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英文歌曲在小学英语教学中的应用On the Application of English Songs in Primary School English TeachingAbstract: Since quality education advocated, some achievements have been made in English teaching in China. However, listening is the week point for the students. With the rapid social development in China, the traditional language teaching method cannot fit the requirements of the society and need to be improved, especially in listening. In the four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, listening makes the first place, which tells it significance. The poor listening of the students makes it hard for them to improve their communicative ability. Although the traditional teaching methods also sometimes pay attention to the listening aspects, it cannot fit the new situations and new changes during the new times, especially on the aspects of listening content and listening skills. This paper, based on the famous Lozanovs suggestive Teaching theory , music and songs can be used as an effective technique in foreign language teaching. Songs can arouse students interest towards language study and help to form their linguistic sense. This essay gives a brief introduction to the reasons why English songs can be used in primary school English class, and how they are effectively used. Therefore through this thesis research the English listening teaching can be improved as well as the entire English teaching of our nation.Key Words: foreign language teaching English songs teaching method摘要 提倡素质教育以来,我国英语教学取得了很大的成就。随着中国社会的快速发展,国际交流对英语的巨大需要,传统的教学方法已经不能适应现在社会的发展趋势,培养出来的人才已经不能符合新的英语需要标准,尤其是听力方面,因为听力居于听说读写四个基本技能的首要位置,因此显得尤其重要.但是,听力仍然是学生学英语过程中的一个薄弱环节。听力差使学生们很难提高他们的交际能力。尽管传统教学方法也照顾到了学生的听力能力和听力技巧,然而日新月异的新环境和新情况还是需要传统教学做出很大的改变,尤其是在听力的内容和针对性方面应作出一些改变.本篇论文根据洛扎诺夫的暗示教学法理论,指出了在外语教学中音乐和歌曲都可以作为有效的教学手段。歌曲能极大地激发学生学习兴趣,从而有助于增强对目的语的语感。本文分析了英文歌曲可以作为教学材料用于英语教学的原因,并简要介绍了英文歌曲在小学英语课堂是如何被应用的,从而可以找到新时代环境下我国英语听力教学的新的有效方法,从而提高我国整体英语教学水平.关键词 外语教学 英文歌曲 教学法CONTENTS1. Introduction12. The Possibility of using songs in English Teaching32.1 The characteristics of pupils32.2 The characteristics of song52.3 The Benefits of Applying songs63. Applying Songs to English Teaching63.1 To Pronunciation Teaching63.1.1 The Importance of Pronunciation Learning63.1.2 The Integration of Songs into Pronunciation73.2 To Vocabulary Teaching83.2.1The Necessity of Vocabulary Learning83.2.2 Applying Songs to Vocabulary Teaching93.3 To Grammar Teaching113.3.1The Essentiality of Grammar Learning113.3.2 Using Songs at Grammar Teaching124 Choosing A Suitable Song164.1How to choose a suitable song164.2 The Important Stages in songs choosing175 Conclusion18Bibliography211. Introduction Since the year of 2001, English has become a required lesson in primary school; from Grade 3.Some people say that the fundamental goal for introducing English to primary school children is to help them develop English language skills and knowledge so that they are able to use English to communicate with others. We will say that this is only partly true. What should not be neglected at the same time is childrens motivation and interests in learning. By offering a foreign language at school, we are aiming to educate “the whole child” rather than only teach them the language. Therefore, the first priority to teaching English at the primary school is to cultivate their interest in learning, motivate them to work hard, help them establish good learning habits and develop useful learning strategies so that they are ready to continue their learning when they move into secondary schools. Introducing a foreign language to children is like opening up another window for them to see the other side of the world. This will arouse their interest and curiosity in different cultures and different ways of communication. It is hard to imagine that a child who gets tired of the subject will work hard and make efforts in learning it. In other words, if a child, after learning English at the primary school, hate s it, you would not expect him/her to work hard on it and he/she would have any interest and motivation in learning it when he/she moves to the secondary school. Therefore, motivation and interest in learning ate fundamental to ensure success in learning a foreign language got child.How to make English lesson vivid and how to attract pupils interest in it? Playing games in English teaching is one of the effective ways to motivate children to work hard and cultivate their interests in learning English. As we all know, children enjoy singing songs in their native language and this is a familiar experience for children to be developing positive attitudes towards the foreign language and language learning, and create a desire to continue learning.With the recent development of English teaching, the roles of games in class have been discussed in different aspects. And more and mote teachers use songs in their teaching as they come to realize that playing games in English teaching is very important. The paper aims to explore why songs ate appreciated in English class teaching.When teachers apply songs in English teaching in the classroom, it is beneficial for teachers to pick out the most suitable songs and to design the proper form of exercise for students to do. And there are also several things that teachers should aware during the process of teaching.2. The Possibility of using songs in English Teaching2.1 The characteristics of pupilsHalliwell(1992)says that the young children do not come to the language classroom empty-handed. They bring with them an already well-established set of instincts, skills and characteristics, which will help them to learn a foreign language. These features of children can be enumerated as follows. Firstly, children are already very good at interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding the individual words. Secondly, they have the basic communication strategy. This means childrens ability to grasp the meaning in their cognitive aspects. Thirdly, they already have a great skill in using limited language creatively. This means childrens creative use of limited language resources in their linguistic aspects. Fourthly, they frequently learn indirectly rather than directly. This means childrens capacity for indirect learning in their learning activities .Fifthly, they take great pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do. This means childrens instinct for play and fun in their emotional aspects. Sixthly, they have a ready imagination. This means the role of imagination in their emotional aspects. Seventhly, they, above all, take great delight in talking. This means the instinct for interaction and talk in their daily life. These instincts, skills, and characteristics of children should be taken into consideration when teachers set up the aims and contents of language teaching for young learners, produce teaching and learning materials, and apply teaching methods to the classroom. Besides, Children are naturally curious and active. They are full of enthusiasm and often show a lot of eagerness to participate. If children are happy, feel secure and in a threat-free environment they are more likely to enjoy English. Its often said that childrens attention span is short but we sometimes find small children can concentrate on one thing for a fairly long, time but not on other things. So it really depends on what they do. Children will not concentrate if the teacher lectures them! This means we need to consider how to create a real desire for children to learn English; we need to provide opportunities for children to experience and experiment with the new language; we also need to provide a variety of opportunities for children to use the language in different contexts, and finally provide timely feedback for children to know how they are doing and what needs to be improved.2.2 The characteristics of songSong possesses beautiful appeal in itself. If the teacher blends as well as English sentences and songs, it will make a learning drill that is dull and dry, mechanical, repeated, to become vivid and dramatic. Basically all children enjoy singing songs in their native language; they will naturally enjoy doing the same in another language. Therefore songs sometimes are good attractors that draw back learners attention to ensure a smooth running class. Songs demonstrate very clearly the rhythmic nature of the English language. The interchange of stressed syllables and unstressed syllables are emphasized. When learners sing a song, they will certainly practice the timing of stressed syllables. Once they have learned the songs, the words, the patterns, the tones, and the rhythm can stick in their mind for the rest of their lives. 2.3 The Benefits of Applying songs The value of using songs in the primary English classroom has been widely recognized. Both teachers and learners find songs interesting and relaxing. Using songs in class can often bring a change to the routine procedures of language presentation and practice. Many teachers have realized that songs can serve as magic teaching tools to develop learners language abilities, e.g. in helping learners in learning pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence patterns; in helping pupils memorizations develop a natural sense of the language. On the other hand, songs can help teachers created a relaxed, stress-free classroom atmosphere. When students learn songs and sing songs, actually they are communicating with other students by authentic language. They would feel immediate feedback because when they can immediately ding songs by learning them. According to Krashens first hypothesis, Language Acquisition and Learning Hypothesis, authentic materials and real language use are important. Listening to music are enjoyable experiences. Learners are less defensive and their inhibitions about acquiring a second language are lessened. And when they are more attentive, they are more receptive to learning English. Through learning songs, they are exposed to authentic examples of a second language. They subconsciously feel that they need to use English but not memorize grammar or words. Especially for Chinese students, English teachers should think about those great effects when acquiring English language by singing songs. Besides, songs can improve their memory, vocabulary and creative of language.3. Applying Songs to English Teaching3.1 To Pronunciation Teaching 3.1.1 The Importance of Pronunciation LearningEnglish phonetics is such an important thing that we have to put it in the first place in English teaching. Firstly, English phonetics is the science, which studies the characteristics of human sound making, especially those sounds used in speech. It also provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. Closely connected to the study of grammar and lexicology, it can help the English learner to better understand vocabulary and grammar.Secondly, English phonetics is an essential part of language and also an important element in communication. We study English in order to interact with foreigners. One must have good communication to be able to comprehend others when speaking or reading aloud. This is proven by the fact that the better we pronounce English, the more easily we can understand each other and be understood. Thirdly, phonetics has long been neglected in English teaching. An English teacher must demonstrate good pronunciation. Teaching phonetics is a major premise for English instruction because without any knowledge of pronunciation and intonation, the outcome will not always be satisfactory. 3.1.2 The Integration of Songs into PronunciationLearning some English song can help pupils improve their ability of pronunciation sense of language. With the help of song, the pronunciation and some new phonetic symbols can be corrected. There are some classic English songs which have been widely sung by English learners and have been a part of English learning. They make English learning easy and interesting. Pupil may find it different to remember a paragraph, but easy to remember a very long English song. And there are many English songs which can be win universal praise when using in the classroom teaching of pronunciation, such as “ Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ”, “Rain”, “Who Has Seen the Wind ”, “Fly A Kite”. Take “Get up on your feet!” for example:Hi everybody! Hi Mar.!Whatd ya say? Lets play!Get up on your feet and ch ch ch todayCh ch up (ch ch ch ch ch ch ch) Ch ch down (ch ch)To the left (ch ch) To the right (ch ch)Now everybody ch ch all aroundNow, ch ch ch ch Sit back down!Repeat rapidly, saying ti ti.Repeat slowly, saying, lu lu.Hi everybody! Hi Mar.!Whatd ya say? Lets play!Get up on your feet and ch ch ch todayCh ch ch ch Dont make a sound! CHBy teaching this simple song, pupils can well practice the sound / / /u: / and /i: /.Song is the inspissations of language which can not only provide pupils with enjoyment of beauty, but also purify peoples soul. So it is good and useful for elementary students to recite some simply but beautiful songs.3.2 To Vocabulary Teaching3.2.1The Necessity of Vocabulary LearningAs is widely known, vocabulary, the building material, is essential to a language. It is one of the three basic components (pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar), and is of utmost importance to peoples communication and language learning. Language emerges first as words, and the coining of new words never stops. Pronunciation and grammar are presented by vocabulary. The linguist David Wilkins once summed up the importance of vocabulary in his book Linguistics and Language Teaching: Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. According to Hocking D, spending most of ones time on words and expressions rather than grammar will improve ones English very much. Without enough words one cannot communicate with others, no matter how wonderful his grammar and pronunciation are, because vocabulary is the carrier for people to communicate with each other. To achieve the purpose of communication, people need to learn vocabulary first. Words enable people to speak, read and write with clarity, confidence and charm. Furthermore, to learn a new language is to some degree to build a new network, which is expressed by vocabulary. These lead to the fact that vocabulary forms the very backbone and essence of any language. Therefore, acquiring adequate vocabulary is of critical importance to language learners.3.2.2 Applying Songs to Vocabulary TeachingThe traditional study approach in vocabulary teaching is simply made students spell the new word for several times and try their best to recite it. The limitation of this approach is apparent. Pupils are quite different from adults. Some major different are as follow:Adults pay more attention to form while children pay more attention to meaning.Children are not as self-conscious as adults in speaking the language or in makingerrors in front of others.Adults can concentrate more on what they learn while children cannot concentrateon learning for a very long period.Adults often learn with a clear purpose or motivation in mind, while children do not usually have a clear purpose for learning another language as they may regard it just as another school subject.Adults can learn by listening attentively and by taking detailed notes about vocabulary and grammar, while children often cannot sit still for very long and they need to move and do things.Adults are good at regulating themselves in learning; they plan for revision and use other sources to help them. Children, on the other hand, are less able to regulate themselves; they are not good at planning and monitoring their learning and need to develop such abilities.Adults are good at conceptualizing, generalizing and theorizing things, while children are good at understanding concrete things not abstract concepts.A suitable song can provide pupils with a relax and tense-free environment. Here is a piece of song about colors:You see them all around.There is red on the stop sign, Green on a tree, Blue in the sky and sea.This a song about colors, Colors you see them all around.Its about the happiest song in town.All you have to do is stand up and sit down.All you have to do is stand up and sit down.RED stand up, BLUE stand up, YELLOW andGREEN stand up.RED sit down, BLUE sit down, YELLOW and GREEN sit down.RED stand up, GREEN stand up.BLUE stand up, YELLOW stand up.This is a song about colors, colors;You see them all around,There is yellow on bananas and green on a tree, bluein the sky and the sea.RED stand up.BLUE sit down.GREEN sit down.This is a song about colors, colors;You see them all around.Its about the happiest song in town. All you have to do is stand up and sit down.All you have to do is stand up and sit down.All you have to do is stand up and sit down.At very beginning, the teacher can just divide classroom into different groups, say, red, green, yellow and so on. When hearing “red stand up” the red group students stand up and sing the next part of song. By singing and reacting, pupils can memorize the most of the color words.The study of month is difficult for the primary school students because some of the months have more than three syllables and quite long. By using the familiar melody of Two Tigers, pupils can remember these months much easier. 3.3 To Grammar Teaching3.3.1The Essentiality of Grammar LearningIn studying a foreign language, an understanding of the internal rules of the language is essential; it will affect the accurate use of language exchange. Many experts


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