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专题四完形填空能力提升演练A(2017重庆B卷)March 22nd is World Water Day.It started in 1993.It not only makes us think about the importance of water,but also calls on (号召) us to 1 and protect water.Today,were facing terrible water problems.Among them,the wastewater problem is especially2.And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”.What is wastewater?It is used water.Usually,wastewater comes from homes,3,hospitals and so on.It is produced by different kinds of activities,including washing the machines,taking showers and using the kitchen.The rain also 4 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm.No matter where it comes from,this kind of water is sure to have 5 harmful in it.6 must we treat (处理) wastewater?Wastewater has a big influence on our life.It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment.We must care for our environment and our own 7.How can we treat wastewater?Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment.Wastewater 8 homes can be reused.Then there will be 9 wastewater.Also,factory wastewater has to be cleaned 10 it goes back to nature.1.A.drinkB.saveC.carryD.watch答案:B解析:根据后面的“protect water”可知选B项。2.A.easyB.popularC.smallD.serious答案:D解析:根据前面的“were facing terrible water problems”及“especially”可知选D项。3.A.factoriesB.lakesC.riversD.seas答案:A解析:从“homes”“hospitals”可知是产生污水之地,因此选A项。4.A.gets backB.hands inC.changes intoD.picks up答案:C解析:根据前面的“produced”及“also”可知选C项,change into“使变为”。5.A.nothingB.somethingC.nobodyD.somebody答案:B解析:污水里面是有有害物质的,排除A项,it是指污水,它里面应该是物质而不是人,排除C项和D项,故选B项。6.A.WhatB.WhoC.WhyD.How答案:C解析:根据后面的回答可知选C项。7.A.workB.interestC.healthD.business答案:C解析:既然污水对人体与环境有危害,那么我们就应该关心环境与身体健康,故选C项,其他均不合文意。8.A.onB.forC.withD.from答案:D解析:此处应指“来自家中的污水”,故选D项。9.A.lessB.moreC.betterD.worse答案:A解析:家中的污水再次使用应是使污水减少,故选A项。10.A.andB.whetherC.afterD.before答案:D解析:工厂在排放污水前应该进行清洁处理,故选D项。BRecently,I felt like I reached a very low point in life.My relationships werent good,I wasnt enjoying my classes,and I felt like I had nothing to1.My life seemed to be full of endless homework,tests and loneliness.Nothing anyone said seemed2to me.I wasnt sure what to do about myself.All I wanted was to be happy again,but I didnt know who or what would3that.During these days,I had trouble sleeping.I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight.I had no 4but to tell my dad.He5the book The Secret.I immediately bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night.Im6quite a stubborn(固执的) person,but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was7.Suddenly,I felt like life was beautiful again.I had never felt such a deep and quick8in my life before.In fact,the books message was very simplethink positively(积极地).The book had many stories about how people were able to9money,soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives.I started learning to thank everything in my life like them.Little by little,I realized that The Secret could only work10I believed these peoples successful stories.Now Im sure I can bring myself happiness.1.A.take care ofB.come up withC.look down onD.look forward to答案:D解析:take care of“照顾”;come up with“想出”;look down on“看不起”;look forward to“期待”。根据上文提示“人际关系很糟,不愿意上课”可知空格处应用look forward to修饰nothing做定语,表示“没有什么可期待的”。2.A.helpfulB.colourfulC.peacefulD.powerful答案:A解析:helpful“有帮助的”;colourful“色彩鲜艳的”;peaceful“和平的”;powerful“有力量的”。否定意义的nothing和前文“没完没了的作业、考试和孤独感”提示用形容词helpful,意为“任何人说的话对我都没有帮助”。故选A项。3.A.serveB.solveC.keepD.prevent答案:B解析:serve“服务”;solve“解决”;keep“保持”;prevent“阻止”。句意:我所需要的就是开心起来,但是我不知道什么人或什么事能解决这个问题。故选B项。4.A.problemB.ideaC.needD.doubt答案:B解析:根据下文“告诉我父亲”提示可知句意为“除了告诉父亲外我没有其他主意。”故选B项。5.A.borrowedB.collectedC.returnedD.recommended答案:D解析:borrow“借”;collect“收集”;return“归还”;recommend“推荐”。根据句意他给我推荐了秘诀这本书。故选D项。6.A.normallyB.mainlyC.finallyD.probably答案:A解析:normally“一般地,通常地”;mainly“主要地”;finally“最终”;probably“可能地”。句意:通常我是一个很固执的人。这和下文but表达的转折句意贯通。故选A项。7.A.realisticB.commonC.obviousD.serious答案:C解析:realistic“现实的”;common“普通的”;obvious“明显的”;serious“严肃的,认真的”。句意:但是读完这本书之后它对我的情绪影响是明显的。故选C项。8.A.breathB.noticeC.surpriseD.change答案:D解析:breath“呼吸”;notice“通知”;surprise“奇迹”;change“变化”。形容词deep和quick修饰名词change,说明“生活发生了迅速而深刻的改变”。故选D项。9.A.attractB.controlC.imagineD.mention答案:A解析:attract“吸引”;control“控制”;imagine“想象”;mention“提到”。句意:这本书有很多成功的故事,这些故事是关于人们如何把金钱、心灵伙伴和老朋友吸引回到生活中。故选A项。10.A.untilB.whenC.unlessD.before答案:B解析:句意:我意识到,当我相信这些人成功的经历时,秘诀这本书才会发挥作用。故选B项。COne summer evening as I was cooking dinner,there was a knock at the door.I1 it to see a really bad-looking man.But his voice was 2as he said,“Good evening.I come to see if you have a room for just one night.I came for a treatment this morning from eastern shore,3theres no bus till next morning.”He told me he had been hunting(寻找)but with no4.I told him we would find him a bed,but to rest on the porch(门廊).I went inside and prepared dinner.When we were ready,I asked him if he would like to5us.“No,thank you.I had plenty.”6 I finished the dinner,I went out to talk with him.It didnt take a long time to see this old man had an oversized(过大的)heart crowded that tiny body.He told me he fished for a living to help his daughter,her five children,and her husband7was ill and too weak to do anything.At bedtime,we put a bed in the8room for him.On his next trip,he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters(牡蛎)as a gift.And for years,there was9a time he came without some fish or vegetables from his garden.I know it was thankful for our family to know him,from whom we learned that to accept the bad without complaint and the good10thanks.1.A.openedB.feltC.paintedD.repaired答案:A解析:由上文“.there was a knock at the door.(有敲门声)”可推测要“打开”门。故选A项。2.A.boringB.angryC.terribleD.pleasant答案:D解析:由“see a really bad-looking man”和but可知,虽然相貌丑陋,可推测他的声音很好听,令人愉快。3.A.soB.butC.whenD.if答案:B解析:上下文为转折关系,用but。4.A.dinnerB.jobC.successD.problem答案:C解析:句意:他告诉我他一直在寻找,但是没有成功找到。5.A.callB.joinC.invite D.visit答案:B解析:我问他,他是否想加入我们。6.A.AfterB.BeforeC.WhileD.Whenever答案:A解析:由下文可知,我出去和他谈话,是在吃完晚饭之后。7.A.whomB.whichC.whatD.who答案:D解析:本句是定语从句,先行词是husband,关系词在句中做主语。故选D项。8.A.studentsB.childrenC.childrensD.students答案:C解析:空格处缺少的是定语,因此可用名词的所有格,children的所有格是childrens。9.A.alwaysB.neverC.oftenD.still答案:B解析:几年来,他每次来都会带着几条鱼和自己种的蔬菜。10.A.forB.withC.withoutD.from答案:B解析:从老人身上我们学习到接受不好的东西时不抱怨,接受好的东西时心怀感激。DTambun Gediu,now badly hurt and staying in hospital,says it was his wife that saved his life from the mouth of a tiger.“I was 1 a rabbit in the forest not far from my home and was ready to catch it when I saw the 2.Thats when I realized that I was being followed,” said Mr.Gediu.The tiger jumped at Mr.Gediu at once.He stood there with great 3 so that he did not know what to do for a moment,and then he tried 4 a tree to keep away from the animal,5 was pulled down by the tiger.His wife,55-year-old Han Besau,who was in the kitchen,heard the noise,realizing it was coming from the 6 where her husband was looking for rabbits and she 7 the nearest “weapon(武器)” a wooden ladle(长柄勺)rushed out of the 8 and into the nearby forest.Seeing her husband 9 hard to stop the tiger tearing(撕裂)him to pieces,she ran 10 at the animal,shouting at the top of her voice and hitting its head with the ladle until it ran off.Tambun had to wait more than 10 hours before he could be taken to hospital in the nearest town,Gerik,because his village was very far.It was the first time that a tiger had come at someone in the village.1.A.cookingB.followingC.feedingD.drawing答案:B解析:由“.was ready to catch it.”可推知此句意为“我正在离我家不远的森林里追赶一只兔子”,故选B项。2.A.rabbitB.treeC.weaponD.tiger答案:D解析:由第一段中的“.says it was his wife that saved his life from the mouth of a tiger.”可推知此句意为“这时我看见了一只老虎”,故选D项。3.A.fearB.funC.attentionD.surprise答案:A解析:由结果状语从句“so that he did not know what to do for a moment”可知此句意为“他惊恐地站在那儿”,故选A项。4.A to cutB.to findC.to catchD.to climb答案:D解析:“爬树”用动词climb,故选D项。5.A.orB.soC.butD.and答案:C解析:“他试图爬上树逃离虎口”与“被老虎扑倒”在句意上表示转折关系,故选C项。6.A.areaB.marketC.townD.village答案:A解析:句意为“他妻子意识到声音来自她丈夫寻找野兔的地方”,故选A项。7.A.picked upB.dressed upC.made upD.set up答案:A解析:句意为“她拿起了最近的武器长柄勺”,故选A项。8.A.hospitalB.bedroomC.kitchenD.bathroom答案:C解析:由第三段中的“.who was in the kitchen.”可知此句意为“跑出了厨房”,故选C项。9.A.thinkingB.fightingC.waitingD.running答案:B解析:句意为“看到她丈夫艰难地阻止老虎把他撕碎”,故选B项。10.A.seriouslyB.luckilyC.carefullyD.quickly答案:D解析:句意为“她快速朝老虎跑去,高声呼喊并用长柄勺敲击老虎的头,直至老虎跑走”,故选D项。EOne day a very rich family in Guangzhou went on a trip to the countryside.The father wanted to show his son how 1 people lived,so they spent a day and a night on the farm of a very poor family.When they got back from their 2,the father asked his son,“My dear son,how was the trip?”“Very good,Dad!”“Did you see how poorly people lived?” the father asked.“Yeah!”“And 3 did you learn?” The son answered,“We have a dog at home,and they have four.We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden and they have a creek(小河) that has no end.We have very expensive 4in the garden and they have the stars.Our patio reaches to the front yard,yet they have the whole horizon.”5 the little boy finished,his father was speechless.His son added,“Thank you for6 me how poor we are!” Isnt it true that it all depends on the way you look at things?7 you have lovely classmates,teachers,schools and a positive attitude towards life,youve got everything!You cant buy any of these things,8 still you can have all the material possessions you can imagine.But if you are poor of spirit,you have 9!Attitude is everything!Its very 10 to make a decision to have a good,positive and productive attitude every day!1.A.manyB.muchC.richlyD.poorly答案:D解析:选择“在一个非常贫穷的农家的农场里度过一天一夜”,爸爸的目的自然是让儿子感觉到农村“贫穷”。2.A.tripB.countrysideC.GuangzhouD.poor family答案:A解析:从首句“到农村旅游”和下句“这次旅游感觉如何”提供的语境中,就可以断定选A项。从逻辑上分析,选B、C和D项都不符合逻辑。3.A.whoB.howC.whatD.which答案:C解析:从答语“我们有1条狗,人家有4条”,可推测出爸爸想问儿子“学到了什么”;从语法上分析,动词learn需要接宾语,疑问副词how不能做宾语,应先排除;从表达方面来分析,学到的不能是who和which,只能是what。4.A.flowersB.lampsC.tablesD.plants答案:B解析:与 stars 意思相近,可作比较的只能是lamps,不可能是flowers,tables,plants。5.A.WhenB.WhileC.BeforeD.As soon as答案:A解析:“无言以对”的情景是“一方说完后等着另一方回答”,不是“在说话期间”或 “说话之前”,故排除B、C两项;as soon as 的意思是“一说完,就回答”,显然与事实不符。6.A.showB.showedC.showingD.to show 答案:C解析:介词后面要接动词-ing形式做宾语。7.A.IfB.WhenC.AsD.Whether答案:A解析:由后半句的“拥有一切”,可以推断出前半句是个条件状语从句。8.A.andB.thenC.butD.after答案:C解析:空格处前后之间是转折关系,故选表示转折的连词but。9.A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.anything 答案:B解析:题意为“精神贫穷,就会什么也没有”。if引导的是个条件状语从句,从语法上分析,每个选项都可被选。从逻辑上分析,只有 nothing 合乎逻辑。10.A.importantB.impossibleC.interestingD.satisfied答案:A解析:句意:每天都拥有一个良好的、积极高效的人生态度是非常重要的。FIn the doctors waiting-room,the patients,1,old and young,were sitting quietly on the chairs.Billy,a schoolboy,was sitting there,too.They all looked very sad 2 Billy.He was reading an interesting story in a magazine,and there was a 3 on his face.Just then the 4came in to say he was ready 5 the next patient.Billy jumped up and ran into 6 room.“Good morning,Doctor.”“Good morning.What is your trouble,young man?” asked the doctor.Before Billy could answer a word,the doctor made him lie down on a bed.“Now,let me listen to your heart.” Billy tried to speak,but the doctor told him 7 anything.“Ill 8 your temperature.” Billy tried to sit up,but the doctor stopped him.“Now open your mouthmm,good.” After a moment,the doctor said,“Well,my boy,you havent got a fever.Its 9mm,in fact,theres nothing wrong with you.” “I know there isnt,”said the boy.“I just came here to get some 10 for my father.”1.A.men and womanB.men and womenC.women and manD.man and woman答案:B解析:根据句中的平行结构:old and young可判断出应选用B项。2.A.exceptB.besidesC.exceptingD.for答案:A解析:根据下文可推测出,Billy并不是来看病的,所以他不属于sad的范畴。3.A.sadB.sorryC.smileD.happy答案:C解析:Billy并不是来看病的,此时他正在看一本有趣的故事书,故他脸上表情应为“smile”。4.A.workerB.doctorC.teacherD.conductor答案:B解析:在医院叫他进病房的,只能是doctor。故选B项。5.A.toB.atC.forD.with答案:C解析:be ready for是固定词组,意为“为做准备”,故选C项。6.A.a doctorB.doctorC.the doctorsD.the doctors答案:C解析:Billy来到医院,因此他进的当然是病房“the doctors room”,故选C项。7.A.not sayingB.to not sayC.not to sayD.not say答案:C解析:tell sb.not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,故选C项。8.A.haveB.makeC.takeD.bring答案:C解析:“给某人量体温”应用take,即take ones temperature,故选C项。9.A.serious nothingB.nothing serious C.serious somethingD.something serious答案:B解析:依据上下文中提供的信息:you havent got a fever.和.theres nothing wrong with you.可排除C、D两项。nothing serious意为“不严重;没什么大问题”。故选B项。10.A.messageB.medicineC.thingsD.magazines 答案:B解析:根据情节推理,Billy到医院一定是来拿药,而不是做其他的事,故选B项。GMr.and Mrs.Green were very worried about their son,Leo.He seemed to be dumb(哑的)1 he was normal in every other way.Mr.and Mrs.Green tried everything to get him to 2,but with no success.When Leo was six years old,the best doctors in the town 3 him carefully,but could find nothing wrong.And he seemed to be smart.It was just that he 4 spoke.“There might be something wrong with his 5,and he doesnt know hes able to speak,” one doctor said.“But he can read and write,” said Mr.Green.“Weve written him notes,telling him that he can speak.”“Its certainly very 6,”another doctor said.“Perhaps hell be able to speak some day.”7 passed.Leo went to university.But he did not speak a 8 word.Then one day,Leo was having a meal with his parents.Without any warning,he looked up from his 9 and said,“Pass me the salt,please.”Mr.and Mrs.Green were excited.“You spoke!You spoke!” they cried,“Why have you 10 so long to speak?”“I didnt have anything to say,” he said.“Until now everything was perfect.But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes.”1.A.becauseB.whenC.thoughD.before答案:C解析:由句意“尽管他在其他方面很正常,但是他好像是哑的”可知应选C项。2.A.speakB.walkC.playD.laugh答案:A解析:由上句中的关键词“dumb”可推知此句意为“格林夫妇想尽各种办法来让他说话”,故选A项。3.A.taughtB.foundC.examinedD.asked答案:C解析:句意为“里奥六岁时镇上最好的医生给他做了仔细的检查”,故选C项。4.A.neverB.oftenC.usuallyD.always答案:A解析:由句意“他好像很聪明,但就是从不说话”可知应选A项。5.A.backB.hairC.faceD.mind答案:D解析:由下一句“他不知道他会说话”可知此句意为“可能他的智力有问题”,故选D项。6.A.unfairB.strangeC.noisyD.quiet答案:B解析:联系上下句可知此句意为“这确实很奇怪”,故选B项。7.A.HoursB.WeeksC.MonthsD.Years答案:D解析:由下一句“里奥上大学了”可推知此句意为“很多年过去了”,故选D项。8.A.goodB.rightC.singleD.new答案:C解析:由句意“但是他没有说过一句话”可知应选C项。9.A.chairB.mealC.handsD.books答案:B解析:由上句中的关键信息“having a meal”可知应选B项。10.A.sleptB.walkedC.servedD.waited答案:D解析:结合上、下文语境可知此句意为“你为什么等了这么久才说话”,故选D项。HMan has invented four kinds of satellites.The first kind studies the 1 of the earth.They are used to make maps.They also help countries to see where they may 2oil or gold.The second kind is used to guide ships and planes.A ship or a plane can 3a message to the satellite,and the satellite can find out4the ship or the plane is.The third kind studies the weather.These satellites5 clouds and strong winds moving across the earth.They warn countries to make preparations when very6weather is coming.7 kind is used for communication.Telephone calls 8 countries can be sent by these satellites.Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time.The call is sent to the satellite,and then the9 sends it to a station in the country and this country is being phoned.These satellites also carry pictures;they can receive and send about eight 10 at a time.1.A.biologyB.historyC.physicsD.geography答案:D解析:由下句“They are used to make maps.”可推知“第一种卫星是研究地理的”。2.A.studyB.findC.carryD.choose答案:B解析:句意为“卫星也有助于这些国家查看在哪儿能够找到石油或黄金”。find意为“找到”。3.A.writeB.sendC.takeD.bring答案:B解析:句意为“轮船或飞机能够把信息发送到卫星上”。send意为“发送”。4.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.that答案:A解析:由句意“卫星能找出轮船或飞机在什么位置”可知应选A项。5.A.searchB.watchC.noticeD.see答案:B解析:句意为“这些卫星监视地球表面移动的云和强风”。watch意为“监视”。6.A.sunnyB.coolC.fineD.bad答案:D解析:句意为“恶劣的天气来临时它们警告相关国家要做好准备”。warn意为“警告”。7.A.The lastB.AnotherC.OneD.Any other答案:A解析:由上文可知空缺处意为“最后一种卫星”。8.A.duringB.alongC.betweenD.of答案:C解析:句意为“国家之间的通话信息能够通过卫星发送”。between意为“在和之间”。9.A.TVB.telegraphC.telephoneD.satellite答案:D解析:由句意“通话信息被发送到卫星,然后卫星把通话信息传送到这个国家的信号站”可知应选D项。10.A.playsB.programsC.filmsD.objects答案:B解析:由句意“卫星一次能接收和发送八个节目”可知应选B项。IPeople all over the world celebrate the new year.However,not all countries celebrate in th


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