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Unit 2 English around the world.阅读理解2017江西南昌摸底When it comes to the choice of books,I always manage to find a hidden jewel or two,which led to my journey to Earthsea.Ursula KLe Guin has her own voice in fantasy literaturethats something I had to admit as soon as I passed the first page.She doesnt imitate anybodyshe is herself.I followed Geds adventures and his gradual transformation from a wild and proud kid into a wise,powerful wizard.A Wizard of Earthsea begins in Geds own village where he,a kid of 7,learns his first magic from his aunt.Five years later he starts to learn from Ogion the Wizard.But Ogion teaches him patiencenot magicso Ged leaves him and sails to the island of Roke to learn the art in a real School of Magic.There the boy is so proud that he plays with forbidden spells(咒语)he frees into this world a terrible shadow that horns the land of the dead,leading to the death of Nemmerle,the head of the school.Now Ged must try to overcome this shadow before it controls him.Finally,Ged guesses its secret and saves the worldand himselffrom a terrible danger.He knows now the patience is indeed the greatest of arts,and names Ogion his only true master.Ursula KLe Guin makes every word singher language is more poetic than poetry and more musical than some music.She draws the readers attention without effort.Shes made me want to try my own hand at fantasyand I might one day.1The author considers Ursula KLe Guins writing style_.Atraditional BordinaryCspecial Dserious2Which of the following causes the tragedy at the School of Magic?AGeds rudeness. BGeds pride.CGeds shyness. DGeds curiosity.3At the end of the story,Ged feels most grateful to_.Ahis aunt Bthe shadowCNemmerle DOgion4What can we learn about the author?AShe works in a bookstore.BShe got a real jewel recently.CShe met Ursula KLe Guin in Earthsea.DShe may write fantasy stories some day.答案:解题导语本文为记叙文。主要介绍了一本叫地海巫师(A Wizard of Earthsea)的书。故事中的Ged由一名骄傲自满的野孩子变成了一个明智厉害的男巫。1C解析:推理判断题。由第一段第二、三句:Ursula KLe Guin has her own voice in fantasy literaturethats something I had to admit as soon as I passed the first page. She doesnt imitate anybodyshe is herself.可知,Ursula KLe Guin有自己的看法,并且没有模仿任何人,因此她的写作风格应该是独特的。故选C项。2B解析:细节理解题。由第二段第四句:There the boy is so proud that he plays with forbidden spells(咒语)he frees into this world a terrible shadow that horns the land of the dead,leading to the death of Nemmerle,the head of the school.可知,悲剧的开始正是因为Ged的骄傲。故选B项。3D解析:细节理解题。由第二段第二、三句:Five years later he starts to learn from Ogion the Wizard. But Ogion teaches him patiencenot magicso Ged leaves him and sails to the island of Roke to learn the art in a real School of Magic.第二段第七句:He knows now the patience is indeed the greatest of arts,and names Ogion his only true master.可知,Ged最后知道耐心的重要性,感谢Ogion教给了他耐心,并认为Ogion是他唯一真正的导师。故选D项。4D解析:推理判断题。由第二段尾句:Shes made me want to try my own hand at fantasyand I might one day.可知,作者也想试着在将来某一天写奇幻作品。故选D项。.完形填空2017河北保定摸底The easy way out isnt always the easiest.I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug,my husband of one month,to a special meal.I_1_to make homemade bread.Knowing the bread would take time,I_2_it as soon as Doug left for work.As I was not _3_in cooking,I thought if a dozen was good,two dozen would be better,so I _4_everything.As Doug loved oranges,I also opened a can of orange and _5_it all into the bowl.Soon there was a sticky dough (面团) covered with _6_yellowish marks.Realizing I was_7_,I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldnt have to_8_Doug laughing at my work.I went on preparing the rest of the_9_,and when Doug got home,we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice.He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed _10_.Twice he got up and went outside,saying he heard a _11_.The third time he left,I went to the window to see what he was doing.I saw Doug standing about three feet from the_12_,holding the lid up with a stick and looking _13_.When I came out of the house,he dropped the stick and explained that there was something _14_in our rubbish bin.Picking up the stick again,he held the lid up enough for me to see.I felt_15_.But I stepped closer and looked harder.Without _16_it was my work.The hot_17_had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast(酵母菌) made the surface _18_and sigh as though it were breathing.I could see why Doug was shaken.I had to admit what the “_19_” was and why it was there.I dont know who was more _20_by the whole thingDoug or me.1.A.chose BmanagedChad Dremembered2A.looked for Bgot ready forCstarted on Dworried about3A.weak BinterestedCsuccessful Dexperienced4A.used BcollectedCdoubled Dtried5A.poured BwateredCdipped Dthrew6A.pleasant BuglyCbig Dlight7A.defeated BinjuredCdropped Dlost8A.feel Bkeep Cface Dstop9A.bread Borange Crice Dmeal10A.disappointed BdisturbedCfrightened Dashamed11A.voice Bcry Cshout Dnoise12A.window BhouseCrubbish bin Ddoor13A.around BupwardCinside Dout14A.alive BimportantCnew Ddifferent15A.happy Bcold Cangry Dinspired16A.hesitation BdoubtCdelay Dexception17A.pot Bfloor Cearth Dsun18A.burn Bwalk Cshake Dwork19A.art BworkCtrouble maker Dliving thing20A.embarrassed BnervousCregretful Dawkward答案:解题导语这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了一对新婚夫妇在生活中的趣事。妻子是一个不怎么会做饭的女人,通过在给丈夫准备饭的过程中的一件事,妻子明白了一个道理:生活中最简单的方法并不总是最适用且容易的方法。1A解析:为了做一顿特别的饭,“我”选择做手工面包。choose意为“选择”;manage意为“成功做到”;have意为“有”;remember意为“记得”。2C解析:因为它很花时间,所以丈夫一出门“我”就开始准备,故选C项。look for意为“寻找”;get ready for意为“准备好”;start on意为“开始”;worry about意为“担心”。3D解析:由后文内容可知,此处应该是没有经验的(experienced)。4C解析:根据上一句“我”觉得如果一打是好的,那么两打就会更好,所以每样东西都加倍了。use意为“使用”;collect意为“收集”;double意为“加倍”;try意为“尝试”。5A解析:根据常识可知,橙汁是倒进去的,故选A项。pour意为“倾倒”;water意为“浇水”;dip意为“(使)下沉”;throw意为“扔”。6B解析:根据常识可知,用橙汁和面应该是很丑的。pleasant意为“令人愉悦的”;ugly意为“丑陋的”;big意为“大的”;light意为“明亮的”。7A解析:“我”意识到“我”失败了,所以把面团扔进了垃圾桶,故选A项。defeat意为“打败”;injure意为“受伤”;drop意为“掉落”;lose意为“丢失”。8C解析:“我”不想面对丈夫笑话“我”的工作,故选C项。feel意为“感觉”;keep意为“保持”;face意为“面对”;stop意为“停止”。9D解析:根据前文她把面团扔掉了,所以她必须继续做她的饭(meal),故选D项。10B解析:根据下文提到丈夫两次起身去外面,所以推测到丈夫是被打扰到了。disappointed意为“失望的”;disturbed意为“被扰乱的”;frightened意为“害怕的”;ashamed意为“惭愧的”。11D解析:他去外面的原因是听到了声音,故选D项。voice意为“嗓音”;cry意为“哭”;shout意为“喊”;noise意为“声音”。12C解析:根据下文丈夫做出的动作,可知他是站在垃圾桶(rubbish bin)旁边,故选C项。13C解析:丈夫用一根棍子掀起垃圾桶,往里面看。around意为“在周围”;upward意为“向上”;inside意为“往里面”;out意为“在外面”。14A解析:丈夫在垃圾桶里发现了一些“活着的”东西,所以他掀起垃圾桶给“我”看。alive意为“活着的”;important意为“重要的”;new意为“新的”;different意为“不同的”。15B解析:这里的fell cold指“心里没底”。16B解析:根据前文的描述可知,毫无疑问,这个东西是她丢掉的面团,故选B项。hesitation意为“犹豫”;without doubt意为“无疑地,毫无疑问”;delay意为“延迟”;exception意为“例外”。17D解析:经过太阳(sun)的照射,温度变高,面团发酵后体积是之前的两倍大。18C解析:它摇晃的样子就像在呼吸一样,故选C项。burn意为“燃烧”;walk意为“散步”;shake意为“摇晃”;work意为“工作”。19D解析:衔接前文,“我”只好承认丈夫口中活着的东西(living thing)是什么。20A解析:通过全文可知,整件事情都很尴尬。embarrassed意为“尴尬的”;nervous意为“不安的”;regretful意为“后悔的”;awkward意为“笨拙的,令人尴尬的”。.语法填空2017广东广州模拟Although Socrates (苏格拉底)was poor all his life,he never asked his pupils to pay for their lessons.He taught 1._the love of wisdom,not for money.And 2._he had to say was always new and worth hearing.All his pupils loved him.But his unusual ways of teaching and his demand that students always ask questions made him some 3._(danger)enemies.The rulers did not want to be questioned.So they 4._(false)accused Socrates of teaching young men bad things and 5._(lead)them to ignore religion.In fact Socrates was a very religious man.His enemies had him 6._(arrest),and he was sentenced to death by poisoning.During the 30 days before he was put to death,his friends and pupils 7._(allow)to visit him in his prison.They were astonished to find that 8._was calm and cheerful.He had no fear of dying.When the deadly poison was finally brought to Socrates,his friends were in 9._(tear),but Socrates seemed to be the 10._(brave)man in the room.He raised the cup and drank it as if it were a glass of banquet wine.答案:解题导语本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了著名学者苏格拉底的故事。1for解析:考查介词。由“not for money”可知,此处应用介词for,表示“为了”。2what解析:考查连词。what引导主语从句,在从句中作宾语,表示事物的概念,符合语境。3dangerous解析:考查形容词。修饰名词应用形容词,故用形容词dangerous修饰名词enemies。4falsely解析:考查副词。此处用副词falsely修饰动词accused。5leading解析:考查动名词。根据语境及and可知,空处与动名词teaching 并列,故用动名词leading作介词of的宾语。6arrested解析:考查非谓语动词。arrest和句子谓语had 之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词,且与其逻辑主语him构成动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。7were allowed解析:考查动词时态和语态。根据“was put”可知,此处表示发生在过去的事情,且allow与句子主语his friends and pupils构成动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,即 were allowed。8he解析:考查代词。根据空后一句“He had no fear of


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