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关于ANSYS路径一、看一下GUI,有个感性认识注意:下表给出的是路径的基本要素。路径是通过point来定义的,这些points可以通过拾取节点或pionts在工作面上的坐标或points在总体直角坐标系中的坐标来定义。在建立模型的时候,不同节点可能属于不同的坐标系。通过pionts在工作面上的坐标来指定points(这些points可以不在模型上)通过points在总体直角坐标系中的坐标来定义points二、例子使用路径Path Name:Eight character (maximum) name assigned by the user.Defining Points: These are points in space or nodes. The path exists as line segments between these points. You can have up to 1000 of these.Interpolation Points: ANSYS creates internal points evenly spaced along each line segment in the path. It interpolates the data you ask for at these points.Path Items: These are the values interpolated from the model that are stored along the path. Each path comes with four default items: XG, YG, ZG, and S. The first three are the X, Y, Z position of each interpolation point and the distance of the point along the path, S. The user defines up to1. PATH, 路径的名字, 用于定义路径的point的个数(默认为2个), 数据集数data set(默认为4个,x,y,z坐标,距离S)默认是30个, 相邻两个用于定义路径的point之间划分分段数,默认分为20份,没有上限。path,exmp1,2,8,202. PPATH, P(鼠标拾取)/路径点号(point number),节点号(如果节点号指定的话,后面的通过point坐标将被忽略,总体直角坐标系下point的x坐标, point的y坐标, point的z坐标,在前后points之间生成internal points时要用的坐标系(如果这个地方什么也不填,将会用当前活动坐标系;如果前后两点的坐标系不同,将会用后面一点的坐标系)ppath,1,0,0,.25 1号point在总体直角坐标系下的坐标;ppath,2,0,0,1.25 2号point在总体直角坐标系下的坐标;1、2point间的Interpolation Points生成用的是默认的当前活动坐标系3. PDEF,最多8个字符的Path Items label , Items , Comp, 对单元结果是否进行单元间的平均处理(默认要作平均处理)pdef,ux,u,xpdef,uy,u,ypdef,uz,u,zpdef,usum,u,sum4. /yrange,-4,12 5. plpath,ux,uy,uz,usum三、其他的一些常用的有关路径的命令PATHThis is the big command that sets up a path. Also use it as PATH, name to change the active path.PPATHDefines the points for the path.PMAPUsed to define how the interpolation points are distributed. By default they are even, but with this command you can put refinement at the ends of each line segment or force a point at a discontinuity.(Accurate divisns) PDEFDoes the interpolation from the model of solution values.PVECTDoes the interpolation from the model of geometry values such as the tangent, normal, and radius from the origin along the path. Used to change the active path.PVECT, Oper, LabXR, LabYR, LabZRInterpolates a set of items onto a path.Oper Valid operations for geometry operations along a path are: NORMDefines a unit normal vector at each interpolation point in the direction of the cross product of the tangent to the path and the active Z axis. Resulting vector components are in the active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).TANGDefines a unit vector tangent to the path at each interpolation point. Vector components are in the active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).RADIDefines the position vector of each interpolation point of the path from the center of the active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).LabXR Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to X-component of the resulting vector.LabYR Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to Y-component of the resulting vector.LabZR Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to Z-component of the resulting vector.PADELEUsed to delete paths. PADELE deletes the current path, PADELE, ALL deletes all of them and PADELE,name deletes the path 搉ame?PRANGEUsed to specify what is actually plotted or listed.PAGETPAPUT(Path Array)Used to write and read path information from array variables. This is how you get your path info into APDL.PASAVEPARESUPSEL(path select)Path information does not get stored in the *.db or *.rst. If you want to save your definitions, then use the commands to write and read them. Use PSEL to determine what paths get written before you issue the PASAVE command.PCALCYou can use this command to create new path items by doing math operations on existing items. This not only includes your standard add / sub / mult / div / exp / sin / cos / asin / acos / log, but also the ability to find the derivatives and integrals!PLPATHPlots path items on an ANSYS graph.PLAGMDisplays path items as a ribbon plot.PRPATHPrints path items.PCROSSPDOTVector operations.PLSECTPRSECTThis is used to linearize stresses and display the resulting values. Structural types love this command./PBC,PATH,1Use this variation of the /PBC command to view your paths in your plots of nodes, elements and results.四、路径的其他一些妙用和注意 利用路径来得到空间任一点的应力值 o path,pp,2,5,1 o ppath,1,0,0,.35 o ppath,2,0,0,.35 !注意这两点是重合的,呵呵(0,0,0.35)o pdef,sig1,s,1 o *get,s_z_p35,path,last,sig1 o *msg,s


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