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机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 1 数控技术的发展趋势 摘要 : 简要介绍了当今世界数控技术及装备发展的趋势及我国数控装备技术发展和产业化的现状,在此基础上讨论了在我国加入 WTO 和对外开放进一步深化的新环境下,发展我国数控技术及装备、提高我国制造业信息化水平和国际竞争能力的重要性,并从战略和策略两个层面提出了发展我国数控技术及装备的几点看法。 装备工业的技术水平和现代化程度决定着整个国民经济的水平和现代化程度,数控技术及装备是发展新兴高新技术产业和尖端工业(如信息技术及其产业、生物技术及其产业、航空、航天等国防工业产业)的使能技术和最 基本的装备。马克思曾经说过“ 各种经济时代的区别,不在于生产什么,而在于怎样生产,用什么劳动资料生产 ” 。制造技术和装备就是人类生产活动的最基本的生产资料,而数控技术又是当今先进制造技术和装备最核心的技术。当今世界各国制造业广泛采用数控技术,以提高制造能力和水平,提高对动态多变市场的适应能力和竞争能力。此外世界上各工业发达国家还将数控技术及数控装备列为国家的战略物资,不仅采取重大措施来发展自己的数控技术及其产业,而且在 “ 高精尖 ” 数控关键技术和装备方面对我国实行封锁和限制政策。总之,大力发展以数控技术为核心的先进 制造技术已成为世界各发达国家加速经济发展、提高综合国力和国家地位的重要途径。 数控技术是用数字信息对机械运动和工作过程进行控制的技术,数控装备是以数控技术为代表的新技术对传统制造产业和新兴制造业的渗透形成的机电一体化产品,即所谓的数字化装备,其技术范围覆盖很多领域: (1)机械制造技术; (2)信息处理、加工、传输技术; (3)自动控制技术; (4)伺服驱动技术; (5)传感器技术; (6)软件技术等。 1 数控技术的发展趋势 数控技术的应用不但给传统制造业带来了革命性的变化,使制造业成为工业化的象征, 而且随着数控技术的不断发展和应用领域的扩大,他对国计民生的一些重要行业( IT、汽车、轻工、医疗等)的发展起着越来越重要的作用,因为这些行业所需装备的数字化已是现代发展的大趋势。从目前世界上数控技术及其装备发展的趋势来看,其主要研究热点有以下几个方面 1 4。 1.1 高速、高精加工技术及装备的新趋势 效率、质量是先进制造技术的主体。高速、高精加工技术可极大地提高效率,提高产品的质量和档次,缩短生产周期和提高市场竞争能力。为此日本先端技术研究会将其列为 5 大现代制造技术之一,国际生产工程学会( CIRP)将其确定 为 21 世纪的中心研究方向之一。 在轿车工业领域,年产 30 万辆的生产节拍是 40 秒 /辆,而且多品种加工是轿机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 2 车装备必须解决的重点问题之一;在航空和宇航工业领域,其加工的零部件多为薄壁和薄筋,刚度很差,材料为铝或铝合金,只有在高切削速度和切削力很小的情况下,才能对这些筋、壁进行加工。近来采用大型整体铝合金坯料 “ 掏空 ” 的方法来制造机翼、机身等大型零件来替代多个零件通过众多的铆钉、螺钉和其他联结方式拼装,使构件的强度、刚度和可靠性得到提高。这些都对加工装备提出了高速、高精和高柔性的要求。 从 EMO2001 展会情况来看,高速加工中心进给速度可达 80m/min,甚至更高,空运行速度可达 100m/min 左右。目前世界上许多汽车厂,包括我国的上海通用汽车公司,已经采用以高速加工中心组成的生产线部分替代组合机床。美国 CINCINNATI 公司的 HyperMach 机床进给速度最大达 60m/min,快速为 100m/min,加速度达 2g,主轴转速已达 60 000r/min。加工一薄壁飞机零件,只用 30min,而同样的零件在一般高速铣床加工需 3h,在普通铣床加工需 8h;德国 DMG 公司的双主轴车床的主轴速度及加速度分别达 12*!000r/mm 和 1g。 在加工精度方面,近 10 年来,普通级数控机床的加工精度已由 10m 提高到5m ,精密级加工中心则从 3 5m ,提高到 1 1.5m ,并且超精密加工精度已开始进入纳米级 (0.01m) 。 在可靠性方面,国外数控装置的 MTBF 值已达 6 000h 以上,伺服系统的 MTBF值达到 30000h 以上,表现出非常高的可靠性。 为了实现高速、高精加工,与之配套的功能部件如电主轴、直线电机得到了快速的发展,应用领域进一步扩大。 1.2 5 轴联动加工和复合加工机床快速发展 采用 5 轴 联动对三维曲面零件的加工,可用刀具最佳几何形状进行切削,不仅光洁度高,而且效率也大幅度提高。一般认为, 1 台 5 轴联动机床的效率可以等于 2 台3 轴联动机床,特别是使用立方氮化硼等超硬材料铣刀进行高速铣削淬硬钢零件时, 5轴联动加工可比 3 轴联动加工发挥更高的效益。但过去因 5 轴联动数控系统、主机结构复杂等原因,其价格要比 3 轴联动数控机床高出数倍,加之编程技术难度较大,制约了5 轴联动机床的发展。 当前由于电主轴的出现,使得实现 5 轴联动加工的复合主轴头结构大为简化,其制造难度和成本大幅度降低,数控系统的价格差距缩小 。因此促进了复合主轴头类型5 轴联动机床和复合加工机床(含 5 面加工机床)的发展。 在 EMO2001 展会上,新日本工机的 5 面加工机床采用复合主轴头,可实现 4 个垂直平面的加工和任意角度的加工,使得 5 面加工和 5 轴加工可在同一台机床上实现,还可实现倾斜面和倒锥孔的加工。德国 DMG 公司展出 DMUVoution 系列加工中心,可在一次装夹下 5 面加工和 5 轴联动加工,可由 CNC 系统控制或 CAD/CAM 直接或间接控制。 1.3 智能化、开放式、网络化成为当代数控系统发展的主要趋势 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 3 21 世纪的数控装备将是具有一定智 能化的系统,智能化的内容包括在数控系统中的各个方面:为追求加工效率和加工质量方面的智能化,如加工过程的自适应控制,工艺参数自动生成;为提高驱动性能及使用连接方便的智能化,如前馈控制、电机参数的自适应运算、自动识别负载自动选定模型、自整定等;简化编程、简化操作方面的智能化,如智能化的自动编程、智能化的人机界面等;还有智能诊断、智能监控方面的内容、方便系统的诊断及维修等。 为解决传统的数控系统封闭性和数控应用软件的产业化生产存在的问题。目前许多国家对开放式数控系统进行研究,如美国的NGC(The Next Generation Work-Station/Machine Control)、欧共体的OSACA(Open System Architecture for Control within Automation Systems)、日本的 OSEC(Open System Environment for Controller),中国的ONC(Open Numerical Control System)等。数控系统开放化已经成为数控系统的未来之路。所谓开放式数控系统就是数控系统的开发可以在统一的运行平台上,面 向机床厂家和最终用户,通过改变、增加或剪裁结构对象(数控功能),形成系列化,并可方便地将用户的特殊应用和技术诀窍集成到控制系统中,快速实现不同品种、不同档次的开放式数控系统,形成具有鲜明个性的名牌产品。目前开放式数控系统的体系结构规范、通信规范、配置规范、运行平台、数控系统功能库以及数控系统功能软件开发工具等是当前研究的核心。 网络化数控装备是近两年国际著名机床博览会的一个新亮点。数控装备的网络化将极大地满足生产线、制造系统、制造企业对信息集成的需求,也是实现新的制造模式如敏捷制造、虚拟企业、全球制 造的基础单元。国内外一些著名数控机床和数控系统制造公司都在近两年推出了相关的新概念和样机,如在 EMO2001 展中,日本山崎马扎克( Mazak)公司展出的 “CyberProduction Center” (智能生产控制中心,简称 CPC);日本大隈( Okuma)机床公司展出 “IT plaza” (信息技术广场,简称 IT 广场 );德国西门子 (Siemens)公司展出的 Open Manufacturing Environment(开放制造环境,简称 OME)等,反映了数控机床加工向网络化方向发展的趋势。 2 对我国数控技术 及其产业发展的基本估计 我国数控技术起步于 1958 年,近 50 年的发展历程大致可分为 3 个阶段:第一阶段从 1958 年到 1979 年,即封闭式发展阶段。在此阶段,由于国外的技术封锁和我国的基础条件的限制,数控技术的发展较为缓慢。第二阶段是在国家的 “ 六五 ” 、 “ 七五 ” 期间以及 “ 八五 ” 的前期,即引进技术,消化吸收,初步建立起国产化体系阶段。在此阶段,由于改革开放和国家的重视,以及研究开发环境和国际环境的改善,我国数控技术的研究、开发以及在产品的国产化方面都取得了长足的进步。第三阶段是在国家的 “ 八五 ” 的后期和 “ 九五 ” 期间, 即实施产业化的研究,进入市场竞争阶段。在此阶段,我国国产数控装备的产业化取得了实质性进步。在 “ 九五 ” 末期,国产数控机床的国内市场占有率达 50,配国产数控系统(普及型)也达到了 10。 纵观我国数控技术近 50 年的发展历程,特别是经过 4 个 5 年计划的攻关,总机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 4 体来看取得了以下成绩。 a.奠定了数控技术发展的基础,基本掌握了现代数控技术。我国现在已基本掌握了从数控系统、伺服驱动、数控主机、专机及其配套件的基础技术,其中大部分技术已具备进行商品化开发的基础,部分技术已商品化、产业化。 b.初步 形成了数控产业基地。在攻关成果和部分技术商品化的基础上,建立了诸如华中数控、航天数控等具有批量生产能力的数控系统生产厂。兰州电机厂、华中数控等一批伺服系统和伺服电机生产厂以及北京第一机床厂、济南第一机床厂等若干数控主机生产厂。这些生产厂基本形成了我国的数控产业基地。 c.建立了一支数控研究、开发、管理人才的基本队伍。 虽然在数控技术的研究开发以及产业化方面取得了长足的进步,但我们也要清醒地认识到,我国高端数控技术的研究开发,尤其是在产业化方面的技术水平现状与我国的现实需求还有较大的差距。虽然从纵向看 我国的发展速度很快,但横向比(与国外对比)不仅技术水平有差距,在某些方面发展速度也有差距,即一些高精尖的数控装备的技术水平差距有扩大趋势。从国际上来看,对我国数控技术水平和产业化水平估计大致如下。 a.技术水平上,与国外先进水平大约落后 10 15 年,在高精尖技术方面则更大。 b.产业化水平上,市场占有率低,品种覆盖率小,还没有形成规模生产;功能部件专业化生产水平及成套能力较低;外观质量相对差;可靠性不高,商品化程度不足;国产数控系统尚未建立自己的品牌效应,用户信心不足。 c.可持续发 展的能力上,对竞争前数控技术的研究开发、工程化能力较弱;数控技术应用领域拓展力度不强;相关标准规范的研究、制定滞后。 分析存在上述差距的主要原因有以下几个方面。 a.认识方面。对国产数控产业进程艰巨性、复杂性和长期性的特点认识不足;对市场的不规范、国外的封锁加扼杀、体制等困难估计不足;对我国数控技术应用水平及能力分析不够。 b.体系方面。从技术的角度关注数控产业化问题的时候多,从系统的、产业链的角度综合考虑数控产业化问题的时候少;没有建立完整的高质量的配套体系、完善的培训、服务网络等 支撑体系。 c.机制方面。不良机制造成人才流失,又制约了技术及技术路线创新、产品创新,且制约了规划的有效实施,往往规划理想,实施困难。 d.技术方面。企业在技术方面自主创新能力不强,核心技术的工程化能力不强。机床标准落后,水平较低,数控系统新标准研究不够。 3 对我国数控技术和产业化发展的战略思考 3.1 战略考虑 我国是制造大国,在世界产业转移中要尽量接受前端而不是后端的转移,即要掌握先进制造核心技术,否则在新一轮国际产业结构调整中,我国制造业将进一步 “ 空芯 ” 。我们以资源、环境、 市场为代价,交换得到的可能仅仅是世界新经济格局中的国际 “ 加工中心 ” 和 “ 组装中心 ” ,而非掌握核心技术的制造中心的地位,这样将会严重影响我国现代制造业的发展进程。 我们应站在国家安全战略的高度来重视数控技术和产业问题,首先从社会安全机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 5 看,因为制造业是我国就业人口最多的行业,制造业发展不仅可提高人民的生活水平,而且还可缓解我国就业的压力,保障社会的稳定;其次从国防安全看,西方发达国家把高精尖数控产品都列为国家的战略物质,对我国实现禁运和限制, “ 东芝事件 ” 和 “ 考克斯报告 ” 就是最好的例证。 3.2 发展策略 从我国基本国情的角度出发,以国家的战略需求和国民经济的市场需求为导向,以提高我国制造装备业综合竞争能力和产业化水平为目标,用系统的方法,选择能够主导 21 世纪初期我国制造装备业发展升级的关键技术以及支持产业化发展的支撑技术、配套技术作为研究开发的内容,实现制造装备业的跨跃式发展。 强调市场需求为导向,即以数控终端产品为主,以整机(如量大面广的数控车床、铣床、高速高精高性能数控机床、典型数字化机械、重点行业关键设备等)带动数控产业的发展。重点解决数控系统和相关功能部件(数字化伺服系统与电机、高速电 主轴系统和新型装备的附件等)的可靠性和生产规模问题。没有规模就不会有高可靠性的产品;没有规模就不会有价格低廉而富有竞争力的产品;当然,没有规模中国的数控装备最终难以有出头之日。 在高精尖装备研发方面,要强调产、学、研以及最终用户的紧密结合,以 “ 做得出、用得上、卖得掉 ” 为目标,按国家意志实施攻关,以解决国家之急需。 在竞争前数控技术方面,强调创新,强调研究开发具有自主知识产权的技术和产品,为我国数控产业、装备制造业乃至整个制造业的可持续发展奠定基础。 参考文献: 1 中国机床工具工业协会 行业发展部 .CIMT2001 巡礼 J .世界制造技术与装备市场, 2001(3): 18-20. 2 梁训王宣 ,周延佑 .机床技术发展的新动向 J .世界制造技术与装备市场,2001(3): 21-28. 3 中国机床工具工业协会 数控系统分会 .CIMT2001 巡礼 J .世界制造技术与装备市场, 2001(5): 13-17. 4 杨学桐,李冬茹,何文立,等 ?距世纪数控机床技术发展战略研究 M .北京:国家机械工业局, 2000. 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 6 The development trend of the numerical control technology Summary : Have introduced numerical control technology and the development trend of the equipment and the current situations of the technical development of numerical control equipment and industrialization of our country of our times briefly , have discussed under the new environment further deepened in our countrys accession to the WTO and opening to the outside world on this basis, develop technology of numerical control of our country and the importance of the information-based level of manufacturing industry of our country and international competitiveness equips , improves, and has put forward technology of numerical control of our country and some views equipped of developing from two aspects of strategy and tactics. The engineering level of equipment industry and modernized intensity are determining the level of the whole national economy and modernized intensity , numerical control technology and equip , develop new developing new high-tech industry and most advanced industry To can make technology and basic equipment most (national defense industry industries , such as information technology and their industry , biotechnology , industry , aviation , spaceflight ,etc. ). Marx has ever said the differences of different economic times, do not lie in what is produced , lie in how produce , with what means of labor produce . Manufacturing technology and equipping the most basic means of production that are that the mankind produced the activity, and numerical control technology to equip most central technology. Nowadays the manufacturing industry all around the world adopts the technology of numerical control extensively, in order to improve manufacturing capacity and level, improve the adaptive capacity and competitive power to the changeable market of the trends . In addition every industrially developed country in the world also classifies the technology and numerical control equipment of numerical control as the strategic materials of the country, not merely take the great measure to develop ones own numerical control technology and industry, and implement blockading and restrictive policy to our country in high-grade , precision and advanced key technology and equipment of numerical control. In a word, develop taking technology of numerical control as the core advanced manufacturing technology become world all developed country , accelerate economic development already in a more cost-effective manner, important route to improve the comprehensive national strength and national position. Numerical control technology to go on technology that control with digital information to mechanical movement and working course, numerical control equipment whether represented by technology of numerical control new technology make industry and new developing infiltration electromechanics integrated product that form of manufacturing industry to tradition, i.e. what is called digitization equip, its technological range covers a lot of fields: 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 7 (1)Mechanical manufacturing technology; (2)Information processing , processing , transmission technology; (3)Automatic control technology; (4)Servo drive technology; (5)Transducer technology; (6)Software engineering ,etc. 1 Development trend of a numerical control technology The application of the technology of numerical control has not only brought the revolutionary change to traditional manufacturing industry, make the manufacturing industry become the industrialized symbol , and with the constant development of the technology of numerical control and enlargement of application, the development of he some important trades (IT , car , light industry , medical treatment ,etc. ) to the national economy and the peoples livelihood plays a more and more important role, because these trade necessary digitization that equipped has already been the main trend of modern development. According to the technology of numerical control and equipment development trend in the world at present, its main research focus has the following several respect 14. 1.1 A high-speed , high finish machining technology and new trend equipped Efficiency , quality are subjects of the advanced manufacturing technology. At a high speed, high finish machining technology can raise the efficiency greatly, quality and grade to raise product, shorten production cycle and improve the competitive power of market. Japan carry technological research association classify their as one of the 5 loud modern manufacturing technologies first for this reason, learn (CIRP ) to confirm it as the centre in the 21st century to study one of the directions in international production engineering. In the field of car industry, produce 40 second when beat such as production of 300,000 / vehicle per year, and many variety process it is car that equip one of the key problems that must be solved; In the fields of aviation and aerospace industry, its processings spare parts are mostly the thin wall and thin muscle, rigidity very bad, material aluminium or aluminium alloy, in high to cut pace and cut strength very under the little situation only, could process these muscles , walls . Adopt large-scale whole aluminium alloy blank method of pay empty make the wing recently, large-scale parts such as the fuselage ,etc. come to substitute a lot of parts to assemble through numerous rivet , screw and other connection ways, make the intensity , rigidity and dependability of the component improved. All these requirement for processing and equipping and proposing high-speed , high and precise and high flexibility. According to EMO2001 exhibition situation, the high-speed machining center enters for the pace to can reach 80m/min , even high, air transport competent pace can reach 100m/min about. A lot of car factories in the world at present, including Shanghai General Motors Corporation of our country, adopt , substitute and make the lathe up with high-speed machining center production line part that make up already. HyperMach lathe of Company , CINCINNATI of U.S.A. , enter , give pace to be most loud to reach 60m/min, it is 100m/min to be fast, acceleration reach 2g, the rotational speed of the main shaft has already reached 60 000r/min. Processing a thin wall of plane parts, spend 30min only, and same part general at a 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 8 high speed milling machine process and take 3h, process and need 8h with ordinary milling machine; The paces and acceleration of main shaft of dual main shaft lathes of Germany DMG Company reach 12* separately! 000r/mm and 1g. In machining accuracy, in the past 10 years, ordinary progression has accused of the machining accuracy of the lathe to already improve from 10m to 5m, accurate grades of machining center from 3- 5m, raise to 1- 1.5m, and ultraprecision machining accuracy begin , enter getting nanometer already. In machining accuracy, the past 10 years, ordinary progression accuse of machining accuracy of lathe raise to 5m , from 3- 5m accurate grades of machining center from 10m already, improve to 1- 1.5m, and the ultraprecision machining accuracy has already begun to enter nanometer (0.01m )ly. In dependability, MTBF value of the foreign numerical control device has already reached above 6 000h, MTBF value of the servo system reaches above 30000h, demonstrate very high dependability . For realize at a high speed , high finish machining, related to it function part if electric main shaft , straight line electrical machinery get fast development, the application is further expanded . 1.2 5 axles link and process and compound and process the lathe to develop fast Adopt 5 axle link , to three-dimensional curved surface processing of part , can cut with the best geometirc form of the cutter, not only highly polished, but also efficiency is improved by a large margin . It is generally acknowledged , a 5 axle gear beds of efficiency can equal 2 3 axle gear beds , use cubic nitrogen boron wait ultra hard material milling cutter go on at a high speed milling , sharpening , quenching hard steel at the part, 5 axle link , process constant 3 axle link , process , give play to high benefit. But go over because 5 axles link the numerical control system , complicated reason of host computer structure, price its link numerical control to be lathe several times higher than 3 axle, in addition programming technological difficulty relatively heavy , have restricted 5 axle gear beds of development. At present because of electric appearance of main shaft, make , realize 5 axle compound main shaft hair structure processed to link greatly simplify, it make difficulty and cost reduce by a large margin , numerical control price disparity of systems shrink. So promote compound main shaft head type 5 axle gear bed and compound development to process lathe (process the lathe including 5 ). At EMO2001 exhibition, new Japanese 5 of worker machine process lathe adopt compound main shaft hair, can realize 4 processing and arbitrary processing of angle of vertical plane, make 5 process and 5 axles are processed and can be realized at the same lathe, can also realize the inclined plane and pour the processing of the hole of awls . Company , DMG of Germany , exhibit DMUVoution series machining center , can put , insert , down 5 process and 5 axes link and process in one, can be controlled by CNC system or CAD/CAM controls directly or indirectly. 1.3 intellectualizations, open style, the network turns into for the contemporary numerical control system development mainly hastens 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 9 The 21st century numerical control equipments will be has certain intellectualized the system, the intellectualized content including in numerical control system each aspect: In order to pursue the processing efficiency and the processing quality aspect intellectualization, like processing process adaptive control, craft parameter automatic production; In order to enhance the actuation performance and the use connection convenient intellectualization, like the feed-forward control, the electrical machinery parameter auto-adapted operation, the automatic diagnosis load automatic designation model, is automatic entire grades; Simplification programming, simplification operation aspect intellectualization, like intellectualized automatic programming, intellectualized man-machine contact surface and so on; Also has the intelligence to diagnose, the intelligent monitoring aspect content, the convenience system diagnosis and the service and so on In order to solve the traditional numerical control system seal and the numerical control application software industry production existence question. At present many countries conduct the research to the open style numerical control system, like USS NGC (The Next Generation Work-Station/Machine Control), European Economic Communitys OSACA (Open System Architecture for Control within Automation Systems), Japans OSEC (Open System Environment for Controller), Chinas ONC (Open Numerical Control System) and so on. The numerical control system will open already becomes the numerical control system road of the future. The so-called open style numerical control system is the numerical control system development may in the unified movement platform, face the engine bed factory and the end-user, through the change, the increase or the tailor structure object (numerical control function), forms the seriation, and may conveniently integrates users special application and the technical knack in the control system, the fast realization different variety, the different scale open style numerical control system, forms has the bright individuality famous brand goods. At present the open style numerical control system system structure standard, the correspondence standard, the disposition standard, the movement platform, the numerical control system function storehouse as well as the numerical control system function software development kit and so on is the current research core The network numerical control equipment is a nearly two year international famous engine beds expositions new luminescent spot. The numerical control equipment network enormously will satisfy the production line, the manufacture system, the manufacture enterprise to the information integration demand, also will be realizes new manufacture pattern like agile manufacture, hypothesized enterprise, the global manufacture foundation unit. The domestic and foreign some famous numerical controls engine bed and the numerical control system manufacture company has all promoted the related new concept and the prototype in the nearly two years, if unfolds in EMO2001, Japanese Shan Qima Mazak the company displays CyberProduction Center (intelligence production control center, is called CPC); Japan is Okuma the engine bed company to display IT plaza (information technology 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 10 square, is called the IT square); German Simens (Siemens) the company displays Open Manufacturing Environment (opening manufacture environment, is called OME) and so on, had reflected the numerical control engine bed processing the tendency which develops to the network direction 2 pairs of basic estimations of technology and industry development of numerical control of our country The technology of numerical control of our country started in 1958, the development course in the past 50 years can roughly be divided into 3 stages: The first stage is from 1958 to 1979, i.e. closed developing stage. In this stages, technology of foreign countries blockade and basic restriction of terms of our country, the development of the technology of numerical control is comparatively slow. During Sixth Five-Year Plan Period , the Seventh Five-Year Plan Period of the country in second stage and earlier stage in the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period , introduce technology , digest and assimilate, the stage of establishing the system of production domesticization arisesing tentatively. At this stage , because of reform and opening-up and national attention , and study the improvement of the development environment and international environment, research , development and all making considerable progress in production domesticization of the products of the technology of numerical control of our country. The third stage is that on the later stage in the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period of the country and during the Ninth Five-Year Plan Period , implement the research of industrialization , enter market competition stage. At this stage, made substantive progress in industrialization of the domestic numerical control equipment of our country. In the Ninth Five-Year Plan latter stage, domestic numerical control domestic market share of lathe reach 50% , mix domestic numerical control system (popular ) to up to 10%. Review the development course in the past 50 years of technology of numerical control of our country, especially pass the brainstorm of 4 Five-Year Plans, all in all has made following achievements. a. Have establish the foundation of the technical development of numerical control, has basically mastered the technology of modern numerical control. Our country know from numerical control system , servo urge , numerical control host computer , special plane and their basic of fittings basically already now, among them most technology have already possessed the foundation that is commercialized and developed , some technology has already, industrialization commercialized. a.Have formed the industrial base of numerical control tentatively. In tackling key problems the foundation that the achievement and some technology commercialize , set up the systematic factories of numerical control with production capacity of batch such as numerical control of Central China , spaceflight numerical control etc. Electrical machinery plant of Lanzhou, a batch of servo systems and first machine tool plant , first machine tool plant of 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 11 Jinan of servo electrical machinery factory and Beijing ,etc. several numerical control host computer factories such as the numerical control in Central China. These factories have basically formed the numerical control industrial base of our country. b.Have set up research of a numerical control, development , managerial talents basic team . Though has made considerable progress in research and development and industrialization of the technology of numerical control, but we will realize soberly, the research and development of the technology of advanced numerical control of our country, there is greater disparity between current situation and current demand of our country of engineering level especially in industrialization. Though very fast from longitudinal development to watch our country, horizontal until (contrast with foreign countries ) , the engineering level has disparity, there is disparity too in development speed in some aspects, i.e. the disparity of engineering level between some high-grade , precision and advanced numerical control equipment has the tendency to expand . Watch from world , estimate roughly as follows about the numerical control engineering level of our country and industrialization level. a.On the engineering level, in probably backward 10- 1 years with the advanced level in foreign countries, it is bigger in high-quality precision and sophisticated technology. b.At the industrialization level, the market share is low, the variety coverage rate is low, have not formed the large-scale production yet; Function part specialized level of production and form a complete set ability to be lower; Appearance quality is relatively poor; Dependability is not high, the commercialized intensity is insufficient; Not setting up ones own brand effect yet in domestic numerical control system, users have insufficient confidence. c.At the ability of sustainable development, to competition numerical control research and development of technology, engineered ability weaker; Numerical control technological application expand efforts to be better; The research , formulation that relevant standards are normal lags behind. It is analyzed that the main reason for having disparity described above has the following several respect. a.Realize the respect. Know to domestic numerical control industry process arduousness , complexity and long-term characteristic insufficiently; One that is to market unstandard, foreign blockade add strangle , system ,etc. underestimate while being difficult; It is not enough to analyze to technological application level and ability of numerical control of our country. b.System. Pay close attention to numerical control industrialization many in the issue , consider numerical control industrialization little in the issue synthetically in terms of the systematic one , industry chain in terms of technology; Set up intact related system , complete training , service network ,etc. of high quality support the system. 机电工程学院毕业设计外文翻译 12 c.Mechanism. The bad mechanism causes the brain drain , restraining technology and technological route from innovating again , products innovation, and has restricted the effective implementation of planning , has often planned the ideal , implement the difficulty. d.Technology. Enterprises are indifferent in autonomous innovation in technology, key technology is engineered and indifferent. Lathe standard lag behind, level relatively low, numerical control system new standard study enoughly. 3 strategic thinking until technology and industrialization of numerical control of our country develop 3.1 Strategic consideration Our country of strategic consideration makes the big country , should try hard to accept the front instead of the back transformation in the world industry shifts , should master and make key technology advancedly , otherwise in a new round of international industrial structure adjustment, of our country manufacturing industry step forward the empty core . We regard resource , environment , market as cost, possibility got to exchange assemble the centre , but not master the status of the manufacturing center of key technology , will so influence the development process of the modern manufacturing industry of our country seriously. We should stand in the height of national security strategy paying attention to the technology of numerical control and industrys question , at first seen from social safety, because manufacturing industry whether our country obtain employment most populous trade, the development of manufacturing industry not only can improve the peoples living standard but also can relieve the pressure of employment of our country , ensure the stability of the society; Secondly seen from security of national defence, the western developed country has classified all the high-grade , precision and advanced numerical control products as the strategic materials of the country, realize embargo and restriction to our country, Toshiba incident and Cox Report is the best illustration. 3.2 Development tactics Proceed from the angles of the fundamental realities of the country of our country, regard the strategic demand of t
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