



Unit 2 English around the world Period 4完形填空I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people. Luckily therere small ways of helping them and you neednt have a lot of 1 . One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine. 2 doing this one day, I got to 3 a young homeless man, He was often 4 the magazine at the train station. He was a poor farmer from another country. After a while, I discovered that his 5 was close to mine. It 6 that we were born in the same month. I met him last year 7 after his birthday, and after congratulating(祝贺) him, without 8 , I asked if he had had a good day. He 9 and said that he hadnt really celebrated. I felt so 10 . I just couldnt bear the thought of (不敢想)this nice, young man being 11 on his 25th birthday with no presents, no cake, nothing! So I went home and looked in my yarn(纱线) basket. 12 for me, I had enough yarn 13 . I set to work and knitted(编织) a 14 for the young man. The yarn had become a little dirty 15 I didnt knit very often. Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be 16 when he got it. I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping. I had 17 to meet him so I had 18 the scarf and a piece of my own birthday 19 around with me. He was very happy with these gifts and so was I. The 20 in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!1. A. work B. energy C. money D. experience2. A. In B. On C. Besides D. By3. A. realize B. ignore C. know D. recognize4. A. selling B. reading C. covering D. buying5. A. birthday B. house C. height D. hobby6. A. said B. found C. guessed D. meant7. A. long B. shortly C. ever D. even8. A. stopping B. helping C. praising D. thinking9. A. looked up B. turned up C. looked down D. got down10. A. foolish B. excited C. clever D. worried11. A. calm B. happy C. alone D. hungry12. A. Suddenly B. Luckily C. Badly D. However13. A. used B. done C. left D. produced14. A. scarf B. cap C. sock D. glove15. A. when B. because C. so D. and16. A. different B. dry C. wet D. clean17. A. liked B. hoped C. promised D. agreed18. A. made B. thrown C. received D. carried19. A. cake B. present C. song D. party20. A. light B. pain C. sight D. tear阅读理解 James Cook, at the age of forty, was sent by England to explore(探索)the Pacific Ocean. On his third voyage, as captain in charge of two ships, the Discovery(发现号) and the Revolution(革命号), he came upon a group of unknown islands which he named the Sandwich Islands after his friend, the Earl(伯爵)of Sandwich. Today the islands are known as the Hawaiian Islands.When Cook sailed into a protected bay(海湾)of one of the larger islands. The native greeted him with curiosity(好奇)and respect. Some historians said that the islanders welcomed him, believing he was the God, protector of peace and agriculture.The islanders were short, strong people with a very well-organized social system. The men fished and raised crops. The women prepared for the children and made clothing for the men and short skirts for the women.21. The islands were named _.A. the Hawaiian Islands by James Cook B. the Earl of Sandwich by James CookC. Discovery by James Cook D. the sandwich Islands by James Cook22. When he landed there James Cook found the islanders were _.A. cold B. friendlyC. angry D. satisfied23. Which of the following is true?A. The natives were tall and healthy. B. The men mainly worked outside.C. The women did nothing but look after children.D. The natives were very curious about everything.语法填空In only fifty years, English1 (develop) into the language most 2 (wide)spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism. Businessmen and tourists often come toChinawithout being able to speak 3 . Chinese businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. English is also the language of 4 (globe) culture, such as popular music and the Internet. You can listen to English songs5 the radio oruse English 6 communicate7 people around the world through the Internet. With so many people8 (communicate) in English every day, it will becomemore and more 9 (importance) to have10 good knowledge of English. 短文改错Yesterday was my best friend Li Mings birthday. When school was over, I went to the bookshop to buy a book callingExploring Space ,and had them nicely wrapped(被包装) for him. Because he has wanted to buy this book for weeks, so I knew he would be very pleased with my present.When I got to the party, I gave the present to him and whispered(低语)soft, You will love it. He couldnt wait to opening it. All of sudden, the smile on his face disappeared. I saw some big red words in the cover of the book what said ,Caring for your baby! I had picked up the wrong books in the shop!Period4完形填空1-


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