



一、填空(38*1)381.Tom is a(n)_(honest)boy. We all dont like him.2.Who is the _(popular) teacher in your school?3.When my friends are sad. I think the _(happy)will be far away from me too.4.His mother is _(true) sorry for the result.5.Im a teacher. Its great _(work) with children.6.It is a _(something that is kept hidden) between you and me,so I will not tell others forever.7.My _(how heavy sb/sth is) is the same as my elder brothers.8.Everyone should make their future _(something you have decided to do) carefully.9.-Which do you think is _(exciting), skiing,skating or swimming?-Skiing, of course10. The soldiers saved many people in the earthquake. They are _(hero)11.They say Sandy is _(careful) in our class.12.It was much _(hot)than it is today.13.You can tell your good friend everything about_(you).14.Why not_(try) your best _(do) that again?15.Mr Zhang told them _(not play) here. Its so dangerous.16.Tony often _(try) his best to work hard at Maths before, but always failed the exams.17. English is one of the most important_(words used in speaking and writing).18.- Do you know who is the _(win) of the game. - Of course Tom won the game. He is very good at it.19.Do you remember our first game of the season? - Yes, we _(win)by3:1.20. What _(do) your mother _(want) _(be) when she was young?21.This child played _(happy) than the other two.22.Helen always makes _(更少的)mistakes than the other students in her things.23.How many _(杂志)are you going to borrow from the library this time?24.They _(offer)him a very good job, but he turned it down.25. We couldnt wait_(turn) on the TV. But the match was over.26.One of the _(climb)was from America.27. Last weekend, it _(take)me about five hours to go to the park by bus.28. There are a lot of tall _(build) in the modern town.29.After _(watch) TV, Jim had a bath and went to bed.30. Your e-friend _(come) to visit you, isnt she?31. To talk is much _(easy) than to do.32.Last night, we had a good time _(watch) an American film.33.-What is the _ (high)of your desk? - Its about meter.34.They felt even _(bad)than before.35.Yesterday, my younger brother fell off the horse, but _ (luck),he didnt hurt himself badly.36.I will learn _(ride) a bike next weekend.37.Please help _(you) to some fruit, children.38. Different countries have different_(文化)2、 选择(18*1)181.Excuse me, can I have _cakes, please?Sure, here you are.A. another two B. two more C. more two D.A and B2.The bear has nothing _these days. Its very hungry.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D.to eating3.Now the air in our town is _ than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.A. very good B. much better C. rather than D. even worse4.Which city has _population, Beijing, Guangzhou or Xingyi?-Of course, Xingyi.A. the biggest B. the smallest C. the most D. the least5.How was your trip to the park? -It couldnt be _. We lost our way and it kept raining.A. nicer B. worse C. worst D. good6.what about yesterdays dragon dance? -Oh, its _ one Ive ever seen.A. a most wonderful B. more wonderfulC. the most wonderful D. a more wonderful 7. You know them _. Who is smarter?A. all B. both C. none D.one8.If you prefer the evening dress, youll have _30 dollars, because it is made of silk.A. other B. the other C. more D. another9. When spring comes, the days get _.A. short and short B. shorter and shorter C. long and long D. longer and longer 10. Do you enjoy Han Leis songs? -Yes. He is the winner of I AM a Singer 2, I cant thing of anyone with a _ voice.A. better B. best C. more D. most11.When did they _shanghai? -At five yesterday.A. reached B. got to C. arrive at D arrive in12. There were _ friends of his in the room. So he left.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little13.I often do exercise because I want to keep _.A. fits B. health C. fit D. healthily14. Which of the two subjects do you like, art or music? -_. They are really interesting.A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All15._important news!A. How B. How an C. What an D. What16.Guangzhou is bigger than _ in Hunan.A. any other city B. any other cities C. any city D. other city17.-_ will the meeting begin? -In five minutes.A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How fast18.Lily is not as _ as Peter. She often makes mistakes in her competition.A. careless B. careful C. carelessly D. carefully.3、 句型(44)1.张先生关心每个学生,就像他们的父亲一样。 2Mr Zhang _every student, just like their father.2.你觉得是什么使得英语课这么有趣呢?3_do you think _?3.李平是个诚实的男孩,他从不撒谎。2Li Ping is_ boy and he never_.4.昨天当我听到这首歌的时候,我想起了我的一个老朋友。2I _an old friend of mine when I heard the song yesterday.5.长大后我相当一位艺术家。2I want to be an artist_.6.China is larger than any other country in Asia. 改为同义句(每空一词)2China is _ _ country in Asia.7.据说他们的语文老师擅长在课堂上讲滑稽的笑话。2It is said their Chinese teacher is good at_ in class.8.替朋友保密是好朋友重要的品质之一。2_ for friends is one of the most important qualities of a good friend.9.我们必须要做比他们多得多的家庭作业。(每空一词)3We have to do _ _ homework _ they do.10.你应该少花点时间上网聊天。(每空一词)4You should _ _ _ _ on the Internet.11.He is full and can eat no more cakes. (每空一词)2 He is full and cant eat _ _ cakes.12.我认为历史没有艺术难。3I _ history is _art.13.如果你坚持每天听英语节目,你的英语能够在短时间内变得更好。(每空一词)3If you _ _ _ English programme every day, your English will be better in a short time.14.开始答题之前花一两分钟浏览一下所有的习题是个好主意。(每空一词)3It is a good idea to _ one or two minutes _ _ all the exercises before doing them.15.我们下周要放7天假,因为国庆节要到了。(每空一词)2We will _ 7 days _ next week because the National Day is coming.16如果你努力的话,你在月考中就会很容易做的更好。(每空一词)3If you work hard, you will do much _ in the _ test very _.17.没有你们的支持,我无法坚持下去。2_,I cant keep it up.18.It is not a good idea to leave your dog at home alone.(同义句改写 2)It is not a good idea to leave your dog at home _ _.答案:1, 填空1. dishonest 16.tried 31.easier2. Most popular 17.languages 32.watching3. Happiness 18.winner 33.height4. Truly 19.won 34.worse5. to work 20.did,want,to be 35.luckily6. Secret 21.more happily 36.to ride7. Weight 22.fewer


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