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翻译部分 : 英文原文 Mobile platform of rocker-type coal mine rescue robot LI Yunwang, GE Shirong, ZHU Hua, FANG Haifang, GAO Jinke School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China Abstract: After a coal mine disaster, especially a gas and coal dust explosion, the space-restricted and unstructured underground terrain and explosive gas require coal mine rescue robots with good obstacle surmounting performance and explosion-proof capability. For this type of environment, we designed a mobile platform for a rocker-type coal mine rescue robot with four independent drive wheels. The composi- tion and operational principles of the mobile platform are introduced, we discuss the flameproof design of the rocker assembly, as well as the operational principles and mechanical structure of the bevel gear differ- ential and the main parameters are provided. Motion simulation of the differential function and condition of the robot running on virtual, uneven terrain is carried out with ADAMS. The simulation results show that the differential device can maintain the main body of the robot at an average angle between two rockers. The robot model has good operating performance. Experiments on terrain adaptability and surmounting obstacle performance of the robot proto- type have been carried out. The results indicate that the prototype has good terrain adaptability and strong obstacle-surmounting performance. Keywords: coal mine; rescue robot; rocker suspension; differential; explosion-proof design 1 Introduction In the rescue mission of a gas and coal dust explosion, rescuers easily get poisoned in underground coalmines full of toxic gases, such as high-concentration CH4 and CO, if ventilation and protection are not up to snuff. Furthermore, secondary or multiple gas explosions may be caused by extremely unstable gases after such a disaster and may cause casualties among the rescuers1. Therefore, in order to perform rescue missions successfully, in good time and decrease casualties, it is necessary to develop coal mine rescue robots. They are then sent to enter the disaster area instead of rescuers and carry out tasks of environmental detection, searching for wounded miners and victims after the disaster has occurred.The primary task of the robots in rescue work is to enter the disaster area. It is difficult for robots to move into restricted spaces and unstructured underground terrain, so these mobile systems require good obstacle-surmounting performance and motion performance in this rugged environment2. The application of some sensors used for terrain identification are severely restricted by low visibility and surroundings full of explosive gas and dust; hence, a putative mobile system should, as much as possible, be independent from sensing and control systems3.Studies of coal mine rescue robots are just beginning at home and abroad. Most robot prototypes are simple wheel type and track robots. The mine explora- tion robot RATLER, developed by the Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center (ISRC) of Sandia National Laboratories, uses a wheel type mobile system4. The Carnegie Mellon University Robot Research Center developed an autonomous mine exploration robot, called “groundhog”5. Both the mine rescue robot V2 produced by the American Remote Company and the mine search and rescue robot CUMT-1 developed by China University of Mining and Technology, use a two-track fixed type moving system6-7. These four prototypes are severely limited in underground coal mines. Rocker type robots have demonstrated good performance on complex terrain.All three Mars rovers, i.e., Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity used mobile systems with six independent drive wheels8-9. Rocker-Bogie, developed by the American JPL laboratory has landed successfully on Mars. The SRR robot from the JPL laboratory with four independent drive and steering wheels consists of a moving rocker assembly system, similar to the four wheel-drive SR2 developed by the Univer- sity of Oklahoma, USA10. Both tests and practical experience have shown that this type of system has good motion performance, can adapt passively to uneven terrain, possesses the ability of self adaptation and performs well in surmounting obstacles. Given the unstructured underground terrain environment and an atmosphere of explosive gases, we investigated a coal mine rescue robot with four independent drive wheels and an explosion-proof design, based on a rocker as sembly structure. We introduce the composition and opera- tional principles of this mobile system, discuss the design method of its rocker assembly and differential device and carried out motion simulation of the kinematic performance of the the robot with on ADAMS, a computer software package. In the end, we tested the terrain adaptability and performance of the prototype in surmounting obstacles. 2 Mobile platform11-12 Of As shown in Fig 1, the mobile platform of the rocker-type four-wheel coal mine rescue robot includes a main body, a gear-type differential device,two rocker suspensions and four wheels. The the shell of the differential device is attached to the interior of the the main body The two extended shafts of the differential device are supported by the axle seats in the of lat-to early plate of the main the body and connected to the rocker suspensions installed at both sides of the main the body. of The four wheels are separately connected to the of bevel gear, transmission at the the terminal of the four landing stretch our legs. at The four wheels are independently driven by a DC motor is installed inside the landing stretch our legs. of the rocker suspension flameproof design of the to stretch our legs. has been developed,which includes a flameproof motor cavity from and a flameproof connection cavity. Via a cable entry device, the power and control of the DCmotor cables are connected to the power and controller of the main the body. 2.1 Rocker suspension 2.1.1 Function The primary role of the rocker suspension is to provide the mobile platform with a mobile system that can adapt to the unstructured underground terrain,such as rails, steps, ditches and deposit of rock and coal dumps because of the collapse of the tunnel roof after a disaster. By connecting the differential device intermediate between the two rocker suspensions, the four drive wheels can touch the uneven ground passively and the wheels can bear the average load of the robot so that it is able to cross soft terrain. The wheels can supply enough propulsion, which allows the robot to surmount obstacles and pass through uneven terrain. 2.1.2Structure As shown in Fig. 1, the rocker suspension is composed of a connecting block, landing legs and bevel gear transmissions. The angle between the landing legs on each side of the main body is carefully calibrated. The legs are connected to the connecting block and the terminals, which in turn are connected to the bevel gear transmissions. Fig. 2 illustrates the cal. The DC motor is in the leg and fixed to the connecting cylinder. The motor shaft connects to the bevel gear transmission and the wheel is also connected to the transmission. The upper section has a blind center hole through witch a connection is formed to the bottom section, via a connection cavity.Through the cable entry device of the upper section,the motor power and control cable from the main body of the robot are put into the connection cavity and connect to the wiring terminals which, in turn,connect to the guidance wires in the wire holder. Another end of the guidance wires connects to the motor in the bottom section. A coal mine environment is full of explosive gases;hence, a rescue robot must be designed to be flame-proof. The DC motors, for driving each wheel, are installed in the landing legs of the rocker suspensions.At the present low-powered DC motors, available in the market, are of a standard design and not flame-proof, hence a flame proof structure for these motors must be designed. Given the structural features of the rocker suspension, it is very much necessary that a flame proof design for the landing legs be carried out.There are two important points to be considered in this flameproof design. First, a flameproof cavity is needed, in which the standard DC motor is installed. Given the flameproof design requirements, a group of flameproof joints should be formed between the motor shaft and the shaft hole. Generally, the motor shaft made by the manufacturer is too short to comply with the requirement of flameproof joints, so the motor shaft needs to be extended. Second, a flameproof connection cavity should be designed to lead the cable into the connection cavity through a flameproof cable entry device. DC motors, especially brush DC motors, may generate sparks in normal running and when the motor load is high, the working current may be more than 5 A, which exceeds the current limit in Appendix C2 of the National Standard GB3836.2-2000 of China. Therefore, the motor power and control- cable cannot be directly in the connection cavity.Given these requirements, the landing legs have been designed as flameproof units, as shown in Fig. 2.An elongated shaft sleeve has been assembled from the motor shaft, with the same inside radius as that ofthe motor shaft and this is how the motor shaft is extended. The front flange of the motor is fixed to the intermediate plate of the connecting cylinder. The motor shaft with the shaft sleeve passes through the center hole embedded with a brass bush and then connects to the input gear of the bevel gear transmission at the end of the bottom section of the landing leg. Therefore, flameproof joints are formed between the motor shaft and the shaft sleeve, as well as between the shaft sleeve and the brass bush. The terminal of the bottom section of the leg connects to the connecting cylinder and a flameproof joint is formed between the external cylindrical surface of the terminal and the inner cylinder surface of the connecting cylinder. There is also a flameproof connection cavity in the upper section of the leg. In order to save space, the guidance wire is sealed together with the wire holder using a sealant. The seat of the guide wire is installed in the hole of the upper section of the landing leg.Another flameproof joint is formed between the wire holder and the hole. The cavity of the upper section connects to the rabbet structure of the bottom section, with yet another flameproof joint. There is a flame-proof cable entry device at the end of the upper section of the landing leg. Hence, a flameproof connection cavity is formed in the upper section of the leg.Based on the structure described, the standard DC motor was installed in the flame proof cavity of the bottom section of the leg. The power and control cables of the motor connect to the flameproof connection cavity of its upper section through a wire holder.Moreover, the cable from the flame proof main body of the robot connects to the connection cavity via the flameproof cable entry device. Thus, the flameproof design of the landing leg of the rocker suspension section was completed. 2.2 Differential device13-15 2.2.1 Characteristics of the differential mechanism The differential Mechanism of a rocker-type robot is a motion transfer mechanism with two degrees of freedom, which can transform the two rotating inputs into a rotating output. The output is the linear mean values of the two inputs. If we let 1 and 2 be two angular velocity inputs,the angular velocity output, 1 and 2, wo rotational angle inputs and be rotational angle output, we have: 2 21 , 2 21 Two rotational input components connect to the left and the right rocker suspension of the robot and the output component connects to the main body of the robot. In this way, the swing angles of the left and right rocker suspensions are averaged by the differential mechanism and the mean value, transformed into the swing angle (pitching angle) of the main body, is the output. It is effective in decreasing the swing of the main body and thus reduces the terrain effect. Taking the main swing angle of the main body as input and the swing angles of the left and the right rocker suspension as outputs, the rotational input is decomposed into two different rotational outputs. If the output is the mean value of two inputs, it is helpful to allocate the average weight of the body to each wheel which can adjust its position passively alone in the terrain.Given the characteristics and operating requirements of differential mechanisms, a bevel gear type differential mechanism has been designed. We have analyzed the working principle of the bevel gear differential mechanism and present its detailed structural design. 2.2.2 Principle of the bevel gear differential mechanism Fig. 3 shows the schematic diagram of the bevel gear differential mechanism. Two semi-axle bevel gears 1 and 2 mesh with the planetary bevel gear 3 orthogonally. Carrier H connects to planetary bevel gear 3 coaxially. Let the angular velocities of gears 1,2, 3 and carrier H be 1、 2、 3 and H . Let the number of their teeth be Z1 , Z 2 and Z3 , where Z1, Z2 . Let the rotational angles of gear 1, 2 and carrier H be 1、2、 H . If we let the relative H then we have: 131232112 ZZ ZZiHHH We obtain 2 21 H and 2 21 H 2.2.3 Bevel gear differential device Given the above principle of a bevel gear differential mechanism, we designed such a bevel gear differential device, shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4a is the outline of the differential device, and Fig. 4b its internal Structure.This bevel gear differential device is composed of a shell, end covers, an axle base, semi-axle bevel gears, planetary bevel gears, a connecting shaft, etc.The end covers and axle beds connect to the shell by screws. In the shell, two planetary bevel gears are coaxial and symmetrically installed at the connecting shaft, with the shaft terminals supported at the end covers. There are bearings between the connecting shaft and bevel gears. The circlips are installed on the connecting shaft to limit the load on the bearings.Two semi-axle bevel gears are housed in the two axle beds separately, two axle beds are fixed on the shellsymmetrically and two semi-axle bevel gears mesh with two planetary bevel gears orthogonally. The two axle bases have the same structure. The semi-axle bevel gears are located by the bearings, shaft sleeve and circlips in the axle beds. When the differential device is installed on the robot, the two axles of the left and right semi-axle bevel gears are connected to the left and right rockers. The shell of the differentialis fixed on the main body of the robot 2.3 Basic parameters of the robot mobile platform Fig. 5 shows the leading dimensions of the robot mobile platform. The length of the leg l=360 mm, the angle of the legs = 90 , the diameter of the wheel d=200 mm, the distance between the front and the rear wheel 2 sin 5092e l 570 = mm, the width of the robot i=670 mm, the distance of the rocker rotational center to the ground cos 354.52 2dg l = 670mm, the outline dimensions of the main body a=400, b=200, f=310 mm, the height of the robot platform c=522mm and the gravity (G) height h=360 mm. The rangeof the swinging angle of the left ( 1 ) and the right( 2) rocker is ( 45 45 ). Let the pitch and horizontal roll angle be and ,then the maximum allowable pitch and horizontal roll angle are as follows: 2.353602 5092a r c t a n)m a x ( he 9.423602 6702a r c t a n)m a x( hi The weight of the robot platform is 20 kg and its maximum load capacity is 15 kg. The robot platform is driven by four DC motors with 60 W power. Its maximum speed is 0.32 m/s. 3 Mobile platform test 3.1 Simulation test An accurate, simulated 3D model of the robot was Imported into the ADAMS software. Using the kinematic pairs in the joints database of the ADAMS/View, the movement of each part of the simulation model is constrained. For simulating the differential action of differential devices acting on the robot body, a revolute joint between the left and right rockers of the model and the “Ground” is established. Random moments of forces are exerted to the left and right rockers to simulatethe rough action of the terrain on the rockers. For simulating the movements of the differential device accurately,contact forces are exerted to the pair of gears of the differential device.After corresp- onding marker points on the robot are established, the swinging angles of the left and right rockers and the robot body are measured and the curves of the swinging angles along with the time are obtained via the ADAMS/Postprocessor module, shown in Fig. 6. Curves 1 and 2 are swing angle curves of the two rockers, while curve 3 is the swingangle curve of the main body. The bevel gear differential device can average theswing angles of the right and left rockers, and the average value is the swing angle of the main body.The gap between two teeth and other factors cause the return difference of the gear drive, so when the main body is swinging at the early start-up and through the zero angle, there is a slight swinging angle deviation between the simulated and theoretical values. Typical steps, channels, slopes and other complex terrain models are built in the SolidWorks software. For testing the trafficability characteristics and ride comfort of the four wheel robot, all-terrains models are imported into the ADAMS software16-17. Then the joints and restraints are rebuilt, Contact Force between the terrain and the wheels is exerted and torque is exerted to each wheel. The running condition of the robot is simulated on the complex terrain,as shown in Fig. 7a. The vertical displacement, velocity and acceleration curves of the centroid of the body and the centers of the four wheels can be obtained, as shown in Figs. 7b7d. According to the curves, the curve of the centroid displacement of the main body(mainbody_d curve) is very smooth and the velocity and acceleration of the main body is approximately the mean of that of the four wheels. The simulation results show that the mobile platformof the robot hasgood trafficability and rides comfortably on the complex terrain. 3.2 Prototype test In order to verify the performance of the robot in surmounting obstacles and adapting to a complex terrain, an obstacle-surmounting test of the robot was carried out on a simple obstacle course built in thelaboratory and on a complex outdoor terrain bestrewn with messy bricks and stones. Fig. 8 shows the video image of the robot when moving on the complex terrain.The tests indicate that the four drive wheels of the robot can passively keep contact with the uneven ground and the robot performed well in surmounting obstacles. When moving on uneven ground, the swing angle of the main body was small and the differential device could effectively reduce the effect of the changing terrain to the main body. One side of the robot can cross a 260 mm-high obstacle. Only large obstacles between the landing legs of the rockers appear to block progress. The performance in surmounting obstacles by the four wheels of the robots is clearly better than that of a track-type robot of the same size. 4 Conclusions 1) Coal mine accidents, especially gas and coal dust explosions, occur frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate and develop coal mine rescue robots that can be sent into mine disaster areas to carry out tasks of environmental detection and rescue missions after disasters have occurred, instead of sending rescuers which might become exposed to danger. 2) An underground coal mine environment presents a space-restricted, unstructured terrain environment,with a likely explosive gas atmosph- ere after a disaster.Hence, any mobile system would require a high motion performance and obstacle-surmounting performance oncomp- ex terrain. 3) Given an unstructured underground terrain environment and an explosive atmosphere, we investigated an explosion-proof coal mine rescue robot with four independent drive wheels, based on a rocker type structure. Our simulation and test results indicate that the robot performs satisfactorily, can passively adapt to uneven terrain, is self adaptive and performs well in surmounting obstacles. 4) In our study, we only investigated the rocker-type mobile platform of a coal mine rescue robot. In order to adapt to the underground coal mine environment,we also carried out a flameproof design for the main body. It was necessary to improve the rocker suspensions in order for the robot to be able to adjust the angle between two landing legs automatically, so that the height of the center of gravity of the robot can be controlled, which should improve the anti-rollover performance of the robot. 中文译文 摇臂式煤矿救援机器人移动平台 摘 要 煤矿灾害之后,尤其是气体和煤尘爆炸后,地下空间限制和非结构化的地形以及爆炸性气体的存在,需要具有良好的越障性能和防爆稳定性的煤矿救援机器人。对于这种类型的环境,我们设计了四个独立的摇臂式煤矿救援机器人移动平台和独立驱动的车轮。介绍了移动平台的组成和运作方式,我们讨论了矿用 隔爆型设计摇臂以及它的运行方式和锥齿轮差速器的机械结构。使用 ADAMS 软件模拟了不平坦的虚拟地形对机器人进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明,差动装置能保持一个机器人的主体在摇晃中的平衡。机器人模型具有良好的实用价值。对机器人原型已经进行了地形的适应性和越障性能的实验。结果表明,样机具有良好的地形的适应性和强大的越障性能。 关键词:煤矿救援机器人;摇臂悬挂;特殊性;防爆设计 1 介绍 在瓦斯和煤尘爆炸的事故中执行救援任务,救援人员容易在充满有毒的气体的煤矿井下中毒,如高浓度 CH4和 CO,如果保证不了通风就会出现事故。 此外,多种气体混在一起形成极不稳定的混合气体引发爆炸,并可能造成救援人员伤亡1。因此,为了执行救援任务成功,争取救援时间和减少伤亡,就必须发展煤矿救援机器人。机器人代替了救援人员进入灾区和执行任务的环境检测、搜寻受伤的矿工和灾难发生后的幸存者。 这个机器人搜救工作的首要任务是进入灾区。这是困难的机器人进入限制空间和非结构化的地下地形,所以这些移动系统需要很好的越障性能和运动性能在这种恶劣环境执行任务 2,使用一些传感器能够在低能见度和充满爆炸性气体和尘埃的环境下完成对地形的识别;因此,假定的移动系统应 该尽可能是独立的传感器和控制系统 3。国内和国外煤矿救援机器人的研究才刚刚起步。大多数机器人原型都是简单的轮式和跟踪机器人。桑迪亚国家实验室智能系统和机器人技术中心 (ISRC)所开发的矿山勘探机器人 RATLER,使用的是轮式移动系统 4。卡内基梅隆大学的机器人研究中心开发了一个自治的矿藏的开采机器人,称为“Groundhog”5。由 Remotec 公司制造的 V2 煤矿井下搜救探测机器人和 中国矿业大学的 CUMT-1,使用一个双履带的移动系统 6-7。这四个样品都受到地下煤矿环境的严重限制。摇臂式 机器人在复杂的地形下已经具有良好的性能。所有三个火星探测器, “索杰纳 ”、 “勇气号 ”、 “机遇号 ” 火星车均采用了六轮独立驱动的摇杆 -转向架移动系 8-9。美国喷气推进实验室开发出来的 Rocker-Bogie,实验成功登陆上火星。 SRR 机器人实验室与喷气推进实验室四个独立的驱动和方向盘组成一个移动摇臂总成系统,类似于美国俄克拉何马州大学的研制的四轮驱动的 SR210。这两个测试和实践经验已经证明这种类型的系统具有良好的运动性能,能适应不均匀地形,拥有适应性和良好的越障能力。鉴于非结构化地下地形环境和一个爆炸 性气体的气氛,我们调查了煤炭矿井营救机器人使用四个独立驱动轮和一个防爆设计,基于摇臂总成结构。我们介绍的成分和这个移动系统的工作原理,讨论它的设计方法和差分摇臂总成设备并进行了运动模拟的机器人的运动学性能与 ADAMS 计算机软件包。最后,我们检测了机器人原型的地形适应性和越障性能。 2 移动平台 11 图 1所示,移动平台的摇臂式四轮煤矿营救机器人包括一个主体,齿轮式差动设备,两个摇臂悬挂和四个轮子。外壳通过差动设备连接到内部主体。 差动的两个扩展槽设备支持在横向的轴座板的主体,并连接到两边的安装摇臂悬浮主体上 。四个轮子分别连接到锥齿轮传动终点站四个着陆的腿。四个轮子都是独立的由一个直流电机驱动,安装在着陆腿悬挂的摇臂下。 一个用隔爆型设计腿已经制定,其中包括用隔爆型电机腔和隔爆型连接腔。通过电缆入口装置,电源和控制直流电动机的电缆连接到电源和控制器的主体。 2.1 摇臂悬挂 2.1.1 功能 摇臂悬架的主要作用是提供的移动系统能适应非结构化井下地形的移动台,像轨道,台阶,壕沟和岩石的矿床等由于隧道顶部倒塌的煤炭倾倒灾难发生后。通过连接差动装置中间之间的两个摇臂悬浮液,四个驱动轮可以接触到凹凸不平的地面被动车轮可 以承受的平均负载机器人,所以,它是能够跨越软地形。车轮可以提供足够的推进力,使机器人通过超越不均匀的障碍,并通过地形。 2.1.2 结构 正如图 1 所示,摇臂悬挂组成连接块,着陆腿和锥齿轮传动。着陆之间的角度每个主体一侧的腿被仔细校正。腿被连接到连接块和终端,这反过来又连接锥齿轮传动。图 2 说明结构降落腿。它分为上层和底部。底部是圆柱。直流电动机是在腿和固定连接缸。电机轴连接到锥齿轮传动和轮也连接传输。上部有中心盲孔连接是通过 箕舌线 形成的底部,通过连接腔。通过电缆入口装置的上半部分,从主电机功率和控制电缆机器人 的身体被放到连接腔并连接到接线端子,反过来,连接线持有人的指导线。另一个指导线的一端连接在电机的底部。 2.1.3 防爆设计 一个煤矿环境充满爆炸性气体;因此,营救机器人必须设计为隔爆型。直流电机,用于驱动每个轮子,是安装在着陆的腿摇臂中。在目前的低功率的直流电机,可选市场,是标准的设计而不是防爆、因此一个防爆结构对于这些汽车必须设计。给定的结构特点摇臂悬架,它非常有必要防爆设计为着陆的腿被执行。 有两个重要的问题需要考虑这型矿用隔爆型设计。首先,需要一个防爆腔,在这种标准直流电机安装。鉴于防爆设计要求 ,一群关节型矿用隔爆型电动机应之间形成轴和传动轴洞。通常,电机轴由制造商太短的遵守防爆关节的要求,因此电机轴需要扩展。其次,采用防爆连接型腔应设计成领导电缆到连接腔通过隔爆型电缆条目设备。直流电机,尤其是有刷直流电机,可能产生的火花在正常运行和当电机负载很高,工作电流可能超过 5A,这超过了当前的限制附录 C2 中国国家标准的要求 GB3836.2 -2000。因此,电动机电源和控制电缆不能直接在连接腔。 考虑到这些要求,着陆的腿上有被设计为隔爆型单位,如图 2 所示。一个细长轴套筒组装而成的电机轴,在同样的半径内的电 机轴,这是电机轴被扩展。前面的法兰电机的固定在中联板的连接缸。这个电机轴轴袖的经过中心孔嵌有黄铜布什然后连接到输入齿轮传动齿轮最后的底部的着陆腿。因此,隔爆型关节之间形成的电机轴和传动轴套筒之间,以及轴套筒和黄铜。终端底部的腿的连接连接圆筒和隔爆型联合组成外部圆柱表面之间的终端圆柱表面和内部的连接缸。 还有一个防爆连接腔腿的上层。为了节省空间,指导线是密封连同电线持有人使用密封剂。导线的座位安装在洞的着陆支架的上层。另一个防爆联合间形成电线持有人和洞。上层的空腔连接到榫接结构的底部,用另一个防爆联合。有一个 防爆电缆入口设备结束时的上层着陆的腿。因此,隔爆型连接腔形成的上层的腿。 基于结构描述,标准直流汽车被安装在隔爆型孔的腿的底部。电力和控制电缆电机的连接到防爆连接腔的上层通过导线持有人。此外,电缆防爆主体机器人的连接到连接腔通过防爆电缆入口设备。因此,防爆设计的着陆支架的摇臂悬挂部分。 2.2 差动装置 摇杆式机器人差动机构是一种二自由度运动转换机构,能够将 2 个转动输入转化为 1 个转动输出,且输出为两个输入的线性平均值。设两个输入为转速 1、2, 输出为转速 。


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