



单元检测(三十二)Fantasy Literature.阅读理解AHere on the island of Demesne, the humans call us “clones”. I call myself Elysia, because thats what Dr. Lusardi told me to call myself. I started to exist just weeks ago. But I am a sixteenyearold girl with no soul. I know nothing of my First, the girl I was cloned from.We entered a private room, just me, the fancy lady Mrs. Bratton, and Marisa.The fancy lady pushes me with one of her fingers as one might poke (戳) a piece of fruit at the market. She gently pokes my flesh. She presses her hands against my back to test its firmness.“Shes attractive,” she says.Marisa warns her, “Mrs. Bratton, she is a Beta (a new product being tested by users). Dr. Lusardi has not perfected the teen line yet.”“I guess that will be reflected in the price,” says Mrs. Bratton.“Of course,” Marisa says. “Dr. Lusardi will be thrilled to know someone is willing to take a chance on a teen Beta.”Mrs. Bratton looks at me,“Whats your name, dear?”“Elysia,” I say.“I think you might make a wonderful addition to our household, Elysia. Were so badly missing a teenage girl ever since Astrid, my eldest, went off to Biome University,” she says sadly.“Congratulations,” I say, because I know thats the appropriate thing to say to a parent whose child has studied in a wellknown university. “You must be very proud.”Mrs. Brattons face brightens. “I am! But Astrids so hardworking that she seldom comes back to visit us. We miss her a lot. Would you like to come to my family?”“Yes, ma am,” I say.Marisa sends me back into the store when she finishes the negotiations (协商) with Mrs. Bratton. I am to pick out some nice clothing to take to my new home, where I shall serve my new owner.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章节选了一个科幻故事的片段:一位母亲从商店购买一位克隆少女。1After entering the private room, the fancy lady _.Amakes the introductionsBchecks the clones qualityCoffers some fruit to the guestsDexchanges greetings with others解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的内容可知,进入房间之后,这位女士开始检查这个克隆人的质量。2Why is Mrs. Bratton so proud?AAstrid studies very hard.BShe is going to visit Astrid.CShe can buy something at the store.DHer daughter Astrid has entered Biome University.解析:选D推理判断题。根据倒数第三至五段可知,当听到Elysia说恭喜后,本因女儿离开家而难过的Mrs. Bratton顿时开心起来,由此推测她是为女儿考入名校而感到自豪。3Who will be Elysias new owner?ADr. Lusardi.BMarisa.CMrs. Bratton.DAstrid.解析:选C细节理解题。通读全文可知,检查克隆人Elysia质量的Mrs. Bratton将成为她的新主人。4Where does this text probably come from?AA research paper.BA personal diary.CAn advertisement.DA science fiction story.解析:选D文章出处题。本文主人公Elysia是一位会说话的克隆人,故本文可能选自某科幻故事。BAt the first show of The Fault in Our Stars in New York City, the scene I found most difficult to watch was when 16yearold Hazel, who has Stage 4 thyroid (甲状腺) cancer, wakes up in the middle of the night out of breath.It brought me back to one night in 2008, when I watched my father carry my sister Esther from her bedroom to an ambulance. She was 14 at the time, struggling with thyroid cancer that had spread to her lungs. We held hands and cried as we watched her lying there, so fragile. We didnt think shed make it through the night. Yet, like Hazel, she regained her strength. She lived for two more beautiful and hard years until just after her 16th birthday, in August 2010.Author John Green showed respect for Esther at the beginning of his book. “I could never have written The Fault in Our Stars without knowing Esther. Every word in that book depends on her,” Green wrote.Im not sure what Esther would have thought of it. But watching the movie, I couldnt help feeling I was seeing my little sister on the screen. After a doctor offers a new machine, Hazel interrupts, “Why? I like the old machine.” My sister could be similarly playful. “This oxygen machine is cool, and I like it. I name it Denmark,” she said in one video.However, Hazel is not supposed to be Esther. The Fault in Our Stars is a love story between two teenagers. My sister never got to have a relationship like that. Witnessing a life and a romance (浪漫故事) she could have had made me feel unbearably sad and yet, strangely, uplifted. Its as if,through Hazel, my sister is able to continue having new experiences. As if she got a sequel (续集)语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。文章是作者在看完根据自己妹妹的生活创作的电影后写的感想。5The movie reminded the author of _.Aher 16th birthdayBher happy family lifeCher sister suffering from cancerDher father encouraging her sister解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It brought me back to one night in 2008, when I watched my father carry my sister Esther . struggling with thyroid cancer”可知答案。6Which of the following can be used to describe Esther?AFunny.BSmart.CRude.DImpatient.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第四段末的“My sister could be similarly playful.This oxygen machine is cool, and I like it. I name it Denmark,”可推断,Esther是一个有趣的人。7The author feels pity for her sister because _.Ashe never read a love storyBshe couldnt watch the movieCshe died young, at the age of 14Dshe never had a romantic relationship解析:选D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“My sister never got to have a relationship like that. Witnessing a life and a romance (浪漫故事) she could have had made me feel unbearably sad”可知,作者为妹妹从未谈过恋爱感到遗憾。.完形填空There is an old story that always brings a smile to my face. One day a man was walking down the street when he saw his friend crawling (爬行) around _1_ something. “What are you doing on the _2_?” the man asked his friend. His friend said, “I _3_ my key.” The man felt sorry for his friend and got down to _4_. After a long time of searching without _5_, the man asked his friend where he probably lost his key. The friend replied, “Probably in my house.” Feeling _6_, the man asked why he was searching on the street then. His friend said, “Because there is more _7_ here.”Though it sounds _8_, it is what a lot of people _9_. They want to know the _10_ of their lives. They want to _11_ the secret to their own happiness. _12_, they look everywhere except the inside of themselves. Perhaps they think it is too dark and _13_ to look within for the _14_. They keep looking on the outside instead because they think the light is better there.The _15_ is if they are willing to look within, they will find a light far brighter than any on the _16_. They will find the glow (发光) of their own hearts that has been patiently waiting for their _17_. They will find a beautiful fire that will _18_ their hearts and that they can give to everyone everywhere.Dont be _19_ to look on the inside. The light on the outside is not as bright as the loving light that _20_ from your own heart. That is the light that will guide you to a joyous life.语篇解读:作者通过一个人找钥匙的故事告诉我们,不要一味地在外寻找幸福的真谛,要在我们的内心深处去找。1A.thinking aboutBwaiting forCbreaking upDlooking for解析:选D从下文中的“where he probably lost his key”可知,这个人在找东西。2A.treeBwallCgroundDtable解析:选C从下文中的“the street”可知,他在问他朋友在地上干什么。3A.lostBturnedCusedDremoved解析:选A从下文中的“where he probably lost his key”可知,他丢了钥匙。4A.watchBaskChelpDcheck解析:选C听到朋友把钥匙丢了,他很同情,于是也爬在地上帮朋友找。5A.successBinterestCdifficultyDpeace解析:选A从下句朋友的回答可知,他们没有在街上找到钥匙。6A.angryBunlucky CworriedDtired解析:选A从上文中的“Probably in my house”可知,那个人很生气。7A.spaceBlightCairDluck解析:选B下文多处light有提示。朋友说,因为这儿光线比较充足。8A.commonBimportantCsimpleDfunny解析:选D这个人把钥匙丢在了家里却到街上去找,这听起来很可笑。9A.guessBsayCdoDask解析:选C从下文内容可知,很多人也是这么做的。10A.restBpurposeCbeginningDprinciple解析:选B他们这么做是为了知道生活的目的。11


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