



PART ONELead in(适用于各种题目,灵活运用吧!)(回答完两个问题,不要再想了!开始上课吧!自己站在讲桌后,右手压左手,自然摆放在腰带扣的地方,也就是肚脐眼的地方,告诉自己放松,再放松!双手越自然越好!气定神怡,平心静气,微笑对评委以及评委身后那不存在还要假装存在的学生,说:)Class begins. Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to have this English class with you. Today we will (下面是第一个关口,开场要顺畅,一气呵成,记清自己的试题中心,选对重点)learn a new passage阅读或听力(learn a new grammar语法/learn how to write a new composition写作/learn a kind of pronunciation语音/learn how to build a passage语篇)together. PART TWOFree talk(适用于各种题目,临场发挥下吧!)Before learning, Ill ask you four questions:(伸出右手,拇指压掌心,摆出其余4个手指头,) (下面是第二个关口,设计4个与核心词汇相关的问题,根据您的个人习惯,挑选容易入手好回答的问题设计,或者从原文设计。一般用when/where/why/how/what/did的句子即可,语气用一般过去时。这些问题写于备课上不必板书,此关应在备课室备完)The first question: Did you_? Tom, please. (pause)(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Very good. Sit down, please.Tom said _. (自己把答案复述一下)The next question: When did you_? Kate, please answer the question.(pause)(平伸左手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)Very good. Sit down, please.Kate said _. (自己把答案复述一下)The third question: Where did you_? Susan, please. (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)(pause)Good!(右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)Sit down, please.She said _. (自己把答案复述一下)The last question: Why did you_? Linda, please. (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)(pause)Very good.(双手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)Sit down, please.She said _. (自己把答案复述一下)PART THREEBrainstorm(适用于Pre-listening、Pre-reading、Pre-writing、Pre-building a passage、Pre-speaking、Pre-pronunciation)Well done, boys and girls. Now, Ill give you one minute to brainstorm with your partners in small groups. Think about as many words or phrases as possible about the topic_(板书核心词汇,示例见后面的Blackboard design), and then Ill write them down on the blackboard. OK, lets begin. (Pause,此时,拿起粉笔) Now, time is up, please say the words or phrases in volunteer. Who wants to have a try? (Pause)OK! _(自己读第1个单词,长难单词时使用此方法) Well, Can you spell it?_(板书第1个单词,边读边写)Very good. Sit down, please.(转身假装找同学)The next. Who wants to try? OK! _(板书第2个单词,边读边写,简单的单词一带而过)Well done! Sit down, please.(扭头假装看同学)The next. OK! Can you speak a little louder? _(板书第3个单词,边读边写)Very good. Sit down, please.(扭头假装看同学)The next. OK! _(板书第4个单词,边读边写)Well done! Sit down, please.(转身假装看同学)The next. OK! Who wants to try some phrases? _(板书第1个短语,边读边写)Very good. Sit down, please.(扭头假装看同学)The next. OK! _(板书第2个短语,边读边写)Well done! Sit down, please.(上面的多个学生提问,也可以装换成:假装一名学生回答4个单词,另一名学生回答2个短语亦可。目的是节省时间)Well, now lets read the word and phrases together! Are you ready? Go!_(此处教师朗读一遍,代表全体领读所有单词)PART FOUR prediction(适用于Pre-listening和pre-reading, 以下分三类预测,三选一即可)Title predictionNow, boys and girls, lets look the title together. The title of this passage is _. Do you know the meaning of _? It is called _(此处说汉语) in Chinese.(若标题太简单,此处可略去!) Boys and girls, with the help of this title, could you please tell me what will be talked about in this passage. Bob, can we have your prediction? (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)OK, very good. Sit down please. Anyone else? Tom, can you guess what we are going to learn today through the title? (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)OK, very good. Sit down please.Picture predictionNow, first, lets look the pictures together. Boys and girls, with the help of these pictures, could you please tell me what will be talked about in this passage. Bob, can we have your prediction?(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答) OK, thank you. Sit down please. Tom, can you guess what we are going to learn today with the pictures? (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)OK, thanks. Sit down please.Question predictionNow, first, Ill give you 2 minutes to read the questions. (Pause) Boys and girls, lets look the questions together, with the help of these questions, could you please tell me what will be talked about in this passage. Bob, can we have your prediction? (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答) OK, thank you. Sit down please. Tom, can you guess what we are going to learn today with the pictures? (平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)OK, thanks. Sit down please.(Pause)Good, sit down, please. Do you agree with them? Some say yes while some say no. Next, please listen to the tape/read the text. After listening/reading, please tell me whether this prediction is correct. Ready? Lets begin.DiscussionAfter reading this passage, we can conclude that _, right? However, _. Thus, it is of great importance for us to _ them, right? Next, we will have a group discussion. Please get into 6 groups and discuss with your group members. Try to think of possible ways to _. When you discuss, the group leader should take down your group members opinions and sum up in your own words. After discussion, we will share your ideas with all of us. You have 5 minutes to prepare. Here we go.Time is up. Is there any group who would like to present your idea?OK. Group one, please share your opinion with others. SummaryGuys, youve done a great job. At last, lets sum up what we have learned today. Who would like to have a try? Jenny, please.(平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答)(pause)Good!(右手伸出大拇指,示意回答得很棒)Sit down, please. AssignmentThank you; its a really good summary. Boys and girls, here comes your assignment. First, please retell this passag


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