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密封线内不得答题学 号密 密专 业 班 级姓 名 座位号封 封宿迁外事学校2013-2014学年第一学期期(末)考试 2013级中专 英语(B卷)考试方式:闭卷 考试时间:100 分钟 满分:100 分题号一二三四五总分评分人得分得分评卷人1、 write the words.写出相应的中英文单词。(110=10分) 1.peaceful_ 2.square_ 3.friendly _ 4.download_ 5.安 静_ 6.顾 客 _ 7.美味的 _ 8.花 园_ 9.服务员 _ 10.市中心 _得分评卷人Read the sentences and guess these peoples job.choose the correct words for each sentence.读下列句子,猜猜句中人物的工作,选择正确的单词填在句后的横线上。(28=16分) 1.nurse 2.secretary 3.driver 4.teacher 5.postman 6.hairdresser 7.farmer 8.cook 1.I work in an office next to my bosss.I deal with people;I work with computer and telephones._ 2.I work in a hospital.I wear a uniform. I deal with sick people. _ 3.I work in a kitchen.I look delicious meals. I wear a big white hat. _ 4.I work in a beauty saloon.I wash,cut and style peoples hair. _ 5.I drive a taxi.I work in the streets and sometimes theres a lot of traffic. _ 6.I work in the fields.I grow vegetables and fruits. _ 7.I carry a big bag with lots of letters.I know all the streets in the town. _ 8.I work in a school.I teach many different groups of students. _ 得分评卷人三、translation the sentences.翻译下列句子。(38=24分)1.很高兴见到你。 _ 2.我能用下你的手机吗? _ 3.我喜欢很多运动。 _ 4.我的学校在山脚下。 _ 5.The trouble with him is that he does not really want to study. _ 6.I enjoy outdoor activities,and fishing is high on the list. _ 7.You should control your diet if you want to lose weight. _ 8.We woke up to a white Christmas. _ 得分评卷人四、Reading comprehension .阅读理解.(215=30分) A Hi,everyone.My name is Jenny.Its great to see all of you.Id like to tell you a few things about myself. Im a food lover.Chinese food is my favourite.I spend a lot of money on food every month.maybe 25 percent of the money I get from my parents.Thats because I eat a lot of snacks.I also love books,especially comic books.I spend about 15 percent of my money on books. For entertainment, Id say about 20 percent.I go to the movies,and go to karaoke with my friends sometimes.Then there are other things like clothes.I spend about 10 percent of my money on clothes.My mobile phone bill is pretty big,too.I like to send text messages,and talk with my friends.So my mobile phone bill is about five percent of my money.Oh,I should not forget about transportation.I take a bus to school every day.Thats about five percent of my money.I save up the rest in a bank.1. Jenny spends most of her money on _ . A.food B.books C. Clothes D.entertainment2. Jenny likes to send _ to her friends. A.flowers B.books C. Text messages D.snacks3. Jenny goes to school by_ . A.car B.bus C. bike D.ship4. whats the meaning about words “rest” in the passage? A. interest B. money C. relax D.the rest of money 5. What is the main idea about passages? A. Jenny introduce herself to our. B.Jenny say hello to her friends. C.Jenny likes many things. D.Jenny is a food lover.BMr. Black gave his wife money every Friday evening, but she always spent it before the next Wednesday. For the next three days she had none.Every Tuesday evening Mr. Black asked her, “ But what did you spend all that money on?” and she always answered, “ I dont know.”One Friday Mr. Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil and gave them to his wife along with the money. “ Now look!” he said to her, “ When you get money from me, write it down on the first page, and on the next page write down what you spend the money on.”When Mr. Black came home the next Tuesday, his wife came to him and showed him the book. “ I have done what you told me,” she said happily. On the first page she had written “ Friday, 28th June, I got 18 pounds from John.” And on the next page, “Tuesday, 2nd July, I have spent it all.”6. Mr. Black _ how she had spent the money. A. wanted to know B. knew quite well C. was very clear D. didnt want to know7. By _ evening there was no more money left for Mrs. Black. A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday8. Mr. Black told his wife to write down _ on the next page.A. when she spent the money B. where she spent the moneyC. why did she spend so much moneyD. what she bought with the money9. _ Mrs. Black began to write down how much her husband had given her.A. At the beginning of JulyB. On Tuesday eveningC. On Friday eveningD. Every Wednesday10. In the end, Mr. Black was sure _.A. that his wife had a habit of saving moneyB. that most of the money had been spent on foodC. about how the money had been spentD. that his wife spent her money without much care C A:What can I do for you?B:I want some beef(牛肉)A:_11_B:Two kilos , please.A:_12_B:Yes , one kilo of carrots(胡萝卜) ,pleaseA:Im sorry . _13_, The cabbages here are very nice, _14_B:Yes . _15_.How much are they ?A:Thirty yuanB:Thank youA:You are welcome . Bye.B:By


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