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.NET Compact Framework 2.0中的新事物 介绍 .NET Compact Framework 2.0版在以前版本 .NET Compact Framework1.0 版 上提供许多改善。虽然普遍改善 ,但他们都集中在共同的目标 改进开发商生产力、以完整的 .NET Framwork提供更强的兼容性,以及加大对设备特性的支持。这篇文章提供一个 .NET Compact Framework2.0 的变动和改进的高水平的概要。 用户界面 相关的灵活的设备显示器的小尺寸要求:应用程序高效率地使用 可用空间。这在过去是要求开发商花费很多时间来设计和实施应用的用户界面。最近的在灵活的显示能力方面的进步,譬如高分辨率和多方位支持,使得用户界面发展的工作更具挑战性。为了简化创造应用用户界面的任务, .NET Compact Framework2.0 提供许多关于这方面描述的新特性。 窗口形式控制 存在于用户界面中心的是控制; .NET Compact Framework2.0 提供了很多新的控制。这些新控制由除了特别针对设备之外的控制组成。这种控制是 .NET Compact Framework 有的与 .NET Framework 一样充分的控制。 MonthCalendar MonthCalendar 控制是提供日期显示的可定制的日历控制,而且是有利于为用户提供一个图解方式来精选日期。 DateTimePicker DateTimePicker 控制是为显示和允许用户进入日期和时间信息的可定制的控制。由于它的一个紧凑显示和图解日期选择格式的组合,它特别适用于灵活的设备应用程序。当显示信息时, DateTimePicker 控制与正文框相似;但是,当用户选择了一个日期 , 可能显示一个类似于 MonthCalendar 控制的弹出日历。 WebBrowser WebBrowser 控制压缩了设备 Web 浏览器,并且提供强大的显示能力和暴露很多事件。这些事件除了允许你的应用程序提供对于这些事件的用户化的行为,还允许你的应用程序追踪用户与 Web 浏览器内容的互动。 Notification Notification控制压缩了袖珍版个人电脑的通知特性,就是允许应用程序寄给用户一个没有改变用户当前活动的上下文的通知。通知文本可以是纯文本或 HTML。除显示信息之外,通知可以通过包含在通知的 HTML文本中的 HTML按钮和链接来接受用户的输入。 DocumentList DocumentList 控制为显示和处理文件提供一个标准的机制,譬如当打开 Excel Mobile and Word Mobile 中的使用的文件。 DocumentList 控制提供给用户操纵文件系统以及删除、复制、行动和重命名的能力。用户也可以用 DocumentList 控制通过红外线发送电子邮件和发送文件到其它设备。 Smartphone 中的 DataGrid Smartphone 现在支持 DataGrid 控制。就像袖珍个人电脑, Smartphone 中的 DataGrid控制支持构形的大小、多种 显示形式、数据捆绑、空值处理和跟踪用户单元选择的事件。 LinkLabel LinkLabel控制是一个能显示一个或更多超链接的标签控制。 Splitter Splitter 控制是一个提供恢复相接控制的能力的分离栏。 ToolBar ToolBar 控制是能将图像以按钮形式显示的 Windows 工具栏。 用户控制 .NET Compact Framework2.0 现在支持用户控制。增加用户控制的同时, .NET Compact Framework 2.0 应用程序现在可以用 Visual Studio 2005 图像化 地创建控制,并且,就如完整的 .NET Framework 一样, .NET Compact Framework2.0 的用户控制自动在控制工具箱出现,而且可以用拖放安置在窗体上。 显示和布局管理 现在可用的 Windows Mobile 窗体因素的广泛多样性,要求应用程序开发者开发应用程序用户界面比以前更动态化。为了简化创造动态用户界面的任务, .NET Compact Framework2.0 提供许多新布局和管理特性。 控制相接 .NET Compact Framework2.0 控制现在支持相接。相接一个控制设置它与 双亲控制的边缘相反,即填充边缘。因为双亲控制调整尺寸,相接控制自动调整尺寸来填充双亲控制指定的边缘。控制也可以相接填装整个双亲。 控制停滞 .NET Compact Framework2.0 控制也支持停滞。停滞控制识别,即控制的一边或多边应该依然是与对应的边缘或双亲控制的边缘保持的一个固定距离。因为双亲控制调整尺寸,控制自动地调整尺寸,因此控制的停滞的一边依然是与双亲控制的对应的边缘保持的适当的距离。 自动卷曲 Form and Panel控制 除了继承于 ScrollableControl控制的其他控制 现在提供AutoScroll属性。当设置为真,控制自动地提供一个卷曲栏来允许用户卷曲到任一个在控制可视范围之外的孩子控制。 自动缩放比例 所有 ContainerControl起源的控制,譬如 Form 控制,现在提供 AutoScaleMode 属性。AutoScaleMode 属性指出当控制在一个不同于最初它设计的决议上显示时,控制应该如何反映。当设置为 AutoScrollMode.Dpi 时 ,容器控制的所有孩子控制相应地与执行时间的显示决议相匹配。 AutoScaleMode.None 的值表明缩放比例不会自动完成, 这样就使应用程序有责任在不同的决议上准确地提出。 SuspendLayout 和 ResumeLayout .NET Compact Framework2.0 Control类 现在支持 SuspendLayout 和 ResumeLayout 方法。就像在完整的 .NETFramework 中一样,这些方法在与一个异于聚集布局事件关联,譬如改变一系列的孩子控制的位置或调整它们的尺寸。 Graphics DpiX 和 DpiY 属性 现在, Graphics 类提供关于当前设备显示的决议的信息。 DpiX 属性显示水平的每英寸像素的数 量 , 而且 DpiY 属性显示垂直的每英寸像素的数量。 自定义图画 为了简化丰富的用户界面的创作, .NET Compact Framework2.0 增加了很多特性。这些特性允许应用程序更加容易运用自定义图画。 可旋转的字体 LogFont 类添加到 .NET Compact Framework2.0 为在为在一个角度显示文本提供支持,以及为合并其他文本作用提供支持。 自定义笔 现在,应用程序可以创造具体颜色和大小的笔。 位图 .NET Compact Framework2.0 为用位图工作提供改进。这种改进包括:当创建 位图和有能力将一个位图保存到一个文件或流时,提供更多的选择。 应用程序可以运用新加入的 BitmapData 类,通过 LockBits 和 UnlockBits 方法的联合更加容易观察和操作位图。因为应用程序需要在被处理的和自身的代码之间分享位图,现在,你可以通过 GetHbitmap 方法检索一个自身位图对象的句柄。 DirectX Windows Mobile 5.0 软件通过执行 DirectX 应用程序设计界面( APIs)包含二维和三维的图画特性。因为 .NET Compact Framework 2.0 的开发商 瞄准 Windows Mobile 5.0 基础设备的人, DirectX 特性集有能力贯穿包含在“ Microsoft.Windows.DirectX”命名域中的类和对应的汇编。 键盘管理 现在,灵活的设备的一个增长数字包括键盘。为了允许管理开发商利用可利用的键盘, .NET Compact Framework2.0 为键盘提供改进的支持。 注:在这部分提及的一些特性被作为一部分加到 .NET Compact Framework1.0 服务包,但在这里提它们,大家就肯定知道它们也是可用的。 制表符支持 现在,控制支持制表符命 令以允许应用程序用户通过按制表符键在控制之间切换。 Keyboard Events 和 Form.KeyPreview 现在,控制接受 KeyUp、 KeyDown和 KeyPress 事件。此外,现在, Form控制提供KeyPreview 属性。当设置为假 , keyboard 事件就会被直接发到控制。当 KeyPreview 被设置为真,所有 keyboard 事件就会被发到 Form实例以等待被发送到当前聚焦的控制。通过在Form实例的对应的事件处理设置 KeyPressEventArgs 属性为真, Form 实例可以防止事件以焦点被 送到控制。 数据 当然,数据是任一个应用程序的重要部份。不管有无关系,针对数据的类在必需访问和运作以数据编程的努力上的水平有直接效应。 .NET CompactFramework2.0 除了为现存的类提供新特性,还提供很多新数据类。 Updatable, Scrollable Access to SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition .NET Compact Framework2.0 为进入 SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition ( SQL Mobile)数据库 SqlCeResultSet 提供新类。新的 SqlCeResultSet 类提供卷曲和可更新的直接存取SQL Mobile 数据库。这个存取为存取 SQL Mobile 数据提供一种比 DatasSet 类更加快速和更加资源高效率的解决方案。和 DataSet 类一样, SqlCeResultSet 可以作为数据绑定资源使用。 DataSet DataSet 类 和相关的类提供很多新特性。这些特性不仅提供改进的功能而且带来 .NET Compact Framework 的 DataSet 类与整个 .NET Framework 更多协调。 GetChanges 和 Merge Methods .NET Compact Framework2.0 将 GetChanges 和 Merge 方法增加到 DataSet 类。 GetChanges方法返回一个包含所有自从最后访问 AcceptChanges之后的所有变动的 DataSet的副本。返回的 DataSet 优化为合并。 DataSet 方法将 DataSet 合并到另一个里。它对于将变动从一个由一个 GetChanges 方法返回的 DataSet 合并到另一个特别有用。 Copy方法 现在, . NET Compact Framework 的 DataSet 类提供 Copy方法。 Copy方法返回包含与原物相同的结构和数据的新 DataSet。 DataTables Serialization 现在, DataTable 类提供 WriteXml 和 ReadXml方法。这些方法提供各自的表的 XML连载和非连载。而且,连载和非连载的支持的结合允许 DataTables 作为 Web 服务论点而通过。 XML .NET Compact Framework2.0 对于与 XML相关类提供了很多改进。这些改进不仅简化运用 XML数据运作的进程,而且给 .NET Compact Framework 中 XML相关类带来更多与那些在整个 .NET Framework 中可用的资源的协调。 XPath支持 现在, XmlDocument 类支持 SelectSingleNode 和 SelectNodes 方法 二者都是提供用XPath搜索文档的能力。 XML连载 .NET Compact Framework2.0与相关属性类一起增加 XmlSerializer类,譬如 XmlElement和 XmlAttribute。用 XmlSerializer,你可以从 XML保存和恢复类,以及保存和恢复类到XML。 新的 XmlSerializer 类也通过 .NET Compact Framework2.0 的 Web 代理基本类在内部使用。新的 XmlSerializer 类充分提供通过 .NET Compact Framework1.0 在使用的机制上极大地改善以连载和非连载 Web 服务器论点,因此提供改进的 Web 服务器访问性能。 XML 图解 现在, .NET Compact Framework2.0 为用 XML图解文档工作提供 XmlSchema 类。这些类也可以使用到动态地产生图解。 数据绑定 新的数据绑定类 BindingSource 包含在 .NET Compact Framework2.0 中。 BindingSource 通常分在一个或更多数据绑定控制和一个数据绑定源之间。当使用时,BindingSource 类通过提供间接的层数和增加流动管理、改变事件以及更多来简化数据绑定。 通信 通信实际上是每个灵活的设备应用程序的一个重要部份。 .NET Compact Framework2.0增加了几个新类以简化共同的通信要求,同时提供整体的新能力。除新的通信类之外, .NET Compact Framework2.0 还包括对现有的类的改善。 Web 服务 就像之前提到的那样,新的 XmlSerializer 类通过提供一个更加快速的 Web 服务器论点的 XML连载和非连载而充分改进了 Web 业务访问性能。 除性能改善之外,现在 .NET Compact Framework2.0 的 Web 服务器类为 SOAP1.2 版提供支持。 MSMQ 作为想利用 MSMQ 异步信息特性的应用程序开发商, .NET Compact Framework2.0 在“ System.Messaging”命名域中提供类。这些类为发送和接收包含使用事物创建基本操作的信息提供支持。 连续端口 为了减 少当用连续端口工作时必需的编程的努力, .NET Compact Framework2.0 包含了 SerialPort 类。 SerialPort 类提供一个简化的对连续通信端口的提取。这个端口提供很多简化追踪和配置连续端口的特性。连续端口还简化以连续端口发送和接收数据 包括自动编码和解码数据发送和从端口接收数据。 IPv6 支持 现在, .NET Compact Framework2.0 网络类除了为 IPv4 支持外,还为 IPv6 提供支持。 结论 希望这个摘要通过使用 .NET Compact Framework2.0 给了你一个关于有利于灵活设备开发商的许多新特性。关于那些你想要的更多的细节的那些主题,你可以检索文献和MSDN。这篇文章里提到的有关每个主题的详细文章在或者很快就会在 MSDN 上。 附件 2: 外文原文 Whats New in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Introduction The .NET Compact Framework version 2.0 offers many improvements over its predecessor, the .NET Compact Framework version 1.0. Although the improvements are widespread, they all focus on the common goals of improving developer productivity, providing greater compatibility with the full .NET Framework and increasing support for device features. This article provides a high-level summary of the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 changes and enhancements. User Interface The relatively small size of smart device displays requires that applications use the available space efficiently, which historically has required that developers spend a great deal of time designing and implementing an applications user interface. Recent advances in smart display capabilities, such as high-resolution and multiple orientation support have made the job of user interface development even more challenging. To simplify the task of creating application user interfaces, the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides the many new features that are described in this section. Windows Forms Controls At the heart of the user interface are the controls; the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides a number of new controls. These new controls consist of controls that the .NET Compact Framework has in common with the full .NET Framework in addition to controls that are specific to devices. MonthCalendar The MonthCalendar control is a customizable calendar control that provides a visual display of dates and is useful for providing a graphical way for users to select dates. DateTimePicker The DateTimePicker control is a customizable control for displaying and allowing users to enter date and time information. It is especially well suited for smart device applications due to its combination of a compact display and graphical date selection format. When displaying information, the DateTimePicker control renders similar to a text box; however, when the user is selecting a date, a pop-up calendar similar to the MonthCalendar control can be displayed. WebBrowser The WebBrowser control encapsulates the device Web browser, providing rich display capabilities and exposing a variety of events that allow your application to both track the users interaction with the Web browser content in addition to allowing your application to provide customized behaviors for these events. Notification The Notification control encapsulates the Pocket PCs notification feature that allows applications to send the user a notification without changing the context of the users current activity. The notification text can be plain text or HTML. In addition to displaying information, notifications can receive input from the user by including HTML buttons and links in the HTML text of the notification. DocumentList The DocumentList control provides a standard mechanism for displaying and managing files such as that which is used when opening files in Excel Mobile and Word Mobile. The DocumentList control provides the user with the ability to navigate around the file system and to delete, copy, move, and rename files. The user can also use the DocumentList control to send e-mail messages and send files by means of infrared to other devices. DataGrid on Smartphone Smartphone now supports the DataGrid control. Just like Pocket PC, the DataGrid control on Smartphone supports configurable column sizes, multiple display styles, data binding, null value handling, and events to track user cell selections. LinkLabel The LinkLabel control is a label control that is capable of displaying one or more hyperlinks. Splitter The Splitter control is a splitter bar that provides resizing capability to docked controls. ToolBar The ToolBar control is Windows toolbar that is capable of displaying images as buttons. User Controls The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 now supports user controls. With the addition of user controls, .NET Compact Framework 2.0 applications can now create controls graphically within Visual Studio 2005 and, just as the full .NET Framework, the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 user controls automatically appear on the control Toolbox and can be placed on forms by using drag-and-drop. Display and Layout Management The wide variety of Windows Mobile form factors that are now available requires that application developers develop application user interfaces to be much more dynamic than in the past. To simplify the task of creating dynamic user interfaces, the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides many new layout and management features. Control Docking The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 controls now support docking. Docking a control places it against the edge of the parent controlfilling that edge. As the parent control is resized, the docked control automatically resizes to always fill the specified edge of the parent control. Controls can also be docked to fill the entire parent. Control Anchoring The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 controls also support anchoring. Anchoring a control identifies that one or more sides of the control should remain a fixed distance from the corresponding edge or edges of the parent control. As the parent control is resized, the control automatically resizes so the anchored sides of the control remain the appropriate distance from the corresponding edges of the parent control. Automatic Scrolling The Form and Panel controlin addition to other controls that inherit from the ScrollableControl controlnow provide the AutoScroll property. When set to true, the control automatically provides a scroll bar to allow the user to scroll to any child controls that are outside the controls visible boundary. Automatic Scaling All ContainerControl derived controls, such as the Form control, now provide the AutoScaleMode property. The AutoScaleMode property indicates how the control should render when it is displayed on a resolution different than the resolution it was originally designed for. When set to AutoScrollMode.Dpi, all child controls of the container control are scaled to match the runtime displays resolution. A value of AutoScaleMode.None indicates that no automatic scaling will be done, making the application responsible to render correctly on the different resolutions. SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Control class now supports the SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout methods. Just as in the full .NET Framework, these methods are used in conjunction with one another to group multiple layout events, such as repositioning or resizing a series of child controls. Graphics DpiX and DpiY properties The Graphics class now provides information as to the resolution of the current device display. The DpiX property indicates the number of horizontal dots per inch, and DpiY indicates the number of vertical dots per inch. Custom Drawing To simplify the creation of rich user interfaces, the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 has added a number of features that allow applications to much more easily handle custom drawing. Rotatable Fonts The addition of the LogFont class to the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides support for displaying text at an angle and for incorporating other text effects. Custom Pens Applications can now create pens of a specific color and size. Bitmaps The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides many enhancements for working with bitmaps. Enhancements include providing more options when creating bitmaps and having the ability to save a bitmap to a file or stream. Applications can more easily view and manipulate bitmaps through the combination of the LockBits and UnlockBits methods with the newly added BitmapData class. For applications needing to share bitmaps between managed and native code, you can now retrieve a handle to the native bitmap object through the GetHbitmap method. DirectX Windows Mobile 5.0 software includes a number of rich two-dimensional and three-dimensional drawing features through its native implementation of the DirectX application programming interfaces (APIs). For .NET Compact Framework 2.0 developers who target Windows Mobile 5.0based devices, the DirectX feature set is available through the classes contained in the Microsoft.Windows.DirectX namespace and corresponding assembly. Keyboard Management An increasing number of smart devices now include keyboards. To allow managed developers to take advantage of the available keyboards, the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides enhanced support for keyboards. Note Some of the features mentioned in this section were added as part of the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 service packs but are mentioned here to be sure that everyone is aware that they are available. Tab Support Controls now support a tab order allowing application users to move between controls by pressing the tab key. Keyboard Events and Form.KeyPreview Controls now receive KeyUp, KeyDown, and KeyPress events. In addition, the Form control now provides the KeyPreview property. When set to false, keyboard events are sent directly to the control. When KeyPreview is set to true, all keyboard events are sent to the Form instance prior to being sent to the control that currently has focus. The Form instance can prevent an event from being sent to the control with focus by setting the KeyPressEventArgs.Handled property to true in the Form instances corresponding event handler. Data Data is of course a central part of any application. Whether relational, data-oriented classes have a direct effect on the level of programming effort that is required to access and work with data. The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides a number of new data classes in addition to new features to existing classes. Updatable, Scrollable Access to SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides a new class for accessing a SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (SQL Mobile) database, SqlCeResultSet. The new SqlCeResultSet class provides scrolling and updatable access directly to the SQL Mobile database. This access provides a much faster and more resource-efficient solution for accessing SQL Mobile data than the DataSet class. Like the DataSet class, SqlCeResultSet can be used as a data binding source. DataSet The DataSet class and related classes provide a number of new features. These features not only provide enhanced functionality but also bring the .NET Compact Framework DataSet class more in line with that of the full .NET Framework. GetChanges and Merge Methods The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 adds the GetChanges and Merge methods to the DataSet class. The GetChanges method returns a copy of DataSet that contains all of the changes since AcceptChanges was last called. The returned DataSet is optimized for merging. The Merge method merges one DataSet into another. It is particularly useful for merging changes from one DataSet, returned by the GetChanges method, into another. Copy Method The .NET Compact Framework DataSet class now provides the Copy method. The Copy method returns a new DataSet containing the same structure and data as the original. DataTables Serialization The DataTable class now provides the WriteXml and ReadXml methods, which provide XML serialization and deserialization of individual tables. Also the addition of serialization and deserialization support allows DataTables to be passed as Web service arguments. XML The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 provides a number of enhancements to the XMLrelated classes. These enhancements both simplify the process of working with XML data and also bring the .NET Compact Framework XMLrelated classes much more in line with those available in the full .NET Framework. XPath Support The XmlDocument class now supports the SelectSingleNode and SelectNodes methodsboth of which provide the ability to search the document using XPath. XML Serialization The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 adds the XmlSerializer class along with the related attribute classes, such as XmlElement and XmlAttribute. Using XmlSerializer allows you to save and restore classes to and from XML. The new XmlSerializer class is also used internally by the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Web service proxy base classes. The new XmlSerializer class provides substantially improved performance over the mechanism used by the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 to serialize and deserialize Web service arguments thereby providing improved Web service call performance. XML Schema The .NET Compact Framework 2.0 now provides the XmlSchema class and related classes for working with XML schema documents. These classes can also be used to dynamically generate schemas. Data Binding The new data binding class, BindingSource, is included in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0. The BindingSource is normally layered between one or more data bound controls and a data binding source. When used, the BindingSource class simplifies dat


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