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深圳版小学英语五年级下册Unit 1练习题1 When a light turns red, we cross the road. A must B mustnt C can D cant2 If we find a fire, we must call.A120 B119 C112 D1223If you are , you should talk quietly in the library. A rude B polite C happyD sad4 Mary doesnt like doing her homework doing any work. A and B but C soD or5 This is empty fridge. Its untidy one. A a, an B an, an C a, a D an, a6 We must talk in the library.A quickly B quietly C carefullyD slowly7 The children going to play football tomorrow.A is B are C am D will8 I went to hospital to visit my friend yesterday.A a B the C anD /9 Look at the sign. You eat or drink on the bus.A will B must C mustntD do10 We never walk quickly the swimming pool.A of B on C into D at11 - Must I finish the work before dinner? - No, you . A neednt B mustnt C must D cant12 We play at the museum.A mustnt B neednt C mustD will二 阅读理解,判断对错.It is Sunday. Jim doesnt go to school. He and his friends are playing in front of a house. A young man comes and asks, Hello, Jim. Is your father at home? Yes, he is, Jim answers. The man knocks at the door. He knocks it for a long time, but no one comes to open the door. He says to Jim angrily, You say your father is at home. Why doesnt he open the door? Jim answers, Yes, he is at home. But this is not my home, sir!根据短文,判断正(T)误(F):1. Today is Saturday.2. Jim and his friends are going to school.3. They are playing.4. That man didnt know Jim.5. Jims father isnt at home.小学五年级英语下册Unit1练习题(深圳版)一 阅读理解 Tony is a good driver. He is twenty-three years old. He drives a truck on a farm. He works from Monday to Friday. His home is far away from the farm. He gets up at a quarter past five. He goes to work at ten to six oclock. At five past seven he must get there. He has no time to have breakfast at home. He leaves the farm at five oclock. He cooks supper and does housework in the evening.He likes reading a lot. Sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten.1Tony . Ais a worker Bis a truck driver Cteaches on a farm Dmakes trucks2On Saturday and Sunday Tony . Adoesnt go to work Bstays at home Cgoes to the farm Dreads books3 , so he has no time to have breakfast. AHe is busy BHis farm is too far CHe doesnt like having breakfast DHe often gets up early4He has lunch . Aat home Bin his truck Con the farm Din the park5He in the evening. Awashes his clothes Bcooks supper Cdoes housework DBoth B and CBus rules Molly is a little mouse. She lives with other animals at Animal Land. Every morning she goes to school by bus with other baby animals. There are a lot of rules for taking the school bus. Here are some of them. You mustnt eat or drink on the bus. You mustnt stretch you head or arms out of the windows. You mustnt talk loudly on the bus. You must sit quietly on the bus. You mustnt play games with others. You mustnt leave the seats or stand up. You mustnt fight. Not every body likes the rules. But rules are rules. Every one has to follow. Molly is a good girl. She always follows the rules.Read the sentences about the story. Write “T” for true or “F” for false.(在正确的句子前面写T”,错误的句子前面写F”.)1. You mustnt eat or drink on the school bus.2. You can stand up or leave the seats on the bus.3. You can talk loudly on the bus.4. You mustnt play games on the bus.5. You can stretch your head or arms out of the windows on the bus.6. Molly doesnt follow all the rules.参考答案:BABCD TFFTFF深圳小学五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Helping people 练习题1 What happened you?A for B of C to D at2 Li Dong some fruit yesterday.A buy B bought C buys D is buying3 I found an umbrella and gave it the teacher.A for B of C to D at4-What Betty last week? - She made a cake. Adid; make Bdoes; make Cdid; makes Ddoes; makes5 Mr. Lee had a lot of money but he not happy.A is B are C was D were6- Did Sue swimming on Sunday?-No, she didnt. A went B goes C going D go7 What time you usually get up on Saturday? A do B did C does D are8 I want people.A help B helps C to help D helping9go to the park tomorrow.A Lets B We C Let D Lets us10 He was not old but he cant.A saw B see C to see D seeingLi Meis uncle lives in Beijing. Li Mei went there with her parents last National Holidays. They went there by train. It was a long trip.The next morning they arrived at Beijing. Her uncle went to the train station to meet them. Li Mei played happily and ate a lot of good food. They visited the Great wall,the Summer Palace and many other interesting places and took lots of pictures.They had a good time.1. Who lives in Beijing? A Li Mei. B Li Meis uncle. C Li Meis parents.2. How did they go to Beijing? A By bus. B By train. C By plane3. Did Li Meis family visit the SummerPalace? A Yes, they did. B Yes, they were. C No, they didnt4. Was the trip long? A No, it wasnt. B Yes, it was. C Yes, there was.5. Did Li Mei and her parents play happily in Beijing? A Yes,they did. B No, they didnt C Yes, they were.小学五年级英语下册第三单元(Unit3)练习1 Was there a harbours thirty years old in Shenzhen? No,. A they werent B it wasnt C there wasntD there werent2 Whereyoufifty years ago, Grandma? In a village. A did, live B do, live C are, livingD is, living3 Did you go to school when you were young? No, because there wereschools then. A not a B manyC not anyD a few4 Were there many highwaystunnels in this city 30 years ago? A and B as wellC orD with5 Tim,Shenzhen? Its quite different now. Its beautiful. A what do you think of B how do you think C what do you like D how do you feel6 What was Shenzhen like one hundred years ago? There were harbours and few people. A many B little C noD much7There werepeople and factories. A many B a lots ofCmuchD not much8 There wereboats there. A manyB lot ofC muchD not much9 50 years ago there were no subways, and there were no factories,. A tooB also C still D either10 Now there areferries andpiers. A much, six B a, six C ten, six D the, six阅读理解:Three years ago, Mr Browns family lived in New York. Mr Brown was a worker. He worked in a machine factory. His factory made machines for farmers. He liked his work very much. Mrs Brown was a teacher. She worked in a school. Now Mr and Mrs Brown have a daughter and a son. Their daughters name is Jane and their sons name is James. They love their children and they love their parents, too. Their family is a happy one.根据短文,判断正(T)误(F):1. Mr Brown was in New York.2. Mrs Brown was not a teacher.3. Mr and Mrs Brown have two children.4. Mr Brown worked at school, too.5. Their children werent in New York.小学五年级英语第十册第四单元练习题一 按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. The boylost his watch. (就画线提问)2. Patwent to the parkyesterday afternoon. (就画线提问)3. Mr Greenwas sick in hospitallast week. (就画线提问)4. Must we do our homework at once? (作否定回答)5 There werent any buildings in my village two years ago. (同义句)二 、读短文,判断正误(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)。A page from Jacks diary Cloudy, October 9 Today was a good day and a bad day. Here is the bad news. We went to the hotel by taxi. The driver told us many things about kunming. I was excited about the trip. We went into the hotel but I didnt have my backpack. I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone. That afternoon dad and I took a bus to the police station. There were many backpacks there. Luckily I found my backpack.1. Jack lost his backpack in the hotel.2. The driver told Jacks family a lot of things about Kunming.3. The story happened on October 9th.4. The weather was sunny.5. At last Jack found his backpack at the police station.深港版小学五年级英语下册Unit4练习一 选出划线部分发音不同的词.1. Aspring BEnglish Csong Dwrong2. Aforeign Bwinter Clearn Dname3. Atelevision BpleasureCsure Dclosure4. Amuseum BcountrysideCschool Dsubway二 阅读理解,判断对错. A page from Jacks diaryCloudy, October 9 Today was a good day and a bad day. Here is the bad news. We went to the hotel by taxi. The driver told us many things about kunming. I was excited about the trip. We went into the hotel but I didnt have my backpack. I ran back to the taxi. The driver was gone. That afternoon dad and I took a bus to the police station. There were many backpacks there. Luckily I found my backpack.1. Jack lost his backpack in the hotel. 2. The driver told Jacks family a lot of things about Kunming.3. The story happened on October 9th.4. The weather was sunny.5. At last Jack found his backpack at the police station.参考答案 BDCA FTTFT深港版小学五年级英语第十册Unit5练习1 We often clean our classroom by . Amyself Byourself Courself Dourselves2 Ken and Tom watered the plants by . Amyself Byourself Cthemselves Dthemself3 You and I surfed the Internet by . Amyself Byourself Cyourselves Dourselves4I swam every day the summer holidays. Aon Bat Cduring D/5I won a prize. Because I won the race in the sports meet. Aone hundred meter Bone hundred meters Cone - hundred - meter Done - hundred - meters6 The robot can sweep the stairs by . Ahimself Bherself Citself Dyourself6 I sent email you last night. Aa, to Ban, to Cthe,/ D/, /7 Please what time class begins. Afind Bfound Cfind out Dfound out8The shoemaker made two shoes but didnt . One is big. The other is small. Ado Bgo Cmatch Dwatch10 I am very because I often exercise.Agood Bluck Chealth Dhealthy阅读理解,判断对错.Xiao Jun: Mum, I have a bad headache.Mum: Maybe you have a cold. Im going to take you to see a doctor.Doctor: Whats wrong with you?Mum: He has a bad headache.Doctor: I see. Im going to take your temperature(量体温). Oh, you have a fever. Do you have a sore throat?Xiao Jun : Yes.Doctor: Youre going to have a rest for three days. And youre going to take some medicine. Youll be fine soon.Mum and Xiao Jun :Thank you!Xiao Jun : Mum, the doctor is great. Im going to be a doctor in the future. And Im going to help the sick.Mum: I hope so.读对话,判断正“T”误“F”。() 1. Xiao Jun wants to be a doctor in the future.() 2. Xiao Jun has a fever.() 3. Xiao Jun doesnt have a sore throat.()4. Xiao Juns mother takes him to the hospital.() 5. The doctor doesnt take his temperature.参考答案: DCDCC CBCCD TTFTF小学五年级英语下册 Unit6 The typhoon练习(深圳版)1 Typhoon Jack was coming. Tom closed the widows but heplants outside. Aleave Bleaved Cleft Dleaving2 The typhoons often come from to . AJune, July BJuly, August CJuly, September DSeptember, October3 Mr and Mrs Zhangs windows didnt . They them. Aclose, break Bbroke, closed Cclose, brose Dbreak, closed4 Today Tom didnt go to school. I didnt go to school, . Atoo Balso Ceither Dto5 You watch a film on TV. So . Adid I Bdo I Cwas I Dam I6 Every typhoon has . Its the centre of the typhoon. Aan ear Ba eye Can eyeDeyes7 Typhoons often cause so people do not like them very much. Awind Bcloud Cfloods Dsomething8 Typhoons often cause accident in the street or on the road.Aa Ban Cthe Dsome9 Yesterday I sent e-mail my friend. Aa, to Bthe, to Can, to Dan, /10My mother wouldnt let me to see the film. Agoing Bwent Cgoes Dgo读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Li Lei, Liu Mei and Zhang Lan each planted a flower on the same day. Four weeks later, their plants were different. Yesterday they had a science class and they took their plants to school. Li Lei: I water my flower twice (二次) a day, but its still very thin and short. Liu Mei: I water it once(一次) a day. I put it under the sun (太阳)every day. Now its tall and strong. Zhang Lan: I water it once a day. I dig(挖) the soil and put it under the sun every day. Now its taller and stronger.1. Zhang Lan did a good job.2. They planted a flower on different days.3. Four weeks


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