



Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister第三课时Section B (1a1e) A基础起航 . 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句中单词。1Li Yundi is talented_ in music.2Do you truly_ like talking with me?3Though_ he was very busy, he came to visit me.4Tina is outgoing_. She enjoys going to parties.5Our science teacher is very funny. He often makes us laugh_ in class.6She does not care_ about her husband at all.7Among my friends, Molly is a good _listener_ (听众). 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。the same as, care about, less than,such as, be good at, be talented in1His dream is _the_same_as_ mine. We all want to become pilots.2It is important for students to get good grades, but not everyone _is_good_at_ learning.3Ball games _such_as_ basketball are fun to play and watch.4I usually sleep _less_than_ 7 hours a night.5He _cares_about_ nothing but your study.6My best friend_is_talented_in_ dancing.B语法扬帆 .写出下列形容词的比较级。1tall _taller_ 2.funny_funnier_3well _better_ 4.hard _harder_5fantastic _more_fantastic_ 6.thin _thinner_7loudly _more_loudly_ 8.early _earlier_9friendly _more_friendly/friendlier_10little _less_. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1Is Nick _funnier_ (funny) than Tim?2Who is _smarter_ (smart), Tom or Dave?3There are some _differences_ (different) between them. So they look _different_ (different)4English is not as _difficult_ (difficult) as Chinese.5Colors can change our moods(情绪) and make us _feel_ (feel) happy or sad.6Hey, Lisa. How was your weekend?It was _better_(good) than last weekend.7Alan walked into the classroom _quietly_(quiet), so Ms. Jones didnt see him.8Class Six _won_(win) the basketball game but our class lost the game.9Helen is _more_outgoing_(outgoing) than her sister Amy who is very quiet.C提升冲浪 .阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填写出合适的单词,使短文通顺。Its your first year in middle school. Everything is new to you. New class, new faces. some of you are too shy to talk with strangers. But 1._why_ not try a small talk?A small talk is a small and light conversation. But it helps you 2._(to)make_(make) friends.A small talk is important. It is 3._useful_(use)in starting a conversation. “How are you doing?” “The weather is nice, isnt it?” “Nice to meet you.” These small talks help you break the silence (沉默)A small talk makes others like you. When you invite someone to your talk,4._others_(other)feel that they are part of your group. They would like 5._to_talk_(talk) with you more.When you grow up and begin to find 6._a_ job, a small talk is also helpful. In a job interview (采访), it shows yourself a lot. This way, the interviewer can know you better.So how do you make good small talks? Here 7._are_(be) some great ideas for you!Here they are:Start the conversation. You can talk about weather, “Its cold in here, isnt it?” It is 8._also_ good to talk about a movie, “Do you know the movie Turbo? It is so cool!” So, you show others that you want to talk.The next step is to talk about 9._yourself_(you). In the conversation, you may find something in common with others. “Hi, I am in Class 2. My math teacher is Mr. Black.” The other person may say, “Oh, really? He is very strict.”When its time 10._to_say_(say)goodbye, let the others know. If you like, you can exchange (交换) telephone or QQ numbers.完形填空。We often see groups of students at school. The group is called cliques(小圈子). These students do almost everything together: eat lunch, do homework, _1_ sports and go to the movies.We all need friends. They help us with lessons. They help us _2_when we get into trouble. They listen to us when we complain(抱怨) about something _3_ .But not everything is _4_ perfect. If your close friend, Sally, has a fight with Joe, what will you do? Sally_5_ talking to Joe, and thats not all. She also wants you to stop talking to Joe, _6_Joe and you have been friends for years.What should you do? The best_7_ is to tell Sally that you do not want to be in the fight. _8_ her that this fight is not between you and Joe. Tell her that you want to be friends with_9_of them. If she sees you_10_her good friend, she will understand your feelings. Then, you should also try to help them talk with each other again!(B)1.A.giveBplayCmakeDlike(A)2.A.outBwithCfromDto(B)3.A.quickly BangrilyCgreatlyDhappily(D)4.A.never BseldomCsometimes Dalways(D)5.A.practices BbeginsCenjoys Dstops(A)6.A.but BorCbefore Dso(A)7.A.way BquestionClanguage Dlesson(B)8.A.SpeakBTellCTalk DSay(B)9.A.all BbothCnone Dneither(C)10.A.for BwithCas Don.阅读理解。I love children, so I want to be a teacher. Of course, I must get good grades. Im also going to volunteer to tutor younger students. When I graduate,_I will try to get into a teachers college, and I hope to find a job as a parttime teachers assistant. After finishing university, I will apply to(申请) be an English teacher in my hometown. With a good education and my experience as a volunteer and teachers assistant, I think my plan will succeed. (续表)I enjoy helping people. I often help my mother to look after my grandparents, and on weekends, I volunteer in the childrens hospital ward(病房). I do the job for free. My goal is to get high grades in my math and science classes. After high school, I want to go to a nursing school. I also want to find a parttime hospital job so I can get more experience. After graduation, I plan to look for a nursing job in my hometown or in a nearby city.My family and friends always tell me that Im very funny. I love to tell jokes and I really enjoy performing. I think Im going to join my schools acting club and take part in our school shows. Im also going to ask my parents if I can take some acting lessons this summer. If I do them well, I think Im going to apply to an acting college. I hope I will get a chance to perform in a movie. Maybe in the future I will be a


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