



Unit 3 A Taste of English HumourSection III Learning about language & Using language学习目标1. 熟记重点单词和短语,会读、拼写以及使用; 2. 能读懂课文中的两则英语笑话。学习重难点1.单词:lie2.句型:感叹句学法指导词不离句,句不离篇。多读多练,记忆保鲜。学习过程 生命课堂 互动探究Task 1: 经典句子 1. They were lying in the open air under the stars. (P22)动词lie有多个意思,词义不同变形也不同。He lied to me, which broke my heart.She lay on the grass, totally relaxed.lie 1) 撒谎。过去式 ,过去分词 ,现在分词 。2) 躺、坐落。过去式 ,过去分词 ,现在分词 。与其容易混淆的动词是lay,lay也有多个意思,但动词变形是一致的。 We saw some books were laid on the front desk.lay 1) 下蛋;2) 放置。过去式 ,过去分词 ,现在分词 。活用:单项选择Johnson his old CDs on the top of the shelf where his cat likes .A. lied; lyingB. laid; lyingC. lay; layingD. lied; layingsummary: 2. I think of how small I am and how vast the sky is. (P22)这个句子中含有两个感叹句,分别是 和 。感叹句可以由how和 引导,你能看出二者引导的感叹句的不同吗?因为how是副词,所以后面可以直接跟形容词或副词,其后跟形容词+a/an+单数名词的顺序与so的用法相同;而what后跟a/an+形容词+名词的顺序与such用法相同。 lovely! lovely the baby is! lovely a baby it is! a lovely baby it is!活用:汉译英(请用两种形式翻译这个感叹句)好奇怪的植物啊! / summary: Task 2: 学习检测 I. 汉译英1. 煎饼 _ 2. 多山的 _3. 辽阔的 _4. 躺 5. 预算 6. 喜剧 7. 使欢乐、款待 8. 遍及 9. 滑动 10. 解释说明n. 11. 使发笑 12. 侦探 II. 翻译与仿写1) I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds.翻译: 仿写: 我在想世界是如此之大而我是如此渺小。 2) Not that Charlies own life was easy.翻译: 仿写: 倒不是我不想去接她。 3) He chewed the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.翻译: 仿写: 我同学说起话来好像他是个美国人。 4) The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that its one of the best meals he has ever tasted.翻译: 仿写: 表演如此精彩以致于我们都忘了时间。 Section III Learning about language & Using language经典句子1. lied;lied;lying;lay;lain;lying;laid;laid;laying;B;2. how small I am; how vast the sky is; what;How;How;How;What;What a strange plant it is! / How strange the plant is!学习检测I. 汉译英1. pancake; 2. mountainous; 3. vast; 4. lie; 5. budget; 6. comedy; 7. entertain; 8. throughout; 9. slide; 10. explanation; 11. amuse; 12. detective II. 翻译与仿写1) 我在想这个宇宙多么寒冷而人们在被窝里又是多么暖和。I think of how big the world is and how small I am.2) 倒不是查理自己的生活很安逸。Not that I dont want to pick her up.3) 他嚼着皮鞋上方的鞋皮,就好像那是上等的牛排。My classmate talks as if he wer


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