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UniView DANetwork Management Platform User ManualV2.028008109292Content1 Overview11.1 Introduction11.2 System Structure11.3 Technical Parameter31.4 Interface Protocol32 Start up and Log in UniView DA52.2 Shut down UniView DA Server62.3 Start up UniView DA Client73 Topology Management84 Fault Management225 Performance Management375.1 Overview375.2 Basic Concept375.3 Function Introduction386 Security Administration406.1 Overview406.2 Basic Concept416.3 User Administration416.4 User Group Administration476.5 Administration Domain496.6 User Operation Log536.7 Change Password536.8 Manage User Right557 Resource Management577.1 Overview577.2 Device List577.3 Card List597.4 Empty Slot list607.5 Port List617.6 Fiber Management627.7 Business User and Business Group638 Data Base Backup and Restore648.1 Overview648.2 Auto Backup Data648.3 Manual Backup Data668.4 Backup Data Restore679 System Maintenance and Setup689.1 Overview689.2 Monitor Network Management(NM) Server Information6810 FAQ7010.1 Overview7010.2 Unable to display device reporting information7110.3 Clue to duplication of name when creating topology object7110.4 Unable input IP address when creating topology object7211 SNMP Knowledge Introduction7211.1 Overview7211.2 SNMP Basic Principle7211.3 MIB(Management Information Base)7411.4 SNMP five information types741 Overview 1.1 IntroductionUniView DA Network Management System of GW Technologies CO., LTD is uniform and integrated network management platform. UniView DA is an important operational and maintainable method to each function domain and customer of telecommunication network.l UniView DA is distributed and integrated network management system of intelligent edge network. UniView DA has network management function of network element and partial network, it can manage transmission, switch and access series devices of GW. UniView DA provides Fault Management, Configuration Management, Performance Management and Security Management that TMN suggested. UniView DA also provides North Interface, it can be used for upper layer network management, and it is the basic of management system of network layer and service layer. l UniView DA provides network management solution of edge network for users.l Cooperating with equipment management module, UniView DA platforms development fully consider the serviceability and the requirement for enhancing network layer management function and improving system running efficiency.l UniView DA can manage transmission, switching and access series devices of GW. 1.2 System Structure UniView DA function structure is shown as 1-1.Figure 1-1 module Structure of UniView DAIntroduction of each function module: l DA Client: GUI (Graphics User Interface), it used as client of interaction with user to complete users operation. l DA Server: It is consisted of Service Layer and Management Protocol Layer.Service Layer:It used to deal with conversation and data request to client and synchronizing network status. Management Protocol Layer: It used to handle with communication and data of Network element. l Database: Database software, it adopts MySql. Notes: Detailed installation information of function module To see the detail of installing function module , please refer to UniView DA Network Management Platform Installation Manual Networking structure of UniView DA is shown as 1-2.Figure 1-2 Networking Structure of UniView DA 1.3 Technical Parameterl UniView DA NMS can support 30 clients at the same time.l Alarm list can save 100 thousands alarm records at most, which stores in database. l Latency time will not over 8 sec from Fault Management Sub-System receiving alarm data to alarm being displayed in client.l Log database keeps the log for 3 months. When refreshing display information, wait for time will not over 3 sec. l NMS can contain 255 users at most.l System can operate 100 alarm messages each sec, and buffer 100 thousand messages at most. l After finally determined, it will give exact definition.1.4 Interface ProtocolSouthing interface: Protocol between UniView DA and network element is Qx or SNMP, management interface of network management and device control is SNMP (V1/V2/V3). Qx adopts private management protocol (SNMP Express) of GW to manage simple device with high security and efficiency. Qx interface takes binary media format as carrier, the syntax format is peculiar to GW equipments1.5 Computer Configuration Requirement Configuration Requirement for Windows Platform Server:ItemDescriptionNumberRemarkPCDesktop computer:CPU: Pentium IV 2.0G, Memory: 1GB, Hard Disk: 40G, CDROM, 10100M Network Card, audio card, Graphic Card (32MB), Display, Operation System: Win2000 /Professional XP, resolution is no lower than 1024X7681RequisiteSoftwareSoftware Suite- UniView DA -Server End English version Windows NMS1RequisiteLicense SubassemblySubassembly/ attachment-UniView DA- Software License Subassembly1OptionalConfiguration Requirement of Windows Platform Client:ItemDescriptionNumberRemarkPCDesktop computer:CPU: Pentium IV 2.0G, Memory: 512MB, Hard Disk: 1G, CDROM, 10100M Network Card, audio card, Graphic Card (32MB), Display, Operation System: Win2000 /Professional XP, resolution is no lower than 1024X7681OptionalClient SoftwareSoftware- UniView DA Windows Client Software1Requisite1.6 On-line HelpDA client provides on-line help. There are three ways for user to open the on-line help as shown in figure 1-3.Select【Help/Help Contents】in main menuSelect【Help】buttonin toolbarClick shortcut key “F1”Figure 1-3 Help Interface of UniView DA 2 Start up and Log in UniView DA2.1 Start up UniView DA ServerDouble click serverin desktop or select in start menu to start up server, it is shown as 2-1. Running interface will be displayed in task bar, when start-up is completed. Figure 2-1 Start up UniView DAServer2.2 Shut down UniView DA Server When you click【Exit】button in the window body shown as figure 2-1 or icon in the system tray region, the server will shut down. You need to validate your authority before shutting down server, and only the user with corresponding authority can shut down server. If you access the verification, the background program on the server side and connection to client will shut down in sequence.If there is active user at this time, client will show corresponding remind. Validation interface of closing DA server is shown as figure 2-2.Figure 2-2 Close UniView DA Server2.3 Start up UniView DA ClientAfter starting up the programs on the server side successfully, you can start up client. You can click in start menu or double click it on the desktop to start up client. Authentication information of client log-in is shown as figure 2-3. Figure 2-3 log-in Authentication of ClientInput user name, password and server address. Fill in localhost for server name, if client and server is in a same PC, otherwise fill in the IP address of the server to be connected, such as click【connect】button to validate users authority. If validation is successful, client will enter start-up interface, if not, failure hint will be given. After the successful log-in of client, user name and server address will be kept, and they are used as default value for next log-in. When the client starts, it will detect if there is higher version module on the server side. If it exists, client will update module version automatically. And this function only supports in the device module whose version is higher than 2.00.Notes: System provides two default users with different authorities, and one has administrator authority (all operation authority) with the user name root and password public, another has read-only authority with the user name guest and password guest.(the single quote is not included in the user name or password )According to the requirement, administrator can add users with different authorities. For details, read section 6.33 Topology Management 3.1 OverviewTopology management is used to construct and manage topology structure of whole network, user can know running status of whole network at the first time by browsing network topology. By discovering topology node automatically or adding topology node manually in the topology management, you can upload the topology data of network equipments. Topology management supports operation of adding, deleting, modifying and checking of topology device. Topology management provides zoom of topology map, configuration of background picture of topology map, automatic layout of topology map etc., and it provides more convenient management mode for users. Topology management can provide time polling and status refresh, it guarantees consistency between network view and actual network topology. Color of topology node can reflect polling status and alarm status of the device. 3.2 Basic ConceptPhysical view: In network system, user can use different view to display topology, according to difference of angle of observing network and service region. UniView DA adds all managed objects to physical view by default. Managed Object: In network management system, devices that can be managed are called managed objects.Polling Status: In network system, network system checks status and configuration data of device periodically, and displays this status information on topology map.Definition of polling color: NormalUnknown Off-lineWarning AlarmMinor AlarmMajor AlarmCritical AlarmAlarm status: In network management system, device reports alarm to network management system actively, and alarm information is displayed on topology map. Icon (small bell) on the left top of managed object means alarm status in topology map. Critical Alarm Major Alarm Minor Alarm Warning AlarmManagement Status: In network management system, through configuring management status administrator can determine whether to manage device. There is a lock on the left of managed object, when the object is not managed background color of this object turns gray.3.3 Function Introduction3.3.1 Edit Network Topology3.3.1.1 Add/delete topology objectEven through there is no managed object existing in physical network, you can add a network element node in the topology map manually, and naturally its status is off-line.Open view of network element to be added .And there are several ways to open the adding node dialog box shown in figure 3-1. l Select【Topology/Add Node】in main menul Select【Add Node】 button in toolbarl Select the physical view, right click 【Topology/Add Node】l Select the physical view in the left, and right click 【Add Node】in the topology on the right side.Figure 3-1 Create ObjectFill in network element name, select adding node type from category list and symbols list and click【Next】 button. Three icons from top to bottom show sequentially device, district and network. After selecting an icon, it will be displayed at right symbols list. When appointing a device, different icon indicates different type of device. When appointing district or network, the meaning of right candidate icon is same.Based on different selected node type, guide will display different interface, users need to modify corresponding information. Corresponding configuration will be explained in corresponding network element files.Fill in IP address and other properties of node, click【Finish】button, it means establishment of network element object is completed.Click【Back】in any step can return to previous page, users also can cancel operation of setting up network element object by clicking【Cancel】button.To delete a network element, you can open【Device Navigation】in the left navigation tree and select network element icon to be deleted, then select【Topology/Delete Device】 in the menu to delete device. Create/Delete ConnectionSelect two nodes to be connected in the topology view, and select【Topology/Add Link】 in menu or clicking【Add Link】 button in toolbar, then you can open the adding connection dialog box as shown in figure 3-2.Figure 3-2 Add ConnectionChoose the link type to be established in the left navigation bar. After choosing 【Fiber】, the properties needed to fill in will show on the right side. It includes network element of source and destination, port, fiber type, length, attenuation, create time, author etc. Click【OK】to finish the operation, after filling in corresponding information.If you wants to delete a link, you can open 【Device Navigation】in the left navigation tree and select link to be deleted in the physical view, then select 【Topology/Delete Device】to delete the connection to the device. Edit Properties of Topology ObjectUser can check and edit object property that is created and displayed in topology map.User can select【Topology/Managed Object Properties】in menu to edit object property. Open managed object window, its shown as figure 3-3.Figure 3-3 Object Property WindowOn the left side, it lists properties of current object, including general information, monitoring, relationship and location.General page includes:Display Name: name of current object used for system display. Parent Node: parent node of current object in navigation tree.Monitoring page includes:Enable Status Polling: enable or disable system to poll current device status.Tester: tester used in polling. It is the policy of upgrading object used while polling.Status Polling Interval: set up time interval of polling, unit is second. Location page includes:Location: position of current objectContact: contact information of current objectTelephone: telephone of current administratorInstallation Time:Current NE installation time.In addition, for different kinds of devices, there are different kinds of property categories.While selecting one page on the left, the corresponding properties will be displayed on the right, and user can edit these properties. Click【modify】button to finish edit operation, or click 【close】button to close properties window. Search Topology ObjectYou can search the topology object you want to manage/view.You can search topology object by following two ways. Select【Topology/Search】in menu. Click right key of mouse in topology map and select【Search】in pop up menu.After opening the search window, you can set the search condition. Click【Find】button, search result will be displayed in result list. Select one record and click 【Go To】button, view of corresponding topology object will be orientated by system. It is shown in figure 3-4:Figure 3-4 Search WindowsNotes: If no object is found, maybe the user doesnt have the right to manage this object. Refresh Topology MapUser can refresh topology map, and there are four ways to have this done.l Select【Topology/Refresh】in menu.l Clickbutton in toolbar.l Click right key of mouse in topology map and select【Refresh】in pop-up menu.l Use shortcut method to click function key F5. Save Topology MapSystem provides save function of current topology map, topology map can be saved in current client. It can save current topology map and all topology map of current system.User can save current topology map by selecting【Topology/Save Map】. User also can click right key of mouse and select【Save Map】.If user want to save all topology map, they can click right key of mouse and select 【Save All Map】. Copy/Cut/Paste ObjectSystem allows user to copy/cut/paste topology object from the topology map.After selecting target topology, user can clickbutton in toolbar to cut object, clickbutton in toolbar to copy object and click button to paste object. Edit Navigation TreeUser can edit the nodes on navigation tree.User can select target tree node in navigation tree, right click mouse and select 【Move Node】to open window of moving tree node, its shown as figure 3-5.Figure 3-5 Move Tree NodesAfter selecting destination of node, user can click【Apply】button to complete operation.3.3.2 View Physical Topology3.3.2.1 Zoom of Physical TopologyWhile checking the physical topology, user can zoom out or zoom in it.Clickbutton on toolbar to zoom in physical topology; clickbutton to zoom out physical topology. Automatic Layout of Physical TopologyObject in physical topology can be placed freely by user or automatically by system.User can execute automatic layout by three ways.l Select 【Topology/Re-layout Map】in menu.l Click buttonon toolbar.l Right click mouse on physical topology and select 【Topology/Relayout Map】in pop-up menu. Display Window of Physical Topology with Full ScreenDefault topology window is embedded in main window of DA system, user can clickbutton on toolbar to separate it from main window.3.3.3 Manage auto Discovery of TopologyUniView DA Network Management System not only supports manually adding objects of network elements, but also automatic discovery of topology which can automatically find the devices within the network. By default, the system will add the discovered devices into physical view. Auto Discovery ManagementAuto discovery management provides customized automatic discovery mechanism for users. Auto discovery management tool configures the parameters. It can use designated relative parameters to configure SNMP; and enable or disable the discovery of network or a group points within network or single node.Choose 【system service/discovery configuration】from main menu, a pop-up dialog of automatic


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