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内蒙古鄂托克旗八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版注意事项:1. 作答前,请将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在答题纸上相应的位置,并核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号等有关信息。 2. 答题内容一律填涂或书写在答题纸上规定的位置,在试题卷上作答无效。 3. 本试题共11页 ,8道大题,满分100分。考试时间100分钟。第I卷(共65分)一、听力测试(20分)1答听力测试题时,应边听录音边看试题,每段对话或独白连续读两遍。2请在答题纸上相应的位置,将选项用2B铅笔涂黑。3录音连续播放,中途不停机。录音播放完毕,终止听力测试。I. 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. II. 听句子,选择该句的最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Thats great. C. Yes, it is. 7. A. So they did. B. Yes, they took a train. C. So did they. 8. A. Thats all right. B. Youre welcome. C. Thank you. 9. A. Maybe at 8:00. B. Sorry, Im not sure. C. Thats true. 10. A. No idea. B. What bad news! C. I think so. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 11. A. In English. B. In Australia. C. In the USA. 12. A. A new camera. B. Some photos. C. A computer. 13. A. He has a stomachache. B. He has a toothache. C. He likes eating. 14. A. To the Peoples Hospital. B. To the post office. C. To the cinema. 15. A. On next Friday. B. On next Saturday. C. On next Sunday.IV. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)16. Students cant study well the next day because they have to the night before. A. do lots of housework B. stay up C. play computer games17. What is the second advantage( 优点) of homework? A. It can help students practice what they have learned. B. It can help students understand the knowledge. C. Students can keep a good learning habit.18. Students depend on while doing their homework according to the advantages. A. themselves B. the teacher C. their parents 19. Students lives might be with too much homework. A. interesting B. wonderful C. boring20. How many disadvantages did the writer say? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Ones education starts from his or her family, especially the mother. Here is a story that happened in my childhood. One Saturday morning, my mum brought several apples of different colors and sizes, then 21 me and my two younger brothers, “Which do you like?” 22 my younger brothers and I wanted the biggest one. 23 I could say “The biggest one”, one of my brothers stood up and said 24 I wanted to say. My mum 25 the biggest apple and said to us, “It is good to get the biggest apple. Many people want the best thing, but few really get it. Now lets start a 26 . Look at the lawn(草坪) in front of our house. Ill divide(划分) it into three parts. Each of you must finish pruning(修剪) 27 own share(一份). The best and quickest one will get the biggest apple.” I won the apple finally. Since then, I 28 to try my best to succeed whenever I get a chance. I work hard to get what I want. That was what my mother advised me to do. I feel very thankful to my mum because she taught me a very basic but the most 29 lesson. It is quite fair that we can get what we want 30 competing. My mother kept teaching us in this way and we followed her advice all the time. I do believe that mother is the first teacher of children, who can teach them to be a No. 1 pursing(有追求的) person. 21. A. toldB. answeredC. tookD. asked22. A. All B. BothC. NoneD. Each23. A. Before B. When C. UntilD. After24. A. who B. what C. whose D. which 25. A. ate up B. looked upC. picked upD. gave up26. A. lesson B. partyC. conversationD. competition27. A. my B. ourC. yourD. their28. A. learned B. have learnedC. learnD. has learned29. A. expensive B. importantC. difficultD. traditional30. A. on B. withoutC. aboutD. by三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A When you feel sad, tears will come down from your eyes. When you are happy, especially when you laugh hard, tears will also come down from your eyes. But tears have a more important job than showing your feelings. Tears keep your eyes clean and healthy. They wash away dirt and germs(细菌) just like bath. Your eyes also need tears to keep them wet. And eyes must be wet so that they can move smoothly. Your eyes are busy looking here and there all day long. They move quickly from one thing to another. If you didnt have tears, your eyes couldnt move, and soon you would be blind. Maybe you dont like tears, but your eyes cant do without them. 31. When you are happy or sad, you may _. A. look at things quicklyB. wash away dirt and germsC. have tears in your eyes D. move your eyes quickly32. The story tells us _. A. what makes people blindB. why people have tears C. why people cry when they are sadD. what tears are33. The sentence “your eyes cant do without them” means _. A. your eyes like having baths very muchB. your eyes like tears very muchC. your eyes cant work without tears D. your eyes cant open without themBWe often get in touch with others by phone calls, WeChat, messages or other ways nowadays. It means that we seldom write letters now. But a TV show, Letters Alive(见字如面), is bringing back this old habit.Letters Alive invites famous actors and actresses, but there are no funny jokes or different competitions. Instead, its just one person walking up to a microphone and reading a letter.The letters were written by people from different times in history. For example, in one episode(集),they read a letter written by the famous writer Xiao Hong to her younger brother in 1941.The letter shows that Xiao Hong missed her brother so much and had great hopes for his future. “Every letter opens another world for us,” according to Guan Zhengwen, the director of the TV show. “It seems that we can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers.” Since its first episode on Dec. 5th, Letters Alive has been widely praised. Many audiences(观众) said that it has provided a breath of fresh air to todays TV shows.Besides Letters Alive, some other cultural TV shows have also been well received by Chinese audience. They include Chinese Poetry Conference, a traditional Chinese poetry competition and Readers, a program that invites people to read poems and articles they like or wrote. It suggests that cultural values and true feelings are becoming our interest.34. Letters Alive, a TV show, invites famous people to .A. tell audiences jokes B. read and share letters C. walk up to a microphone to sing D. enter different competitions35. According to the passage, which sentence is RIGHT?A. We can experience the real lives and feelings of the writers by reading letters.B. Xiao Hong missed her brother but had no hope for his future.C. Letters Alive is not popular enough to attract audiences.D. Chinese Poetry Conference invites people to read poems and articles.36. How many cultural TV shows are mentioned in the passage?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.37. Chinese audiences these cultural TV shows.A. like B. dislike C. show no interest in D. doubt aboutC An old man was sitting with his 25-year-old son on the train. As the train started off, the young man was filled with lots of joy and surprise. He was sitting on the window side. He extended out(伸出) one of his hands and was feeling the passing air. He shouted, “Papa, see all trees are going behind.” The old man smiled and looked at his son.Next to the young man, an old couple were sitting and listening to the talk between the father and the son. They thought the 25-year-old man behaved like a small child.Suddenly the young man again shouted, “Papa, see the river and animals.” The couple were watching the young man in surprise. Then it started raining and some water drops touched the young mans hand. He was filled with joy and closed his eyes. He shouted again, “Papa, its raining. Water is touching me.”The couple couldnt help themselves and asked the old man. “Why dont you take your son to visit the doctor?” The old man said, “Yes, we just came back from the hospital, and today my son got his eye sight for the first time in his life.”38. How did the young man feel when he saw the trees outside the window?A. Excited but tired. B. Scared and surprised. C. Happy but tired. D. Happy and surprised.39. What did the old couple think of the young man?A. Lovely. B. Kind. C. Silly. D. Smart.40. The underlined word “behaved” means in Chinese.A. 装扮 B. 表现 C. 表演 D. 操作41. The young man used to be .A. deaf B. thin C. fat D. blindDThe universe is a big place. It is hard to believe that humans would be the only intelligent life. So scientists have been searching outer space for years, hoping to find signs of alien(外星人) life. They use radio telescopes to search the sky for signals (信号) from other civilizations (文明). It is called SETI. SETI has been working for over half a century, but so far they havent heard any alien messages.Scientists suggested aliens might not want to contact(联系) us but could reply(回复) to a message we send. So scientists sent radio signals into the universe, hoping one day they would be picked up by alien technology. These scientists call themselves METI.Both METI and SETI want to prove that we are not alone in the universe. But what if the “alien phone” rings one day? Should we reply to it?British scientist Stephen Hawking thinks we should not answer because aliens could be dangerous. Hawking said that aliens could visit our solar system in search of resources (资源). “If aliens ever visit us, I think the result would be much like when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didnt turn out very well for the American Indians”.But other scientists think we have no need to worry. David Morrison, a NASA scientist, said that if an alien radio signal reaches us from a distant planet hundreds or thousands of light-years away, then that civilization would have to be more advanced than ours. 42. What does “they” refer(指) to in the third paragraph?A. Scientists. B. Aliens. C. Radio signals. D. Americans.43. Why did Stephen Hawking think that aliens would be dangerous?A. Because he thought aliens would rule the solar system.B. Because he thought aliens would come to search for resources.C. Because he thought humans would kill all the aliens on the earth. D. Because he thought aliens would harm American Indians.44. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. Scientists are sure that humans are not alone in the universe.B. Aliens have replied to the message from the earth.C. All the scientists think that we should not send signals into the universe.D. Scientists havent received any alien messages so far.45. Which can be the best title of the passage?A. Humans and Aliens B. What are SETI and METI? C. Looking for Life in Space D. The Only Life in the Universe 四、补全对话(根据对话内容,选择正确答案,其中有两个选项为多余选项。每小题1分,共5分)A: Where have you been, Ben? I called, but you werent in your office.B: 46 A: Who did you go with? B: 47 A: What did you do there?B: I found that the factory was pouring waste water intothe river near it. 48 Lots of fishes have died.A: 49 B: Do you think we can do something?A: Yes, of course. We can write a story about it to CCTV.B: 50 A. Thats too bad.B. Good idea.C. I have been to a paper factory.D. Whats the problem?E. I went there alone.F. I was writing a story.G. The river has become very dirty.第II卷(共35分)五、选词填空阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。(每词限用一次。每小题1分,共10分)hobby, if , must, last, or, valuable, wrong, other, well, solveMany people want others to be their friends, but they dont give friendship back. Thats why some friendships dont 51 very long. You really want other people to be your friends, right? Well, youd better know the following things. Friends must trust each 52 , So being honest(诚实的)is very important. 53 a friend finds out that you are not honest, you may lose your friends trust. To be a good friend, you must learn to share. You dont have to give your lunch money 54 your clothes to your friend. But you need to learn how to share things you enjoy, like your 55 or interests. Certainly,you can also share your ideas and feelings. These can be very 56 to a friend. By sharing them you help your friend know you much 57 . At school, something may go 58 . Talking about the problem can help you 59 it easily. Turning to a friend can be a first choice to solve the problem. So to be a friend, you 60 listen and understand. You must try to put yourself in your friends place, So you can understand the problem better. 六、任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)Kellie is 16. Shes from the United States. She has many hobbies. She likes playing volleyball. She also likes playing the violin, and she loves singing. And Kellie has an unusual hobby: beekeeping (养蜂).Kellie doesnt work with her bees every day. She looks after her hives (蜂房) about twice a month in spring, summer and . She spends more time with her bees in winter. There arent many flowers for the bees to get food from at this time of the year. So Kellie feeds the bees sugar water in winter.This is a usual day for Kellie when she works with her bees:8:00 She gets up and eats breakfast. 9:00 She makes sugar water for the bees.10:00 She does her homework. 11:00 She practises the violin.12:00 She makes lunch for her brothers and sisters. Then they eat lunch together.3:00 She goes to volleyball practice. 5:00 She and her mum make dinner.7:00 After dinner, Kellie dresses herself in special clothes. She feeds the bees sugar water.Every summer, Kellie takes honey from the hives. make, bees, a, can, lot, year, a, of, Her, honey, in. Kellie and her family sell some of the honey, cook with some of the honey and give friends some honey, too.Kellies friends dont go near the hives. They are afraid. They dont want the bees to sting (蜇) them. Kellie says他们不理解蜜蜂是安全的。 “I like standing safely in the middle of the bees. No one else is brave enough!” she says.61.根据短文内容回答问题: How many hobbies does Kellie have? .62.在文中处填入适当的单词。 63. Whats the right order of the things in Kellies one usual day?Kellie feeds the bees.Kellie plays the violin.Kellie plays volleyball.Kellie does her homework.写出正确顺序(只填序号) 64. 将文中处的单词连词成句。 .65. 把文中处画线句子翻译成英语。 Kellie says .七、根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词,每小题1分,共5分)66. 外面有奇怪的声音。我禁不住出去看看发生了什么事。Thereisastrangesoundoutside.I outtoseewhathappened.67. 披萨很好吃,请尝一尝。The pizza is very deliciousPlease . 68. 请在明天早上准时把我叫醒。Please me on time next morning.69. 到目前为止我没有收到他的来信。I havent heard from him _ _. 70. 这部电影如此有趣, 以至于我们都想再看一遍! The movie is _ interesting _ we all want to see it again. 八、书面表达(10分)最近,你们班就“幸福是什么”进行了一次讨论,学生们发表了自己的看法,他们认为:1.认真学习是幸福,父母总是关心他们的生活与健康,是幸福。2.有时当他们做错了事,周围的人会帮助他们改正,他们感到幸福。你同意同学们的看法,你认为当你做你也会感到幸福。下面请你


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