了阿尔伯克基。My mother and father wanted me to have the benefit of a sound preparation for college, and so we read through many high school catalogues. After long deliberation we decided that I should spend my last year of high school at a military academy in Virginia.父母亲希望我能打下扎实的基础,为以后上大学做好准备,于是我们查阅了许多中学的情况介绍。经过再三考虑,决定让我上弗吉尼亚州一所军事学院念完高中最后一年。 The day before I was to leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, where many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. And I had climbed several times to the top of the masa and looked among the old ruins there for pottery.临行前一天,我淌过河来到红石山下。我以前曾多次来过这里,独自遐想一番。有几此我还爬上山顶,在残垣断壁中寻找陶器瓦罐。This time I chose to climb the north end, perhaps because I had not gone that way before and wanted to see what it was.这一次我想从北端爬上去,也许是因为以前从未打这里走过,便想领略一下这里的风光。It was a difficult climb, and when I got to the top I was spent I lingered among the ruins for more than an hour, I judge, waiting for my strength to return.我一路上爬得颇为艰难,上到山顶时,已经筋疲力尽。我在废墟中逗留了约莫一个多小时,等着好缓过劲来。From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野,河流,村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我心驰神往。 I looked for an easier way to come down, and at length I found a broad, smooth runway of rock, a shallow groove winding out like a stream. 我想找一条好走一点的路下山,终于找到了一条宽阔平滑的石径,那是一道浅沟,像小溪一样蜿蜒而下。It appeared to be safe enough, and I started to follow it.这条路看上去挺安全,我便沿着它往下走。There were steps along the way, a stairway, in effect. But the steps became deeper and deeper, and at last I had to drop down the length of my body and more.石径上有着一个个台阶,简直就是一道阶梯。不过台阶越来越高,后来我得从跟我一样高,甚至比我还高的台阶上爬下去。Still it seemed convenient to follow in the groove of rock. I was more than halfway down when I came upon a deep, funnel-shaped formation in my path.尽管如此,顺着石沟往下走还是轻松些。下到大半程的时候,前面突然出现了一个漏斗形的深槽。And there I had to make a decision. The slope on either side was extremely steep and forbidding, and yet I thought that I could work my way down on either side. 我必须在此作出抉择。两边的山坡极其陡峭,极其险峻,然而我觉得从哪边都可以爬下去。The formation at my feet was something else. It was perhaps ten or twelve feet deep, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, where there appeared to be a level ledge. 我脚下的石槽可就不然了。它兴许有十英尺到十二英尺深,上宽下窄,底部似乎有一块平伸出来的岩石。If I could get down through the funnel to the ledge, I should be all right; surely the rest of the way down was negotiable. 如果我能顺着漏斗下到这块平台上,那就会万事大吉,剩下的路想必也不会太难走了。But I realized that there could be no turning back. Once I was down in that rocky chute I could not get up again, for the round wall which nearly encircled the space there was too high and sheer. 但我又意识到,那样一来我就无路可退了。我一下到那石槽里,就再也上不来了,因为那几乎把石槽环抱起来的圆壁,实在是太高太陡了。I elected to go down into it, to try for the ledge directly below. I eased myself down the smooth, nearly vertical wall on my back, pressing my arms and legs outward against the sides.我决定就从这里下去,落到下面的石台上。我背贴着近乎垂直的光滑岩壁,四肢分开用力撑住两边,小心翼翼地慢慢向下移动。After what seemed a long time I was trapped in the rock. The ledge was no longer there before me; it had been an optical illusion.仿佛过了很久,我给困在石壁上了。下面的那个平台不见了,原来那只是我的眼镜产生的幻觉罢了。Now, in this angle of vision, there was nothing but the ground, far, far below, and jagged boulders set there like teeth. 现在,从这个角度看下去,底下只是遥不可及的地面,布满了犬牙交错的巨砾。I remember that my arms were scraped and bleeding, stretched out against the walls with all the pressure that I could exert. 我还记得,我叉开双臂使劲撑住石壁,臂上给蹭得血淋淋的。When once I looked down I saw that legs, also spread out and pressed hard against the walls, were shaking violently. 有一次我往下一瞧,发现也是由于叉开使劲撑着石壁的缘故,我的双腿在剧烈地颤抖。I was in an impossible situation; I could not move in any direction, save downward in a fall, and I could not stay beyond another minute where I was. 我已陷入了绝境:除了掉下去,朝那个方向也动弹不得;就是待着不动,也坚持不了一分钟。I believed then that I would die there, and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below. 这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而下面山谷里的景致却看得异常清晰。They were not the less beautiful to me. It seemed to me that I grew suddenly very clam in view of that beloved world. 这些景致依然那样美丽。我似乎觉得,正是由于瞧见了这个令人神往的世界,我突然镇静下来。And I remembered nothing else of that moment. I passed out of my mind, and the next thing I knew I was sitting down on the ground, very cold in the shadows, and looking up at the rock where I had been within an eyelash of eternity. 随后发生了什么事情,我一点也记不得了。我当时晕了过去,等醒来时,发现自己坐在地上,阴影笼罩中,只觉浑身冷冰冰的。我抬头看看上面的石壁,我刚才撑在那里险些丧生。页码: 4就是在那儿我刚才险些丧生。That was a strange thing in my life, and I think of it as


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