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Name: Intermediate Questions MixedPlease mark with Colour or CIRCLE your answer1) Compared to white wines, what temperature are red wines generally fermented at? 和白葡萄酒相比,红葡萄酒的发酵温度通常 正确!a) Either higher or lower temperatures 较高或者较低b) The same temperature 一样c) Higher temperatures 较高d) Lower temperatures 较低2) Which statement is true for high humidity? 下面哪一个关于高湿度的表述正确?正确!a) It helps vines grow because of the moisture 因为湿润而有助于葡萄树生长b) It is necessary for cultivating high quality grapes 生产优质葡萄的必要条件c) It can be the cause of vine disease 可能是葡萄树疾病的原因d) It makes the grapes riper 让葡萄更成熟3) What is Crme de Cacao? 什么是Crme de Cacao?正确!a) A VDN 天然甜葡萄酒b) A Spirit 烈酒c) A Liqueur 利口甜烈酒d) A still light wine 静止轻酒体葡萄酒4) Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched? 下列哪个组合是正确的?正确!a) Graves and Grenache. 格拉夫和歌海娜b) Pomerol and Chardonnay. 波美侯和霞多丽c) Rioja and Sangiovese. 里奥哈和桑娇维塞d) Sancerre and Sauvignon Blanc. 桑塞尔和长相思5) Which one of the following is always a white wine? 下面哪一个通常是白葡萄酒?a) Chinon 希农b) Frascati 弗拉斯卡蒂c) Primitivo 普米蒂沃d) Vinho Verde 绿酒6) Which one of the following is a red wine? 下面哪一个是红葡萄酒?正确!a) Chablis 夏布利b) Soave. 嫂阿维c) Albario 阿尔瓦里尼奥d) Cte-Rtie 罗第7) A US state that produces lots of inexpensive bulk wine is? 美国生产大批量便宜酒的一个州是?正确!a) Washington 华盛顿b) California 加利福尼亚c) Oregon 俄勒冈d) New York 纽约8) To serve a bottle of sparkling wine safely, you will need to: 服务起泡酒时,需要:正确!1. Chill the wine 冰镇葡萄酒2. Twist the cork with your hand 用手转动软木塞3. Cover the cork with your hand whilst removing it 转动瓶子时用手按住软木塞a) 1 and 3 onlyb) 1, 2 and 3c) 1 onlyd) 3 only9) Which maturation vessel has the greatest impact on the final flavour of the wine? 哪种熟化容器对葡萄酒的最终味道有最大的影响?a) Stainless steel tanks 不锈钢罐b) New French Oak 新法国橡木c) Glass demijohns 短细颈的玻璃瓶d) New American Oak 新美国橡木10) Which one of the following grape varieties would NOT ripen properly if grown in a cool-climate wine region? 下面哪一个品种在凉爽产区不能很好地成熟?正确!a) Sauvignon Blanc 长相思b) Grenache 歌海娜c) Pinot Noir 黑比诺d) Chardonnay 霞多丽11) Which one of the following is a white wine? 下面哪一个是白葡萄酒?正确!a) Cte-Rtie 罗第b) Barolo 巴罗洛c) Pouilly-Fum 普伊芙美d) Chianti Classico 奇昂第古典12) Which one of the following grape varieties is prone to noble rot? 下面哪个葡萄品种容易感染贵腐?正确!a) Chardonnay 霞多丽b) Chenin Blanc 白诗南c) Grenache 歌海娜d) Touriga Nacional 国家杜丽佳13) Which wine is not naturally sweet? 下面哪个葡萄酒不是天然甜的?正确!a) Beerenauslese 逐粒精选葡萄酒b) LBV Port 晚装瓶年份波特酒c) VDN 天然甜葡萄酒d) Amontillado 阿蒙提拉多14) Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched? 下面哪个组合正确?正确!a) Valpolicella and Pinot Noir 瓦波利切拉和黑比诺b) Brouilly and Gamay 布鲁伊和嘉美c) Puglia and Cabernet Franc 普利亚和品丽珠d) Puligny-Montrachet and Sauvignon Blanc 皮里尼-蒙哈榭和长相思15) The following three questions all relate to a mature Pommard. 下面三个问题有关陈年的波马尔Which of the following best describes the appearance? 哪一个最好地描述外观?a) Medium garnet 中等石榴红色b) Medium ruby 中等宝石红色c) Pale tawny 淡红茶色d) Deep purple 深紫色16) On the nose, the aromas would include: 闻起来,香气包括:正确!a) Blackberries 黑莓b) Bananas 香蕉c) Mushroom 蘑菇d) Lemon 柠檬17) Which of the following best describes the body and tannin levels? 下面哪一项能最好地描述酒体和单宁水平?正确!BODY 酒体TANNIN 单宁a) Medium 中High 高b) Light 轻Medium 中c) Full 饱满Low 低d) Medium 中Medium 中18) Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched? 下面那个组合正确?正确!a) Graves and Grenache 格拉夫和歌海娜b) Pomerol and Chardonnay 波美侯和霞多丽c) Rioja and Sangiovese 里奥哈和桑娇维塞d) Sancerre and Sauvignon Blanc 桑塞尔和长相思19) Which one of the following wines would benefit from being slightly chilled? 下面哪个葡萄酒适合轻微冰镇后饮用?a) Haut-Mdoc 上梅多克b) Valpolicella 瓦波利切拉c) Cte-Rtie 罗第d) Chteauneuf-du-Pape 教皇新堡20) Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched? 下面哪个组合正确?正确!a) St. Emilion and Pinot Noir 圣埃米利永和黑比诺b) Puglia and Tempranillo 普利亚和添普兰尼洛c) Cte de Beaune and Riesling 博讷区和雷司令d) Chianti and Sangiovese 奇昂第和桑娇维塞21) Which grape is native to Argentina? 哪个是阿根廷本地品种?正确!a) Torrontes 妥伦特斯b) Chenin Blanc 白诗南c) Malbec 马贝克d) Chardonnay 霞多丽22) Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched? 下面哪个组合正确?正确!a) Alsace and Sauvignon Blanc 阿尔萨斯和长相思b) Cte dOr and Tempranillo 科多尔和添普兰尼洛c) Puglia and Sangiovese 普利亚和桑娇维塞d) Ctes-du-Rhone and Grenache. 罗讷河谷区和歌海娜23) What grape is Soave made from? 嫂阿维由什么葡萄酿制?正确!a) Corvina 科维纳b) Sauvignon Blanc. 长相思c) Garganega加格奈拉d) Nebbiolo 内比奥洛24) Which of the following grapes goes into Barbaresco? 哪个葡萄品种酿制巴尔巴莱斯克?正确!a) Montepulciano 蒙帕塞诺b) Nebbiolo 内比奥洛c) Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠d) Pinot Noir 黑比诺25) Which of the following pairs is CORRECTLY matched? 下面哪个组合正确?正确!a) Puglia and Nebbiolo 普利亚和内比奥洛b) Chablis and Chardonnay 夏布利和霞多丽c) Cte de Nuits and Riesling 尼依酒区和雷司令d) Chianti and Pinot Noir 奇昂第和黑比诺26) Which area produces dry wines from the Muscat grape? 哪一个地区用麝香品种酿制干酒?正确!a) Loire 卢瓦尔河b) Alsace阿尔萨斯c) South France 法国南部d) Hunter Valley 猎人谷27) Where does a Rioja DOC rosado get its colour from? 里奥哈DOC rosado的颜色来自于哪里?正确!a) Artificial colouring. 人工色素b) The addition of red wine. 混入红葡萄酒c) The skins of the grapes. 葡萄皮d) Stainless steel tanks. 不锈钢罐28) Which one of the following wines should be avoided when serving oily fish? 下列哪一种葡萄酒不适合搭配饱含油脂的鱼类?正确!a) High acid, low tannin red wines. 高酸度、低单宁的红葡萄酒b) Dry, light bodied white wines. 干型、轻酒体的白葡萄酒c) High tannin, full bodied red wines. 高单宁、酒体饱满的红葡萄酒d) Off-dry, high acid white wines. 半干、高酸度的白葡萄酒29) In which country is Barolo DOCG produced? 哪个国家酿制巴罗洛Barolo DOCG?正确!a) Italy. 意大利b) Spain. 西班牙c) Portugal. 葡萄牙d) Greece. 希腊30) Which grape variety is used to make Pouilly-Fum AC? 哪一种葡萄酿制普伊芙美Pouilly-Fum AC?正确!a) Riesling. 雷司令b) Sauvignon Blanc. 长相思c) Smillon. 赛美容d) Chenin Blanc. 白诗南31) Which spirit uses the initials VSOP? 哪一种烈酒会标有VSOP?正确!a) Vodka. 伏特加b) Gin. 金酒c) Cognac. 干邑d) Scotch Whisky. 苏格兰威士忌32) What style of wine is AC Muscat de Beaumes de Venise? AC威尼斯-彭德-麝香是哪种风格的葡萄酒?正确!a) Dry fortified white. 干型加强型白葡萄酒b) Sweet fortified white. 甜型加强型白葡萄酒c) Dry fortified red. 干型加强型红葡萄酒d) Sweet fortified red. 甜型加强型红葡萄酒33) Where is Nuits-Saint-Georges? 尼伊圣乔治位于哪里?正确!a) Burgundy. 勃艮第b) Bordeaux. 波尔多c) Loire. 卢瓦尔河d) Rhne. 罗讷河谷34) In which country is the region of Marlborough? 马尔堡产区在哪个国家?正确!a) New Zealand. 新西兰b) Australia. 澳大利亚c) Canada. 加拿大d) South Africa. 南非35) Which gas is given off during alcoholic fermentation? 酒精发酵会产生哪种气体?正确!a) Sulphur Dioxide. 二氧化硫b) Nitrogen Dioxide. 二氧化氮c) Carbon Dioxide. 二氧化碳d) Hydrogen Dioxide. 二氧化氢36) Which one of the following is CORRECTLY matched? 下列哪一组配对正确?正确!a) Vouvray and Italy. 武弗雷和意大利b) Beaujolais and Bordeaux. 博若莱和波尔多c) Meursault and Portugal. 默尔索和葡萄牙d) Sangiovese and Chianti Classico. 桑娇维塞和古典奇昂第37) What does the word secco mean? “Secco”是什么意思?正确!a) Sweet. 甜b) Dry. 干c) Sparkling. 起泡d) Medium sweet. 半甜38) Which one of the following conditions would NOT be ideal when assessing a wine? 下列哪一个条件对评估葡萄酒不利? 正确!a) Good natural daylight. 良好的自然光b) No distracting smells. 没有异味干扰c) The kitchen in a restaurant. 餐厅里的厨房d) A clean ISO tasting glass.干净的ISO酒杯39) Which one of the following is a white grape variety? 下列哪一个是白葡萄品种?正确!a) Chenin Blanc 白诗南b) Sangiovese. 桑娇维塞c) Merlot. 美乐d) Gamay. 嘉美40) Which one of the following is a varietally labelled wine? 下列哪一个是以葡萄品种命名的葡萄酒?正确!a) Gevrey-Chambertin. 热夫雷尚贝坦b) Pouilly-Fuiss. 普伊富塞c) Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon. 库纳瓦拉赤霞珠d) Saint-Emilion. 圣埃米利永41) In which country is the region of Mendoza? 门多萨产区位于哪个国家?正确!a) USA. 美国b) Australia. 澳大利亚c) Chile. 智利d) Argentina. 阿根廷42) What style of wine is Asti DOCG? 阿斯蒂DOCG是什么风格的葡萄酒?正确!a) Dry still light wine. 干型、轻酒体的静止葡萄酒b) Sweet still light white. 甜型、轻酒体的静止白葡萄酒c) Sparkling dry white. 起泡干白葡萄酒d) Sparkling sweet white. 起泡甜型葡萄酒43) To which wine do the initials LBV refer? LBV会出现在哪一种葡萄酒酒标上?正确!a) Madeira. 马德拉b) Sherry. 雪莉酒c) Port. 波特酒d) Vin Doux Naturels. 天然甜葡萄酒44) When tasting a wine, how is acidity identified on the palate? 品尝葡萄酒时,酸在口中的通过何种方式感受?正确!a) By a mouth drying bitter sensation. 通过干涩的感觉b) By making your mouth water. 通过流很多口水c) By producing sweet ripe flavours. 通过甜而成熟的味道d) By producing salty tangy flavours. 通过咸而浓的味道


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