



八年级(下册)单元过四关Unit10:Its a nice day isnt it?*第一单词关:完成该单元重点词汇。序号汉语意思英语拼写序号汉语意思英语拼写1中午9短信;笔记2含沙的;多沙的10婴儿;小孩3再见11交通4浏览12little的最高级5书店13复习;回顾6穿过;横过;越过14某处;在某处7电梯15慢的;缓慢的8低的16迷;狂热的一单词拼写:1.I need more money, because the ticket c fifty yuan.2.A t accident happened on the street yesterday. 3.This is a thank-you n for his help.4.Dont c the street when the light is red.5.The little boy is cute. He can say g to us when he leaves.6.Do you like t ? No, but I love comedies.7.Dont drive on the left. The street is very c .8.-Where is Carlors? -He went to the c . It is time for lunch.9.You can look t the newspaper if you are free.10.It will be rainy, and I forgot my u . Can I borrow yours?自我评价:第十单元的重点词汇我过关了吗?我的答案是: A:很出色 B:不错 C:刚过关 D:没有过关*第二词组关:完成该单元重点词组。二词汇转换:1.baby(复数) 2.cross(介词) 3.little(最高级) 4.swim(现在分词) 5.care(形容词) 6.nine(序数词) 7.quick(反义词) 8.ninety(序数词) 9.vocation(同义词) 10.buy(过去式) 三英汉互译:1小心,当心 2.Franklin Lake 3.浏览 4.at least 5.讨厌等公车 6.enjoy oneself 7.对善长 8.be late to school 9.下周的比赛 10.get along 自我评价:第十元的重点词组我过关了吗?我的答案是: A:很出色 B:不错 C:刚过关 D:没有过关*第三语法关:完成该单元重难知识点配套语法练习题。反意疑问句是附加在陈述句之后、对所陈述的事实或观点提出疑问的一种简短句。使用这一句型时应遵循“前肯后否”或“前否后肯”的原则。 1.当陈述部分的主语是everyone, someone, nobody, each等表示人的不定代词时,附加问句的主语用they。如: Each of the students went there, didnt they? 2.当陈述部分的主语是everything, anything, something, nothing等表示物的不定代词时,附加问句的主语用it。如: Something has gone wrong, hasnt it? 3.当陈述部分的主语是指示代词this, that或these, those时,附加问句的主语应分别用it 或they。如: This is the third time this week that he has had to study late, isnt it? Those are the presents for the children, arent they? 4.当陈述部分的主语为短语或句子时,附加问句的主语用it。如: Learning how to repair motors takes a long time, doesnt it? 5.当陈述部分如果是there be 结构或是there live, there used to be, there seem等结构时,附加问句仍用there,谓语则采用与陈述部分谓语相对应的助动词。如: There is something wrong with the car, isnt there? 6.当陈述部分是祈使句时,反意疑问句的结构有以下三种: (1)当陈述部分是否定的祈使句时,问句部分可用will you如: Dont make a noise, will you? (2)当陈述部分为肯定的祈使句时,问句部分可用wont you。如: Try it on, wont you? (3)当遇到以Lets 开头的祈使句时,问句部分可用shall we;当遇到以Let us或Let me等开头的祈使句时,问句部分一般要用will you。如: Lets go skating, shall we? Let me/him try it again, will you? 7.当陈述句是一个主从复合句时,附加问句的主谓语形式应与主句保持一致。如: You dont know when the building will be completed, do you? 8.当陈述部分是I/We dont think (suppose, believe, expect, imaging 等) +宾语从句结构时,附加问句的主谓语要与宾语从句保持一致,而且要注意陈述句的否定转移现象。如: I dont think the plan is perfect, is it? We suppose you know it, dont you? 9.当陈述句中含有no, nothing, nobody, never, hardly, seldom, few, little 等否定词时,附加问句一般采用肯定形式;当陈述部分使用了带否定词缀(前缀或后缀)的词时,附加问句则可采用否定式。如: You dislike coffee, dont you? He saw nobody, did he? There are few people in the room, are there? 10.当陈述部分是并列句时,问句部分应与最邻近的分句的主谓语保持一致。如: He is a teacher but his wife is an engineer, isnt she?11. 陈述部分有had better时,反意疑问句中要用hadnt。例如: We had better go to school at once, hadnt we?12. 当陈述部分含有情态动词must时,我们便要分析一下must的含义。如果must 作“一定;要;必须”讲,反意疑问句须用mustnt,而当must作推测意义“一定是;必定”讲时,反意疑问句则需根据must后的动词原形选用相应的形式。例如: He must work hard at physics, mustnt he? Tom must be at home,isnt he?配套语法练习题。(一). 补充下列的反意疑问句1This line is moving slowly, ?2They have never been to Japan, ?3I got nothing from him, .4There is nothing wrong with the machine, ?5I dont think the boy can speak English, ?6He must be in Class Five, ? 7Dont play soccer here, ?8Go and see Mr Wang, ?9Lets do homework, ?10Sit down , ?(二)翻译下列短语。1He can speak English, (我也会) 2I like to go hiking, (李明也想去)3Mr Smith is going to Nanjing, (他弟弟也将去)4They need some help, (的确如此)5The gift is very creative, (的确如此)单项选择( )1. There will be a new student in our class, ?A.wont itB.wont thereC.isnt thereD.isnt it( )2. They thought the young man was a terrorist, ?A.wasnt heB.didnt heC.didnt theyD.wasnt they( )3. He is too young to go to school, ?A.is heB.isnt heC.does heD.doesnt he( )4. -He is going to be late to school. - .A.So I amB.So is heC.So he doesD.So am I ( )5. His father go to bed he came back.A.wasnt / beforeB.didnt / untilC.did / afterD.was / as soon as( )6. We was busy the classroom when Mr Xu came in.A.with cleanB.cleaningC.to cleanD.for cleaning ( )7. Good idea, ?A.will youB.shall weC.isnt itD.do you( )8. There “h” and two “o” in the word “homework”.A.is aB.is anC.are aD.are an( )9. How long have the film ?A.startedB.begunC.been onD.been started( )10. Australia is country. A.a speak-EnglishB.a speaking-EnglishC.an English-speakD.an English-speaking( )11. the help of them, Mr Wang caught the thief at last.A.AtB.WithC.ForD.In ( )12. -I havent been to a water park? - .A.So have I B.Me, tooC.Me, neitherD.So I havent ( )13. Our class has more than girls.A.fourB.fourthC.fourtyD.forty( )14. He received lots of gifts birthday.A.on his ninethB.at his ninthC.on his ninetiethD.to his nineteenth( )15. newspaper will report the traffic accident.A.YesterdaysB.TodayC.TomorrowsD.The day after tomorrow.( )16. Be careful to look both ways before you walk the street.A.crossB.to acrossC.acrossD.cross to( )17.The brothers and I are good friends. We get along well because we like sports.A.everyB.eachC.bothD.all( )18.Li Ming felt like Japanese food.A.eatingB.to eatC.eatD.eats( )19.They went to the space museum


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