



外研版(一起)三年级英语下册期末考试一 、把下列单词补充完整。10%1.ma e (做) 2. r m (房间) 3. h t (热) 4. pl (演奏.踢球) 5.th se (这些) 6.f_ _ it(水果) 7 B.th se (那些) 8. yes_ _ _ day( 昨天) 9 B.w k ( 工作) 10. s_ _(说) 11 B.ch_ _sti_ _s(筷子) 12. sec_ _ _(第二) 13 B. na_ _ _ ty( 淘气的) 14. w_d_(宽的) 15 B. l_ _ _(狮子) 二、根据提示写出单词。10%1.We like . (快餐)2.Lingling are (用) chopsticks.3.What are (你) doing? Im working.4.Were making a . (蛋糕)5. He _(总是) helps people.6 B.Can you (跑) fast? No, I cant.7.How many _ (桃子) are there?8B. There are stone _ .(动物)9.She is _ (美丽的)10 B. I m eating hamburgers and _. (薯条)11. Will you _ (打电话)me? Yes, I _( 将要)12.B.What are you going to do ? Im going to (游泳) in the .(大海)三、请为下列问句找到对应的答句,把序号写在前面的括号里。20%( )1.Do you use chopsticks in England? A. Theyre dragon boats.( )2.Do you want noodles? B. No, we dont.( )3.What are you eating? C. Yes, please.( )4.Whats Sam doing? D. Im eating a hamburger.( )5.Whats Amy doing? E. Hes listening to the radio.( )6.Will you go to the zoo? F. Shes playing the drums.( )6 B.What are those? G.I am going to be a driver.( )7.Whats ten plus ten? H.No, he cant.( )7 B.what are you going to do? I. Yes, I can.( )8.Were you on the first floor? J.Im going to play football.( )8 B.Can you run fast? K.Twenty( )9.How many apples are there? L. Yes, I will.( )9 B.Can Sam sing songs? M. No, I wasnt.( )10.Will he swim? N. Yes, he will( )10 B.What are you going to be? O. There are 9 apples.四 、选择填空 20%( ) 1. Its for English people to use chopsticks. A. hard B. easy( )2. Its for Chinese people to use chopsticks. A. hard B. easy( )3. These _ Sam s trousers. A. is B. are C. am( )4. In China, we use _. A. chopsticks B. a knife and fork ( )5. I _ using chopsticks . A. is B. are C. am ( )6.This is _dress. A. Amy B. Amys C. amys( )7.We are making a cake _ mum. A.of B.on C.for( )8. Look _ the mess! A. on B. in C. at( )9.There _ five people in my family. A is B are C am( )10.Sam _ got a pen. A has B is C have( )11. _ you at the farm yesterday? A Were B were C Are( )11 B. Will you go_ ? A. swiming B swim C swimming( )12. What day is after Sunday? Its _. A Saturday B Monday C Friday ( )12 B. My grandpa _ in Dalian. A lives B living C liveing( )13. Where are the vegetables? _ are there. A It B They C Then( )13 B. What are you going to do _ Friday? A in B at C on( )14. Were you _ the second floor? A on B at C in( )14 B. My mum is _ a cake. A. makes B making C makeing( )15. Will he _ TV ? A watching B watches C watch( )15 B. Look! There are some stone _. A animal B animals C animals( )16. They _ old then. A were B was Care( )16 B. Im going to _ a pilot. A is B am C be( )17. _ 70 plus 90? A Whens B Whats C Wheres( )17 B. She has got _ old bag. A a B two C an( )18. Amy is good _ English. A in B about C at( )18 B. _ is the new book? Its in my bag. A What B where C Where( )19. Will Lingling eat a pizza? A Yes, he will. B No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she will.( )19B.Can I play _ your kite? A with B to C from( )20. Im going to help _. A him B he C she( )20 B. They can _ basketball. A plays B playing C play五、按要求写句子。 20% 1. They were old then. (改成一般现在时)_1 B.There are stone animals.( 否定句) 2. We were on the second floor. ( 改成一般疑问句)_2 B.family, your, in, how, people, are, many, there ( ? ) (连词成句) 3. is, he, in, class, naughty (?)(连词成句)_3 B.are, These, Sams, trousers( . ) (连词成句) 4. at, good, quite, is, she, English (.)(连词成句)_4 B.go, you, going, are, to, Beijing, to (?)(连词成句) 5. Are you going to phone me? (肯定回答)_5 B.ducks, naughty, These, very, are ( . ) (连词成句) 六、阅读理解。10%I have a big family. There are seven people in it. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my parents, my uncle ,my brother and I. My grandpas name is Jeff Smith . My grandmas name is Emma Smith. My father is Peter Smith, and my mother is Ann Smith. They are both(两个都) teachers. My uncle is a young man of 28 years old. He is a worker. My brother and I are middle school(中学) students.判断,正确的打T,错的画F.( ) 1.I have a small family.( ) 2. There are four people in my family. ( ) 3. Emma Smith is my grandma.( ) 4. My uncle is 38 years old.( ) 5. My uncle is a worker.三年级测试卷答案一、把下列单词补充完整。10%1. make 2. room 3. hot 4. play 5. these 6. fruit 7. yesterday 8. say 9. second 10. wide6 B. those 7 B. work 8 B. chopsticks 9 B. naughty 10 B. lion二、根据提示写出单词。10%1. fast food 2.using 3.you 4.cake5. always 6.peaches 7.beautiful 8.phone will5 B. run 6 B. animals 7 B.chips 8 B. swim sea 三、请为下列问句找到对应的答句,把序号写在前面的括号里。20%1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. F6 L 7 K 8 M 9 O 10 N6 B. A 7 B.J 8 B.I 9 B.H 1 0 B.G 四 、选择填空 20%1-5 ABBAC 6-10 BCCBA11-15 ABBAC 16-20 ABCCA 11B-15B) CACBB 16B-20B) CCBAC五、按要求写句子(连词成句) 20% 1 They are old (now).2 Were you on the second floor?3 Is he naug


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