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v 翻译目的论视角下旅游外宣品汉译英研究 研究生:周 弘 年级:2 0 0 6 级 学科专业:英语语言文学 指导老师:袁斌业 研究方向:翻译理论与实践 中 文 摘 要 旅游业,作为2 1 世纪的朝阳产业,在社会生活中发挥着巨大的作用。旅游外 宣品作为承载旅游文化信息,传播旅游资讯的重要媒介,已经成为专业学者研究 的对象。 旅游外宣品的翻译属于应用翻译的范畴, 是一种以传递信息为主要目的, 同时又注重信息传递效果的实用型翻译。在旅游外宣品的翻译中,大部分都可纳 入功能翻译理论的“信息型”和“诱导型”文本范畴,其特有的信息性、诱导性 和匿名性功能特征,决定了提供信息和感化受众是这类体裁翻译的主要目的,原 文的形式和内容往往要服从于译文目的的需要,服从于译文的交际功能和目的。 功能翻译理论以 “侧重功能或文本功能” 为研究视角, 研究翻译的各种理论。 它强调翻译是一种有目的的活动, 这意味着翻译可以融入人类活动或行为理论之 中。 “目的论”是功能翻译理论中最核心的概念,它以文本交际目的为翻译过程 的第一准则,注重译文应该在分析原文的基础上,以译文的预期功能为目的,选 择最佳处理方法。因为“目的论”强调翻译文本的预期功能,更多地倾向具有不 同文化期待、阅读心理、知识积累的读者,因此“目的论”对非文学翻译应 用文本的翻译具有实际的指导效用。国内外学者普遍认为,翻译目的论能够适用 于操作说明、新闻文本、广告等体裁的应用文本的翻译。该种情况下,学者和译 者欢迎编译、替换、释译、省略、扩充等翻译方法。由此可见,翻译目的论为应 用文本的翻译奠定了坚实的理论基础。 本文旨在根据德国翻译目的理论对旅游外 宣品的汉译英翻译过程中的各种问题进行阐释,以期拓展该理论的应用范围,并 试图寻求旅游外宣品汉译英翻译实践中有意义的理论指导框架。 文章的第一章是整篇论文的概述, 论述了研究的背景和目的、 研究的重要性、 论文的结构安排以及文献综述回顾了对于功能翻译目的论视角下旅游外宣品汉 英翻译的研究状况。 第二章介绍了功能翻译目的论的主要概念以及其主要应用领 域。第三章主要介绍旅游文本的相关特征,主要包括:作为目标文本的接受者 具有与源文文本的读者不同的阅读习惯、不同的期待视阈、不同文化观念的旅游 者;汉语和英语的旅游文本所具有的相关特征等等。第四章主要讨论功能翻译目 的论对旅游外宣品汉英翻译的启示,并在此基础上,围绕功能主义目的论在旅游 vi 外宣品汉英翻译中的应用为主,在功能主义目的论的指导下,旅游外宣品在实际 翻译中,主要采取增译、解释、类比、删译、改写等翻译方法。第五章总结了全 文,并指出了本研究的局限性。 关键词:翻译目的理论;旅游外宣品;旅游外宣品汉译英;翻译策略 vii a study of c- e translation of tourist publicity materials from the perspective of skopos theory postgraduate: zhou hong grade:2006 major: english language and literature supervisor: professor yuan binye orientation: translation studies and practice abstract in english nowadays it is widely believed that tourism is a sunrise industry in the 21st century and it has exerted a great impact on our social life. tourist publicity materials, the principal medium of promoting china s scenic spots and cultures to the world, have become the center of attention for scholars and translators. translation of tourist publicity materials goes into the type of pragmatic translation. the main aim is to convey the information of the source text; meanwhile, it also pays attention to the communicative effects of the translation. in tourist translation, nine out of ten texts belongs to the informative and vocative texts. the main purpose to provide information and impress the target receivers- - is determined by these particular informative, vocative and anonymous features. under these circumstances, priority should be given to the communicative function or functions of the target text over the form and content of the source text. functionalist theorists conceive of translation as an action carried out by a person who has a specific communication goal or the text s skopos. various translation theories are studied within the framework of functionalist approaches emphasizing the communicative functions or text functions. skopostheorie, the key theory of functionalist approaches, puts emphasis on the communicative function or functions of the translated text. moreover, it prioritizes the target receivers one of the most decisive factors in the final completion of the target text with their own cultural expectations, habitual readings and knowledge systems. therefore, it provides a direction for the translation of pragmatic texts. scholars home and abroad share a similar idea on the fact that skopos theory is an ideal guideline for the pragmatic texts such as news reports, advertisements, and tourist texts and so on. in such cases, translation methods such as adaptation, substitution, explanation, omission, expansion etc. are welcomed by scholars and translators. so it is clear that skopos theory lays a viii very solid foundation for the translation of pragmatic texts. this thesis attempts to illuminate the problems with the c- e translation of tpm on the basis of skopos theory chapter 1 is an overview of this thesis, introducing the background and objective of the research, significance of the study, the organization of the thesis and the literature review of the study on the c- e translation of tourist publicity materials. chapter 2 gives an introduction to skopos theory, dealing with its main aspects and applications. chapter 3 talks about the dimensions related to tourist and tourist publicity materials. chapter 4 is the center of our attention in this thesis. it falls into two parts: one is about the proposed directions for the strategies of the c- e translation of tourist publicity materials. the other is the application of skopos theory to the c- e translation of tourist publicity materials. on the basis of skopos theory five translation strategies are proposed. chapter 5 draws a conclusion of the whole thesis and presents the limitations of the study at last. key words: skopos theory; tourist publicity materials; the c- e translation of tourist publicity materials; translation strategies . 45 论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的 研究工作及取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含 其他个人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。 对本文的研究作 出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承担本 声明的法律责任。 研究生签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解广西师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。广 西师范大学、中国科学技术信息研究所、清华大学论文合作部,有权 保留本人所送交学位论文的复印件和电子文档,可以采用影印、缩印 或其他复制手段保存论文。 本人电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相 一致。除在保密期内的保密论文外,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以公 布(包括刊登)论文的全部或部分内容。论文的公布(包括刊登)授 权广西师范大学学位办办理。 研究生签名: 日期: 导 师签名: 日期: iv acknowledgements i would like to thank all those who have been of great help in my dissertation writing and english study. first of all, i would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professor yuan binye, who has done a great favor for me. ever since i began my postgraduate study in guangxi normal university i have been instructed by his patience, encouragement and guidance. during the thesis writing, he made every effort to help me select the topic, search for references and polish my thesis to the final draft. it wouldn t have been possible for me to complete this thesis without his enlightenments and instructions. secondly i want to give my thanks to professor bai jingze and professor zhang xianglin whose lectures really have enlightened me a lot. i have learnt many translation theories and done much translation practice under their instructions. thirdly i am very grateful to all other teachers who have imparted profound knowledge of english and made intelligent advice through my english study especially professor zhang shuning, professor chen jitang, professor xu jiwang, professor wei han and so forth. moreover, my thanks also go to my bosom friend lu kewei for his valuable suggestions during my college life. i also appreciate my dear parnter wang pin for her unyielding support and encouragement for my study. i would like to thank my dearest parents. during the three years of my graduate studies, they have offered constant support to me. without them, i would not have been able to accomplish so much over the past few years. finally, i want to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the scholars whose articles, books and ideas i quote directly or indirectly in my thesis. 1 chapter 1 introduction 1.1purpose of this thesis functionalist approach to translation studies is a school of translation studies that appeared in germany in the 1970s. functionalist means focusing on the function or functions of texts and translations (nord, 2001: 1). according to nord, functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation in this way. the major representatives of functionalist approaches- - katharina reiss, hans j. vermeer, justa holt- manttari and christiane nord hold that translation is an intentional, interpersonal, partly verbal intercultural interaction based on a source text. functionalists also hold that translation is a communicative action involving not only the author of the source text, translator, target text receiver but also the initiator and commissioner of the translational action. the role of the source text in functionalist approaches is radically different from earlier linguistic or equivalence- based translation theories. according to vermeer s point of view, the source text is no longer the first and foremost criterion for the translator s decisions; it is just one of the various sources of information used by the translator. in other words, a text used as a source in a translational action may be regarded as an offer of information (reiss and vermeer 1984:72ff.). faced with this offer, any receiver including translator chooses the items they regard as interesting, useful or adequate to the desired purposes. therefore, in translation, the chosen informational items are then transferred to the target culture using the presentation the translator believes appropriate for the given purpose (nord, 2001:25- 26). it breaks from the linguistic model of analyzing from words, sentences to texts and proposes the top- down method of analyzing from the texts. to some degree, it is designed to solve the external dilemmas of free vs. faithful translation, dynamic vs. formal equivalence, good interpreters vs. slavish translators, and so on (nord, 2001:29). so we may say that the core elements of functionalist approaches lay a very solid foundation for the translation of non- literature texts. translation of tourist publicity materials(in the following statements the term- “ tourist publicity materials” will be replaced by tpm for short) goes into the type of 2 pragmatic translation. its main aim is to convey the information of the source text; meanwhile, it also pays attention to the communicative effects of the translation. in tourist translation, nine out of ten texts belongs to the informative and vocative texts. it s main purpose- to provide information and impress the target receivers- - is determined by these informative, vocative and anonymous features. under these circumstances, priority should be given to the communicative function or functions of the target text over the form and content of the source text. so to a great extent, functionalist approaches are closely related to the translation of tpm. therefore, functionalist approaches give insight into the c- e translation of tourist publicity materials and more importantly provide feasible translation strategies for different texts. 1.2 literature review in recent years a study of tpm has flourished in china s translation circle. abundant studies contributing to this field discuss this issue from different aspects, such as the existing problems of translated tourist publicity materials, cultural differences, etc. one fact should be pointed out that many scholars discuss this topic from a functionalist viewpoint. as is known to all that functionalist translation theory is reader- oriented as well as target culture- centered, and thus is rather applicable to the pragmatic translation, especially to the translation of informative and vocative texts such as promotions, law materials, advertisements and tpm(jia wenbo, 2004; zhang changming and zhong weihe, 2005; wei zhongsheng, 2006 ). scholars like chen gang(2004), jia wenbo(2004), zhang meifang(2005) and zhang meifang and wang kefei(2005) hold that pragmatic translation theory, especially theories put forward by nida, newmark and the german school of functionalist translation theory, are most applicable to the c- e translation of tpm. therefore, many scholars study the topic from this new perspective as a break with the traditional idea of equivalence- based translation theory. su liqin(2001) holds that in order to achieve the functional equivalence between the original text and the corresponding english version, certain techniques like explanation, analogy and deletion etc. should be adopted; ke xixiang(2002) believes that translation of tpm should pay more attention to the target reader within the framework of skopos theory; you liqin(2006)argues that the translator should not only be competent bilingually but 3 also excel in understanding and resolving cultural differences; lin xiaoqin(2006)analyzes the functions of tourist materials and their different means of realization between chinese and english and proposes the significance of the study. ma yuhong(2006) analyzes the differences of chinese and english language, and under the guidance of skopostheorie translation of tpm will be suitable for readers interests. in a word, scholars mentioned above maintain that in the c- e translation of tpm, the translator should try to fulfill the communicative needs and the vocative and informative function or functions of the tourist publicity materials. therefore, translation strategies based on the skopos theory are strongly recommended. all the studies mentioned above are of great value for the further translation studies both on practice and theory. however, because most studies on the c- e translation of tpm in china are confined to the error analysis, the study of tpm, to some degree, are not taken as a whole. they also have the following shortcomings. (1). dimensions of chinese tpm and english tpm are studied too generally to provide an overview of the differences between the two different kinds of tourist texts. (2). in most cases, some scholars study the translated tpm on their own empirical assumptions instead of the objective knowledge of the reader s expectations and target culture and norms which lacks the objectivity and thus can not be valid for most other cases. (3). translation strategies, if any, are just discussed in a brief and very general way without considering the classifications of the tpm. given this particular situation, the author attempts to make an analysis of the c- e translation of tpm by taking the skopos theory as the theoretical foundation. as for the differences between the chinese tpm and english ones, a contrastive study will be made between the two aiming to analyze the target reader s expectations and the different reading habits. meantime, dimensions of english tpm will be presented in a more detailed and objective way in the hope of providing some feasible suggestions for the c- e translation of tpm. results worked out together with abundant examples are presented to see how skopos theory finally realizes the ultimate function or functions of tpm. furthermore, some proposed directions based on the skopos theory are given in order to lay a solid foundation for the translation strategy of the c- e translation of tpm. therefore, based on the skopos theory within the framework of functionalist approaches, the following chapters will make a detailed analysis and 4 discussion on the issue and put forward some workable translation strategies. 1.3 significance of this thesis as has been mentioned above, functionalist theorists conceive of translation as an action carried out by a person who has a specific communication goal, which reiss and vermeer refer to as the text s skopos. various translation theories are studied within the framework of functionalist approaches emphasizing the communicative functions or text functions. skopostheorie, the key theory of functionalist approaches, puts emphasis on the communicative function or functions of the translated text. moreover, it prioritizes the target receivers- one of the most decisive factors in the final completion of the target text- with their own cultural expectations, habitual readings and knowledge systems. therefore, it provides a direction for the translation of pragmatic texts. according to skopostheorie, the source text is only an “ offer of information” partly or wholly for the target readers. that is to say, within the framework of skopostheorie the source text is subordinate to the target text compared with the equivalence- based translation theory. scholars home and abroad question about its theory foundation and applicability from different angles, but the fact that functionalist approaches are an ideal guideline for the translation of pragmatic texts such as news reports, advertisements, tourist texts and so on, is accepted by many scholars. in such cases, translation methods such as adaptation, substitution, explanation, omission, expansion etc. are welcomed by scholars and translators. it is clear that chinese scholars share a similar idea with the overseas ones on the issue of pragmatic text translation, which paves the way for the c- e translation of tpm. given the particular features of tpm and the applicability of functionalist approaches to pragmatic texts, this thesis is only a tentative effort to study the c- e translation of tpm under the guideline of functionalist approaches. it is sincerely hoped that this thesis will call for more attention on the pragmatic text translation, especially the translation of tpm. 1.4 structure of this thesis this thesis will focus on the c- e translation of tpm on the basis of skopos 5 theory. it mainly consists of five chapters. this short introduction into the functionalist view of translation has already touched on the main aspects to be presented in the thesis. after a brief historical overview of how skopostheorie and the general function- oriented concepts came into being we will look at the main ideas of skopos theory in chapter 2. the next step will be an analysis of the basic features of tpm in chapter 3. chapter 4 is the center of our attention in this thesis. this chapter will deal with the basic directions of skopos theory to the c- e translation of tpm. here four issues will be presented, that is, skopos theory and translator s creativity in the c- e translation of tpm, skopos theory: adequacy and equivalence, skopos theory and cultural translation in the c- e translation of tpm, and skopos theory and the tourist- oriented translation principle. furthermore, we will look more closely at the application o


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