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重要的动词汇总:积累:as the evidence began to accumulate / amass possessions(L59) As the evidence began to accumulateThe puma must have been in the possession of the private collectorThere were snails everywhere; they had taken complete possession of the hall占据了整个大厅Exert:Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many peopleads exert a subtle influence onHe proceeded to read to the prisoner(继续做,L22)He insisted that it should be written out in full(坚持说)To compensate for his unpleasant experiencePower/Freedom can easily be abused 滥用权利/自由*喝多了一点:He drank a little more than was good for him喝醉了:He was drunkRemonstrate with sb规劝某人,劝诫某人Disregard social conventionsThe sea bed was scoured with powerful nets 用结实的网把海底搜寻了一遍This marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophesIt marked the beginning of a new eraSet up a chain of reaction引起一系列连锁反应Greedily devour all the cakeCherish a hope/dream/belief/illusion/disillusion*The experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is corneredThe experts now were fully convinced that the animal was a pumaSomebody claims that某人声称。Claim: 还赔偿的含义(例句见L7)After years of conditioning,经过多年的适应之后。He has deduced that. 他推断Reunite: 团员 Lure people 引诱人Lurk in the room潜藏lull you to sleep催你入睡*Conceal/cover from stranger掩藏*Reveal/uncover/let out the secret泄露秘密Extol the virtues of the peaceful country life歌颂,赞扬宁静乡村生活的各种优点*Perch on perched on the bank of the canal位于,处于Birds perch on the branches鸟栖息在树枝上*Descend:降临,下落 eg: peace descend on deserted city streetSeveral bus loads of tourists descended on the town*Dismiss:She was dismissed instantly立即被解雇了Dismiss the idea不理会,不同意l Adorn his study装饰书房 vs He was adored by the rich and poor alike. *批评:The manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant斥责He severely reprimanded the official严厉斥责军官 gently reprimanded 善意的批评blame railway authorities (L37)Reproach sb斥责某人*蔑视,鄙视My friend lives in a country where snails are despised We often speak of tramps with contempt说起流浪汉,我们常带有蔑视的态度He poured scorn on this idea. (L36) 他讥讽,嘲笑这个说法*预测: predict foresee Foretell v. Foresight n.远见Travellers are intimidated by被。吓到了Restrict the freedom of the press限制新闻自由I decide to dismantle it. 我决定拆卸它Unload goods卸载货物Install their fireplaces安装壁炉Invade our daily lives/ our privacy 侵袭我们的日常生活,侵犯隐私Any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat闯入者,入侵者 obtain information 获得信息his neighbor suddenly acquired a new lamb.突然获得一头羊My enthusiasm waned热情消退Relieve office worker of those dull, repetitive work 免除Relieve ones pain/stress缓解疼痛/压力Intoxicated by his success, 被他的成功而陶醉/得意He beat a hasty retreat冲忙地溜走了Appoint a person to 任命Keep an appointment/ be punctual for an appointment准时赴约Dispel doubt/fears消除疑虑/恐惧 Contaminate our food污染食物 the tree began to wither枯萎*降临,发生Has it ever happened to you?( L7)额外奉献:Love has never happen to me.(爱情从来没降临在我头上)occur发生:It suddenly occurred to me that. 我突然想到. ( 新三L37出现的类似搭配:It suddenly dawned on me that the express was.)recur 再次发生Misfortune might overtake us不幸可能会降临到我们头上(L56)Such an experience befell a certain young girl发生在一个女孩身上: 原形:befall offer to train Mendoza主动提出培训。*抓住,猛抓Pounce on it grab it clutch it*行走的方式Hobble along to the party一瘸一拐地去参加晚会Stagger 蹒跚Stumble 趔趄地走Scramble back into the car爬进了车里(L6)* Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. 猫总能引起人们的极大兴趣Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.古玩店对许多人来说都有一种特殊的魅力I did not fancy the idea that我不喜欢这个想法。A fancy-dress party化妆舞会Tramps are free from thousands of anxieties which afflict other people折磨Suffer from a broken tooth:L9*丢弃,抛弃,废弃Discard the things 丢弃 toss out扔出去Abandon his wife抛弃 abandoned railway废弃的铁路Disregard social conventions 不顾,不理会社会风俗He decided to desert his regiment他决定逃离所在的部队(L30)Peace descends on deserted city streets ( L41) 此处引申为:空旷的街道Coordinate everything in hand协调手边的一切事情Spell disaster招致灾难Relate to sb向某人讲述 Pipes get clogged管子堵住了 The flood had put the telephone out of order洪灾造成电话中断Her composure regain冷静了下来预料:As I expected, he did not believe me. 正如我所料,The manufacturers had to pay more money that they had anticipated支付的钱比他们预计的要多有利的地理位置:agreeable situationThe village is favorably sited这个村子地理位置很好The possessions are housed at home 放于/置于形容事物特征的形容词汇总:*丢失的,遗失的 The missing head of the goddess ( L3) The lamb was missingThe lost ship一艘沉船The loss of lives/memory 丧生,失意Such a bedraggled condition拖泥带水的状态Stage a elaborate joke精心策划的 A forbidding place令人望而生畏的地方L50:compile formidable lists of dos and donts 令编排出一份令人生畏的。A less pretentious antique shop一个不太做作,装腔作势的古玩店An old converted house改造过的The bewildering amount of information令人眼花缭乱的大量的信息Shock her head in bewilderment迷惑的摇摇头Put out a nonexistent fire扑灭不存在的火Agonizing moment提心吊胆的时刻,精神紧张的时刻Exhilarating experience使人高兴的,令人兴奋的Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society enlightened society/policy 开明的社会/政策(名词:enjoy a high level of civilization动词:civilize:使开明,开化: civilize people形容词Civil.民众的,公民的:civil laws/rights/servants民法/民权/公务员)Breathtaking view美的令人窒息的景色A perpetual struggle against poverty永久性的 (L45)The sheer volume of rubbish we produce worldwide threatens to overwhelm us垃圾的总量就有把我们覆盖的危险 (L47) Play at a maximum volume放着最大的音量The figure rises to a staggering 60% of men in their sixties Sound foundation牢固的地基 Sound/deep sleep(当男人到六十岁的时候,这个数字上升到令人惊愕的百分之六十)Countryman can be hostile to travellers敌意的Enjoyable journey愉快的旅行 Unpleasant experience/smell/insects令人不悦的经历/味道/L48: An dilapidated wooden fence到塌的,陈旧破烂的Resist the hypnotizing effect of TV抵抗电视的催眠效果User-friendly computer好用的 environmental-friendly 环保的Uncanny sense of direction神秘的方向感Lead a mysterious lifeA sweeping view开阔的视野 the ransacked flat被洗劫一空的公寓Such a monstrous piece of negligence如此严重的粗心大意Prudent谨慎的 Physical and mental energy体力,精力 Physically and mentally healthy身心健康abstruse problem深奥的问题Abstract concept抽象的概念Sparsely-populated area人口稀少的地方 High-handed government高压的*Like-minded志趣相投的 Strong-minded意志坚定的Long-lost brother失散多年的*Well-known temple, Cat behave like well-trained paratroopers像训练有素的伞兵 (L9)L48:In this much-travelled world在这个旅游频繁的世界额外奉献:She is a well-liked teacher备受喜爱的老师*Irritate sbNoise is one of the most profound irritation最令人恼火的噪音的来源之一 this irritating habit令人恼火的习惯古怪的:How Harry came into possession of this outlandish stuff。如何得到这个稀奇古怪的东西的Odd peculiar weirdLife on a desert island is wretched条件艰苦的One of Marys prize possessions was the little lamb珍贵的Distasteful joke恶心的玩笑 Some people find octopus repulsive觉得章鱼令人生厌的*regular Regular supply of pocket-money定期提供 regular visitorsregular practice习惯做法 Standard practice习惯做法,标准做法重要的形容词/副词:*Officious Customs Officer爱管闲事的A noble gangster:贵族的 Shrew businessman精明的 Valiant soldier英勇的战士 Two stray dog流浪狗 Thrifty children/collector节俭的*He was unsympathetic无动于衷Cats can be friendly and affectionate towards humans柔情的Shock us emotionally情感上的L59:Two reasons: xx and sentiment情绪,情感*Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes有名的Distinguished writer杰出的,著名的Obscure writer默默无闻的、无名的Live in obscurity默默无闻的生活下去 (L45)indiscriminate collector盲目的收藏者We are surrounded by children in rages穿着破烂的孩子Long-lost brother失散多年的兄弟 long-term plan长期,长远的计划carry on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant坚持不懈的寻找理想的仆人A rare object珍品 rare animals珍稀动物A real rarity一件珍品*The goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman good-looking girl漂亮的女孩average-looking girl长得一般的女孩the sorry-looking man可怜的家伙the blackened figure家伙*巨大的,极大的,许多Make a remarkable discovery重要的发现Move off at a fantastic speed(L6:速度极快)Drove me at a terrifying speed惊人的速度行驶An immense underwater platforms.received a great deal of attention in the press引起了报界的广泛注意There was tremendous excitement on the boardExert such tremendous influence on usEnjoy tremendous popularity巨大的The response to the competition was tremendousa great many people An enormous amount of moneyA large sum of money一大笔钱Countless DIY publication数不清的DIY报刊杂志In response to renewed pleadings我们咱三要求下。*十分,极其,非常extraordinarily similarHe disliked snobs intensely及其痛恨势利小人Most of them are wildly improbable及其不可能A exceptionally heavy snowfall非常大的雪Rely solely on仅仅依靠。Perfectly horrible lives极其恐怖的生物Unduly frightened by.被。过度惊吓到了一.: a parties of skierA band of soldiers一帮A sort of hero 某种英雄A crowd of peopleThe crowed人群A sheet of paper一张纸A clump of bush一簇灌木丛A span of 4260 feet跨度a procession of children 一群,一对孩子a column /colony/ horde of ants一群蚂蚁 a spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦to do a thousand and one jobs做许多工作Noise is a source of profound irritation噪音是几个极度烦躁的原因TV is virtually the only form of entertainment电视实际上是唯一的娱乐方式*Invariably:总是,一直(同always) What invariably happens is thatThey invariably wins them love and respectPS: In varying degree, we all have secrets which we do not want even our closest friends to learn. (在不同程度上 :L24)*Mere仅仅, 只不过Dont take it seriously. Its a mere joke.这只不过是个笑话 He often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere 50 pounds.仅花了50英镑。The journey lasted a mere hour and 17 minutes (L37) Seemingly interesting fact看似很有趣的。A seemingly happy family你个看似很幸福的家庭Sell spiritual comfort卖精神慰藉He is forever talking about the people there,滔滔不绝的讲。Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted到达目的地时已经精疲力竭了You will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled没有垮下来的,精神焕发的You do it effortlessly毫不费力气地做它The story dramatically illustrates the power of the press戏剧性地说明了Radically changed their lives完全地,激进地The road end abruptly 突然地 use spare time constructively有建设性地使用空暇时间He was adored by rich and poor alike受富人和穷人的喜爱He was technically a prizefighter严格意义上来讲他是一名职业拳击手Seriously injured 受伤很严重 a badly damaged boat(L12)重要的名词:Snob势利小人 Tramp流浪汉 Counter(银行,超市结账等)柜台,for they add color to the dull routine of everyday life L31Alternative route 可替换的路线Alternatively,.=instead(L55)Salvage operation Sunken ship沉船 Personal belongings个人财产Crew船员 Wreck沉船 Inhabitant居民,住户The suburb of.的郊区 a miniature painting一个微型画His wife commented on the workmans close resemblance to her像。某人Ministry of Defence国防部 Illusions of pastoral peace宁静的田园生活的遐想Some of my acquaintances我的一些熟人。Such undertakings requires 这样的事情需要。Annual fair年会 snore 打呼 The children immediately became a commodity商品Shifting population流动人口 That proved to be my undoing祸根 deny accusation否认谴责,控告They sting or bite us without provocation(惹怒):无缘无故地又叮又咬City-dweller城市居民 predecessor前辈 intruder闯入者Become a mania癖好 requisite必需品Diversion of traffic改道表示动作的伴随:He went through the case with great care.仔细地检查箱子(L11)I added with a smile.我微笑地补充到。He pounced on it with delight高兴的一把抓住它He noted with satisfaction that.满意的注意到 (L37)I answered encouragingly. 我催促到He asked sarcastically. 他讥讽地说到There was a note of triumph in my voice我语气里有一丝胜利的口吻 (L37)The ants gave up in despair绝望地放弃了 (L54)Against: Line up against the wall靠墙排列He soon turned against to Mendiza背叛门多萨。struggle against poverty/ difficulties与贫苦/困难作斗争Struggle against economic odds与经济困难作斗争The policeman was prejudiced against foreigners歧视外国人、lodge a complaint/accusation against sb 提出投诉/诉讼,谴责Investigate private grievance against the Stated调查个人对国家的不满另外:Against these figures,相比之下 (L47)*Beyond:.is beyond doubt.毫无疑问 Why some people.is beyond me. 我不明白为什么有些人。Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are is beyond attainment以往的经验告诉我们有些事情是达不到(L50)一些动作归纳:Turn sharply to avoid a direct collisionGo through the Green Channe通过,穿过Went through the case检查箱子Pounce on it with delight猛抓住它Bounce along the pavement沿着人行道弹跳Bounce off the other side of the bank弹回到河岸另一端Unscrew the cap拧开瓶盖Unlocked his suitcase打开箱子Tap at the wall敲击墙壁The train dawdled at station after station慢慢地移动,前行The experts felt obliged to investigate 感到有义务去调查Smash the window/crockery砸窗户/陶瓷餐具Slam the room摔门而出And Gorges arm was firmly stuck紧紧地卡住了The meal get burnt饭糊了The traffic piled up车辆排成了长龙The dealer reluctantly prized it open把。撬开Consult the map/dictionary/doctor查阅地图/字典;咨询医生Rip a hole凿了个洞和车有关:the headlight is on(车的前灯打开了) the horn blare(喇叭鸣响)Rise to surface浮出水面She tripped on the carpet绊倒在地摊上Acting on a sudden impulse 冲动之下(On impulse:冲动之下)The readers hair stood on end毛骨悚然Keep an eye on the baby照看小孩=attend to the babySwarm in the shop蜂拥而入=flood into shopMove from one place to another place with ease轻松的移动You stomach would turn at the idea of一想到就会反胃Be absorbed in /indulge in沉迷于,专注于The Customs Officers face light upHe was greeted by an unpleasant smellBoth the man were genuinely sorry衷心的感到遗憾The man let out cry and jumped back several pacesRoll up his sleevesThey quarreled bitterlyHe squinting his eyes眯了眯眼看的方式汇总:*凝视:he gazed at the window displayThe gaoler looked on eagerly观望He glanced at it briefly漫不经心的看了看,瞥了一眼Man in shirt sleeves stood outside their houses and glared at us glare (L48) “凶狠而且带有威胁性的瞪着看”Stare at the ceiling/foreigners 盯着看(偏中性词)I stood in front of it petrifiedHe throwing up his arm in despairI shook his head and held up five fingers摇摇头伸出五个手指He shrugging his shouldersI stacked my shirts in the two empty drawer整齐的摆放Arouse the pity of passers-by引起怜悯I was assailed by a man被一个人缠住了He kept on pestering his doctor to tell him when he can leave hospital缠住医生问I have no intention of buy anything before I disembarked下船I boarded the train上火车The doctor consoled him by telling thatBruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil 雀跃地宣布。Shivering in their wet clothes,穿着湿衣服浑身哆嗦经典短语汇总:Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger,除了. (be bent on doing sth决定干)He is bent on making a discoveryMuster/plunk up courage to do sth鼓起勇气干某事A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience, and above all, the ability to recognize the worth of sth最重要的是Mete out reward or punishment 实施奖惩Enable justice to act of its own accord自愿的,自动的起作用L35: a thief was caught on the premises of a large jewellery 在一家大型珠宝店被抓Undertake an arduous journeyIt impossible to resist the temptation to say it serves him rightCircumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidence共同促成Franz poured scorn on the idea讥讽这个想法A chance in a million百万分之一的机会L36:Ms Bussan was fully acquainted with this story (be acquainted with:了解,知道)Most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetable产生了不可动摇的信念Shortly afterwards, he. 不久之后,一会之后Can not help doing sth忍不住要干 Unduly frightened by过度的被。吓到I could not help noticing that a great many local people got on as well出名/发财:He soon made a name for himself.He rose to fame swiftly很快就成名了The suspension bridge is name after him以。命名His reputation is ruinedThe rise to fame was swiftAcquire fame and fortune overnight一夜之间出名发财了*Peopleat the idea of一想到。就。At the mention/sight/notice of一提到/一看到/一注意到The remains can shed light on the history of early man阐明,使。清楚的显现The workman told him to do as he pleased 随便他怎么着He was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little giftHe plead ignorance of law 他辩解说自己不懂法律 (找借口,辩解)Sick humor, stemmed from US, has recently come into fashionIt suddenly dawned on me that我突然明白了。This strike me at odd 让我感到奇怪It is connected with the passage of days 时间的流逝A stretch of plain一块平地Students specialize in a particular type of jokes专门从事He is indulging in reading他正专注于阅读Lost his temper发脾气.fully aware of the consequences完全意识到be unaware of sth 没有意识到Permission was granted and.请求批准了appeal to sb: 吸引某人:The quiet life of country never appeal to mePlay jokes on sb开某人的玩笑They always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country一提到乡村,他们就变得欣喜若狂She got into panic 惊慌起来Country life is superior to city life农村生活优于城市生活There is so much variety that you never have to make do with the second best物品品种繁多,从来不必要用二等品来凑合There is plenty to keep you occupied on a plane飞机上你总说有事情做的Sleep comes in snatches 断断续续地 因。向某人道歉Rashly鲁莽地Ashamed of having acted so rashly, he apologize to Aleko for having accused himThere are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.冒险徒步跨过关口Occupy: occupy the whole car (L26) 占据了整辆车There is plenty to keep you occupied.使你忙碌,使你有事情干 (L44)I was occupied by my study this week.灯光:The light flickered continuously The flashed on and off angrilyThe light is dim flickered on and off闪烁(忽明忽暗) Fickleness of human nature人性的变化无常embark on the experiment开始做实验I decided not to buy anything until I disembarked.下船之前不买任何东西*insure yourself in the event of bad weather万一,倘若Calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture随着农业的到来而到来 The poor selection of goods in the shop品种很少City born and city bred生在城市,长在城市Take your mind off the journey不去想,不去考虑The arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood人们对此只能有一种模模糊糊的认识Cater for the tastes of different people迎合不同人的口味 appeal to sb吸引某人Some wives tend to believe that倾向于New technology has made its own contribution to noise 导致*A lot of people object to mobile phone反对The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure不受任何政治压力的制约奉献: I want to dedicate the song to my parentsA dedicated teachers 有奉献精神的I have get used to them 习惯于He will only earn half as much as he used to.过去。*吃惊,震惊He was astonished to find that the little black lamb was almost whiteThe design shock


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