2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson27Jenny’s Family教案2 冀教版.doc_第1页
2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson27Jenny’s Family教案2 冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit4 Lesson27Jennys Family教案2 冀教版教学内容学习school一词 . 用Where is it?There it is.表达简单的方位关系,以及问候语 Nice to meet you.1 课时教学目标德育目标 :关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围。通过多样性的活动和教学评价,激励学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使学生在英语课堂中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。智育目标: 1.学生能掌握school。2.能正确应用Nice to meet you ?进行口语交际;3.正确理解Where is -?There it is.并能进行会话练习。素质发展目标:引导学生通过体验、实践、合作、探究等学习方式,培养他们合作学习的意识和口语交际能力及自己解决问题的能力。从而促进学生实践能力的和创新思维的发展。使学生学会语言知识,感悟语言功能教学重点难点教学重点:能够正确运用本课所学对话;能够根据本课内容进行口语交际教学难点 :能够正确运用本课所学对话;能够根据本课内容进行口语交际教学准备课件 录音机 卡片 手偶 实物等学生活动设计小组对话 角色表演教学过程Step1: Class openingGreeting and review:1 Greeting: Sing a song(How are you?)2.Review :Draw the picture。Step2: New concepts课件1 Nice to meet you !用汉语告诉学生当一个人初次遇到某个人时,可以说:Nice to meet you!并让学生跟随老师重复数次。角色扮演:先师生之间对话。Hello!My name is -。What is your/her/his name?My/her/his name is-。Nice to meet you !待比较熟练后教师放手让学生之间进行对话练习。现在,Guo Yang and Jenny相遇了,他们在说些什么?你们想知道吗?播放录音,让学生听。听完回答问题角色扮演,用手偶来演,然后问学生:Where is -?2. Where is _? There it is.操练:把书藏于教室的某处,假装到处找它,边找边说Where is my book?数次,并通过手势表达意思,假装突然看到了书,边指着书,边大声说:There it is!让一个学生为自己拿过来,并说:Thanks! 并解释Thanks的意思。把Where is _? There it is.写在黑板上。教师同自告奋勇的学生一起示范下列对话:Where is my/your/his/her -?(book chair desk school teacher等单词) There it is !(手指实物)可扩展Here it is !或用I dont know。学生分组练习对话,向全班学生进行表演。Step3: Class closingDo the activity book: Lesson 4: NO .1 and NO . 2设计意图歌曲的导入极大地提高了学生学习英语的兴趣,为本课教学提供了有利的条件此种教学方法极大地提高了学生的求知欲由此引出第二部分,过渡自然利用游戏巩固Where is _? There it is.小组合作教学培养了学生的合作意识,提高了学生的合作能力.两个环节的游戏过后,让学生放松一下,师生同唱这节课学的歌曲“How are you?”从而调动每一个学生参与的积极性。教后反思附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 unit4 lesson28Brother ,Sister教案1 冀教版教学目标:1. 知识目标1)学生争取掌握下列词汇:brother, sister, old, young2)学生能够理解并口头应答下列用语:How old are you? Im years old.2. 能力目标:学生能用所学知识介绍自己的兄弟或姐妹。3. 情感目标:激发学生的积极思维,挖掘他们运用语言的创造能力。积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务。教学过程:Step 1: Class OpeningT: Hello, boys and girls! How are you? Im very well, thank you. I am very happy to learn English with all of you . Do you feel happy? Would you like to sing a song with me ? OK, lets begin.(出示课件,学生一起跟唱。)T: Hello, class. My name is Hou Guoai. I live in China. Im twenty-eight years old. I like pink. My hair is black. My eyes are black, too. Who can like me to introduce yourself? The students introduce themselves.设计意图:通过师生互相问候,拉近与学生之间的距离,以一个轻松活泼的歌曲开头,激发了学生学习的兴趣。接着,我让孩子们做自我介绍,激活了学生原有的知识,调动了他们的学习热情。Step 2:New Concepts1、T: Boys and girls, look at the screen, please. Let me introduce my family. T: Look at the little boy. This is my son, Zhou Zijun. He is three years old, His hair is very short. His hair is black, too. He is a lovely boy. I love my son very much.T: This is my sister. (板书:sister)领读,拼读,个别读,集体读。T: This is my sister, Hou Guofeng. She is very tall. She is a student. Her hair is very black. She is a pretty girl. T: Look at this picture. This is my . Yes, youre very clever.(板书:brother)领读,拼读,个别读,集体读。T: This is my brother. His name is Hou Jianyu. He is a police officer. He is tall. His hair is short. His hair is very black. He is a handsome man. Now , would you like to talk about your sister or brother? This time, lets practice, take out your photos about your sister or brother. Introduce your sister or brother to your groups. OK? Lets begin.(小组活动)T: Who wants to introduce your sister or brother? (3-4个学生介绍)设计意图:创设贴近生活的情景,并自然承接复习环节,能够使学生易于理解,使他们在不知不觉中去感悟、理解、体会语言。2、T: Today, our good friend Jenny es here. Do you want to know Jennys sister and brother? Then let Jenny to introduce her sister and brother. 播放录音, 学生看书跟读。3、T: (出示课件)Boys and girls , look at the picture, too. This is my grandpa. He is old. (板书old)领读old , He is old. 同样的方法教授young.4、T: My grandpa is eighty years old. He is old. XXX is nine years old.(本班学生的照片) She is young. How old are you? (板书How old are you?)Im nine years old.(板书并领读)教师与学生做问答练习。T: Who wants to be a teacher? And ask the other student.(学生问学生答练习。)设计意图:利用生活中的真实照片,尤其是用了本班学生的一张照片,来学习新知,学生兴趣浓厚,很乐于学习。5、教师与个别学生进行对话练习。T: Hello! My name is Hou Guoai. Whats your name? S: My name is .T: Nice to meet you! Im twenty-eight years old. How old are you? S: Im years old.6、引导学生分组编演对话。T: Then, make up a dialogue with your partner.T: Now , are you ready? Who wants to e here and try to present your dialogue?(找三四组学生表演,及时表扬。)7、师生一起看课本第三部分。T: Now, open your book. And turn to page 57. Lets look at the No. 3. How old is Jenny? How old is Li Ming? How old is Danny?帮助学生说出He/She is years old. 和 forty, thirty-two 这两个词。8、Play the audiotape, 学生看书跟读。9、Now, well. I have a good idea. Do you want to know? I want to sing a song. Do you like to sing? Lets sing a song with How old are you? And Im nine years old. Do you remember this song 两只老虎?下面就让我们用这首歌来唱。师生同唱两遍。


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