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Unit 4 Sharing 词汇学习1. hear from sb.收到某人的来信,相当于receive ones letter。Have you heard from your brother?你收到你哥哥的信了吗?I heard from my sister in New York yesterday.我昨天收到了在纽约的姐姐的来信。I look forward to hearing from you.盼望着收到你的信。hear of/about 听说She disappeared and was never heard of again.她消失了,再也没人听到过她的消息。I was sorry to hear about your accident.获悉你遇到意外,我很难过。For sure 确定; 肯定I think he lives there but I couldnt say for sure.我想他是住在那里的,但我不敢肯定。She wont dare do that again, and thats for sure.她不敢再干那事了,那是毫无疑问的。No one knows for sure what happened to Bill.没有人确切知道比尔出了什么事。Do you know for sure that they will win?你肯定他们会赢吗?2. (be)dying to do sth. 渴望/极想做某事 be dying for sth.渴望得到某物类似词组:be anxious to do sth. / for sth. be eager to do sth. / for sth. be thirsty to do sth. /for sth. long to do sth. / for sth. desire to do sth. / have a strong desire for sth.1) Im dying/thirsty for something to eat.我极想吃点东西。2) She is dying/thirsty to know where you have been。她极想知道你去了哪儿。3) After a long dry season the trees are dying/thirsty for water.经过一个漫长的旱季,树木迫切需要水分4) My sister is dying for a chance to work in a foreign enterprise.我姐姐非常渴望能在外企工作。Im dying to know what happened to him. 我很想知道发生了什么事。 She was dying for a holiday to relax herself. 她非常渴望一个假期来放松一下自己。 Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while. 迈克渴望离开繁忙的城市生活一段时间。 To be honest, Im eager to go abroad for further education. 诚实地说, 我极想出国深造。She was anxious to finish school and get a job.她渴望毕业找份工作。When will the result of the exam be announced?The students are _to know it.Aagreeing BdyingCdeciding Ddesiring3.relevant adj. 有关的;切题的1) For further information, please refer to relevant website.要了解更多信息,请登陆相关网站。2) Have you got any book relevant to healthy diet?你有关于健康饮食的书吗?3)These issues are directly relevant to the needs of slow learners. 这些问题与学习迟缓者的需求直接相关。relevance n. 关联,相关性be relevant to 和有关have relevance to 与有关表示“和有关”的相关短语:be related to be connected with be linked tobe associated with be involved inhave something to do with1) More relevant details have been found out.找到了更多有关的细节2) He refused to say anything not relevant to the present question.他拒绝回答和目前的问题无关的内容。用适当的介词填空(1)Are there any special traditions associated withdifferent seasons in your country?(2)The police arrested three young men involved in the murder. (3)Here you should have a goal for the year related to your life purpose. (4)Nonspeech activities are relevant to speech. You teach the necessary movements, and practice them, and then put them together for speech. (5)The study which comes after a report suggested that a third of all cancers are linked to diet and weight. Topics for compositions should be_ to the experiences and interests of the students.A. concerned B. dependentC. concerning D. relevant4. adjust vt. vi.调整;使适合adjust sth.to sth.调整以适应adjust/adapt oneself to使自己适应于adjust to sth. 适应/顺应某物adjustment n. 调节;调整;修正make adjustment to 对进行调试adjustable adj. 可调节的,可调整的She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.她把座椅调到适合她孩子的高度。My camera can be adjusted to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.我的照相机可以进行调节,不管是阴天还是晴天都可以照相。She soon adjusted/adapted herself to his way of life.她很快使自己适应了他的生活方式。She found it hard to adjust to working at night.她发现自己很难适应夜间工作。It took her a while to adjust to living alone. 她过了一段时间才适应独自生活。 You will quickly adjust yourself to student life. 你将很快适应学生生活。 Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared. 正努力适应这里的新环境, 这时王平出现了。You cant see through a telescope unless it is correctly _to your sight.Aadapted BadmittedCadopted DadjustedDid he say something in the lecture that _you?Not really. Actually I felt sleepy over his speech.Aadjusted to Battached toCreferred to Dappealed to5 .participate vi. 参与参加 分享participate in参加participate in sth. with sb. 同某人参与某事participant n. 参加者;共享者participation n. 参与;参加;分享participate in a discussion参加讨论participate in profits分享利润participate in sb. s sufferings分担某人的痛苦;与某人共患难 1) If only I could participate in your good fortune. 要是我能分享你的好运就好了2) When in grief, you need some friends to participate in your suffering.悲伤时,你需要朋友帮你分担痛苦。3) I participate in your suffering and joy.我跟你同甘共苦。4) They actively participate in local politics.他们积极参与当地政治活动。As far as I know, she didnt participate in the discussion. 据我所知, 她没有参加讨论。 We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college. 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院的运作。 All the participants in the debate will have an opportunity to speak. 所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言。1. Students in our school are encouraged to _ more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge. Aattend Bjoin Ctake part Dparticipate in 2. All of them thought it necessary that he _ the meeting. Aattend Bjoin C. participate in Dtake part in3.Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time? Yes,since she _the Chinese Society. Ahas joined Bjoins Chad joined Djoined 4Every four years,many athletes from different countries _ the Olympic Games.Atake part in Bparticipate inCjoin Dboth A and B6. otherwise conj. 否则;不然 adv. 除此之外;在其他方面;用别的方法,adj. (表)并非如此,别的,不同的and otherwise等等;其他but otherwise然而在别的方面却or otherwise或相反1) He is slow but otherwise he is a good worker他虽慢,但在其他方面却是个好工人。2) He reminded me of that; I should otherwise have forgotten 幸亏他提醒了我,要不然我就忘了。3) You should go now,otherwise youll miss the bus你现在该走了,否则就赶不上公共汽车了。4) He thinks otherwise他是另外一种想法。I was ill that day, otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet.那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。He is rich, but otherwise an unhappy man.他有钱,但在其他方面是个不幸福的人。The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise. 政府声称经济在改善,但调查表明并非如此。The rent is a bit high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory.房租贵了些,但其他方面还挺令人满意的。Well get there somehow, by plan or otherwise.我们得到达那儿,搭乘飞机或者其它方式。otherwise / or / or else 引导的后面的分句中常用would / could / might / should have done 的形式表示虚拟语气。 They got two free tickets to Canada;otherwise theyd never have been able to afford to go. We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunchtime. 单项填空(1)The programme has saved thousands of children who would _ have died. A. therefore B. anyhowC. furthermore D. otherwise(2)I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise I _ you waiting for such a long time. A. will not keep B. have not kept C. had not kept D. would not have kept7. privilege(1)n.特权;荣幸;优惠Education is a privilege in many countries.在许多国家里,受教育是一种特权。Its a privilege to spend the holiday with you.能与你共同度过这个假期,真是我的殊荣。You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership. 你可以享受俱乐部成员的一切福利和优惠。 I hope to have the privilege of working with them again. 但愿有幸与他们再度合作。 (2)vt.给予特权In some countries,the president can privilege somebody from capital punishment.在有些国家里,总统可以特赦一些人免于死刑。We are privileged to have a distinguished guest with us tonight.我们今晚有幸与一位贵宾在一起。Ladies and gentlemen,I have the great privilege _ introducing our speaker for tonight.Ain Bof Cabout Don【解析】have the privilege of doing很荣辛地做某事。句意为:女士们、先生们,我很荣幸地向大家介绍今晚的发言人。(1)在现代社会中不应该把教育看成一种特权, 每一个人都有权力接受教育。 Education should not be _ _for everyone has the right to do so.a privilege in the modern society17 stick out. 伸出,突出,坚持到底stick to sth. 坚持(to是介词)stick with sbsth继续支持某人某事提示:stick(stuck,stuck)不规则动词1) Dont stick your head out of the car window.不要把头伸到车窗外。2) Stick with me and youll be all right有事你来找我就没问题了1) He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too small for his feet,with holes all over them,his toes_ out Astuck Bcame Cwent Drushed 2) Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he _ his opinion.A. stuck at B. stuck to C. stood for D. stuck out13. arrangement n.安排;排列.1) The secretary has made the arrangement of a time and place for (为这次会议时间和地点做好了安排)the meeting2) The flower shop provided flowers and saw to their arrangement for the ceremony.这花店提供花卉并保证为他们的典礼作好布置。3) The doctors had made arrangements for surgery (为外科手术做好了准备) before the patient was carried inarrange v安排, 排列, 协商come to an arrangement谈妥;达成协议make arrangement for为做好准备;为做好安排make arrangement with sb与(某人)商定或约好,(和某人)达成协议;做好准备;做出安排8 donate vt. 捐赠,赠送donate sth. to sb. / sth. 把某物捐给donate blood to a blood bank向血库献血donation n. 捐赠,捐赠物;捐款donator n. 捐赠者,赠送者give / make / present a donation to捐赠给send a donation to把捐款寄至1) All the teachers and schoolmates donate blood to the nation annually全校师生每年都向国家献血。2) Would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal? 你愿意响应我们慈善团体呼吁来捐物吗?3) If I had one million dollars, I would donate it to the charity. 要是我有一百万,我就把它捐给慈善机构。4)The Hope Project to which everyone at work donates a days pay is significantThere is no risk of getting AIDS when donating blood. 献血不会染上艾滋病。 Last year he donated 100,000 dollars to cancer research. 去年他捐赠10万美元支持癌症研究工作。The donator refused his name after donating a large sum of money.All the donation was sent to the earthquake-striken areas. 捐赠都送往地震灾区了。 (1)Local people are lining up to _ blood for the badly burnt girl in yesterdays big fire. A. abandon B. arrangeC. donate D. handle(2)If we all save a little money every day to _ to the Project Hope, then many dropouts can return to school again. A. send B. donateC. present D. give如果大多数能赚钱自立的人把一天的工资捐给希望工程的话, 事情就很有希望了。 If most breadwinners _ _ the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful. donate a days pay to11. .in need 在困难中在危急中 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。 We are collecting money for families in need. 我们正在为有困难的家庭募捐。 Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.当人们需要帮助时, 行动比话语更好。 There is no need to regret what has happened. 没必要为已经发生的事感到后悔。 in need of 需要There is no need for sth.不需要某物There is no need for sb.to do sth.某人没有必要做某事The house is in need of repair.这房子需要整修一下。There is no need for you to worry about it.你没有必要担心此事。Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _ financial aid.Ain favour of Bin honour ofCin face of Din need of14. purchase vt. n.买;购买; (以某种代价)换得;(经过努力)取得,赢得(常与with连用)1) The new couple spent some money on the purchase of the furniture necessary for their new house这对新婚夫妇花费了一些钱购买新房子里必需的家具。2) The farm was sold at ten years purchase. 这农场以相当于10年间土地收入的价钱售出。made a purchase买件东西leave sbto his purchase让某人自谋生路live on ones purchase 自谋生计,自找活路purchase freedom with blood以血的代价赢得自由purchase and sale买卖1)It is a recent purchase of minewhat I purchased the other day 这是我前几天买来的一件东西。2) You cant get any purchase without effortspurchase anything if you dont make any effort.你不努力什么也不能得到。3) He gave his son some money for the purchase ofto purchase his school books他给钱儿子买课本。15. distribution n.分配;分发;分布状态.distribute v. vi. 分配; 散布distribute sth. to把某物分配, 发给.distribute sth. among把某物分配, 发给.1) At present, the distribution of profits cannot satisfy most of the people.目前利润的分配未能满足大多数人民。2) Before the opening ceremony of the super-market, some workers are sent to distribute handbills on the street.超市开业前,一些工作人员被派去街上散发传单。3) The teacher in the kindergarten is distributing the small gifts to the children.幼儿园的老师正在给小朋友们派发礼物。4)The distribution of the rescuing goods is under discussion.救援物资的发放依然在讨论中。9. operate v.vi. 工作;运转;给动手术 vt. 操作;经营;(1)What skills are needed to operate this machine (操作这台机器)?(2)The new rules come into operation (开始生效)from next week. (3)The system has been in operation (已经运行)for six months. (4)We will have to operate on his eyes (给他的眼睛动手术)Operation n. operate on / upon sb. 给某人动手术operate a business经营一家企业come / go into operation开始工作 / 运转;生效put / bring into operation实施,施行do / perform / carry out an operation实施行动be in operation在运转中,在行动中,在实施中(1)vt. vi.操作,管理This is a new model machine which is very easy to operate.这是一台很容易操作的新型机器。The company operates three factories.这公司拥有三个工厂。(2)vi.动手术I went to see him in the hospital on Friday when he was operated on.我星期五去医院看他了,就在那一天他动了手术。(3)vi.起作用,见效The sleeping pill operated at once.那安眠药马上见效。(4)vi.运转,工作The sewingmachine doesnt operate properly.这台缝纫机无法正常运转。For most people, its almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse. 对大多数人而言, 没有鼠标几乎无法操作电脑。 The doctor said that the patient had to be operated on at once, which made us all worried. 医生说这个病人必须立刻做手术,这使我们都非常担心。 His father is operating a big company, which operates in several cities, making high profits. In return for society, he donated much money to a patient in need, who was operated on last year. 他的父亲经营着一家大公司, 在几个城市里运营着且盈利很高。作为对社会的回报,他为一位去年动了手术急需帮助的病人捐了一大笔钱。 When shall we put the project into operation? 我们何时开始运作这项工程? The doctor said that the patient had _at once.Ato operate Bto be operatedCoperated Dto be operated onThe equipment is designed to _in all weather conditions.Aarrange BchangeCoperate Dmanage10. come across 偶然遇到或发现碰见 She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。I came across an old friend I hadnt seen for years. 我碰巧遇见了多年未见的老朋友。 This situation should never have come about. 这种情况本来不应该发生。 They met with


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