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_水圈 hydrosphere水体 water body水科学 water science水文学 hydrology陆地水文学 land hydrology应用水文学 applied hydrology工程水文学 engineering hydrology水汽 water vapour水文要素 hydrologic elements积雪 snow cover终雪 latest snow融雪 snowmelt冰雹 hail截留 interception填洼 depression detention地面滞留 surface detention陆面蒸发 evaporation of land水面蒸发 evaporation of water surface土壤蒸发 evaporation from soil散发(植物蒸腾) transpiration 蒸发能力 evaporation capability下渗(入渗) infiltration稳渗 steady infiltration下渗能力 infiltration capability河川径流 river runoff降雨径流 rainfall runoff暴雨径流 storm runoff融雪径流 snowmelt runoff枯季径流 dry season runoff基流 base flow阴塞高压 blocking high低空急流 lowlevel jet低涡 vortex反气旋(高压) anticyclone气旋(低压) cyclone热带气旋 tropic cyclone热带低压 tropic depression热带风暴 tropic storm强热带风暴 severe tropic storm气团 air mass锋(锋面) front气象 meteorology气候区划 climatic regionalization气候带 climatic zone小气候 microclimate副热带(亚热带)subtropic zone比湿 specific humidity蒲福风级 Beaufort wind scale霜点 frost point霜冻 frostbite无霜期 frostfree period流域 watershed (basin)闭合流域 enclosed basin不闭合流域 nonenclosed basin闭流区(内流区) bling drainage area分水线(分水岭) divide流域几何特征 basin geometric characteristics河道复流(河道再生) resurgence常年河 perennial stream间歇河 intermittent stream悬河(地上河) elevated stream夺流河(断头河) captured river盈水河 gaining stream亏水河 losing stream暴洪河流 flashy stream界河 boundary river废河道(古河道) dead river凹岸 concave bank凸岸 convex bank岸壁 land wall水边线(岸线) water line堤防 levee河长 river length河弯 river bend弯曲率 tortuosity航道 navigable channel河段 reach潜洲 submerged bar水利学 hydraulics明渠水力学 open channel hydraulics水静力学 hydrostatics水动力学 hydrodynamics明渠水流 open channel flow恒定流 steady flow非恒定流 unsteady flow均匀流(等速流) uniform flow非均匀流(变速流) nonuniform flow急流 supercritical flow缓流 subcritical flow异重流 density current临界流 critical flow临界水深 critical depth临界流速 critical velocity临界流量 critical discharge水头 head位置水头(位能) elevation head低强水头(压能) pressure head流速水头(动能) velocity head雷诺数 Reymold number韦伯数 Weber number水力因素 hydraulic factor湿周 wetted perimeter水力半径 hydraulic radius宽深比 widthdepth ratio落差 fall驻波 standing wave移动波 translation wave河流动力学 river dynamics山洪侵蚀 torrential erosion流域产沙量 watershed sediment yield溶解性总固体 total dissolved solids离子含量 ion concentration离子总量 total ion concentration离子流量 ion discharge矿化度 mineral content盐度 salinity碱度 alkalinity酸度 acidity电导率 electric conductivity混浊度(浊度) turbidity总需氧量 total oxygen demand溶解氧 dissolved oxygen需氧量 oxygen demand生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand滑雪需氧量 chemical oxygen demand硬度 hardness非碳酸盐硬度(永久硬度) noncarbonate hardness浮冰 floating ice锚冰 anchor ice封冻期 freezeup period封冻(封河) freezeup平封 flat freezeup立封 upright freezeup冰盖 ice cover连底冻 grounded ice cover冰丘 ice mound封冻冰缘 ice edge of freezeup清沟 lead初生清沟 primary lead再生清沟 secondary lead冰花路毡 sludge road felt冰上覆雪 snow cover over ice冰脊 ice ridge冰缝 crack悬冰 suspended ice cover冰堆 ice pack冰塞 ice jam冰上结冰 aufeis解冻期 breakup period冰变色 color change of ice cover冰上有水 accumulation of melt water月中天 lunar transit引潮力 tidal generation force天文潮 astronomic tide气象潮 metorologic tide潮汐周期 tidal cycle半日潮 semidiurnal tide 全日潮 diurnal tide混合潮 mixed tide大潮 spring tide小潮 neap tide中潮 moderate tide太阴月 lunar day潮期 duration of tide涨潮历时 duration of tidal rise落潮历时 duration of tidal fall潮流 tidal current涨潮流 flood tidal current落潮流 ebb tidal current憩流 slack tide潮流速 tidal velocity往复流 reversing current旋转流 rotary current潮流期 duration of tidal current涨潮流历时 duration of flood current地下水流速 velocity of groundwater flow地下水坡度(地下水水面坡度) hydraulic gradient of groundwater地下水等水位线图 watertable contour map含水层 aquifer含水岩系 watercontent rock series含水岩组 watercontent rock formation含水岩性 watercontent rock property含水介质 waterhearing medium均匀介质 homogeneous medium非均匀介质 inhomogeneous medium含水层边界 aquifer boundary透水边界 permeable boundary隔水边界 confining boundary弱透水边界 acquitted boundary透水层 permeable bed隔水层 confining bed弱透水层 acquitter水文地质参数 hydrogeological parameters渗透系数 permeability coefficient导水系数(释水系数) coefficient of transmissivity贮水系数 storativity水位传导系数(水力扩散系数) coefficient of water table conductivity压力传导系数 coefficient of pressure conductivity持水度 waterholding capacity土壤水分常数 soil moisture constants土壤吸湿系数 absorption coefficient of soil moisture凋萎系数 wilting coefficient田间持水量 field capacity毛管断裂含水量 moisture content at capillary rupture最大水分吸水量 maximum molecular moisture content零通量面法 zero flux plane method潜水 phreatic water降水入渗补给 precipitation recharge降水入渗补给系数 coefficient of precipitation recharge地表水补给 surface water recharge凝结水补给 condensation recharge侧向补给 lateral recharge越流补给 leakage recharge灌溉补给系数 irrigation recharge coefficient of groundwater潜水蒸发 phreatic water evaporation潜水蒸发临界深度 critical depth of phreatic water evaporation潜水溢出量 phreatic water overflow to surface潜水位 phreatic water level潜水埋深 buried depth of phreatic water level潜水含水层厚度 thickness of phreatic water aquifer内流湖 endorheic lake淡水湖 fresh lake咸水湖 salt lake盐湖 saline lake季节性湖泊 seasonal lake富营养湖泊 eutrophic lake贫营养湖泊 poornutrient lake湖流 lake current梯度流 gradient current漂流 current of friction湖泊波漾(假湖) lake seiche湖泊增减水 lake wind denivellation湖泊率 lake ratio湖泊补给系数 recharge coefficient of lake湖泊换水周期 lake residence period湖盆 lake basin湖面高程 elevation of water level in lake岛屿率 insulosity湖泊分层 lake layering正温层 direct thermal stratification逆温层 inverse thermal stratification湖泊形态参数 morphometric parameter of lake高位沼泽(贫营养沼泽) main level mire中位沼泽(中营养沼泽) medium level mire沼泽水量平衡 water balance of mire沼泽水 mire water沼泽蒸发 mire evaporation沼泽径流 mire runoff沼泽表面流 surface flow of mire沼泽表层流 surface layer flow of mire沼泽含水性 moisture property of mire沼泽持水性 water retention of mire沼泽透水性 perviousness of mire沼泽率 mire ratio冰川 glacier山地冰川(山岳冰川) mountain glacier谷冰川 valley glacier宽尾冰川 broadtail glacier冰斗冰川 cirque glacier悬冰川 hanging glacier贯通冰川(山麓冰川) penetrating glacier冰原 ice field冰川平衡线 equilibrium line of glacier委托观测 entrust gauging水文仪器 hydrologic instrument直读仪器 directreading instrument自记仪器 automaticrecording instrument遥测仪器 remote telemetry unit固态存贮器 solid storage计数器 counter记录器 recorder显示器 display unit平均无故障工作时间 mean time between failures相应水位 equivalent stage水文测站 hydrometric station基本站 basic station辅助站 auxiliary station专用站 special station水文试验站 hydraulic experimental station基准水文站 bench mark hydrologic station水文气象站 hydrometeorology station巡测站 tour gauging station水文站 gauging station雨量站网 rain gauging network水面蒸发站网 water surface evaporation network水位站网 stage gauging network泥沙站网 sediment gauging network水质站网 water quality network地下水观测井网 groundwater voservation well network站网规划 hydrologic network planning水文分区 hydrologic regionalization站网布设 network layout容许最稀站网 minimum network设站年限 station required age基面 datum临时水准点 temporary benchmark测验断面 measuring crosssection基本水尺断面 basic gauge crosssection流速仪测流断面 currentmeter measuring crosssection浮标测流断面 float measuring crosssection比降水尺断面 slope measuring crosssection辅助水尺断面 secondary gauging crosssection临时测流断面 temporary measuring crosssection水文缆道 hydrometric cableway悬索缆道 suspended cableway悬杆缆道 suspended rod cableway机动缆道 motorized cableway手动缆道 handoperating cableway循环索 loop cable起重索 suspension cable水文缆车 hydrometric cable car吊船过河索 cableway for anchoring boat缆道测验仪 cableway measuring device水文测船 hydrometric boat水文测桥 hydrometric bridge桥测车 gauging vehicle on bridge水文巡测车 tour gauging vehicle for hygrometry雨量器 raingauge承水器 raingauge receiver量杯 measuring glass渠积雨量器 accumulative raingauge雨量计 rainfall recorder虹吸式雨量计 siphon rainfall recorder翻斗式雨量计 tippingbucket rainfall recorder长期雨量计 longterm rainfall recorder遥测雨量计 telemetering rainfall recorder测雨雷达 precipitationmonitoring radar雪量线 snow gauge雨雪量计 rain and snow recorder蒸发量 evaporation蒸发量观测 evaporation observation蒸发量折算系数 reduction coefficient of evaporation遮挡率 screen ratio蒸发器 evaporation pan小型蒸发器(蒸发皿) small evaporation panE601型蒸发器 evaporation pan of type E601漂浮蒸发器 floating evaporation pan蒸发计 evaporimeter遇测蒸发计 telemetering evaporimeter钩形水尺 hook gauge最高水位水尺 crest stage gauge校核水尺 check gauge基本水尺断面 basic gauge辅助水尺断面 auxiliary gauge比降水尺断面 slope gauge临时水尺 temporary gauge水位计 stage gauge自记水位计 stage recorder浮子式水位计 floattype stage recorder压力式水位计 pressuretype stage recorder超声波水位计 ultrasonic stage recorder遥测水位计 telemetering stage recorder接触试水位计 contacttype stage recorder远传水位计 telecontrol stage recorder自记水位计台 stage recorder installation静水井 stilling well测得水深 measured depth有效水深 effective depth相对水深 relative depth断面平均水深 mean depth at a crosssection干绳改正 air line correction湿绳改正 wet line correction测点流速 velocity measurement测速垂线 surface velocity水面流速 velocity at a point测点流速 maximum point velocity最大测点流速 velocitymeasuring vertical垂线平均流速 mean velocity at a vertical 部分平均流速 mean velocity at a segment断面平均流速 crosssection velocity distribution浮标流速 point velocity coefficient中泓流速 surface velocity coefficient流速分布 velocity distribution流速梯度 velocity gradient垂线流速分布 vertical velocity distribution断面流速分布 crosssection velocity distribution水面流速分布 surface velocity coefficient顺流 downstream flow逆流 upstream flow流速脉动 velocity pulsation中泓流速 midstream流向测量 flowdirection measurement体积法 cubature流速仪 currentmeter转子式流速仪 rotatingelement currentmeter旋杯式流速仪 cuptype currentmeter旋桨式流速仪 propellertype currentmeter电波流速仪 electric wave currentmeter超声波剖面流速仪 ultrasonic profile currentmeter多普勒流速仪 Doppler currentmeter参证流速仪 reference currentmeter流量计 flow meter文杜里水流计 Venturi flow meter毕托管 Pitot tube流速仪检定 currentmeter calibration检定槽 calibration tank检定车 calibration carriage水面浮标 surface float小浮标 small float双浮标 double float浮杆 floatrod堰顶高程 elevation of weir crest堰顶水头 weir head水工建筑物测流 flow measurement by hydraulic structure闸门开启高度 gate opening行近河槽 approach channel行近流速 approach velocity堰流 weir flow流态 flow regime自由流 free flow淹没流 submerged flow半淹没流 halfsubmerged flow孔流 sluice flow射流 jet flow淹没比 submergence ratio淹没系数 submergence coefficient流速系数 velocity coefficient流量系数 discharge coefficient稀释法测流 dilution method for discharge measurement示踪剂 tracer标准溶液 standard solution背景浓度 background concentration solution稀释比 dilution ratio推移质输沙率测验 bed load discharge measurement器策法 sampling method坑测法 pit method沙波法 dune tracking method床沙测验 bed material measurement照相法 photographic method打印法 stamp pad method床沙采样器 bed material sampler悬移质采样器 suspended sediment sampler瞬时式采样器 instantaneous sampler积时式采样器 timeintegrating sampler瓶式采样器 bottled sampler皮囊式采样器 collapsible sample泵式采样器 pumping sampler调压式采样器 pressure adjustable sampler同位素测沙仪 radioisotope sediment concentration meter光电测沙仪 photoelectric sediment concentration meter振动式测沙仪 vibrational sediment concentration meter推移质采样器 bed load sampler网式采样器 baskettype sampler吸管 pipet光电颗分仪 photoelectric particle size meter比重计(密度计) hydrometer泥沙沉降 sediment settling沉降速度 settling velocity平均沉速 mean settling velocity絮凝 flocculation反凝剂 defloeculant粒径 particle diameter中数粒径 median particle diameter平均粒径 mean particle diameter等容粒径 nominal diameter投影粒径 projected diameter三轴平均粒径 triaxial mean particle diameter几何平均粒径 geometric mean particle diameter筛析粒径 sieve diameter沉降粒径 settling diameter粒径组 fraction of particle size颗粒级配 grainsize distribution颗粒级配曲线 grainsize distribution curve单样颗粒级配 index sample grainsize distribution垂线平均颗粒级配 mean grainsize distribution in a vertical对照断面 check crosssection控制断面 control crosssection消减断面 attenuation crosssection水样保存 watersample preservation检出率 detected ratio超标率 overlimit ratio痕迹量 trace未检出 nonreadout回收率 recovery ratio溶解气体采样器 dissolved gases sampler冰情观测 iceregime observation固定点冰厚测址 fixedpoint ice thickness measurement冰情目测 visual observation of ice regime冰情符号 ice code冰情图 iceregime charta初冰日期 firstice date封冰日期 freezeup date解冻日期 breakup date终冰日期 end ice date封冻历时 freezeup duration水浸冰厚 thickness of immersed ice敲露水面宽 openwater width冰流量 ice discharge等深点流速改正法 revised isobathvelocity method流速过程线改正法 revised velocityhydrograph method有效潮差 significant tidal range负波高 negative wave height水库水文测验 hygrometry of reservoir入库水量 reservoir inflow出库水量 reservoir outflow水库供水 reservoir water supply水库弃水 surplus water released frome reservoir水库渗漏量 reservoir seepage volume水库蓄水变量 variation of reservoir storage水库蓄水变率 rate of reservoir storage change坝上水位 stage behind dam库区水位 stage in reservoir region水库淤积测量 reservoir sedimentation survey水库淤积量 reservoir sedimentation volume地形法 method of topographic survey断面法 method of crosssection survey淤积形态 morphology of reservoir deposition淤积三角洲 sedimentation delta淤积物密度 dry density of reservoir deposition岩溶地区水文调查 hydrologic investigation in karst areas实际地表集水面积 actual surface colleting area水文实验研究 experimental research in hydrology代表流域 representative basin实验流域 experimental basin相似流域 similar basin径流实验研究 experimental research in runoff径流场 runoff plot人工降雨装置 artificial rainfall device蒸发实验研究 experimental research in evaporation蒸发池 evaporation tank土壤蒸发器 soil evaporator蒸散器 evapotranspirometer农田蒸发器 evaporator for agricultural land蒸渗仪 lysimeter地下水均衡场 groundwater balance plot合理性检查 rational examination电算整编 processing by computer水文年鉴 water yearbook测站考证 station examination站年 station year极值 extreme value加权平均法 weighted mean method断流水位 stage of zero flow河干 river of zero flow水文过程线 hydrograph水文综合过程线 synthetic hydrograph等值线 isopleth分布曲线 distribution curve水文特征值 hydrologic characteristic value径流总量 total runoff径流模数 runoff modulus径流系数 runoff coefficient洪峰 flood peak洪水流量 peak discharge洪水总量 flood volume输沙模数 modulus of sediment runoff水位流量关系 stagedischarge relation连时序法 chronological method绳套曲线 loop curve流量过程线法 discharge hydrograph method潮汐要素法 tidal factor relation method定潮汐要素法 constant tidal factor relation method合轴相关法 coaxial correlation method一潮推流法 method of discharge computation for a single tide水位流量关系 singlevalued processing of stagedischarge relation关系曲线延长 extension of relation curve流率表 rating table单断沙关系 index and crosssection average sediment concentration relation单断沙关系曲线法 index and crosssection aerage sediment concentration relation curve method水位单断沙比关系曲线法 stage versus ratio of index and crosssection average sediment concentration relation curve method单断沙比过程线法 hydrograph method of index and crosssection average sediment concentration ratio单样过程线法 hydrograph method of index sediment concentration真值 true value测量值(实测值) measured value最或然值 most probable value绝对误差 absolute error相对误差 relative error插机误差(偶然误差) random error允许误差 permissible error伪误差(粗差) spurious方差 variance标准差 standard deviation相对标准差 relative standard deviation离差(偏差) deviation闭合差 closure error平差 adjustment精密度 precision准确度 correctness垂线抽样误差(M型误差) measuring vertical sampling error分布式数据库 distributed type data base集中式数据库 concentrated type data base网络式数据库 network type data base层次数据库 laminarization data base层次数据模型 laminarization data model网状数据模型 network data model数据量 data bulk结点 node水文数据库 hydrologic data base水文基本数据库 hydrologic basic data base湖泊水文预报 hydrologic firecasting of lake施工水文预报 hydrologic forecasting for construction period潮汐预报 tidal prediction旱情预报 soil moisture forecasting地下水动态预报 groundwater regime forecasting预见期 forecast lead time超长期水文预报 extended longterm hydrologic forecasting作业预报 operational forecasting预报方案 forecast scheme评定标准 accuracy standard方案合格率 qualified ratio of scheme确定性系数 deterministic coefficient汛 seasonal flood伏汛 summer flood汛期 flood season防汛 flood defence报汛站 floodreporting station报汛站网 flookreporting network常年水情站 perennial hydrologic reporting station汛期水情站 hydrologic reporting station inflood season辅助水清站网 auxiliary hydrologic reporting network洪水警报 flood warning点雨量 point rainfall面雨量 areal rainfall泰森多边形 Thiessen polygon等雨量线法 isohyetal method产流 runoff yield蓄满产流 runoff yield at natural storage超渗产流 runoff yield in excess of infiltration产流面积 area of runoff yield地表径流(直接径流) direct runoff地面流(坡面流) surface flow of mire壤中流 prompt subsurface flow前期影响雨量 antecedent rainfall土壤缺水量 soil moisture deficit下渗能力曲线(下渗曲线) infiltration capability curve初损 initial losses后损(后渗)continuing losses坡面汇流 overland flow concentration河网汇流(河槽汇流) river network flow concentration地下汇流 groundwater flow concentration汇流曲线 flow concentration curve流域汇流曲线 basin flow concentration curve坡面汇流曲线 overland flow concentration curve河网汇流曲线 river network flow concentration curve地下汇流曲线 groundwater flow concentration curve流域汇流时间 basin flow concentration time洪峰滞时 peak time lag流域滞时 basin time lag等流滞时 isochrone单位线 unit hydrograph经验单位线 empiricat unit hydrograph综合单位线 synthetic unit hydrograph瞬时单位线 instantaneous unit hydrograph地貌瞬时单位线 geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph坡地单位线 slope unit hydrograph河网单位线 river network unit hydrographS曲线 Scurve无因次单位线 dimensionless unit hydrograph退水曲线 recession curve水文模型 hydrologic model水文物理模型(水文实体模型) hydrophysical model比尺模型 scale model比拟模型 analogue model水文数学模型 hydrologic mathematic model水文概念模型 physicallybased hydrologic mathematic model水文数学物理模型 deterministic hydrologic model确定性水文模型 stochastic hydrologic model分散式模型 distributed


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