



第2单元同步验收练习(二) I、词汇:(15分)A) 找出每组单词中不同类的一项:1. A. yellow B. short C. white D. brown2. A. she B. man C. girl D. boy 3. A. dress B. gloves C. shoeD. car4. A. Italy B. China C. English D. Brazil5. A. flag B. tree C. body D. underB) 根据句子意思及首字母或汉语提示,补全单词,完成句子。1. What does she look l _ ? 2. What color is this p _ of pants ? 3. The _(雪人) has a red nose and two black eyes.4. Please give the book to Bill _(立刻)。5. Who is that man _(在那儿) ?C) 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. My brother and I have different _(look). 2. _(Jim) bag is new.3. What color _(be) your trousers?4. What color _you _(like) best?5. Are _(this) shoes brown ? Yes, they are. II、同步语法:(询问颜色) 10分 根据要求,完成下列句子:1. His hair is brown . (对划线部分提问)_ _ is his hair?2. My favorite color is green.(对划线部分提问)_ is your favorite _ ?3. The girl in blue is his sister. (对划线部分提问)_ girl is his sister ? 4. 穿黑色衣服的那个人是布莱克先生。(翻译成英语)The man _ _ is Mr _.5. 那些衣服是什么颜色?(翻译成英语)What _ _ _ clothes ?III、课本要点:10分 A)单项选择:1. This is an English book, please give _ Tony. A. it for B. it to C. the to D. one to2. _ is that boy ? - Its Liu Ming.A. Where B. Who C. What D. Which3. The two picture _.A. look like B. look the like C. look same D. look the same4. What color is that ? Its _ black, its _ black car.A. a, a B. 不填,不填 C. 不填 , a D. a, 不填5. The girl _ yellow is _ Japan.A. in , from B. with, of C. on, from D. under, to6. I have a _.A. trousers B. cloth C. dress D. gloves 7. - Toms hair is brown and his nose is big. - _.A. Thats all right B. Ok C. Thats right D. All right.8. Please bring your bag _ here.A. with B. to C. / D. from9. - Whos that girl ? - _ one ? The one on the bike.A. What B. Which C. Where D. Who10. I dont know the girl _.A. in red B. a red hat C. in dress D. in a red B) 请你换个说法,使句子意思不变,每空一词:10分1. Liu Wei looks like Liu Tao.Liu Wei and Liu Tao _ _ _.2. Please give the new book to Tony.Please _ _ the new book. 3. She has short , blond hair.Her hair _ long _blond.4. Kumikos apple is on the desk.The apple _ _ _ is Kumikos. on the desk5. I like yellow best. My _ _ is yellow. C)判别改错,下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正:10分1. What color is the box ? Its green color . A B C D2. Who is the boy in over there.A B C D3. Do you know the girl in the green. A B C D4. This pair of shoes are brown.A B C D5. I have a green trousers .A B C DIV、综合能力测试: A) 从A-E中选择恰当的句子,完成下列的对话。5分A: Hi, Jack.B: Hi. Look, _(1) A: Which ball?B: The one on the ground.A: _(2) B: Its black and white. Its a football.A: Oh, its not mine. I think its Lin Taos .B: _(3) A: He is over there, under the tree. B: There are five boys under the tree. _(4)A: The one in a green T- shirt. He has black hair.B: _(5) A: Lets go and take the ball to him.B: All right. Lets go.A. Oh, I see. B. Which boy is he ? C. Who is Lin Tao ? D. What color is it ? E. is that your ball?. B) 根据对话内容及首字母提示,补全单词,完成对话:10分A: G_(1)afternoon. What can I do for you ? B: Yes, please. Id like(想要) to see a T- shirt.A: What c_(2) do you like?B: I like pink very m_(3).A: S_(4), we dont have any pink T-shirts. B_(5) we have some brown o_(6).B: Let me see. A: OK, h_(7) ere you are.B: Oh, the color is very nice. Can I try (试穿) i_(8)?A: Sure. Youre c_(9)_ool.B: T_(10) you. C) 书面表达: 10分根据图片及所给的提示, 写一篇40 字左右的短文1) 图片中的女孩叫林月如,今年16 岁, 来自广西。2) 她有乌黑亮丽的长发,一双大大的眼睛,小小的嘴巴和鼻子;3) 她喜欢跳舞, 唱歌。4) 她和林心如长的很像, 林心如是她最喜欢的影星 第2单元同步验收练习(二)参考答案 I、A)1.B; 2. A; 3. D; 4.C; 5. D. ; B) 1. like ; 2.pair; 3. snowman; 4. right away; 5. over there.C) 1. looks; 2. Jims; 3. are; 4. do, like; 5. these. II、1. What color; 2. What, color; 3. Which; 4.in black, Black; 5. color are those. III、A) 1.B; giveto表示“把某物给某人”介词应该用to;2.B; 根据答句内容,可以知道问“人”, 因此疑问词用who;3.D; look like和look the same都有“看上去像”的含义,但look like 用于连接相象的人或物,而look the same 多位于句末。4.C; 表示颜色的词单独使用时, 前面不加任何冠词,但当它用于修饰名词或代词时,则前面可以有冠词,一起修饰后面的名词或代词.5. A; “in + 颜色”表示穿某一颜色的衣服,be from 表示“来自”,本句的意思是“穿黄色衣服的女孩来自日本。”6. C; 因为句子中要填的的词被冠词a修饰,所以一定是楷书名词的复数形式,又因为cloth是集合名词,一般用复数形式,故可以排除。7.C; 对对方的话加以确认,用thats right。8.C; bring有“带来”的意思, 一般来说,“带到(某处)”bring to,但当表示地点的词是副词(如here, there等)时,则省去介词。9.B; which有“那一个”的意思,通常用于限定具有某些特征或询问范围n。10.A; “in + 颜色”表示穿某一颜色的衣服,表示颜色的词前无任何修饰语。B) 1. look the same; 2. give Tony; 3. is, and; 4. on the desk; 5. favorite color. BAFEDC) 1. D; 改为green; 2. D;去掉介词in; 3. C;改为 in green; 4. C;改为 is ; 5. C;改为a pair of 或去掉a.IV、A)(1) (5) E B D C AB)1. Good; 2. color; 3. much; 4.Sorry; 5.But; 6. ones; 7. here, 8.it; 9. cool; 10. Thank.C)One possible version:The girl in the picture is Lin Yueru. She is 16 years old. S


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